If It Makes You Happy

By swellsxoxo

341K 9.1K 12.2K

Lauren has always been different all her life. She knew she wasn't like most people, until she met a girl nam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 [Completed]
Author's Note

Chapter 12

10.6K 315 300
By swellsxoxo

Once Maia calmed down, it didn't take her long to step into action. I tried to get out of the car and see who I hit even though I wanted to cry on the spot, but Maia stopped me.

"I'll go check. Just stay in here Lauren" Maia said and then took a deep a breath before exiting the car.

Maia hesitantly walked to the back of the car and I heard her gasp.

"Lauren, call 911 and don't come out here" Maia shouted.

I did as I was told and within seconds the ambulance showed up. Maia got back into my car and closed the door.

"Will they be okay?" I asked.

"Listen Lauren the cops are going to be here shortly, so I'm going to need to trade seats with you. If they ask who was driving, I'm going to need you to tell the cops that it was me. I dropped my phone and took my eyes off the road for a split second" Maia said.

"But that is not the truth" I said.

"I know it isn't but I need you to be safe Lauren. I promised your mom that I would protect you" Maia said and then kissed me.

"I want you to be safe too" I said.

"I know Lauren but we need to change seats" Maia said.

"Okay," I said and did what Maia said to do.

When the cops showed up, they questioned Maia and then took her away. I wanted to tell the truth when she was placed in the back of a police car, but Maia shook her head through the window.

I was now sitting in my room and staring up at my ceiling as Natasha tried to beat a level in one of my video games she was playing.

"I hate this fucking game" Natasha said throwing the game controller onto the floor.

"If Mani were here she would help" I said.

"That's only because she uses cheat codes" Natasha said.

"I want to see Maia" I said.

"I know you do but her parents grounded her" Natasha said.

"But the car thing wasn't her fault it was mine" I said.

"I'm aware of that but Maia told you not to tell anyone so you need to respect her wishes" Natasha said.

"I still feel bad" I said.

"About what?" Natasha asked.

"The person I hit. Do you think they're better?" I said.

"Uh... it's better to not think about it. We could bake some brownies together" Natasha said changing the subject.

I had a feeling that Natasha wasn't telling me something. Her body language basically said it all. I know people like to think I'm stupid or something, but certain things do stand out to me.

"Okay," I said getting up from my bed and following Natasha downstairs into the kitchen.

"Do you think your mom knows I'm here? I mean it's not like Clara to not be aware of things" Natasha said.

"I don't know. My mom and dad are too focused on papers that Camila's mom gave them" I said.

"I thought you told me that the papers were from the hospital confirming Camila's pregnancy?" Natasha asked.

"That's what Camila said on the phone" I said.

"Unless there's something more that Camila didn't mention and your parents don't want you to know. Maybe your parents are being blackmailed" Natasha said.

"How?" I asked.

"Camila Cabello is capable of many things" Natasha said.

"I don't think so but I want brownies" I said.

"Always giving people the benefit of the doubt even though there's solid proof of her actions and I have to bake the brownies first Lauren" Natasha said.

"Then stop talking and more baking" I said.

"So bossy Jauregui" Natasha said.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It was just a joke Lauren, you don't have to apologize" Natasha said.

"Okay," I said.

"I knew you were living here" Taylor yelled behind me, startling Natasha and me.

"Jesus Taylor you almost gave me a heart attack" Natasha said clutching her chest.

"Yeah well you should be more careful about being sneaky" Taylor said.

"No one was trying to be sneaky" Natasha said.

"I know my parents don't know you're staying here Natasha" Taylor said.

"I swear you Jauregui's have good genes and are intelligent" Natasha said.

"Except Chris" Taylor said.

"Intelligence tends to skip a generation it's common but look at you all grown up" Natasha said.

"She was in my mom's stomach" I said.

"She wasn't actually in her stomach Lauren" Natasha said.

"Either way we've never met before but I seem to know a lot about you" Taylor said.

"What can I say? I'm hard to forget" Natasha said winking at Taylor.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "I bet. Lauren, our parents said to be ready for some dinner thing later on tonight. They said they had something important to tell us" Taylor said.

"Was I bad?" I asked.

"I don't think you were. I'm sure it's nothing really" Taylor said.

"Okay," I said.

"If you need me Lauren I will be upstairs" Taylor said making her way towards the stairs.

"What if I need you?" Natasha asked.

"Try not to" Taylor said walking up the stairs.

I gave Natasha a look. "What?" Natasha asked shrugging her shoulders.

"Do not flirt with Taylor" I said.

"I'm just joking around" Natasha said.

"No you're not" I said.

"Fine, you're right I'm not. But your sister is an exact replica of you and since I can't have you there's nothing like the next best thing" Natasha said.

"She's younger" I said.

"How young are we talking?" Natasha asked.

"Bake brownies now" I said getting bored with the conversation.

"Fine, I'll bake you brownies but you will have to help and bring me back leftovers from that family dinner. Deal?" Natasha said.

"Deal," I said.

After I helped Natasha bake brownies, Natasha came up with some random idea to go see Maia.

"But you said she's grounded" I said.

"Well she is but she deserves some brownies too, don't you think?" Natasha asked.

I shrugged. "I don't want her to get into more trouble" I said.

"This benefits you Lauren" Natasha said.

"How?" I asked.

"You finally get to see your girlfriend but we might need to call in reinforcements" Natasha said.

"What's reinforcement?" I asked.

"I'm going to need your phone" Natasha said holding out her hand to me.

I reached into my pocket and took out my phone and handed it to her. "Are we going to get in trouble?" I asked.

"I hope not but there's a possibility" Natasha said winking at me before dialing a number on my phone.

Natasha, Normani, Ally, and I stood outside of Maia's house.

"I don't like this idea" I said.

"Trust me it will be worth it once you see Maia" Natasha said.

"You have been here for less than a week and is already getting Lauren in trouble" Normani said.

"You're only in trouble if you get caught" Natasha said.

"Spoken like a true criminal" Normani said.

"Okay, so the plan is to egg the house and have Ally pretend she's selling Girl Scout cookies" Natasha said, holding the cart of eggs.

"Why did I get assigned the Girl Scout role?" Ally asked.

"Well it's kind of obvious why" Natasha said.

Normani glared at Natasha. "What she means Ally is due to your positive attitude that you could pass for a Girl Scout" Normani said.

"I know I gave you a second chance Normani for our relationship but lying to me isn't really helping the situation" Ally said.

"Okay, enough bickering and Ally go to the door" Natasha said.

"But I don't have any cookies" Ally said.

"Here you go" I said handing Ally the box of cookies.

"Are those thin mints?" Normani asked reaching for the box of cookies.

Natasha swatted Normani's hand away. "Focus on the mission" Natasha said.

"If you weren't Lauren's friend, I would beat your ass" Normani said.

"Be nice" I said.

"Chill out Kordei, you landed a few good punches on my before. We're even" Natasha said.

"Okay, so I'm going to go get into position" Ally said crossing the street and walking up the walkway to Maia's house.

"Come on let's go" Natasha said grabbing my hand and leading me across the street and to the back of Maia's house.

"What about Mani?" I asked.

"She has to watch Ally to make sure everything is fine with her" Natasha said.

"Okay," I said.

"Do you know which window is Maia's?" Natasha asked.

"No," I said.

"Lauren," Natasha said.

"I don't look out window. I watch dragons" I said.

"I guess we have to do this the old school way then. Look for some rocks on the ground to throw it at the window" Natasha said.

"But won't the window break?" I asked.

"Just don't throw too hard" Natasha said putting the carton of eggs on the ground as searched for rocks.

When we finally retrieved a decent amount of rocks, we began to toss them at the windows. Normani informed us that Maia's parents along with her brother were at the front door speaking to Ally. Eventually, a light came on in one of the windows and the window was lifted open. Maia stuck her head out of the window, but was hit in the face with a rock.

"Ouch" Maia said.

"You hurt her" I said to Natasha.

"Sorry, I thought the window was still closed" Natasha said.

"You did not" I said.

"It was hard to resist" Natasha said.

"Who is down there?" Maia asked in her Australian accent.

"It's Lauren" Natasha said.

Maia poked her head back out of her window and saw me. A smile graced her lips.

"What are you doing here?" Maia asked.

"To see you obviously" Natasha said.

"Let me talk" I said.

"Sorry," Natasha said.

"I missed you so I came to see you" I said.

"But I'm grounded Lauren and if you get caught then I will be grounded longer" Maia said.

"Then I will not get caught" I said.

"Okay, Romeo and Juliet we need to speed this up. Ally can't distract Maia's parents forever with just one box of cookies" Natasha said.

"I want to kiss her" I said.

"Are you serious right now? Do you see how far she is from us?" Natasha asked.

"Please," I said.

Natasha groaned and then dropped the remaining rocks in her hand. I climbed onto Natasha's shoulders and did my best to try to reach towards Maia's window. Surprisingly, it actually worked but I could tell that I was hurting Natasha.

"This kiss better be quick" Natasha whimpered.

Maia chuckled. "All of this for a kiss?" Maia asked when I popped up in front of her.

"Nat said we had to be quick" I said.

"I know, I heard" Maia said and then pressed her lips to mine.

I wanted the kiss to last longer, but Natasha lost her balance and we both ended up falling flat on our backs. We both groaned.

"Oh my god, are you two okay?" Maia asked from her window.

"Fantastic," Natasha said sarcastically.

"I'm okay" I said.

"Why the hell are you two on the ground? That's not part of the plan" Normani said grabbing the carton of eggs from the ground and handing them to Ally as they approached us.

"We need to go" Natasha said trying to stand up.

"But we didn't give Maia the brownies" I said.

"I wanted to toss eggs at the house" Ally said.

"Fine Mani and Ally toss eggs at the front of the house while Lauren and I try to get away without injuring ourselves more than we are already" Natasha said.

"Don't egg my house" Maia said and then her name was being called from inside her house.

"Shut it Rebel Wilson" Natasha said.

"Don't be mean" I said.

"I have to go" Maia said waving at me before closing her bedroom window.

Normani and Ally began throwing eggs at the front of Maia's house, as Natasha and I made our way back to my house. Eventually, Normani and Ally stopped egging the house when they ran out of eggs and the cops were called. Normani text me telling me that her and Ally got home safe. I was walking through my front door, while Natasha crawled into my bedroom window. I came face to face with my mom.

"Lauren Michelle, where have you been?" my mom asked.

"With Mani" I said.

"Didn't Taylor tell you that we were having a family dinner tonight?" my mom asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Why are you so filthy?" my mom asked taking in my appearance.

"I was playing outside with Mani" I said.

My mom sighed. "Go get changed and the rest of us will be waiting in the car" my mom said.

"Okay," I said running past my mom and up the stairs to my room.

"What took you so long?" Natasha asked.

"My mom is here" I said.

"Oh shit, I forgot about the dinner thing" Natasha said as I started to change my clothes.

"It's okay" I said changing into white ripped pants and a black shirt.

"I hope whatever it is that they have to tell you isn't too bad" Natasha said as I was about to leave my room.

"It will be okay" I said and then closed my door behind me.

The car ride to the restaurant was complete silence and when we arrived at the restaurant and sat down at our table it was the exact same way, well if you exclude the other conversations at the other tables taking place. My parent's body language showed that they were nervous to tell us all something and was going to do their best to not bring it up any time soon.

"So, why are we here?" Chris asked.

"For family bonding time" our dad said.

"We could've bonded at home" Taylor said.

"They have to tell us something bad" I said.

"Can we eat first?" our mom asked.

"No, I want to know this bad news first" Taylor said.

"Yeah, does this have anything to do with that envelope that Camila's parents gave you?" Chris asked.

My dad looked at my mom and my mom nodded her head. My dad cleared his throat.

"It turns out that Camila is actually pregnant on the contrary of what we believed" our dad said.

"Bull shit" Taylor and Chris said at the same time.

"Language," our mom said.

"We didn't want to believe it either but there was proof and then there was the photo of when your mom and I were going through a rough patch and seeing other people" our dad said.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"You two went through a rough patch?" Chris asked.

"Let your father finish before you ask questions" our mom said.

Our dad sighed. "Camila was pregnant but lost the baby when she got in an accident" our dad said.

"Camz is hurt?" I asked.

"Yes Lauren she's hurt and hasn't woken up... yet" our dad said.

"What does that mean?" Taylor asked.

"Camila is in a coma and suffered brain damage. That's all Alejandro could manage to tell me" our dad said.

"Well isn't karma a bitch" Chris said.

"This isn't a laughing matter Chris" our dad said.

"What kind of accident was she in?" Taylor asked.

My dad looked at my mom and my mom nodded her head again to tell my dad to continue.

"A car accident" our dad said.

I looked at my mom when my dad said car accident and my mom looked back at me. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion and then it dawned on me.

"No," I said.

"Lauren Michelle, calm down" our mom said when she figured out that I pieced it all together.

"It was an accident" I shouted and the people in the restaurant stopped their conversations to look at me.

"No one is blaming Maia for what happened to Camila" our mom said.

"It's my fault" I shouted.

"Okay sweetheart, we understand that you're upset" our dad said.

I stood up from the table. "Maia lied it was me who was driving the car. Maia wanted to protect me" I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

My family stared at me in shock and I ran out of the restaurant. I heard my name being called. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" a familiar voice said.

"It's my fault Nat" I said sobbing.

"Lauren, what's wrong?" Natasha asked wrapping her arms around me as I cried in her arms.

*Tori's POV*

I sat in the passenger seat of a car watching Lauren and Natasha outside of a restaurant. It broke my heart to see Lauren cry, but I had to remember why I was doing this.

"You aren't having second thoughts are you?" the voice in the driver's seat asked.

"Sort of but I know it has to be done" I said.

"Love seems to be the reason we're both stuck in this. Camila's in a coma and we're still doing her dirty work" a voice said in the seat behind me.

"I've raised Camila well. She's not one to only half ass things" the voice in the driver seat said.

"Mani will never forgive me for this" the voice from behind me in the backseat said.

"You know what you have to do?" the voice in the driver's seat asked.

"Yes," I and the voice behind me in the backseat said.

I swallowed nervously as the car started and we drove off into the night.

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