[Complete] Noise and Kisses {...

By StephAwrites

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When Holly Taylor moves back to the quiet suburban neighbourhood she grew up, she struggles to find a reason... More



30 2 0
By StephAwrites

The following evening, I take my time on my make up. I'm going in to spy on Ben's new... whatever she is, and I needed to look somewhat presentable doing it. I decide to go for a smoky eye, winged liner and a purple-red lipstick. I pull my hair up into a messy bun, bringing a few tendrils around my face to finish it off. I wear a faded grey t-shirt, with ripped jeans, which I turn up a little at the ankle, my heeled shoe boots, and my old faithful blazer.

Leila knocks at mine around 7pm, looking fantastic as usual. Her hair is pulled up into a halo braid, her make up is also smoky, with a beautiful nude lip and she's wearing a simple t-shirt jeans combo too. Effortlessly put together. How are we wearing the same thing, but she looks a million times better?!

"So, let's go over the plan again." I say, as we make our way to the bus stop.

"Oh, bloody hell, you and your damn plans!" she replies, and I elbow her in the ribs.

"So, we head in, find a seat or location somewhere in the back of the pub, so we can watch and listen but not draw too much attention to ourselves."

"Got it. What if Ben arrives, or is already there?"

"Then we leave – we don't want drama – this is a reconnaissance mission."

"You and your big words..." she sighs, "in English?"

"We're just there to scope her out... she what she's like, how she interacts with others... you know the drill."

"OK, let's do this." Leila says over enthusiastically, and I can't help but giggle.


After a short bus ride, we make it into High Barnet and take the short walk to the Butchers, a well-known pub in the centre of town.

As we approach the doors, we can already hear music playing, and the nerves and anxiety start to bubble inside.

We head straight to the bar for drinks, before walking to the far end and nabbing a table near a pillar. At least this way, we're somewhat concealed, but have visibility to look around. I search about, but can't see any sign of her, so I nip outside for a smoke. I head to the back of the garden to the area overshadowed by trees and light up. As I stand there smoking, I see two girls walk outside... and one of them is definitely Lizzi. The other is short and stocky with short black hair spiked up. I step back, to obscure myself from her view and listen.

"He's a fucking mess!" she laughs, and her friend joins in.

"Where did you meet him?"

"Freshers night. He was so fucking drunk and miserable, whinging about some bitch and I decided to take him under my wing... cheer him up." She laughs again and all I want to do is punch her in the face. I know she's talking about Ben.

"Yeah, you're doing a great job of that..." the friend says, sarcastically.

'Oh whatever, he wants to get fucked up, and I can get him fucked up. Plus, he's so out of it, that he hands over money without thinking. I've got no plans to get rid of him yet."

"And what if he falls for you, like the last one?" the friend asks, tentatively.

"Then I'll cut him loose... there's plenty of other fish in the sea." Her laugh is evil, but I notice that her friends is lacking any real energy behind it. A potential ally maybe?

When she heads back inside, I quickly smoke another cigarette and make my way back into the pub. I sit back down at the table and whisper to Leila.

"OHMYFUCKINGGOD! She was outside smoking, saying the most awful things about Ben. She's just using him for his money and his drugs, which she's getting for him... sounds like she's done it before and will do it again."

"Oh fuck! What a horrible bitch. Poor Ben. I don't want to add to your night... but Shaun is here."

"What?!" I say, surprised.

"Yeah, I saw him and Mitch walk in... I don't think they saw me."

"Have you seen Ben?"

"Nope, not yet... I wonder if she's invited him along?" Leila asks, scouring the venue for familiar faces.

"I reckon she will if she runs out of drinks... the fucking arsehole."

Leila nods, and I swiftly down my drink in one. This wasn't the night I was expecting, and I need some more liquid courage to quell my nerves.

"Want another drink?" I ask Leila and she nods. "Please – same again."

I grab my purse and head over to the bar to place our order. As I wait to be served, a familiar voice greets me from behind.

"Well, well, well... hello, Holly..." the smooth voice zaps a little electricity into my bones, and I spin to find Shaun. His hair is slightly longer and a shocking shade of green. It's slicked back off his face with a skin fade either side. He's also wearing a white t-shirt rolled up at the sleeves to display his burgeoning muscles and tattoos, and is wearing skinny jeans that, frankly, should be illegal. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him, and I have to clear my throat before responding.

"Well, well, well..." I return, smirking at him.

"Aren't you that girl that took my number and never messaged me?" he jokes, and I giggle, reminded of something similar I'd said to him months previously.

"Hey, I added you on Instagram... that's practically marriage in real life!" I joke and he laughs, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

"You look stunning... how you been?"

"Oh, you know, living the dream... what about you?"

He laughs again, his deep tones resonating throughout me. If I wasn't in love with Ben, this man would be my kryptonite.

"Who are you here with?" he asks, looking around.

"Leila, we're just over there" I say, nodding to the pillar, "not the greatest of views, but then we're not here for the bands." Liar, liar, liar.

"Ah, that's a shame... there's a couple of good ones playing tonight... I reckon you'd really like them."

"I'll have a listen out. Hey, I'm going out for a smoke soon, maybe I'll come grab you for a catch up?"

"Please do..." he says, squeezing my arm at the elbow and walking away.

I pay for our drinks and swiftly head back over to Leila.

"Shaun came over to say hi! I couldn't risk being visible for that long, so I told him I'd grab him for a chat and smoke in a bit."

Leila laughs. "You're taking this well seriously! I love it!"

"It is serious!" I exclaim. "This is Ben we're talking about here... I'd do anything for him. But on a serious note, if I hadn't met Ben and fallen in love and blah, blah, blah, I would climb that man like a fucking fireman's pole!" I joke and she almost spits her drink out. As we giggle away, the mic kicks into gear.

"Evening all, welcome to The Butcher's open mic night! First up, we have our resident grandads – give it up for Hi voltage!"

Everyone claps and listens attentively as a group of five men in their early and fun-loving fifties get up and start singing classic rock tributes. They're actually pretty good and I can't help but bop my head along to them.

A few songs in, I decide to pop outside for another smoke and a quick chat with Shaun. "You get the drinks in lovely – same again please." I say and walk towards the back. As I near the doors, I spy Shaun and give him a nod, suggesting he join me. He smiles and as I reach the back door, I can hear his footsteps behind me.

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