[Complete] Noise and Kisses {...

By StephAwrites

2.6K 126 1

When Holly Taylor moves back to the quiet suburban neighbourhood she grew up, she struggles to find a reason... More



39 2 0
By StephAwrites

The next few months were a blur of college, studying, and nights out with the girls. Ben kept his distance, though there's been a few awkward moments where I've hidden – actually hidden – to avoid bumping into him. At first, staying away was difficult. So many nights spent lying in bed, questioning whether I was making the right choice.

I received unconditional acceptances to my two top choice universities, and my final exams came and went without too much stress. Finally free of college, I spent a few days agonising about which university to accept, and with the decision date looming, I decided to reach out to my new friend.

Hey, it's Holly. How are you?

A few seconds later my phone lights up

Hey! I'm good thanks, how are you? It's been a while - thought you'd forgotten about little old me :)

I smile.

Not a chance. I was thinking about taking another look around Brunel and was hoping you might know someone who could show me around?

Hmm... I reckon I could find someone tall, dark and handsome to show you the sights...?

I laugh.

Please give him my number! But if he's not available, maybe you could be my guide?

Lol! You're a killer. I'd love to show you about - when were you thinking?

I don't know - maybe this weekend?

Cool, let me know!

I place my phone down on my bedtime table and giggle. We've not seen each other since I visited Brunel two months prior, but we've texted occasionally.

That night, as I prepare myself for bed, I receive a text, from Shaun.

Hey! How are you doing? I haven't seen you around in a while, just thought I'd check in x

I debate whether to respond, before settling on no. It's been so long since we last saw each other. And after everything that happened with Ben as a result, I'm better steering clear right now.

"Sorry Shaun," I mutter under my breath, and close my phone.


When Friday rolls around, I send a message to let Keaton know I'm still coming.

Getting into West Drayton tomorrow morning at 10:30am - hope that works for you?

Oh yeah, of course! There's a 10:30 in the morning?! Jokes, sounds good. Will see you then.

After reading his message, I can't help but wonder if he'd forgotten I was coming to visit? I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out my outfit for the next day. I want something that's comfortable but cute, so choose an old, faded band t-shirt, my black skinny jeans and trusty converse. I also pull out a blazer in case it gets cold.


The next day, I wake up early for a shower and get myself ready. Feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves, I apply my make up; some winged liner, mascara and a little lip balm and choose to leave my hair down. I decide to take a hair band so I can pull it up if it gets too windy and take a casual stroll to the station.

The train journey is surprisingly quick and before I know it, it's 10:35 and I'm standing outside the station. I grab a coffee and wait patiently for Keaton to arrive.

A little over five minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see him. His hair's longer, and he looks a little worse for wear, so I'm guessing he's recovering from a late night.

"Hey! It's so good to see you!" I say, warmly.

He pulls me in for a hug. "Hey! I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"Oh, it's fine, I've only been here a few minutes myself."

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"Ok, cool... let's go!"

As we walk to Brunel, about a mile and half from the station, we catch up on what's been happening over the last few months.

"So, Ben? What's happening there?" he asks, pulling out two cigarettes from his pocket and handing me one. I smile and accept.

"Nothing. We haven't spoken in months, not since the whole Instagram drama."

"Wow... I remember you said you blocked him, but I figured you'd have given in by now. How are you doing?"

"I'm surprisingly ok."

"Glad to hear it." He replies, rubbing his hand across the light stubble on his face.

"Did you know he went home with your ex?"

"I do - she delighted in texting me about it. But I later found out she was full of shit. Her roommate said Ben threw up everywhere and then spent the night on the sofa."

I stop. "Wait, what?! That can't be true... I asked him about it myself."

He shrugs. "That's what she told me - who knows?"

"Yeah, true... it's in the past." I say, referencing the night at the club.

He smiles at me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "That's the spirit!" he says, jokingly.

"So... what's been going on with you? How's Uni? And your mum, Christine?"

"Wow, good memory!" he says, removing his arm and walking to discard his cigarette in a nearby cigarette bin.

"She's good, I'm good - just trying to get my head around all the bloody work I have to do!"

I giggle. "So, tell me about Brunel, what are the pros and cons?"

"Erm, ok so pros - it's a great Uni, great mix of people... and you're in London, which is awesome! Cons – it's a lot of work, it's expensive so you'll probably need to supplement with a job, and there's a lot of parties!"

I laugh. "Parties are cons?"

"Yeah... they're a real distraction!"

When we reach the campus, I'm overwhelmed by the sheer size of the campus – not to mention the number of students walking around it. College was so small in comparison. It feels overwhelming. My face must show it, because Keaton wraps his arm around me once again and says, "You alright?"

I nod. "I'm fine - in awe."

He smiles and squeezes me lightly before letting me go.

"Yeah, there are a lot of buildings on campus for different specialisms, which is sort of broken up by the dorms and the social spaces." I nod again.

"See that one over there?" he asks, pointing to a red brick building. "That's the Law school... that's the Physio block... and that's the Business school just there." He says, pointing to a large, curved block. He seems really energetic about the environment, which is making me relax.

"Wow... ok. So, where's your block?" I ask, as we continue on the long walk. We've barely scratched the surface.

"I'm in Engineering, which is a collection of buildings a bit further up."

"Oh wow, Engineering? I don't think you've mentioned that before... that's very cool."

"Oh yeah, thanks. It's a lot but I'm really enjoying it."

We continue to walk, and Keaton points out the halls of residence, and the lecture centre, where most classes are held. The buildings are a mixture of completely different architecture, which is strange but also really interesting.

"There's also a Media Production Centre in there too."

My eyes light up at the thought.

"From the look on your face Holly, I'd say I've just piqued your interest."

I giggle. "You certainly have - I'm still trying to figure it out... but it's definitely the route I'm heading."

Keaton glances down at his watch. "Hey, it's almost lunch. Why don't we grab a sandwich, and I can introduce you to a few people?"

"Sounds great - lead the way." I say, extending my arm forward.


"I can't believe there's a Subway on campus! This place is crazy!" I gush, as we walk inside.

"I told you... it's pretty awesome." he says, tapping away on his phone.

"Right, I've let them know we're here - what are you getting?"

We place our orders and grab a couple of drinks from the fridge before paying. It's a nice day, so we take a seat outside to talk and eat our sandwiches. Around 10 minutes later, we see a girl and two guys waving in the distance.

Keaton waves back enthusiastically and stands. "Hey! Right, Holly, let me introduce to everyone. This is Sid and Rob." He gestures to two guys. The first and taller of the two, Sid, has messy sandy blonde hair and a short beard, which fills his otherwise lithe frame. Rob is shorter and much more filled out, with medium length brown hair flicked to one side and some patchy stubble.

"And this, is my girlfriend, Laura." He wraps his arm around her and kisses her lips, and I can't help but drop my chin in shock. I quickly recover and give her my biggest smile. She's petite and curvy, with chin-length peroxide blonde hair and black rimmed glasses. She's looks very cool and if I'm honest, I'm a little intimidated.

"Hey! I'm Holly, nice to meet you all." Keaton pulls out a chair for Laura and we all take a seat around the table. Despite my initial shock, I actually have a really nice time meeting new people and relish the opportunity to ask them what they think about Brunel and their degrees. But Laura seems a little awkward and quiet.

"Holly is actually interested in film - that's your area of expertise, isn't that right, babe?" He asks, nodding in Laura's direction.

She clears her throat and replies "Erm, yes, I'm taking Digital Studies, but there's also Film Studies, Comms and Media, Game Design... lots of really exciting stuff." She smiles back at Keaton, and I can't help but notice how uncomfortable she looks.

"Oh wow, that's really awesome, thank you." I reply with a smile. I sense an uneasiness from her, and I suddenly have the immense feeling that I've outstayed my welcome.

"Well, I don't want to take up anymore of your time. Thank you all so much for talking to me, and big thanks to you Keaton, for showing me around." I say, standing from the table and collecting my things.

"You're not going already, are you?" Keaton asks, a little surprised. The sudden relief on Laura's face is visible.

"Yes, I am - I've got plans a little later." I lie. "But we'll catch up again soon, ok? It was so lovely to meet you all."

I wave my goodbyes and make my way back to the station. Feeling puzzled but a little relieved to have left, I decide to call Leila.

"Hey mate, how's it going?"

"Erm, good thanks. You alright?"

"Yeah, good. Just off to the gym. Where are you?"

"I'm in Uxbridge - came to visit Brunel, but I'm on my way home now."

"Brunel? Isn't that where that guy went? Keaton?" She asks.

I sigh "Yep - he showed me around the campus, and I met a few of his mates... and his girlfriend."

"Oh wow, how did that go?"

"It was... fine."

She laughs a little. "So, it was awkward?"

"It was so fucking awkward!" I admit, raising my hand in frustration. "He could've mentioned that he had a girlfriend at any point over the last three months! I guess we don't really know each other. It's not the kind of thing you just bring up over text, is it?"

"Exactly." agrees Leila.

"But still, a little heads up for a girl, please. She was clearly not happy to have me around."

"Well, look at it from her perspective. Keaton is your knight in shining armour, who saved you from your awful ex and drove you all the way home out of the goodness of his heart. He probably told her about you and then you get in touch to tell him you might be going to Brunel... how would you feel?" She's absolutely right - bit of a dick move on my part.

"Fuck... you're right. I'm the bitch! Also, it sounds like a movie or something!"

She laughs.

"Anyway, so now I'm hightailing it back home as quick as I can. Do you fancy meeting for in Barnet for a drink?"

"Sure thing... probably won't be for a couple of hours though."

"That's fine, I can start drowning my sorrows alone while I wait." I joke.

"Ha! Good one. Cool - let me know when you land, and I'll come and meet you."

"Will do - bye."

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