The Dragon Witch (The Owl Hou...

By WordsByNico

214K 5.5K 4.7K

Y/N Najera always was an outsider. He was obsessed with fantasy, writing and especially videogames and he had... More

Welcome to the boiling Isles
Prison Riot and Important Decisions
There's Work To Be Done
A Fake Quest
A Weird Dream
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #1
Abominations seem fun
Well, that was a mistake.
Boiling Storm
What the curse?!
You did what now?
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #2
Getting a House to move.
Demon Hunters are annoying
"What am I?"
Let's go to the library!
Nightly Bonding Over Danger
The Owl House Shorts#3: The Last Apple Blood
A Completely Normal Day
Yn's totally fun day
Helping Out A Friend
Lies and Detention
Let's go watch some Sports!
The Bat Queen's Trials
A short hang out with the Blights
A conversation with Nhil
A book fair!
King the Author
Luz needs a new spell.
New Spells
The Common Mold Is No Joke.
New Life, New School
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes#3
Getting Luz Out of Detention...Again.
A Carnival
Being shrunk sucks
Burning Memories
Memory Deepdiving
It's time for prom!
School Dance of Horrors
It's Sports Season!
Oh, wow. Sports.
A field trip to the Emperor
Things just got worse
We need to get them back
The Emperor
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #4
Getting used to the new Life
Selkidomus and a new acquaintance
We're getting expelled?!
We're getting back into school.
Let's learn something about the past.
New informations
Sparring Match
Meeting Momma Clawthorne
Two Cursed Beasts
Let's Go to the library!...The second.
Ruins and Diaries
Nightly Training
Palisman Adoption Day
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #5
Allies for a moment
Almost Alone Day
Meeting an Old Friend
Owl Mama adopts weird demon
Hooty's helping out
New Relationships
Luz is sick, let's get some Titan's Blood
My First QnA! So ask away, my friends!
The Lake is a Lie
QnA Answers!
Two Dragons
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #6
Getting Back Home...Well kinda
Helping Out some new Friends
Coven Parade!
A Failed Plan
you know what time it is? A little QnA!
QnA Answers the Second!
His own little Training Arc
Time Travel is real!
Dragons and Betrayal
Owl Mama's Advice
A step into the right direction
New Friends
The Ashen Hollow
Little Questions for y'all
Authors Note - About the state of my Stories
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA!
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA! (answers)
Facts about the Characters

How to wake him up

951 21 22
By WordsByNico

Scylla let out a yawn, as her eyes fluttered open to the rays of sunlight entering the room through the window. She stretched out her limbs, her tail wagging slightly as she did. That was a good sleep! But now the sun was disrupting it. Not because it was too hot - she actually loved it when the sun shined down directly at her - but because it blinded her. She jumped Off the windowsill and toddled towards the sleeping Yn, her tail wagging behind her. She lifted one of her legs and softly brought it down on Yns face. But he gave no reaction, not even a small sound of discomfort. Not feeling satisfied with this, Scylla brought down her other front leg onto his face and began to shake him. But still no reaction.

Scylla let out a soft whine as she continued to nudge Yn, but he remained motionless, deep in his slumber. Scylla sighed and sat back on her haunches, observing Yn's peaceful face as she tilted her head. Yn had been sleeping for four days now, and Scylla couldn't help but feel bored. She had spent most of her time lying around, waiting for Yn to wake up and provide some entertainment.

She had tried everything she could think of to wake Yn up. She had tugged on his blankets, licked his face, and even pounced on his bed and pulled his Hair, but nothing seemed to work. Scylla couldn't help but wonder what Yn was dreaming about for such a long time. She had often heard him mumbling and whining in his sleep, but she couldn't understand the words.

As Scylla sat there, deep in thought, she reminisced about the occasional visits from Amity, Willow, and Gus and wondered If they would come visit today again. Their palismans always brought some excitement into the house, providing Scylla with someone to play and frolic with. She loved to chase after Clover, Ghost and Emmiline, joining in their games of hide-and-seek and fetch. Those playful moments helped alleviate the monotony of Yn's prolonged sleep. But still, Scylla longed for Yn's presence and the adventures they shared together.

As she stared at Yn, her thoughts wandered towards Kathleen, her very First owner. Kathleen had never slept for such long stretches of time, even after expending a lot of magical energy. Two days had been the maximum Kathleen had ever slept, and Scylla found it strange that Yn had surpassed that duration.

Scylla's tail thumped against the floor as she approached the slumbering Yn once again, hoping to rouse him from his deep sleep. But before she could do anything, the sound of footsteps approached the room. Scylla turned her gaze towards the door, her attention piqued. Those were Luz' footsteps!

With a gentle smile, Luz entered the room and scooped up Scylla in her arms, giving the small dragon a comforting pat.

"Hey there, Scylla. How's our sleepyhead doing today?" Luz asked, her voice filled with affection.

Scylla responded with a soft purr-like sound, nuzzling against Luz's chest. She enjoyed the warmth and comfort of being held, her scaly tail swaying contently.

"Let's see if Eda and King found out, how we can help him, okay?" Luz Said, softly scratching Scyllas head.
Together, they made their way downstairs to the living room, where Eda and King were waiting.

As they entered the cozy space, Scylla's eyes landed on Eda, the once powerful witch with her wild hair and striking appearance. Eda was engrossed in a book, occasionally glancing up to sip from her cup.

King, the excitable and mischievous demon, noticed Scylla's arrival and jumped Off the Couch, running over to Luz. "Scylla! Wanna play catch? I've been practicing my throws!"

Scylla's felt excitement rising up. She wriggled in Luz's arms, indicating her eagerness to Play with King. Luz laughed and gently released Scylla, allowing her to hop onto the floor and position herself for the upcoming playtime.

Eda closed her book, wearing a smirk as she observed the interaction. "Looks like we have a lively morning ahead of us," she remarked, her voice tinged with a Mixture of amusement and sarcasm.

With King ready to toss a small ball, Scylla eagerly took her position, her tail wagging in anticipation.

Her eyes focused intently on the ball in King's paws and she felt the energy building up inside her, ready to dash and retrieve it with all her might. King smirked mischievously, knowing full well that Scylla's speed and agility always made their games exciting.

"Ready, Scylla?" King called out, winding up his arm. "Get ready to catch!"

With a flick of his wrist, King released the ball, launching it through the air. Scylla sprang into action, her powerful hind legs propelling her forward. She darted across the room, her claws clicking against the wooden floor as she closed in on the descending ball.

Time seemed to slow down as Scylla leaped into the air, her jaws snapping shut around the ball at the perfect moment. A victorious bark escaped her throat as she landed gracefully, her tail wagging triumphantly, as she stuck her head up high.

Happily, Scylla toddled towards Luz and dropped the ball in front of her feet, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She wanted to continue to play, to experience the joy of chasing and catching once more. Luz picked up the ball and tossed it back to King, signaling the start of another round.

As the game continued, Scylla's boredom and concern for Yn momentarily faded into the background. She reveled in the exhilaration of the chase, the thrill of the catch, and King's infectious laughter that filled the room.

All the while, Luz and Eda sat down on the couch, engaged in a serious conversation about Yn's prolonged sleep. Scylla couldn't help but pick up some of their words.

"Do you think Yn will wake up soon?" Luz asked, her voice laced with concern, and Scylla understood that. She was just as worried about Yn and his well being.

"I don't know, kid", Eda replied. "The last time he slept for what? Three days? Now he is one day over that. So I really don't know."

"Do you think Yuhria found something out?"

Scylla stopped in her tracks, the ball in her mouth, and looked over to Eda and Luz. Yuhria had taken Kathleens diary to research it for a cure or something to wake Yn up. But Scylla hasn't seen her since then.

"Uhm, Scylla? The ball?" King Said, snapping Scylla back into reality. She totally forgot about the Game! She let out a small bark and toddled towards King.

But then the door swung open and Hooty yelled: "Hoot! We have a visitor!"

Scylla jumped and dropped the ball, but Hooty's announcement made her curious, and so her head perked into the direction of the door.

Tabitha stepped into the house, her presence immediately getting all attention. She was wearing a sleek black cloak that softly billowed behind her, giving her an air of mystery, and a mask that covered her face, hiding her features from view. As she entered, Scylla's tail wagged vigorously. She recognized Tabitha's scent, even though her face was hidden.

Scylla couldn't contain her excitement any longer and bounded toward the newcomer. She leaped onto Tabitha's leg, her small claws gently scratching against her cloak. Tabitha let Out a confused chuckle, surprised by Scylla's sudden display of affection.

"Well, hello there, Palisman..," Tabitha said, her voice filled with pure confusion. She reached up and carefully removed her mask, revealing her soft and weirded out smile, and striking features. "You certainly seem happy to see me."

Scylla's tail wagged furiously as she hopped onto Tabitha's shoulder, making herself comfortable. She nuzzled against Tabitha's cheek, enjoying the closeness and the familiar scent she had come to associate with the witch.

Tabitha's confusion lingered, evident in her raised eyebrow and quizzical expression. "What's gotten into you, Scylla? You've never been this friendly before."

Luz and the others watched the interaction with curiosity, exchanging glances. Scylla's newfound affection for Tabitha seemed unexpected to them as well. But Scylla couldn't help it. Ever since the fight against Ellan a few days ago, she felt some kind of Attraction towards Tabitha. She just reminded her of someone, she couldn't remember the face off.

And oblivious to the thoughts she continued swirling around Tabitha and barked happily, as if trying to communicate her affection to Tabitha. She licked Tabitha's cheek, her small tongue tickling the witch's skin. Scylla's actions drew a genuine smile from Tabitha, appreciating the genuine warmth in the dragon's gestures.

"Well, either way. I am Happy to have earned your trust", Tabitha said and patted Scylla's head.

"So", Eda suddenly said, interrupting this blissful moment. Scylla stopped her actions and looked over to Eda, who sat on the couch with her arms crossed. Luz, sitting next to her, held several Glyphs in her hand and King and Hooty seemed ready to attack any moment too. "What do you want here Tabitha?"

"Well, uhm", as Tabitha stuttered around her word's, Scylla could see Eda slowly start to Transform and several of Luz's glyphs began to glow softly. They still didn't trust her. "Belos sent me out to get some things for him, and I figured that I could use the time to check on Yn..."

"hm." Luz hummed with suspicion as she eyed Tabitha deeply. "I don't trust that", she finally said and King and Hooty agreed with her. Only Eda didn't seem sure what to say. Scylla looked at her with hopeful eyes, but in the end Eda sighed.

"Sorry, Scylla. I have to agree with the kids. She was our enemy not long ago and very Well could still be"

"Yes! She can work as a Double Agent!" Luz exclaimed, again receiving agreeing sounds from Hooty and King.

"And want to kidnap Yn, when we are Not looking!" King chimed in on the accusations.

"Or directly kill him!" Hooty yelled!

Scylla could sense Tabitha's unease - how, she couldn't tell - and jumped Off her shoulder and onto the table, where she walked around and started to express her feelings in a mixture of barks and hisses.

Scylla's barks and hisses filled the room, a mixture of frustration, defense, and uncertainty. She didn't understand why everyone was so suspicious of Tabitha. Yes, she had been an enemy before, but Scylla believed in second chances. And she had a strange feeling that Tabitha could be trusted.

Luz, noticing Scylla's agitation, leaned down and gently scooped her up, trying to calm her down. "Hey, Scylla, it's okay. We just need to be cautious. We don't want to take any risks, especially when it comes to Yn's safety."

Scylla looked at Luz with pleading eyes, as if trying to convey her trust in Tabitha. She let out a soft whimper, urging Luz to consider the possibility that Tabitha had changed - or atleast was in the process of changing.

Yuhria's arrival interrupted the tense atmosphere in the room. All eyes turned to her, and Scylla could sense the guilt emanating from her. Yuhria's gaze flickered between Tabitha and the scar on her cheek, a visible reminder of the past betrayal.

"Yuhria," Eda said, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "What brings you here?"

Yuhria took a deep breath, her grip tightening around Kathleen's diary. She approached the group cautiously, her eyes avoiding direct contact with Tabitha. "I... I found something in Kathleen's diary. Something that might be relevant to Yn's condition."

"Well, spit it Witch!" King yelled, stepping onto the table, next to Scylla.

Yuhria took another glance at Tabitha, but then Seemingly decided to ignore her Feeling and turned to Eda and Luz.
"In her Diary, Kathleen wrote that dragons fall into a deep slumber, when they use up a Lot of their Energy, leaving them weak and vulnerable until their Body feels ready to act again."

Scylla sighed. She knew that much already. The Dragons in the past and Kathleen Had this several Times. But she wanted to know how to wake Yn up!

"There seems to be a way to quicken this process though", Yuhria then added, seemingly sensing Scylla's impatiance.

"Oh, Shoot! What is it?" Luz Said excitedly and King joined in, with his typical squeeling.

"A flower that Kathleen named 'Dragon's Bane'." Yuhria replied and turned the Diary around to Show everyone, Including Tabitha, the drawing of the flower. "Apparently it can be Made into a potion that helps a dragon replenish their Energy faster."

Scylla wagged her tail and Barked excitedly as she heard the News. Finally something that can really Help Yn!

"Wait", Luz interrupted Scylla's joyous mood. "Why is it called 'Dragon's Bane' when it actually helps dragons? That doesn't really make sense."

"You're right", Yuhria began, "it's because-"

"She named it before coming to the boiling isles." Tabitha interrupted and a silence fell over the room. Scylla could feel the tension. If she wanted to, she could probably bite through it right now.

"That doesn't make sense", Luz finally Said.

"It does actually", Yuhria retorted. "Dragon's Bane was originally found in the human realm. The Dragon Hunters Back then found Out that they could make it into a very potent poison. Here in the demon realm, though, the plant Had healing properties towards dragons. Kathleen actually never found out why exactly, but she speculated that the different soil and lack of Magic in the human realm caused the plant to mutate into the poisonous Version."

Scylla's excitement grew again. Her tail wagged and she wasn't able to stand still. The tapping of her feet against the wooden table filled the room.

Luz's expression softened as she absorbed the information. "So, if we can find this Dragon's Bane flower, we might be able to create a potion to wake Yn up?"

Yuhria nodded. "Yes, that's the idea. The potion should help restore his energy and bring him out of the deep slumber. We just need to gather the necessary ingredients and brew it correctly."

Eda crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Do we know where to find this flower?"

"According to Kathleen's Notes, a Patch of them grows just outside Bonesborough." Yuhria replied and Luz, accompanied by Scylla's excited bark, jumped up from the couch.

"Then we should hurry!" She excitedly said, but Eda stopped her.

"Now calm down, Kid. How do we know the flower still grows there?", Eda questioned. And rightfully so. How did they know? But Scylla didn't care. They had to try. And so Scylla let out a Bark, followed by a hiss and a growl as she looks at Eda with fierce determination.

"The Palisman is right", Tabitha chimed in. "We have to try."

"Who is we?" King then asked. "You aren't a Part of this, Tabitha", the small demon added. "We don't trust you. Remember?"

Tabitha sighed, her gaze shifting down for a moment before meeting King's eyes. "I understand your hesitation, and I can't undo what I did in the past. But I want to make amends and help Yn. I know I haven't earned your trust yet, and that I can't convince you by talking...but actions speak louder than words anyway, right?"

King crossed his arms, contemplating Tabitha's words. Scylla stood by Tabitha's side, her tail swishing aggressively, signaling that, no matter what King says, she will stand by Tabithas Side.

"You really want to change, don't you Kid?" Eda then asked. Her Gaze softer than before.

Tabitha nodded, her expression earnest. "Yes, I do. I want to make things right and help Yn. I've realized what I've done wasn't good, and I'm willing to prove myself through my actions."

Eda looked at Tabitha for a moment, her gaze now colder again, studying her. Finally, she sighed and uncrossed her arms. "Alright, Tabitha. You can come with us. But one wrong move, and you're out. Got it?"

Tabitha's eyes widened with gratitude, and she nodded eagerly. "Thank you, Owl Lady. I won't let you down, I promise."

"And Stop calling me that." Eda added.

Luz studied Tabitha with narrowed eyes, glyphs still in her Hand. "You're lucky, I am a sucker for Redemption arcs." She sthen Said and sighed before putting her glyphs away. "Welcome to the team, Tabitha. Let's work together to save Yn."

King remained silent for a moment, his distrust evident in his eyes. Scylla nudged him gently, trying to convey her support for Tabitha. Finally, after a brief silence, King let out a reluctant huff and spoke;

"Fine, you can come with us," he grumbled reluctantly. He then jumped at Tabitha and grabbed her collar "But if you try anything sneaky or betray us, you'll regret it. Got it?" He yelled out in typical King Fashion.

Tabitha nodded, a grateful smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, King. I won't let you down. I'll prove myself."

With the tension somewhat diffused, Luz pulled King off Tabitha and clapped her hands together, her determination shining through. "Alright, team, let's get ready to find Dragon's Bane! We have a dragon to wake up!"


"What happened here?" Luz asked. The whole ground, where the Dragon's Bane was supposed to grow, was charred and covered in Ash.

Tabitha knelt down with Scylla perched on her shoulder, examining the scorched earth with a furrowed brow. The once lush and vibrant patch of land now resembled a desolate wasteland. The absence of any signs of life or growth left a heavy sense of disappointment in the air.

"This didn't happen naturally", Tabitha sayed, her voice dampened by her mask. She stood up and turned towards the group. "Someone used their Magic to burn this down. And it seems way too controlled for an accident."

"So someone guessed that we wanted this Plants and destroyed them", Eda said, her hand raised to her chin. "Does the Emperor know about Yns condition?"

Tabitha swiftly shoock her head, almost throwing Scylla, who clawed at her cloak, off her shoulder. "I didn't mention Yn in my report at all."

"Hm..." Eda hummed in thoughts.

"Well, what do we do now?" King asked, climbing into Luz's head. "If the flower isn't here, we can't help Yn!" King yelled, voicing Scylla's concerns.

"Does the diary mention another Spot, Yuhria?" Luz asked, Shifting all attention to Yns mother, who nervously fidgeted with the diary and kicked some dirt.

"Well... uhm.."

"Spit it Yuhria", Eda said and Scylla gave an agreeing bark. She didn't want to wait anymore, she wanted answers.

Yuhria sighed. "The other place the flowers grow is the Ashen Hollow."

Upon hearing Yuhria's words, a hush fell over the group. The mention of the Ashen Hollow brought a sense of unease and tension. Scylla's excitement subsided and her tail now hanged Off Tabithas shoulder

The Ashen Hollow was known to be a dangerous and treacherous place, filled with ominous and Dangerous creatures. It was a place that few dared to venture into.

Eda let out a low whistle. "The Ashen Hollow, huh? That's not going to be an easy trip."

"But if that's where the Dragon's Bane grows, then that's where we must go. We can't let Yn suffer any longer." Luz argued.

Tabitha straightened her back, determination etched across her face. "I'm ready to face whatever challenges await us in the Ashen Hollow. I won't let anything stop us from finding the Dragon's Bane and saving Yn."

Scylla barked in agreement, her loyalty unwavering. She nuzzled against Tabitha's cheek, offering her support in her own canine way.

King grumbled, but his resolve was evident. "If that's what it takes, then so be it. We're not leaving Yn's fate to chance."

Eda cracked a smirk, her eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement. "Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves an adventure on our hands. I've been itching for some action."

"Yeah, let's Go Team!" Luz called out, pumping her fist into the Air. Everyone cheered with her, until her face dropped and she looked at everyone with a questioning gaze.
"Wait, what's the Ashen Hollow?"


Aaaand that's that! Another Chapter done. Originally that was supposed to be a longer Chapter, but I decided that this was the perfect Point to end this chapter. So, the next Chapter will be another original one about our Team, trying to wake Up Yn! See ya!

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