The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

173K 2.6K 416

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

The Lazarus Experiment

1.5K 33 4
By jokermadhatter

Idris spoke up, "To my Ninth Thief, please don't freak out over who I'm bringing," and then added, "To the Wizarding World, he's a doppelganger of Garrick Ollivander," and then there was a glow and an older man dressed like the Ninth Doctor showed up. He groaned and looked up and spotted Ten and Eleven who gave him cheeky waves while he groaned, "Oh, not you two again," while side eyeing Nine. The man turns back to Ten, "Is he the one between you and me?" he asked, assuming the others were older ones of them but wondering why there were so many and why an older looking Ten was sitting towards the back. The Wizarding World, on the other hand, was a bit in awe seeing someone who looked a lot like Garrick Olivander look annoyed.

"They are older," Ten pointed behind him, then pointed to Nine, "He's the one between us."

The man looked over a shocked Nine again, "The ears. They're huge, almost as bad as Chinny's chin," he complained. Now the Wizarding World was amused seeing an Ollivander look-a-like insult someone who was technically himself.

"Oi!" Eleven complained while the older Doctors snickered.

"Anyway," Ten said loudly, "These are the companions you'll eventually meet in the future. Don't talk to the younger blonde or the Scottish ginger or else Ivy might not sit with you," he motioned to the two women, Rose looking irritated while Amy looked shameful. Ten noticed the man looking between Amy, Lily, and Nebula and continued, "Amy and Nebula are both doppelgangers of Ivy's mother, Amy pissed off Ivy sometime in the future, I don't know what she did. Chinny just said so," Nine nodded confirming Ten's comment, "The Master is alive—,"


"Hold on," Ten told him sternly, "He was actually blessed by Ivy and nobody helped him and it drove him insane and easy to manipulate. The blonde man who looks he could cackle any second, the woman who looks like she's judging you every second, and the darker skinned man with the creepy smile are them. The blonde is being called Harold, the woman is Missy, and the other man, who is the oldest is O. Don't ask about the name, I don't know. Susan is alive, we found her eventually. Her First isn't here, this is her Second, Third, and Fourth, her husband Jack, and their son Damian. At this point at what we're looking at and from what I know, we have five children, one is not really revealed yet so I won't say. Susan is now our daughter. Teddy is our stepson; he has a family that hasn't been revealed yet. Eilam and Elysium are our twin children," Ten rambled.

The man nods, "I know I'm technically the Ninth, so why are there more of us and why do we repeat?" he asked, looking back towards Fourteen for the second part.

"THAT'S YOU?!?!?!?!" the companions all yelled, startling those with sensitive hearing. Ten kicks Nine's chair before he could argue.

The youngest Doctor looked back at Fourteen, "Do you wear Sandshoes too?" he couldn't help but ask. Fourteen didn't respond, but shuffled his feet while Fifteen nods behind him.

"They're not sandshoes," Ten grumbled, hiding his face in Ivy's hair.

"Yes, dear, yes they are," Ivy responds, rubbing his back in 'sympathy'.

"That's us that was in the War if you couldn't tell Dumbo's dressed like him," Twelve said.

"I'm not dressed like him!" Nine argued.

"Dumbo's fitting," the technically Ninth Doctor snarked.

"HA!" Ten and Eleven laughed.

"You two aren't better," the newly youngest Doctor continued.

"At least our First isn't here," Thirteen muttered to Twelve. At least the one she remembers being the First. Twelve, being the one that has met their First nodded in agreement.

Ivy finally spoke up, "Something happens with your regenerations, it happened after Eleven regenerated. It could be due to being my soulmate or something with your history," she said kindly. Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen were still shocked about their history and that Ivy knew, but they have learned their lessons in the past that she can't give details, "Also, we're calling you all by your number, you're all sitting in order. Would you like to be called Warrior or War?"

The youngest Doctor shrugged, "Warrior," he said.

"Ah, you must've just left there then," Eleven said. Warrior held up his hand showing the glowing, "My memory was altering from what happened and I was about to regenerate. Now it feels like its paused and I've suddenly got my memory back of it, and now other times we've met ourselves, why do we insult each other?"

The Doctors shrugged and the Warrior shrugged back while sitting down next to a cautious Nine. Ivy looked up at Ten who gave her a nod, knowing her question and she got up and sat with the Warrior who looked surprised but she gave him a kind smile, flashing her wolf eyes to show him the version of her that stayed by his side was there, and then the twins went and joined with the Susans who all quietly introduced themselves to him.

They landed in Martha's apartment. Ivy instantly pulled Martha out to look at her clothes while Martha's phone rang, the answering machine picking it up. "Hi, I'm out, leave a message," Martha's voice sounded on the machine.

"I'm sorry," the actual Martha apologized to the Doctor and Ivy. Eilam and Elysium came out, Eilam holding Prongs and Elysium holding Wolfie (coincidentally holding the animal counterparts to the people they were named after), while Teddy was behind them carrying Moony.

"Aw," sounded around the room from the three children on the screen. The adult versions all turned red at the sound.

"Martha, are you there? Pick it up, will you," another woman's voice sounded through the room.

"It's Mum. It'll wait," Martha said, while she was looking through some clothes.

"All right then," Martha's mom continued, "Pretend you're out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister's on TV. On the news of all things. Just thought you might be interested."

Teddy had found the TV remote and turned on the TV, it showed an older man standing there with somebody that I would assume to be Martha's sister next to him. "The details are top secret," the man was saying.

"How could Tish end up on the news?" Martha questioned.

"Tonight, I will demonstrate a device that will redefine out world," the man said. He had a purple date on his shoulder, the twins had seen it too and must've mentally told there father as he was also paying close attention like I was.

"She's got a new job. PR for some research lab," they heard Martha say.

"With the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human," the man declared. Martha turned the television back off seeing as he was done with his statements.

"Oh, that," Harold said, "That was stupid."

"It was," Ten agreed.

"Moldyshorts and Grindelwald's Lover would've loved it," Ivy said and Dumbledore now looked at the screen intrigued although he immediately turned red once he realized what she said.

"How fucking dare you!" he finally snapped.

"Oooooh," Ivy countered, "Do you kill your sister with that mouth—oh wait, you did."

"Did he say he was going to change what it means to be human?" the Doctor said in disbelief. The next thing any of them knew, they were all in formal wear, the twins were back in the TARDIS but Teddy stayed with his parents. He held Ivy's hand as they walked down the street towards Lazarus Laboratories.

Ivy softly smirked once she saw the Warrior looking wide-eyed at her on the screen when she appeared in her dress. "You get to see less than that eventually," she whispered quiet enough for those with sensitive hearing to not hear. The Warrior turned bright red.

"Oh, black tie. Whenever I wear this, something bad always happens," the Doctor said, he had an arm around Ivy's waist while he spoke to Martha who was on his other side.

"It's not the outfit, that's just you. Anyway, I think it suits you. In a James Bond kind of way," Martha said. Ivy wore a smirk, she liked him in the suit too, her smirk turned into a flirty smirk when he looked back at her and saw Ivy was checking him out. If he randomly decides on using the Scottish accent again, then they won't even make it to the party.

"MOTHER!" the twins and Teddy screeched.

"What?" she responds innocently. Twelve was smug cause of his accent, although he looked a bit suspicious of Fourteen, was he British or Scottish? Twelve couldn't tell. Fifteen on the other hand, Twelve was sure he heard it.

"How are you three getting in?" Martha asked, "Psychic paper?"

"No, this time, I actually am another kind of Lord by marriage, and we'll have to use the Potter name even though we're in the future," the Doctor said.

"Oh yes, I let my snobby side out," Ivy said in a giggly tone, she looked at Warrior who again blushed at the attention, "It's fun to do sometimes to scare people," she told him.

"It so is," James muttered and Sirius nodded.

"I think she's going to give Warrior a hearts attack if he keeps blushing like that," Twelve muttered to Eleven.

It allowed Teddy to enter as the "Heir". He wasn't technically their Heir but he was a Heir. He was the Lupin Heir and unless I had another child before Teddy became an adult, he would the Black Heir too.

"I got it anyway," Teddy said showing a hybrid of the Lupin Lordship and the Black Lordship, while looking briefly at the one who wears the Lupin-Black Ladyship Ring.

"Oh, look, they've got nibbles! I love nibbles," the Doctor said excitedly. 'If you keep being adorable in that suit of yours, Teddy's being left with Martha,' Ivy mentally told him, making him blush a second time within thirty minutes.

"Don't bother screaming 'MOTHER' you're hearing our thoughts. I can flirt with my husband in our thoughts," Ivy said to her children who looked bothered by what they heard while the other Doctors' started to turn red...especially Warrior.

"What did you tell him now?" Martha whispered but only received a small smirk from Ivy in response.

"Hello," Tish, Martha's sister approached them.

"Tish," Martha greeted.

"You look great. So, what do you think? Impressive, isn't it?" Tish said, smugly.

'Oh please, it's going to go wrong,' Ivy heard her husband mentally say making her let out a small snort.

"Very," Martha responded.

"And two nights out in a row for you. That's dangerously close to a social life," Tish said. The Doctor and Ivy were briefly distracted by Teddy hurrying back over, "Something smells wrong with that machine," he said and buried his head in Ivy's side.

Remus and Tonks looked worried by their son's panic.

When he had been blood adopted by Ivy, he gained certain senses, such as when something could cause someone's death. He couldn't see death dates like Ivy or the twins or cause of deaths, but he had that sense of somebody who was going to die. On top of that, it was a full moon and his senses were stronger tonight, he had been near many machines, even helped his step father with building some things, he knew when a machine was deadly, it was his instincts.

"Bloody useful too," Teddy muttered.

"This is the Doctor, Ivy, and their son Teddy," Martha introduced them, looking at Teddy a bit worriedly. She knew that Remus was a werewolf and Teddy's senses became even stronger than usual on a full moon and he'll either be very hyper or very crabby. Tonight seemed to be crabby as he was currently clinging to Ivy.

"Hello," the Doctor said.

"Are they with you?" Tish asked.

"Yeah," Martha replied.

"But they aren't on my list. How did they get in?" Tish asked a bit rudely, making Martha's eyes widen, probably realizing why they used Ivy's name.

"Excuse me," Ivy started, sounding stern, she could see Tish stiffen, "I am Lady Ivy Potter, this is my husband, and my son is here as my Heir, is there a problem?"

"Ooooh, that was good," Charlus said, his son nodding in agreement.

Ivy smiled widely, "Thanks."

"N-No Mrs. Potter, I apologize," Tish stuttered out. The Doctor held a hand up to Ivy's back, sometimes even shegets moodier on a full moon, her poor husband. "So, this Lazarus, he's your boss?" her husband asked.

"Professor Lazarus," Tish corrected, oh she better not turn into another Hermione, "yes. I'm part of his executive staff," she said.

"Thankfully she didn't," Martha said. Tish had worked for the Doctor and Ivy's company for many years.

"She's in the PR department," Martha said.

"I'm head of the PR department, actually," Tish bragged.

Martha's head snapped to her sister in disbelief, "You're joking," she said.

"I put this whole thing together," Tish bragged, again.

'You could do better,' Ivy heard the Doctor say in her head before he spoke out loud, seeing Ivy's small smile, "So do you know what the professor's going to be doing tonight? That looks like it might be a sonic microfield manipulator."

"He's a science geek. I should have known. Got to get back to work now. I'll catch up with you later," Tish said, then seeing Ivy's glare after seeing the science geek comment, she hurried the last bit out.

Eilam and Elysium gasped, "Aunt Tish was a bitch?" they both said.

"Yes. Yes, she was," Martha said.

"Aren't you going to correct them?" Steve asked the Potter twins' parents.

"For what?" Ten said.

"For calling that woman that bad word."

Martha turned around, "As her sister, I can say she was a bitch. There's plenty I'd also say about you, but we don't say bad words," then spins back around as Tony snorts from his seat.

Ivy and Ten didn't bother giving Steve an answer. He would just piss them off and forget there's multiple Doctors in the room and Ivy was three personalities in one. It's eleven people versus one Steve Rogers.

"Science geek? What does that mean?" the Doctor asked, a slight bit insulted.

"That you're obsessively enthusiastic about it," Martha said, although they all knew the tone Tish used, she didn't care for it.

"I don't like your sister," Ivy stated. Martha looked back at her in surprise, "She's too smug, I'm sure the professor is going to die today so something's going to go wrong. On top that, she insulted my husband's adorableness. He's adorable rambling about science," Ivy said, making Martha chuckle while the Doctor blushed.

The companions chuckled, Ivy always found the Doctor's rambling adorable. The Doctor's all blushed in response.

Ivy could feel Teddy shaking in laughter after the comment, "To make it even worse, Eilam and Elysium have seemed to develop that adorableness to because they wear the same look he does when he talks about science," Ivy added making Martha laugh some more.

The Potter twins blushed when they noticed certain people nodding. Two other people noticeably blushed when people nodded too.

Martha looked away, hearing something, "Mum!" she exclaimed and ran up to an older woman, her mother. Ivy looked down at Teddy, "How are you doing?" Ivy asked.

"Full moon," Ivy clarified.

"Too much noise," he mumbled into her side. The Doctor started reaching for something in his pockets and found something that looked like hearing aids, "I made these for when it gets too loud for you on a full moon, they should be easy to take in and out but should reduce the volume," he said.

"Thank you," Remus said to Ten who gave him a nod. Ten and Remus didn't know that an older Doctor would be making a second pair of those hearing aid like devices.

Teddy put them on as Martha and her family watched, she must've told them about who she's been travelling with. Teddy put them on easily and turned them on and slowly started to relax, "Are you able hear me like you normally would?" the Doctor spoke normally. Teddy nodded, "Okay, I only put them back down to your normal hearing in case something did happen, you get an advantage with advanced hearing," the Doctor explained and teddy nodded again in understanding.

"Smart," Natasha comments.

Lazarus finally made his appearance, his purple death date now becoming red, he tapped on a glass to get everyone's attention, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Professor Richard Lazarus and tonight I am going to perform a miracle. It is, I believe, the most important advance since Rutherford split the atom, the biggest leap since Armstrong stood on the moon. Tonight, you will watch and wonder. Tomorrow, you will wake to the world which will be changed forever," he announced.

"Bye-bye Professor," O sang in an insane tone.

"Bye-bye idiot," Missy muttered.

"Bye-bye bitch!" Harold cackled.

"They got crazier?" Warrior asked Ivy in a whisper.

"Uncle Ko died and was brought back to fight in the war," Elysium explained.

"Its likely going to be mentioned," Eilam added.

Stephen was hiding a slight smile when he heard Tony mumbling in Italian how stupid Lazarus was. Bruce was looking a bit Hulkish but Natasha did what she does, and the green went away...for now.

He stepped inside the chamber, Ivy looked to the Doctor and pointed towards her nose and towards Teddy, the Doctor nodded and grabbed a cloth from his pocket. It had a perfume Ivy wore on it, it was used to cover Teddy's sense of smell. Ivy turned Teddy around as some scientists were starting the machine and Ivy casted a silent silencing charm as he held up the cloth to his nose.

Remus and Tonks felt relief knowing The Doctor had pitched in to help Teddy and his senses.

The columns of the chamber started rotating, increasing in speed as energy entered poured into it, and an alarm was sounding. Ivy looked around and saw more death dates appearing, it was everybody in the room. The Doctor looked through their mental link and hurried up to the controls seeing all the dates.

"Oh shit," people mumbled. Warrior watched with wide eyes seeing the dates. He had just met all three forms of his future wife, he knew their abilities, just not what they saw.

"Somebody, stop him. Get him away from those controls!" an older lady yelled.

"If this thing goes up, it'll take the whole building with it. Is that what you want?" the Doctor countered. Martha looked at Ivy in question and Ivy nodded making her eyes widen, Ivy was telling her what the Doctor said was true. Martha hurried forward as the chamber slowed down and Martha threw the door open. A young man staggered out, and the lady who yelled before looked excited. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Richard Lazarus. I am seventy-six years old and I am reborn!" the man said.

Harold and O burst into laughter while Missy looked unimpressed while wondering why she seemed to be the only calm Master incarnation.

"BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!" Bruce roared, startling everyone in the room. Natasha plopped herself on a green-ish Bruce and slowly helped him calm down. "Sorry," the man muttered to the pregnant women and those of sensitive hearing.

"It's too much like Brucie's incident that birthed Jolly Green," Tony said, "whom you almost just saw."

There was a lot of applause while Ivy heard the woman cheer, "He did it. He actually did it," she was saying. Ivy looked directly at the woman seeing her purple death date from the chambers possibly exploding was now red.

"It can't be the same guy. It's impossible. It must be a trick," Martha said in disbelief a little later. All she knew was that in the Wizarding World that there was a de-aging potion, no doubt there was some kind of alien tech that could do the same thing. They had told Martha about de-aging a Slitheen back to an egg. Nothing about a human.

"Oh, it's not a trick. I wish it were," the Doctor said.

"What just happened then?" Martha questioned.

"He just changed what it means to be human," the Doctor replied, almost repeating what Lazarus had said.

"Excuse me. That was the most astonishing thing I've ever seen. Look at you," they heard the older lady say to Lazarus.

"She wants to fuck him," Ella spoke up bluntly with a nod. Theodor snorted while Estella chuckled. Astrid giggled into Evren's shoulder when Donna reached back and whacked the younger redhead's thigh.

"Young lady!" Molly started only for Donna to aim a pencil, led point first at the older woman's eye making her shriek when it connected. Some saw the slight green glow and Thor gave his brother a small thankful smirk when he saw the amused look in his eyes.

"This is only the beginning. We're not just making history, we're shaping the future, too," Lazarus said.

"Think of the money we'll make," oh goody, is she a gold digger?

"See????" Ella pointed at the screen, "A-Ivy agrees."

"People will sell their souls to be transformed like that. And I'll be the first in line," okay, now Ivy doesn't mind that she dies because of that idiot. They saw Lazarus stiffen and gasp and grabbed all the food from the passing tray.

"He looks like Eddie when he doesn't eat enough," Peter comments making his dads agree. Meeting Eddie Brock was interesting.

The Doctor and Ivy shared a look, knowing this was where it was going to start going wrong.

"Richard," the lady said in disgust.

"I'm famished," was his excuse.

"So was Venom," Peter muttered.

"Energy deficit—"

"Is a bitch," Pietro comments and Peter nodded in agreement. Other than Bruce, and Eddie when he visits, those two ate the most if not more than Bruce and Eddie. Peter usually forgot to eat when Eddie visits because he spent most of his time arguing with Venom while Eddie took the food.

"—Always happens with this kind of process," the Doctor spoke up.

"You speak as if you see this every day, Mister?" Lazarus asked him.

"Doctor. And well, no, not every day, but I have some experience of this kind of transformation."

"That's not possible," Lazarus denied. It's also not possible for a muggle to de-age himself, but here we are.

"Using hypersonic sound waves to create a state of resonance... that's inspired," the Doctor said.

"You understand the theory, then," Lazarus said.

"Enough to know that you couldn't possibly have allowed for all the variables," the Doctor said.

"No experiment is entirely without risk," Lazarus argued.

Natasha held on tighter to Bruce when she heard him growl.

"Even the ones that kill you," Ivy mumbled.

"That thing nearly exploded. You might as well have stepped into a blender," the Doctor argued back.

"You're not qualified to comment," the woman argued. The Doctor tightened his grip on Ivy, probably sensing she was about to lunge at the woman.

"If I hadn't stopped it, it would have exploded, most likely killing everyone in the room," the Doctor commented.

"Then I thank you, Doctor. But that's a simple engineering issue. What happened inside the capsule was exactly what was supposed to happen. No more, no less," Lazarus said. Ivy was a getting a sense of Dumbledore here.

Neville, Pansy, Draco, and the older Weasley brothers snorted.

"You've no way of knowing that until you've run proper tests," Martha argued.

"Look at me. You can see what happened. I'm all the proof you need," Lazarus said. 'Smug, narcissistic, Voldemort-with-a-nose, Dumbledickish, bastard' Ivy thought.

Most of the Wizards and witches about died with laughter, even Lucius turned red from laughing. Molly had been placed under another silencing charm by Arthur while his children he still claims each silenced another person. Bill W. got Ron, Charlie got Hermione, Percy got Dumbledore with a smug grin on his face for getting the headmaster first, while Fred and George both got Snape.

Ivy was assuming her husband heard her thoughts from the small squeeze he gave her side and the amusement she could feel from him.

"This device will be properly certified before we operate commercially," the woman, excuse me, the gold digger, said.

"Commercially? You are joking. That'll cause chaos," Martha argued.

"Not chaos, change. A change for humanity to evolve, to improve," Lazarus argued. Ivy's anger was starting to increase, she's sure her hair became tinted red at that moment. Her husband could feel her anger and Ivy knew he saw her hair, but he didn't know why she was furious, Ivy couldn't talk about it with him, it involved his past.

"I get it," Thirteen commented. O gave her a the best apologetic look he could muster while Fourteen and Fifteen also looked a little ticked off at the screen. The younger Doctor's and younger Master's all looked at the oldest selves in confusion.

"This isn't about improving. This is about you and your customers living a little longer," the Doctor argued.

"Not a little longer, Doctor," Lazarus counters, "A lot longer. Perhaps indefinitely," yeah, right, sure, cue the mental eye roll.

"Richard, we have things to discuss, upstairs," the gold digger said.

"Goodbye, Doctor. In a few years, you'll look back and laugh at how wrong you were," Lazarus said smugly, kissed Martha's hand, avoiding Ivy's—she might've scared him, and went off.

Sirius shivered, "James' glare with Lily's eyes. Deadly combination," he commented. Remus nodded very quickly while James and Lily looked smug.

Wanda turned to her brother, "Is that why Ivy's been teaching you to glare?"

"What? I'm the doppelganger of somebody with a mean glare, I wanna know how to do it," Pietro defended himself.

"Can I let Wolfie at him?" Ivy asked "innocently", looking up at her husband.

"Yes!" James, Pietro, Sirius, Charlus, and Tony cheered.

"Unfortunately not," the Doctor said.

"Boo!" the same men yelled. Tony, of course, covered Peter's ears.

Ivy playfully pouted and Teddy whined in disappointment. "Well, you said he'd die anyway," he added, "He's so out of his depth. No idea of the damage he might have done."

"Quite a bit of damage," Ivy commented.

"Really?" Tony asked in excitement. Steve won't admit the dark look in the smaller man's eyes scared him. Stephen just found it adorable when Tony gets bloodthirsty although he won't admit it.

"Oh yeah," Harold giggled. He remembered hearing about it.

"Quite loud," Teddy said with a satisfied look on his face.

"Yeah, he wanted to go out with a scream," Ivy said, her sadistic smirk beginning to appear, "Very satisfying."

"So, what do we do now?" Martha asked.

"Now? Well, this building must be full of laboratories. I say we do our own tests," the Doctor said.

"Poor twins," Teddy comments making Ivy wear a small smile, Eilam and Elysium would follow their father or older sister like ducklings when finding out they were going to do something sciency, or follow her to experience magic. They would have loved to come and see this.

To prove the point, Eilam and Elysium were currently pouting. So were the Susans and Damian.

Martha and the Doctor both had a small smile on their faces too and it increased when Martha held up her hand, "Lucky I've just collected a DNA sample then, isn't it?"

"That was a very Slytherin move," Lucius said in approval.

"Thanks," Martha responded with a smile knowing who just complimented her while Narcissa and Draco looked at Lucius in surprise. They knew he still didn't really care for muggles, but he's been civil to them. So, Lucius complimenting Martha was still surprising.

"Martha Jones, you are awesome!" Ivy cheered as they all made their way to the lab. The Doctor took the DNA sample and looked at it, Teddy and Ivy by his sides, watching the strands.

"Amazing," the Doctor comments while Ivy suspiciously look at the screen.

"What?" Martha asked.

"Lazarus' DNA," he specified.

"I can't see anything different," she said.

"Look at it," the three of them told her. Then the DNA changed.

"Oh, my God. Did that just change? But it can't have," Martha said.

"I have a theory about what he ended up doing to himself," Ivy said quietly, 'Take care of the cameras,' Ivy ordered her shadow, mentally.

People jumped, "I keep forgetting your shadow moves," Clint comments.

"Death stays in your shadow, right?" Warrior asked.

Ivy gave him a small smile and nodded. "And Bad Wolf actually looked Wolfish because she's normally my animal form," she told him softly. She knew he was uneasy being around his older selves, he probably would've felt better next to Ten and Eleven and not Nine who didn't quite understand why his older selves were okay with Warrior being there.

Ivy then faced everyone else, "This is going to make anyone mad that has magic or there DNA shifts or has been altered in some way," she warned, specifically looking at her family, Loki, Luna, the Weasleys she likes, Peter, Tony, Stephen, Wanda, Pietro, Bruce and Bucky.

They all stayed quiet until the shadow came back as they heard the cameras get destroyed. "It's going to involve something magical, that's why I got rid of the cameras. I hope I don't need to order people to get obliviated because, so help me, Martha if your sister's boss has a witch or wizard trapped here I will not responsible for my actions," Ivy said.

Those with magic sat forward, now having a suspicion based off Ivy's warning.

Ivy took a cotton swab and put it in her mouth, letting her metamorphmagus side change rapidly, changing herself older to younger, to animal features, to different eye or hair colors. Then Ivy took another one, put it in her mouth and changed from her human form to her animagus form and had the Doctor compare the two.

"The wolf is what she looked like?" Warrior asked Ivy and she nodded, her eyes briefly flashing gold and they winked at him. Warrior had a small smile and red cheeks afterwards.

"We might have to find a witch or wizard," the Doctor mumbled, making Martha look shocked.

"What?" Martha asked.

The wizards and witches looked on with wide eyes, expect Molly, Dumbledore, Ron, and Ginny were trying to figure out how to use for their profit, Hermione was trying to figure out what the magical person did, and Snape just didn't care. He had been staring at Lily until he found out what Sirius meant about Ivy having her father's glare.

"Lazarus' DNA seems to be changing, it's shapeshifting. In the magical world, that could be considered a metamorphmagus, which is what Teddy and I are, mine just hides more because I can fully change better than Teddy. That's why Tonks has different hair colors," Ivy added for Martha to understand, "So, I could make myself younger or older just from being a metamorphmagus alone. But then he doesn't smell human anymore, and the other way of shapeshifting was an animagus. You also have werewolves but I'm the closest we got at the moment," Ivy finished explaining.

"And the way her DNA strands are changing if you look at the two examples and compare it to Lazarus', it seems to be the same," the Doctor said, much to Martha's horror.

"Now, where this goes badly for Lazarus, is I sense no magic on him. He's completely muggle, no ounce of magic anywhere in his line. The ability to shapeshift whether it be an animagus or metamorphmagus is possible because magic helps stabilize you. He does not have that stability," Ivy said.

"Now, from the science stand point which I would've argued, hypersonic sound waves were used to destabilize the cell structure, then a metagenic program to manipulate the coding in the protein strands. Basically he hacked his own genes and instructed them to rejuvenate like a metamorphmagus," the Doctor said.

"What about Peter, Bruce, Bucky, and the Maximoffs?" Tony asked, a bit concerned, but curious.

"Well, Wanda and Pietro are descended from another mutant, HYDRA just brought the genes forward. Peter, the spider simply could've known you could hold the mutation. Bruce, I stand by what Tony told you before that Hulk helps stabilize you. Bucky had a whole bunch of scientists and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a witch or wizard involved either," Ivy listed off. Steve raised his hand, "What about me?"

"What about you?" Ivy dismissed him and faced the screen again. She knew Howard Stark had made the serum more stabilized and suited to Steve for him to be able to hold it. Howard had been a squib, his magic came in the form of his intelligence, same with Tony. But neither Tony nor Ivy liked Steve so he wasn't going to learn that information unless it came on the screen.

"But they're still mutating," Martha pointed out.

"Yes, Teddy had that problem where he would constantly change his features, it's the metamorphmagus genes Lazarus gave himself along with the animagus. When you become an animagus your human side takes on some features from your animal side. Sirius, if you get to talk to him as a human, you'll find he has a bark like laughter."

"Startled us all," James grumbled causing Sirius to let out his well-known laugh and cover it knowing everyone just heard him. Padfoot could be seen snickering. Anubis, who had decided to sit with Hela for a while went back to staring at the bigger dog.

"My dad, who changed into a stag had the deer caught in headlights look."

"Which is why he's grumbly now," Sirius continues laughing.

"He froze for a good five minutes the first time Padfoot laughed and we couldn't get him out of it," Remus said, also laughing.

"Had to mention he would miss seeing Lily make him snap out of it," Sirius added, wiping tears from his eyes. James was pouting in his seat while Lily turned a bit red, she'll admit she's a bit flattered she can get him out of 'deer-caught-in-headlights' phase.

"Oh!" Sirius jumped up and faced his Pup, "And then when you were born—"

"Shut up!" James scrambled to cover Sirius' mouth as Lily starts laughing.

"He froze for about ten minutes after finding out he was about to officially be a dad, not even Lily screaming at him made him stop. Then he did it again when he held you," Remus told his older cub. James went back to pouting and Ivy went over and hugged her father before returning back to sitting with the Warrior.

"I, as a wolf, get very protective and my scary glare got scarier, but that could be the Death thing, who knows?" Ivy shrugged, "But then the piece of shit Pettigrew changes into a rat and he ratted out my parents and got them killed. An annoying news reporter Rita Skeeter was a bug, she could sneak in and hear anything and she was fidgety like a bug. One of my professors could change into a cat and she had that grace a cat has," Ivy explained to an amazed Martha.

"Minnie!" the Marauders, Weasley Twins, and Ivy cheered. The Marauders, however, did scowl when Peter Pettigrew was mentioned.

"So, because he merged both together, he is having to manage both aspects that I assume are fighting against each other. He missed something that would allow them to work together. The lack of magic is not helping him stabilize, it's trying to change him," the Doctor said.

"Change him into what?" Martha asked.

"I don't know, but it's being delayed. When you become an animagus, you recite a spell and concentrate on your animal form or it's going to force itself out. Changing his DNA could be considered reciting the spell and the animal wants to come out," Ivy said.

"That woman said they were going upstairs," Martha mentioned as Ivy had a familiar feeling come over her and felt her book. 'Lady Thaw—Skinned to Bone,' the book read. "Well, it seems he already struck," Ivy said.

"Well," Elysium said, "That gold digger is dead, what about them?" she asked, pointing at Molly, Dumbledore, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione who started shouting angrily before the green and gold with black outlined eyes of Ivy glared back. Ivy then gave her daughter an amused look but didn't say anything.

"Let's go," the Doctor said, and they all left to find Lazarus' office.

"This is his office, all right," Martha said when they reached a room and looked around.

"He's not here, but I found Lady Thaw," Ivy said, standing next to her body and having to listen to her ghost whine and moan about being killed while still being old, "Oh, fuck off!" Ivy told her making Martha and the Doctor look at Ivy, surprised. "Not you two, her ghost is whiny," Ivy told them.

"What happened to her?" Martha asked.

"She had all the life energy drained out of her, like squeezing the juice out of an orange," the Doctor said making the ghost whine more. Ivy looked back at the ghost, "Knock it off!" Ivy snarled making her stop. A reaper came very quickly to take her away.

"Don't piss of Mistress," Hela muttered and Tony, who sat on her other side nodded in agreement.

"So, he's changed already?" Martha asked.

"He could have. But his DNA is fluctuating. The process must demand energy. This might not have been enough. He could be a type of animal that sucks blood," the Doctor theorized.

"So, he might do it again?" Martha asked.

"Mmm," was all the Doctor said as they all hurried back into the lift, but Ivy could sense somebody coming up from another one, 'Find the witch,' he told her mentally and Ivy ran off, surprisingly running into Pansy.

"I'm not the trapped magical person," Pansy said.

"Okay, I'm just going to say this will probably, hopefully be one of the only times we meet out of order. You told me to help you find a witch, while, and I was told you already knew this, the other Time Lord is being his chaotic self," Pansy very quickly said.

"Ooooo that's me," Harold giggled. Missy whacked him on the head.

"Okay," was Ivy said and they were both off to find the witch. They ran through different hallways until they sensed the magic. Ivy snuck Pansy and herself through a shadow as they watched at least three people surround a young girl, whose hair had gone white in fear.

The good wizards and witches gasped noticing it was a young girl and likely from the House of Black line from the metamorphmagus ability.

They knocked out the cameras and then the three muggles, and they freed the girl. "Take care of her, I gotta go," Ivy told Pansy and she nodded and took the girl as Ivy appeared near the roof.

"Martha, what are you doing here?" she heard Tish question.

"Tish, get away from him," Martha said as Ivy came up.

"What? Don't tell me what to do," Tish argued.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you want to stay with the child kidnapper?" Ivy asked sarcastically. Lazarus tensed and Tish rolled her eyes, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I see why you didn't like her," Lily commented.

"Oh, nothing, other than I just freed a fifteen year old girl from the lab who looked utterly terrified of the people who seemed to have been doing experiments on her," Ivy said. Pansy had been erasing there memories and destroying DNA from the girl when she left.

"Good," the Potters, Malfoys, and Weasleys, said but the Blacks and those who were a child of one of the Blacks were grumbling curses under their breaths. Remus looked a little pale once he heard the curses his best friends and his wife were muttering.

"He's not denying it," Martha said after a second.

Tish stepped forward, "You have to spoil everything, don't you? Every time I find someone nice, you have to go and find fault," she argued, "And get your friends to lie for you."

"Tish, he's a monster," Martha urged.

Lazarus was convulsing behind Tish's back and the Doctor was moving Teddy and Ivy away.

Mickey looked like he was going to argue, but Martha gave him a look making him remember, no matter what the Doctor protects their wife and children first.

"I know the age thing's a bit freaky, but it works for Catherine Zeta-Jones," Tish said. Ivy would've made a comment about the Doctor's and her age difference but that disgusting scorpion thing Lazarus just became just prevented her from doing that. Tish turned around, "What's that?"

"Run!" the Doctor urged, grabbing Teddy and Ivy and pulling them along while Martha grabbed her sister. They all ran past the lift, the Doctor preventing the lift from working with his sonic. "Are you okay?" Martha asked her sister.

"I was going to snog him," Tish said in disgust before turning back to Ivy, "Did he really take a child?" she asked her as Lazarus was trying to break in.

"And experimented on her, yes," Ivy added with her confirmation.

"Security One. Security One. Security One," they heard. The lights all go out and all the doors shut.

"What's happening?" Martha asked. Teddy buried himself next to his mother in fear, he had forgotten his portkey so he couldn't go straight to the TARDIS.

"An intrusion. It triggers a security lockdown. Kills most of the power. Stops the lifts, seals the exits," Tish explained.

"He must be breaking through that door. The stairs, come on!" the Doctor spoke up. They ran down the staircase hearing growling and crashing behind them. "He's inside!" Martha yelled the obvious.

"We haven't got much time!" the Doctor yelled back. He had snatched up Teddy, so he was now running down the stairs with a seven year old over his shoulder.

"You have bony shoulders," Teddy commented.


"Dear, you do," Ivy confirmed. Now Ten was pouting.

They all ran for the reception area. "Tish, is there another way out of here?" the Doctor asked.

"There's an exit in the corner, but it'll be locked by now," Tish said.

"Ivy," was all he said for his wife to run off, leaving Teddy with them.

"Listen to me! You people are in serious danger! You need to get out of here right now!" the Doctor yelled, getting the people's attention.

"Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive," a woman responded. The Doctor did a mental countdown as the mutant appeared almost immediately afterwards. Lazarus jumped down to the room, smashing tables as everyone panicked. Lazarus' tail hit Leo, Martha's brother, as he was trying to protect his mother.

"Over here! This way! Exit this way!" Ivy's voice could be heard as Lazarus had found his next victim and killed another woman.

"Lazarus! Leave them alone," the Doctor ordered, pushing Teddy in the direction of his wife. Ivy and Teddy went and joined Martha who was tending to her brother.

"Why is Teddy still here?" Martha asked.

"Yeah," Remus and Tonks voiced.

"He forgot the thingy," Ivy responded knowing Martha would know what she was talking about.

"What's the point? You can't control it. The mutation's too strong. Killing those people won't help you. You're a fool. A vain old man who thought he defy nature and Death. Only Nature got her own back so you could meet Death, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure," The Doctor taunted, Ivy had ushered Teddy out the door at this point, urging him to stay safe.

"What's the Doctor doing?" Tish asked.

"He's buying us time," Martha said, trying to find where Ivy and Teddy went, briefly seeing pale skin and a black dress follow them, "And so is Ivy," she added before helping Leo up and urging her family out the door.

"It's no use, Doctor. You can't stop me," Ivy heard Lazarus say.

"Is that the same arrogance you had when you swore nothing had gone wrong with your device?" the Doctor had responded, taunting him.

"The arrogance is yours. You can't stand in the way of progress," Lazarus said. Ivy was still following them, the Doctor knew she was there, her invisibility cloak didn't block their bond but it did block Lazarus' senses.

"You call feeding on innocent people progress? You're delusional!" the Doctor said.

"It is a necessary sacrifice," Lazarus said.

"That's not your decision to make," the Doctor snarled back.

Martha had guided everyone out, surprisingly all the doors had been open; she thought it must've been Ivy.

Mickey relaxed a little. Remus and Tonks did not. Ivy was also a little one edge because she hadn't known where Teddy was and knew very well her son inherited the Potter Luck when she blood adopted him. Warrior seemed to notice his future wife was on edge and gained enough confidence to hold her hand which made her give him a small smile and squeeze his hand. The Susan's were exchanging mental squeals at the younger version of their Dad holding there mom's hand. Elysium and Eilam exchanged small smiles before returning to wondering where there brother had gone. Teddy was groaning remembering what happened while Martha gave him an apologetic look.

The Doctor was hiding, coming up with the plan with Ivy to buy him some time. "Peekaboo," he looked up to see Lazarus hanging above him. "Oh, hello," he said.

"Yeah, say so it so simply why don't you?" James sassed.

Before Lazarus could jump down, he had been distracted hearing a pop, "Hiya!" came Ivy's voice, allowing the Doctor to run out.

"That's how you do it, but get fuck out of there Prongslette," James said approvingly but worriedly.

Martha had gotten her family outside, "I've got to go back," she said. Her family looked at her in surprise. "You can't! You saw that thing did. It'll kill you," her mother argued, but Martha had seen the reason why she needed to go back in. "Teddy!" she called, seeing the young boy in a suit looking around desperately for somebody. Martha ran over, "Sorry I'm about to guilt trip," she said.

"Why was I always used for guilt tripping?!" Teddy groaned.

"Because you were an adorable boy who loves his mom," Martha replied.

She brought him back over, "I need to go in, and this boy might lose his adoptive mother and her husband. He's already had his birth parents get killed, do you want him to lose another by keeping me here when I could help them," Martha told her family. Teddy started sniffling as he slipped something into Martha's hands, as her family looked a bit guilty. "Nice guilt trip," Teddy whispered as Martha bent down, "Stay with them," was all she said, thankful that Teddy wasn't too upset about bringing up Remus and Tonks.

"We're not angry," Remus and Tonks said, then Remus pointed to his best friends.

"He's a mini Marauder!" James and Sirius cheered.

"It's not like I got two for grandfathers and another for a father," Teddy sassed.

The Doctor made it to the lab, Ivy appearing through some shadows, "I got us a few minutes," she had said and they started turning on all the Bunsen burners in the room and turning on the gas, they were hoping this would ruin any other DNA that was left behind by the poor witch they had captured. "More hide and seek, Doctor? How disappointing. Why don't you come out and face me?" they heard Lazarus say.

"I'm sorry, have you seen a mirror lately, neither of us would like to face like," Ivy spoke up revealing she somehow had gotten there without him hearing her. The Doctor pulls her out, flipping the light switch causing a loud explosion. "What are you doing here?" he asked Martha when they ran into her as they were running; "I'm returning this. I thought you might need it," she responded holding up the sonic Teddy had slipped into her pocket.

"How did you?" the Doctor asked.

"I heard the explosion. Thought it could've been Ivy, but then thought you were more likely to make something, so I made my way here."

"I blasted Lazarus," the Doctor admitted.

"It was awesome," came Ivy's voice behind him.

"It was," Hela, Loki, and Tony said in amazement.

"Did you kill him?" Martha asked.

"No," came Ivy's voice, she wanted to be the one to greet him when he died.

"More sort of annoyed him, I'd say," the Doctor added.

"What now? We've just gone round in a circle," Martha asked as they were hiding in the reception again. "We can't lead him outside. Come on, get in," the Doctor said, pulling the two women inside the chamber.

"Are we hiding?" Martha asked, because it seemed like they were hiding, but they weren't hiding, it was a horrible hiding place.

"No, he knows we're here. But this is his masterpiece. I'm betting he won't destroy it, not even to get at us," the Doctor said.

"But we're trapped," Martha said.

"Well, yeah, that's a slight problem," the Doctor admitted.

"You mean you don't have a plan," Martha said in surprise.

"Martha we rarely have a plan from the start," Ivy admitted.

"Yeah Martha, thought you'd know that by now," Donna said. The other companions couldn't help but agree.

"It's kind of a thing, the plan was to get inside here though," the Doctor adds.

"Then what?"

"Well, then I'd come up with another plan," he said.

"It's a plan in progress," Eleven couldn't help but pitch in.

"In your own time, then," Martha replied sarcastically. It was a rather tight fit for the three of them, "Hey!" Martha exclaimed when the Doctor nudged her a bit too hard, "Sorry, sorry, sorry, here we are," the Doctor said, pulling out the sonic.

"What're you going to do with that?" Martha asked.

"Improvise," he knelt down to open the panel, "Nice shoes by the way," he commented.

"He's getting closer to the button," Ivy said from her contorted view, she was half on the Doctor to give him more room to work.

"What're you doing?" Martha asked.

"I'm trying to set the capsule to reflect energy rather than receive it," the Doctor said.

"Will that kill it?" Martha asked.

"When he transforms, he's three times his size. Cellular triplication. So, he's spreading himself thin," the Doctor kind of explained.

"We're going to end up like him!" Martha panicked.

"Ivy would've apparated us out," Ten told Martha.

"I know that now," Martha grumbled. Those two somehow had an escape plan at all times.

"Just one more!" the Doctor urged while Ivy grabbed Martha hand, and quickly grabbed the Doctor's when he finished. One of her eyes turned gold and they all witnessed the time slow down as shields appeared around them as the energy blasted out. "Wow," Martha said, "I thought we were going to go through the blender then," she adds as they stepped out of the machine. The Doctor helping Ivy who cringed from the new headache she had.

"Oh, God. He seems so human again. It's kind of pitiful," Martha said as she and the Doctor looked down at the body.

"Eliot saw that, too. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper," he said as he saw Ivy get reunited with Teddy.

"Somebody talked to the mean lady about Daddy, he sounded like he had two hearts, and Aunt Pansy was with him," Teddy told Ivy.

Ivy paused, "We're going to keep that quiet for now, okay?" Teddy nodded.

The Tenth Doctor and older swung to face Ivy who put her hands up in surrender, "He's my trouble unofficial child, I was keeping him hidden," she said. Harold just gave her a cheeky wave which she returned with her own.

"She's here. Oh, she's all right," Martha and the Doctor heard Tish when they came out.

"Ah, Mrs. Jones. We still haven't had our chat," the Doctor said. Francine glared and raised her hand to slap him only for it to be stopped by a pale hand, an identical hand slapping her back. Francine looked startled at Ivy, "You do not slap my husband. My son was terrified being near you, and now he was about to see you hit his father," Ivy snarled.

"Go Ivy!" Tonks cheered while Lily, Andromeda, and Narcissa applauded her.

"He's not even his real father," Francine argued making her family gasp and Ivy slapped her again.

"Go Prongslette!" the three Marauders cheered.

"I don't know what you're damn problem is, but that man helped me raise him like he was his own, for all anyone could care, that is his father," Ivy said.

"It's always the mothers," the Doctor complained towards Martha.

"It's always the women," Harold corrected. Pansy gave him a look and he smiled innocently while Missy smacked in on the head again, "See even my female self," he said, "don't be surprised if she does it too," he added, pointing to Thirteen. Thirteen threw a shoe at him in response.

"Apparently she throws shoes," Twelve drawled before Thirteen smacked him on the head making Harold point at her like, 'See?! See?!'

"He is dangerous, I've been told things," Francine told her daughter.

"I'm not sorry," Harold said, then looked at Martha, "I don't like your mother," he said in a similar tone that Ivy used when she didn't like Tish. Pansy agreed with Harold, "I despise my mother, and yet I still don't like yours more," she said.

"Either Cissa, Andy, or Mrs. Zabini," Ivy said.

"Yes, you two and Mrs, Zabini are the good mothers," Pansy said to the Black sister and then looked at Lily, "If you had been alive..." she trailed off when Lily nodded, getting what she meant. Lily would've been the other favorable mother.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look around you. Nothing but death and destruction," Francine argued. Ivy was being held back from slapping the woman again.

"Let her!" Tony, Loki, and Hela yelled.

"This isn't his fault. He saved us, all of us!" Martha argued.

"And it was Tish who invited everyone to this thing in the first place. I'd say technically, it's her fault," Leo said.

'Well, he's not wrong,' Ivy told the Doctor mentally, as he slightly nodded in agreement. 'Papa, get here now but stay hidden,' she called. She could sense the presence of her familiar/dogfather and pointed Teddy in the right direction. Going off her instincts, she didn't want him following.

Tonks now relaxed, but she forgot her husband's wolf also has an unofficially adopted cub that officially adopted his biological cub. Remus was not relaxed.

"Lazarus is alive, I thought I saw something gold, but I wasn't sure, he must have gotten his genes to regenerate themselves," she said quietly. The Doctor remembered that she had never actually looked at the body before they left just as an explosion was heard in the distance. Ivy and the Doctor ran off after the noise, Martha must've followed because they heard Francine order, "Leave him."

"Martha?" Tish called and ran after.

"Not you, too?" Francine asked.

"Sorry," Tish responded as she ran after her sister. The sisters found the couple looking at the back of the ambulance that had been left open with two corpses. Martha had briefly seen Ivy take two glowing orbs she knew were souls, she had been told that being a companion to the Doctor and Ivy would have allowed her to see the souls If Ivy collected any.

"Where's he gone?" Martha questioned.

"That church," Ivy said motioning to the nearby church.

"Cathedral. It's Southwark Cathedral. He told me," Tish said. The four of them ran for the Cathedral, Tish briefly asking, "Where's your son?"

"He's safe," Ivy and the Doctor responded.

"Do you think he's in here?" Martha asked quietly.

"Where would you go if you were looking for sanctuary?" the Doctor returned.

The four of them walked carefully in, spotting Lazarus who was partly hiding, wrapped in a blanket. "I came here before, a lifetime ago. I thought I was going to die then. In fact, I was sure of it. I sat here, just a child, the sound of planes and bombs outside," Lazarus said.

"The Blitz," the Doctor answered.

"You've read about it," Lazarus implied.

"We were there," the Doctor corrected, motioning towards his wife and him.

"You're both too young," Lazarus responded.

"So are you," the Doctor said.

Lazarus laughed, but then his body made some cracking sounds, Ivy figuring out he would shift again and motioned for Martha and Tish to move back. "In the morning, the fires had died, and I was still alive. I swore I'd never face death like that again. So defenseless. I would arm myself, fight back, defeat it," Lazarus said. The Doctor couldn't help but think this sounded familiar, based off his wife's conflicted emotions, she knew why it was familiar.

"Oh the no nose bastard," James said, figuring it out. Tom Riddle had been a Peverell descendant, Death would've taken him eventually.

"That's what you were trying to do today?" the Doctor asked.

"That's what I did today," Lazarus corrected.

"What about the other people who died?"

"They were nothing. I changed the course of history," Lazarus said. The Doctor knew the man in front of him would not have a great afterlife based off the glamour Ivy used to cover up her metamorphmagus abilities was trying to wear off, hints of red were beginning to show.

"Cause no-nose bastard," Ivy said, copying her father's name for the snake-man.

"Any of them might have done too. You think history's only made with equations? Facing death is part of being human. You can't change that," the Doctor responded.

"No, Doctor. Avoiding death, that's being human. It's our strongest impulse, to cling to life with every fiber of our being. I'm only doing what everyone before me has tried to do. I've simply been more successful," Lazarus said. The Doctor now realized his wife's anger; Lazarus was starting to make it personal to her.

"Look at yourself. You're mutating! You've no control over it. You call that a success?" the Doctor questioned.

"I call it progress. I'm more now that I was. More than just an ordinary human," Lazarus said.

"There's no such thing as an ordinary human," the Doctor said. Lazarus started convulsing again. The Doctor mentally telling Ivy his idea, which she told Martha, "He's going to change any minute, he's going to try to get him into the bell tower, he's got an idea," she whispered to their companion. "Just in case, I have to use magic in front of your sister, somebody from the Ministry or EMP might show up and either get an oath where she can't actually reveal anything about magic to other muggles, be obliviated, or she can work with EMP, I think she might like EMP, just my opinion, I am liking your sister now, just not your mother. For you, keep this with you, Tish will have a chance to make a choice because she's your sister," Ivy explained while the Doctor kept talking to Lazarus, she handed Martha a pin of the Deathly Hallows with a stag in the middle, it was to show she was associated with Ivy.

"Oh, a stag! Pads, she put a stag in the symbol!" James gushed.

"The only reason I'm saying this is, he's not going to have time to make it to the tower..." Ivy left off, moving away.

"Leave him, Lazarus! He's old and bitter. I thought you had a taste for fresher meat," Martha immediately taunted.

"Martha, no," the Doctor tried to stop her.

Tish ran off with Martha, "You wouldn't have time to get to the tower, me apparating you there or not," Ivy said, "She has protection in case I have to use magic in front of her and her sister," she adds before grabbing his hands and yelling, "Martha take him to the top!"

"Got it!" they heard before apparating in front of the organs and Ivy left the Doctor there, and appearing next to Martha and Tish. "Ladies," Lazarus said.

The three were startled by Ivy casting a stunning spell on Lazarus, making him freeze, Tish was looking wide eyed at Ivy, seeing standing there with her wand. Ivy turned her head to look at Martha, "We can't make it out in time, hang on to something and prepare for a headache," she said, the two doing what she said as loud organ sounds sounded through the cathedral, Lazarus becoming human again and lying dead below them. Ivy grabbed both of their arms and apparated since there was no current shadows and she didn't want to make any and appeared back outside. "Explain her options," Ivy told Martha, hair becoming white and eyes becoming darker.

Lazarus was looking back at his body when he heard a voice, "Well, you didn't escape me after all," he heard.

"Oh shit!" Charlus, James, and Sirius got excited. Hela and Tony hurried to the front and sat with their Mistress' fathers and grandfather while Ivy watched in amusement.

He turned to find a white-haired woman with black eyes and markings on her face. He noticed she was wearing the same dress the Doctor's wife's had on. She smiled a bit sadistically, "I don't like it when people escape my Mistress and I, it upsets my Mistress more, and I can't have her upset, now can I?" she asked with her sadistic smirk still present. A hole opened below Lazarus' shocked form, hands reached up from below dragging the man down below as he screamed.

"Oooooooo," voiced the Potter males, Sirius, Hela, and Tony. Anubis, taking advantage of being near the human form of Padfoot, jumped on Sirius' lap and watched the whole thing. The other wizards still couldn't get over how Potters actually acted.

When the hole closed, Death looked back up to see the Doctor standing there, "He reminded her of him, didn't he?" he asked. Death nodded and the Doctor helped her up and out of the room, him keeping an arm around her, "She feels more relieved now, Lazarus would have come to life again if we hadn't interfered," Death finally said.

"How are you so comfortable with that monster?!" Molly spat at Ten. James sprung up with his wand and chanted something in a language that sent chills through the room at the scratchy voice he used while everyone who knew what he said got excited because they were pissed Molly insulted Ivy. Molly immediately started coughing up blood rapidly, quickly turning pale and dropping unconscious. "She's still alive, unfortunately," James said and sat down.

Sirius then looked at the Doctor's with a questioning look, Eleven decided to answer, "She's our wife no matter which personality, as we called them, comes forward. Death, Wolfie, and Ivy are all our wife," he said. Warrior squeezed Ivy's hand again, showing he agrees with what Chinny said. Sirius and James nod and sit back down.

"I only said it because I didn't piss them off," Eleven muttered to Ten, who paled. He dreaded the moment Jenny was on screen.

The two reached outside finding Tish and Martha, "So you're actually Death?" Tish asked.

"Yes, hello Leticia," Death responded.

"Ivy's a bit upset, so Death is staying present for the time being," the Doctor added.

"How did the meeting go?" Death asked, seeing Martha holding the pin.

"Oh, I decided to work at EMP, I wouldn't want something to happen to that one child that had been at that lab. And I wanted something for Martha and me to bond over," Tish answered. Death smiled, "Did she tell you about the other worker there that she's got a thing for," she teased. Martha blushed and whacked Death in the arm, "Stop it!"

"Oooooh, do tell," Tish teased.

"Yes, do tell," Mickey spoke with a teasing smirk, resulting in Martha hitting him in the arm.

Martha blushed even more and ended up telling her about Mickey. Tish got to see the TARDIS and was introduced to Ivy and Teddy's parents, along with Padfoot and the twins. Death had shown the sisters the wardrobe to find Martha a dress for her date with Mickey and left them there. Death looked down at her two children, "Mama what's wrong with mommy?" Elysium asked, green eyes staring up at her in concern.

"There was a bad guy that reminded her of another bad guy and it upset her, but I assure she's okay," Death responded, the two Time Tots running off, accepting the response. They dropped Tish off, the Doctor giving her a special universal phone, then dropping Martha off, and immediately coming back to when the date would have ended. "Did you two just jump to when my date was over?" she asked seeing death was still present.

The two nodded, Ivy's eyes becoming present again as she then started crying, the Doctor immediately rushing over and pulling her to his chest and rubbing her back. "Why was Lazarus so upsetting?" Martha asked.

Ivy moved her body to look at her but still kept herself in the Doctor's hold, "Lazarus grew up in a war and was scared of Death and found a way to make himself young and immortal, to prevent his death, he used a witch to make that happen, tortured and experimented on the witch. He killed people and had no remorse for it. The man who killed my parents," Ivy paused as more tears appeared, "Voldemort, his name means "flight from Death," his real name is Tom Riddle. Tom grew up in an orphanage in World War II, he was scared of death. He found a way to stay immortal, the foulest magic you could make, a horcrux. You have to kill someone with no remorse to cast that spell which separates your soul. Lazarus and Voldemort both didn't care who they killed, they just wanted to be immortal," she finished.

Ivy squeezed Warrior's hand once more before making her way to her parents who had started tearing up and sat with them for the rest of the episode. Elysium decided to plop herself down next to Warrior and gave him a bright smile.

Martha and the Doctor looked up to see James and Lily were starting to cry to and the Doctor made a decision and landed at the Avengers tower, "Martha meet the Avengers," the Doctor said as Ivy had stepped out and planted herself between Pietro and Tony, before they were shooed away by James and Lily taking those spots and hugging her. Sirius was also now hugging James, hearing the comparison between Lazarus and Voldemort. Elysium sat on James' lap while Eilam was on Lily's, they were hugging there mom and grandparents too, even though they didn't know why they were upset though.

Hela had shown up with a child next to her that slowly started aging. The now teenager was looking at Sirius at that moment, "Hela, you brought Anubis with you, didn't you?" they all heard Sirius ask his muffled question. Everyone had just found out why the Potters were so upset, so when Hela smiled, it meant a laugh was coming. "Yep," was all she said for Sirius to jump over the catch and make a run for it back to TARDIS with the young adult Anubis run after. "He's got a small obsession for Sirius," Ivy muttered but everyone heard and started laughing.

"A small one?" Sirius asked sarcastically, looking down at the jackal that hadn't left his lap. Padfoot went over to his human half, growled at Anubis making the jackal jump on the Grimm's back with a wagging tale. Padfoot walked back as they could hear him grumbling. "I don't know whether I should be disturbed," Sirius whispered to James who just shrugged and went back to hugging his daughter.

"What happened to the witch?" Andromeda asked.

"Pansy found out she was descended from a squib in the Black Line so I accepted her and brought her to you and Cissa since I wouldn't be there all the time. Be expecting her soon when this is over," Ivy responded.

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