Worth the Fight

By tufano79

11K 706 143

What happens when you think you have it all, only to find out it was all a lie. Edward Masen, a prized profes... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Public Service Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter 39
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Two

184 13 3
By tufano79

So, how do we like FighterWard? Isn't he swoon-worthy? Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story ... What's up next?

What's happening with Emmett and James?

What I own: Bone tired ... teacher tired ... of the school year teacher-tired body.

What I don't: Twilight

Chapter Thirty-Two

"It's starting again," Jasper said, pointing to the television. "James appears to be in better shape."

Edward frowned, holding Bella's hand as he watched the fight continue. James played defense, only taking a few punches. He mainly blocked Emmett's blows. The fight continued along this vein until the second to the last round. Emmett was getting tired, but still put everything into the fight. When the bell indicated the end of the round, James flew at Emmett and rapidly hitting him in the head. Emmett fell onto the ground, clearly unconscious. The bell rang consistently as Charlie and Caius moved to pull James off Emmett.

"Bells, why did he do that?" Rose asked, her voice sounding hysterical. "Why did he attack my monkey man after the round was over?"

"I don't know, Rose," Bella said, moving to crouch in front of Rosalie.

"Oh, fuck! He's seizing!" Charlie growled on the television.

"Bella!" Rose cried, gripping Bella's arms. Her face was contorted in anguish, terror. "I need to get to Emmett!"

"We'll get us there," Bella whispered quietly, gesturing for someone to turn off the television. She handed Edward her phone. "On my phone, there's a number for ... a private charter company."

"Bensen Aviation?" Edward asked, arching a brow as he scrolled through her contacts.

"Make arrangements for Rose, Alice and me to fly to Portland," she pleaded, hugging her hysterical friend who was inconsolable.

"I want to go, too. You may need legal representation," Jasper growled. "I can be the spokesperson for the gym."

Edward nodded, stepping out of the family room, which had been filled with a cacophony of sounds – mainly of shock and anger. He made arrangements for Bella, Rose, Alice, and Jasper to fly up to Portland. The pilot, a close friend of Charlie's, waived the cost of the private charter and promised wheels up in an hour.

Bella went up to Rose and Emmett's bedroom and packed a bag for both of them. Alice was working on a statement that Jasper was going to say outside of the hospital since the fight had been so heavily publicized.

Edward took the luggage, loading it into his car. "Edward, I'm sorry," Bella whispered as she realized who she neglected.

"Gorgeous, I get it," he smiled, pulling her into a hug. "It actually works out for the best. I can swing by your place to pack a bag for you and for Alice and Jasper, as well. I'll be on the road as soon as I can. By the time you get to Portland, you can tell me where Emmett's being hospitalized. I'll also make hotel reservations for us. Let me help you, Bella."

She looked up at him, trailing her fingers down his slightly scruffy face. She moved to her tiptoes and pressed her mouth to his, sliding her arms around his neck. He eagerly welcomed her kiss, hugging her to his body. "Thank you, Edward," she whispered against his mouth.

"Anything for you, love," Edward replied, giving her an understanding grin. "Let's get you to the private airfield and Rosalie to her monkey man."

Bella snorted, snuggling in Edward's arms. Even though he was healthy and whole, he'd been in a similar position as Emmett just months before. He'd had to navigate it all by himself. His girlfriend was fucking around on him, and his coach was pushing him to get back in the ring before he was ready. "Edward," she murmured. "I know it's too soon ... but, I love you. I can't imagine what or how I'd react if it were you hurt like this."

Edward's heart took off into a gallop as he moved to cup her face with his trembling hands. His gaze traced her features as he tried to maintain his composure. He wiped her tears away, grinning crookedly. "I love you, too, gorgeous. I think I fell for you when you ... fell asleep in my arms the night you broke your leg. You were so soft and perfect. I can't imagine not loving you."

"Bella!" Rose cried, completely hysterical.

"Bad timing," Bella grimaced. "We can make out like horny teenagers later."

"Let me drive you to the airport," he said, walking toward Rose's crying.

Loading up Edward's Volvo, he drove them to the airport and helped Rose into the plane. She was too anxious to stay upright. Edward carried her, buckling her into the seat. Bella sat next to her friend and enfolded her in her arms. With a shared look, he got off the plane and watched as it taxied out of the hangar.

Once the plane was gone, Edward drove to Bella's house and packed a bag for her. She'd given him her house keys, sending her a list of necessities she needed. Alice said she'd buy whatever she needed, not trusting Edward to pilfer through her underwear drawer, but Jasper asked for Edward to pick up a couple of suits and various ties. After the errands were done, Edward drove to Portland. Just as he passed over into Oregon, Bella called him and informed that Emmett was admitted to Oregon Science and Health Institute. Bella didn't know more, unfortunately, but she said she'd meet him in the main lobby of the medical center.

A couple of hours later, he parked the car at the hospital. He was tired, but anxious to find out about Emmett. He sent a text to Bella, informing her that he'd arrived.

I'm here, love, ~ E

I'm on my way down ... Edward, it's bad ... ~ B

His stomach plummeted to his feet. It made him so sick that Emmett could be ...

Bella practically tackle hugged Edward, catching him off guard. He easily caught her, holding her tightly. Her tears soaked his button-down as she lost it. Carrying her to a quiet corner of the lobby, he gently rocked her. When she calmed, she wiped her nose indelicately. "I'm sorry," she sniffled. "I need to be Rose's rock. I couldn't lose it."

Edward's thumbs captured more of her tears. "I'll always be here to catch you, gorgeous. You can rely on me," he murmured.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you," she breathed, pressing her forehead to his. "I'm eternally grateful that you're here. Maybe you can help me understand what the fuck is going on."

"I'm no doctor," Edward frowned. "But, I'll try. Tell me what they said."

"My dad and Carlisle met with Emmett's physicians. James hit his head so hard that it broke his skull. He's got a skull fracture and it's so bad that they had to perform some sort of brain thing," Bella explained. She pulled out her cell phone. "He might have CTE?"

"I've heard of that," Edward muttered. "You can get it from too many concussions. But, the only way to fully diagnose it is to have an autopsy."

"He's not dead, but he's in a coma. James ... he had brass knuckles under his gloves," Bella muttered. "Like Demetri."

Edward paled. "What?"

Bella's hands found his cheeks, massaging his scruffy skin. "James has been arrested for attempted murder and Volterra gym is under investigation. Emmett is now the second fighter who'd fallen in a fight where brass knuckles were used." She watched Edward struggle. "I'm sorry, Edward. So sorry."

"It's not your fault," he forced out. "It's ... It's Volterra's fault. Was James the original fighter that Emmett was supposed to fight?"

"No, it was another guy," Bella said, pulling out her phone. "Calvin Braddock was the original fighter. He was through another fighting club in Los Angeles. Aro pulled some bullshit, claiming that James was a bigger name than Calvin and demanded he be the primetime fighter."

"Forcing Calvin to be bumped," Edward huffed. "I hope that permanently bans Volterra. I mean ..." He buried his nose into her neck, inhaling a deep breath and taking a hit of her sweet, sexy scent. "Can we go upstairs? I want to be there for Rose."

"We also need to Jasper his suits. There's going to be a press conference in about an hour," Bella explained. "We're all camped out in the waiting room since they only allow family. My dad's been granted access because of his connections to the fight club, but the rest of us are forced to watch from the wings."

Bella and Edward rode up the elevator to the fourth floor. A few moments later, they were in the waiting room. It was a typical waiting room with uncomfortable chairs in the drabbest of colors along with expensive vending machines.

Alice hopped up, hugging Edward, and taking the garment bag from him. Jasper took the bag, shaking his friend's hand before ducking into a nearby bathroom. Rose was sitting next to Carlisle, staring at nothing. She had a vice-like grip on his hand as she cried silently.

Alice was hissing to Bella, talking excitedly with her hands. "... all this stress is not good for the baby," she said. "We need to get her to sleep. I've set us up at the Paramount Hotel."

"She won't leave until Emmett is out of this hospital, Alice," Bella said. "I don't blame her, but we'll try to get her to the hotel."

"I'm not going," Rose croaked. "My husband is in here fighting for his life. I need to be here for him."

"But, Rose, the baby," Alice said.

"I love my baby, but I love Emmett more," Rose snapped. "I'm staying. If you think I'm leaving, you're itching for a fight, Mary Alice. Pregnant or not, I will take you down."

"Okay, calm down," Carlisle said, glaring at his daughter. "Rosalie, sweetheart, you can stay here but I'm going to get you checked out. I have privileges here and can get you monitored."

"Let's do that," Rose said. "But, I'm not leaving."

"We'll stay until the press conference and then we'll check into the hotel," Bella agreed. "Rose, we'll make sure you get an adjoining room to me and Edward. You can stay with us, if you want."

Rose got up stiffly, hugging Bella and kissing Edward's cheek. "Thank you," she whispered. "Not tonight, but I appreciate both of you."

"Anything for my best girl," Bella smiled. "Do you want me to come with you to get checked out?"

"No," Rose said. "There are certain lines friends should not cross. Looking up my hooha? Nope."

"Good to know that your sense of humor hasn't disappeared," Bella quipped sadly. "But, I'd boldly go where no woman has gone before for you, Rosalie."

With another hug, Rose left with Carlisle to get checked out by an OB/GYN. The rest of the group sat in the waiting room, drinking stale coffee, and sharing funny Emmett stories. Anything to keep their minds off the fact that the man in question was fighting for his life.

An hour later, the press conference was over and Jasper, acting as a representative of Bull Dog, asked that the professional governing body for fighters and mixed-martial artists permanently ban Volterra from allowing and submitting fighters in future events.

Shortly after that, Rose was given a clean bill of health but was encouraged to leave the hospital. Rose, being as stubborn as a mule, refused to go. She shook her head, ducking back into ICU to be near her husband.

With Rose's departure from the waiting room, the group decided to head to the hotel and check in.

Charlie, who had been with Emmett, joined them and his face was weary with concern. His eyes were also black fire, filled with rage for what happened to Emmett. His shirt was gone, replaced with a loose scrub top. He walked over to Bella, giving her a tight embrace. With Charlie in tow, they clambered into Edward's Volvo and an Uber to go to the hotel.

Alice checked them into the bank of rooms, distributing keys. The only person who already had a room was Charlie, who had been staying at the hotel for the fight. Alice, when she'd got them hotels, extended Charlie's stay.

"I'm going to talk to my dad and then I'll come up to our room," Bella said. "He's rattled with what happened to Emmett."

"Of course, gorgeous," Edward murmured, pulling her into his arms. "Are you hungry? Do you want something from room service?"

"Something fattening and delicious," she snorted against his chest. "A cheeseburger with fries or tater tots if it's doable with some cheesecake."

"Done," Edward chuckled. He brushed his lips over hers, tenderly loving her mouth. "Bella?"

"Hmmmm?" she responded dreamily.

"I love you," he said gently.

Her dreamy grin spread as she looked up at him with adoring eyes. "I love you, too. I don't know what I would have done without you today."

"I want to support you in every way, Bella. I'll do that for you for as long as you want me," he vowed. "Now, go check on your dad. He needs your support and love." With another sweet kiss, she got off the elevator and walked down the hallway, the weight of the world on her shoulders.

But, that load didn't seem as heavy as she'd believed. Edward was carrying a part of load with her, supporting her.

Loving her.

He loved her.

And, she loved him.

It felt right ... so right.

A/N: I didn't plan on them to drop the ILYs, but it just fit. Up next will be some more information about Emmett and the investigation of the Volturi. Not to mention, some citrusy action. Not the earlier fade-to-black moment from a few chapters ago.

Pictures from this chapter are on my blog. I've personally been to the Paramount Hotel in Portland. It's gorgeous and right by Voodoo Donuts, which are deep fried slices of heaven. Anyway, a link for my blog is in my FB Group: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction. I'm also on Twitter, too: tufano79.

Leave me your thoughts. Thank you for your patience!

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