Worth the Fight

By tufano79

11K 706 143

What happens when you think you have it all, only to find out it was all a lie. Edward Masen, a prized profes... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Public Service Announcement
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter 39
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Thirty-One

209 16 3
By tufano79

So, how do we like FighterWard? Isn't he swoon-worthy? Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story ... What's up next?

Things are going to be slow-going for these two. Part of it is Edward wanting to do right by Bella. She'd been shattered by Jacob. She's leery of fighters and Edward wants to prove to her that not all fighters are assholes like her ex. The other part is that not all relationships jump right into the physical aspect. For me, I need to be emotionally attracted and intellectually attracted to a person before I can even begin to think about sleeping with them.

Anyway, the next chapter will finally be the fight for Emmett and spending some time with our favorite gang, plus a new friend ... Peter. Leave me your thoughts. Thank you for your patience and for reading.

What I own: A crap-ton of pee pads for the aforementioned furbaby, Bailey. Potty training is a pain in the ass.

What I don't: Twilight

Chapter Thirty-One

Bella was curled up, snuggled against Edward's side. After an amazing night of exploration, teasing and touching, they fell asleep, sharing the rest of the bottle of wine. They fell asleep, unable to keep their hands to themselves. It was like they couldn't stop touching every inch of bare skin. It wasn't about orgasms or getting off, but about memorizing and building the intimacy they both craved.

It had been the most sensual Bella had experienced.

Edward tightened his hold on her, trailing his fingers along her spine. Her soft skin was the most exquisite thing he'd ever felt. "I could get used to this," he said in a rumbly whisper.

"Sleeping almost naked?" she asked, yawning after she pressed a kiss to his chest.

"That's a given," he laughed. "But, sleeping with you. Holding you." Blinking down at her, his heart gave a twist in his chest, seeing her doe eyes, soft with sleep and mussed hair from his hands along with their slumber. Yeah, he really could get used to waking up to her in his arms.

"Me, too," she murmured, moving closer and pressing her bare breasts to his side. As she snuggled on his chest, she felt his stomach rumble. "Damn, do you have grizzly bears snarling from your belly?"

He barked a laugh, rolling them so he was above her. He nuzzled her neck and tickled her sides, just to hear her giggles. She squealed his name as his scruffy chin came in contact with the sensitive flesh behind her ear. "No grizzly bears," he snickered. "But, I am hungry." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, blinking at his clock. "Wow, I've never slept this late."

"Did I disrupt your training?" Bella asked, her face sobering.

"I'm taking this weekend off, love," Edward said. "Charlie told me to relax." He got up gracefully, far more graceful than any man should have just after waking up. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"I'd like some clothes," she smirked, sitting up and clearly comfortable in her nudity. "My dress is nice, but not comfortable. I don't mind having you see me like this, but the rest of the world? Not so much."

"Damn," he sighed. "You deny your beautiful body?"

"Now that this bridge has been crossed, you can have it any time you want. But, the rest of the world are pervs," she laughed.

"Hmmmm, good to know," he retorted, opening up a drawer and tossing her a t-shirt with a pair of workout shorts. He plucked out a pair for himself, sliding them up his legs. "Pancakes or waffles?"

"Pancakes," she answered, slipping on the shirt. "And, I'm helping."

"You can help by keeping me company," he said, holding out his hand.

After a breakfast of the best pancakes Bella had ever tasted, they drove back to Bella's home so she could shower and get ready for the party at Rose and Emmett's place. They decided to spend the night at her place since she lived on Mercer Island like Rose and Emmett.

Before going to the party, Bella made some buffalo chicken dip, spinach artichoke dip and homemade pita chips to share. As she was packing up the nosh, her cell phone chirped from its charger on the counter. "Can you grab that?" she asked, smiling at Edward.

"It's Rose," he said, reading from the screen. "She asking if you could pick up some beer and something sweet for the party. Her, and I quote, 'preggo parasite is sucking all the fucking intelligence from her brain.' Is that really true?"

"I wouldn't know," Bella snickered, wiping her hands on a towel. "Rose is my first pregnant friend. I don't think Alice will even consider getting pregnant ... she's so high maintenance."

"What about you? Do you want kids?"

Staring at the countertop, she was panicking about her response. "I'm not sure," she whispered softly. "With what my mom did to me ... I'm terrified that I'm not cut out to be mommy material." She zipped up the tote with the food and hesitantly looked up at Edward. "Do you hate me?"

"I could never hate you, Bella," he breathed. "I don't blame you for your answer. Your mom is a selfish bitch and you deserved better."

"Thank you," she sighed, pressing her hand to her chest. "And, thank you for not judging me for my choice."

"I'll support you, Bella. Always," he vowed. She walked over to him, hugging him tightly. He returned her embrace, holding her in his arms. "You okay?" Bella nodded, cuddling closer. "Do you want me to pick up the beer and dessert?"

"No, I'm good. Rose is very particular about her beverage choices," Bella snorted.

"She's not drinking it," Edward countered.

"Trust me," she said, picking up the tote and her keys. Rolling her eyes, she walked toward her door with Edward on her heels. She locked up and they got into Edward's SUV. They drove to a nearby grocery store, finding several IPAs that met Rose, read Emmett's, discerning beer palette and a variety cookie platter. Bella also got some Twizzlers since Rose craved those like no tomorrow, checking out of the store.

The drive was quick, on the north side of Mercer Island. Edward parked his car on the street since the driveway was filled with cars. Gathering the stuff from the back seat, they let themselves into the large home. "This place is massive," Edward said.

"It's too big, in my opinion. No one needs this much room," Bella laughed.

"When you live with Emmett and his gas, there is no such thing as too much room," Rose cackled, walking into the foyer. "I love my husband, but he's got a major case of swamp ass." She hugged Bella. "Did you get some?" she whispered in her ear.

"Rosalie Lillian Cullen!" Bella hissed, stepping back.

"What? You came together looking like a couple and lovey-dovey," Rose smirked. "Did you slide home, Masen?"

Edward's green eyes glinted as he grinned crookedly. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would, to be honest. My husband is about to beat some dude's ass and I'm horny. I need to live vicariously through you," Rose said, rolling her eyes. She looked at her two friends, seeing that there were not going to spill the beans, and she took the tote bag from Bella's hand. "Fine ... be that way."

"I hope you don't mind that I invited a new friend of ours," Bella said, following Rose into the kitchen. "His name is Peter and ..."

"I'm already here," Peter laughed, holding two glasses of wine.

"I texted Rose," Edward said, putting the beers on the large counter. "After Peter texted me for directions."

"The more the merrier," Rose said, arranging the dips on a tray. "Masen, take this down to the family room. Through the kitchen, down the stairs and to the right. You can't miss it. Most of the gym is taking up space on my couch."

"Come on, Peter. I can introduce you to everyone," Edward smiled, leading Peter out of the kitchen.

"Why did you send my boyfriend out of the kitchen?" Bella asked, pouring herself a glass of white wine.

"You haven't tapped that?" Rose snarled. She glowered at Bella, tapping her toes impatiently. "He looks at you like the sun rises and sets out of your ass."

"I'm not ready," Bella answered. "But, I'm not unsatisfied. He's got some long-ass fingers and he knows how to wield them. Nor is he ... I know you're horny, but we're building trust in each other and gaining that intimacy. What we do is for us and us alone." She gave Rose a stern glare. "Seriously, Rosalie."

"I'm sorry," Rose frowned. "I don't mean to pry, but ever since I told Emmett about the baby, he's treated me with kid gloves. I'm not some fragile, breakable thing."

"No, you're not, but Emmett is a big guy. He probably is treating you that way because he wants to cherish you and your baby," Bella explained, taking her friend's hand. "Let him do his thing, or at least talk to him about your concerns. Come on. This is your party. Let's watch your man kick some heavyweight ass."

"Maybe, when he gets home, he can have some fun with me," Rose purred with a sly grin.

Bella rolled her eyes, heading into the large family room. It was Emmett's domain, clearly. There was a large sectional sofa that took up the entire space, along with a ginormous flat-screen television mounted above the fireplace. The fights were already on the screen, but the sound was muted.

Edward was seated near the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the forest. He was talking to Peter, introducing him to the people at the party. Peter seemed to be enchanted by one of the female MMA fighters, a newer member of the Bull Dog family, a woman named Ashlynn. Edward saw Bella, grinning crookedly and widely.

Bella crossed the family room, saying hello to everyone before reaching Edward, Peter, and Ashlynn. Edward tugged her into his lap, making Bella blush and giggle. "Staking your claim, Masen?"

"Hmmm, always," he said, nuzzling her neck.

"You two are nauseating," Rose laughed from her spot, tossing a handful of popcorn toward them.

"I think it's sweet," Alice argued from her perch on Jasper's lap. "You be all nauseating, Hells Bells. You deserve it."

Bella shot her friend, who was clearly drunk, a sharp glare. Edward rubbed his hand along her back. "You do deserve it, gorgeous," he whispered. "You deserve everything."

"Be that as it may, I don't want the world to know my business," Bella sighed, relaxing into his arms.

"I don't know your business," Peter said, sipping his wine.

"I don't either," Ashlynn added. "I know that you kicked my ass at the last in-house fight."

"You gave me a run for my money, Ash," Bella smirked. "We weight the same, but you're so much taller than me."

"Rematch?" Ashlynn asked, arching a brow.

"We'll see," Bella laughed, clinking her glass with Ashlynn's.

"Who has the remote? The fight's about to start," Rose said, waving her hands. "Unmute this damn thing!"

Edward found the remote, turning up the volume. Emmett looked good, strong. His normally friendly face was pulled into a hard glower, staring at his opponent - a blonde man with a tattoo on his right bicep and a confident smirk. Edward stiffened, taking a sharp intake of breath.

"What is it, Edward?" Bella asked.

"He's a Volturi fighter," Edward whispered. "I know him."

"Should I call my dad ... have Emmett forfeit?" Bella pressed, taking out her phone.

"No ... I mean ... I don't know," Edward huffed. "That's James. He's the one who was fucking my girlfriend. He took over my spot in the gym after I left."

Bella's thumbs flew over the screen, sending her father a text. The guy Emmett's fighting is a Volturi fighter. Edward knows him. Something might happen ... ~ Bella.

On the screen, Charlie checked his phone but ignored her message. He whispered something to Emmett who bounced on his toes. Popping in Emmett's mouth guard, he told him to fight smart.

Across the ring, there was James and another blonde man with a dark snarl on his face. "Who's that?" Bella asked.

"Caius Volturi. He was my coach until I left Volterra," Edward explained. "He's as shady as fuck. I'm certain that working with Aro, he's the one who drugged my water and nearly ended my career."

"You used to fight with the Volturi?" Peter asked.

"I left the group about four months ago, but I wanted to get out for the past year or so," Edward answered. "I was injured, pretty significantly. My career almost ended, but I managed to get out of my contract. I moved out here and have been beyond happy with Charlie as my coach and Bull Dog as my gym."

"I remember reading about that," Ashlynn frowned. "The fighter who you went against was permanently banned?"

"Permanently," Edward sneered. "Volterra should be permanently banned. There's so much juicing going on in there, among other things."

"Why don't you say something?" Peter asked.

"It would look like I'm vindictive," Edward sighed, pressing a kiss to Bella's temple. "We need proof, and I don't have that. I wanted to get the fuck out of there, come hell or high water."

There was a loud groan, forcing them to look at the television. James had been pressed against the ropes and was getting completely pummeled. The bell rang, making Emmett step back and to his corner. James limped to his corner. Caius wiped down James' face, yelling at him.

"I hope Emmett destroys this weasel," Rose scoffed.

"You're not the only one," said Colin. "I've got money on this fight!"

"Really, Colin?" Bella deadpanned. "You know your coach's opinion about betting on fighters from the gym."

"Uhhh, hi, Bella," Colin sputtered, his eyes wide. "Please don't tell Bull Dog?"

"No, you're going to tell him, Colin and you're going to deal with the aftermath," Bella smirked.

"It's starting again," Jasper said, pointing to the television. "James appears to be in better shape."

Edward frowned, holding Bella's hand as he watched the fight continue. James played defense, only taking a few punches. He mainly blocked Emmett's blows. The fight continued along this vein until the second to the last round. Emmett was getting tired, but still put everything into the fight. When the bell indicated the end of the round, James flew at Emmett and rapidly hitting him in the head. Emmett fell onto the ground, clearly unconscious. The bell rang consistently as Charlie and Caius moved to pull James off Emmett.

"Bells, why did he do that?" Rose asked, her voice sounding hysterical. "Why did he attack my monkey man after the round was over?"

"I don't know, Rose," Bella said, moving to crouch in front of Rosalie.

"Oh, fuck! He's seizing!" Charlie growled on the television.

A/N: Yep ... cliffie ... what will happen to Emmett? And James? Leave me your thoughts.

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