[Complete] Noise and Kisses {...

By StephAwrites

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When Holly Taylor moves back to the quiet suburban neighbourhood she grew up, she struggles to find a reason... More



34 3 0
By StephAwrites

An hour later, I leave Grove building buzzing with excitement at the possibilities over the next three years. The course sounds fantastic, and I've already met a few people from my class who seem lovely. Happy, I make the short walk round to the town hall and wait on the steps for Ben to arrive.

He appears about 10 minutes later, looking oh-so-cool in black shades. He really reminds me of a younger version of the lead singer in 'The 1975' and I ain't mad about it. My heart flutters and I inwardly curse myself for having such a strong reaction. He always has this effect on me.

"Hello tiger... you ready for some food? I'm starving!" He says, his gravelly voice sending electricity through me. He holds his hand out to help me up and I take it as he effortlessly pulls me onto my feet.

"I am... do you know of anywhere good we can eat?" I ask, shielding my eyes as I look up to him in the bright sunlight.

He grins and removes his sunglasses, sliding them onto my face. As his hand grazes my cheek, I notice that the butterflies are out in full force.

"Not a fucking clue, but there's bound to be a good cafe or something nearby..."

A few minutes later, we find an Irish pub that serves food. It's pretty cosy, so we place our order at the bar and head outside to sit in the sun.

"So, what did you want to tell me, Ben?" I ask, taking a seat at a small table.

"Wow, straight in, huh? Not even letting a man take a sip of his drink first?" He says, jokingly.

I smile and he grins. "I just wanted to explain about the texts. I know they sounded fucking terrible, but honestly, there's nothing for you to worry about. I invited her to mine after we came back from Avebury. Just to talk. I told her that I couldn't see her anymore - I was trying to do the right thing. She laughed - said I'd be calling her again next time I wanted a bag and left. That was the last time I'd spoken to her... those texts meant absolutely nothing to me."

I left out a long breath and sigh.

"I know you don't trust me - I get why - but I want to prove to you that I can be better..."

"I don't know, Ben..." I say, leaning back in my chair.

"Look, we'll just keep it friendly for now. Let's hang out - no, ya know," he says, winking, and I giggle.

"You told me once that we could never be 'just friends'" I say, adding the quotes for dramatic effect.

"Cute" he says, nodding at them. "Look, we'll see how it goes... no pressure. We could both use a mate at uni, right?"

I nod and give in. "Fine, friends..." I say, folding my hand out to him. He laughs and places his hand in mine, shaking it lightly.

"Friends. Now where's my fry up?!" He jokes and I laugh again.


The following day, I receive a message from Ben.

Freshers night... u coming? x

Nope... I've told you already x

God you're lame! Fine I'll go on my own... x

Have fun x

On the way to the bus stop, I call Leila to find out how her first day went and tell her about my interaction with Ben.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Good, just on my way to the station, where are you?"

"Walking to the bus stop. How was your first day?"

"Meh... the people in my class are a bit... stuffy, but the campus is amazing. Hopefully I can find someone to take pity on me and be my friend." She jokes and I laugh.

"You'll be fine... it's just first day jitters. Once everyone settles down, you'll make friends."

"I bloody well hope so, or it's gonna be a long three years! How was your first day?"

"Interesting..." I say, sitting on the bench at the stop.

"How so?"

"Well, it turns out that Ben goes to Middlesex too."

"What? No way..." Leila says, sounding so unfazed by my surprising news.

"So, you knew then?"

"Yep... little bit," She admits, "oh sorry mate, I wanted to tell you, but you seemed so sure about not talking to him before you started uni. There never seemed like the right time to tell you..." she says, the concern clear in her tone.

"It's fine, I understand. Anyway, it was actually alright. We hung out a bit and he told me about the Becca texts, and we agreed to try being friends." I say, chipping at my nail varnish. Why do I paint these things if I'm always so quick to pick it off?

"Hang on, wait, what?! Oh fuck, that's my train - I'll call you later!" She says frantically before putting down the phone.

I giggle and continue waiting for the bus to arrive.


At the end of my first class, I get a message from Leila.

I need full details of what happened between you and Ben... come to this fresher party at my uni tonight? x

I told you; I'm not doing freshers week! x

No, you told me you're not doing *your* freshers week... this party is at my uni! x

I laugh.

Good point, I'll think about it x

Not taking no for an answer - will call you later x

I feel silly for accepting to attend a freshers party at a university I'm not actually attending, but I know how persuasive Leila can be. Plus, hopefully I can use this opportunity to help her find some new friends.


Later that day, as I'm making my way to grab a coffee, I catch Ben sitting on a bench. He waves and I smile as I walk over.

"Hello you..." I say, a little more flirtatiously than I would have liked.

"Hello tiger, what you up to?"

"Just going to grab a coffee, you want one?"

"Ooh, yes please..." he says emphatically, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "Let me come with."

He stands and lazily slings his bag over his right shoulder.

"So, have you changed your mind about the fresher party tonight?" He asks, his intensity burning straight through me.

"Kind of..." I say, giggling.

"Ok... what's so funny?" He asks, confused.

"Leila's making me go to her freshers night instead!"

Ben's eyes narrow and he looks furious. "Are you joking?" he asks, his tone hostile.

"What's wrong?" I say, surprised by his reaction. He runs his hand through his hair, and I can tell he's trying to keep a handle on his anger.

"You're so desperate not to go to freshers with me, that you're going to Leila's night instead?! Look, if you don't want to spend time with me, just fucking tell me so I can stop hanging around you like some fucking loser!" He says, looking stressed.

"Hey, it's not like that... I'm just trying to be a good mate."

He scoffs. "Yeah, sure you are... so much for us trying to be friendly!" He picks up his pace and turns away.

"Ben, wait! What about the coffee?" I say, trying to lighten the moment.

"Fuck your coffee!" He shouts back and storms off.

Confused and a little sad, I make my way on to the coffee shop and try to figure out what just unfolded.

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