Their Treasure [ONGOING][UNED...

By xxMarieWritesxx

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Book Two of Their Innocence What happens when the guys have to deal with the loss of their girl, Aisley and L... More

Welcome And Important Information!!!
Two - Trinette ⚠️🚨Triggering🚨⚠️
Three - James
Four - Oliver
Five - Ryan
Six - Trinette
Seven - Milo
Eight - Oliver⚠️🚨TRIGGERING🚨⚠️
Nine - Trinette
Ten - Trinette
Eleven - Ryan 🌶️
Twelve - Liam
Thirteen - Trinette
Fourteen - Milo
Fifteen - Oliver
Sixteen - James 🚨⚠️ TRIGGERING ⚠️🚨
Seventeen - Trinette
Eighteen - London
Nineteen - Liam ⚠️🚨 TRIGGERING 🚨⚠️
Twenty - James
Twenty One - Trinette
Twenty Two - Ryan
Twenty Three - Milo
Twenty Four - James
Twenty Five - Liam
Twenty Six - Trinette
Twenty Seven - Ryan
Twenty Eight - Oliver
Twenty Nine - Trinette
Thirty - Milo
Thirty One - Ginevra
Thirty Two - Trinette
Thirty Three - Trinette
Thirty Four - Trinette
Thirty Five - Calisto
Thirty Six - James
Thirty Seven - Milo
Thirty Eight - Trinette
Thirty Nine - Ryan
Forty - Trinette
Forty One - Trinette
🌶️Forty Two🌶️ - Liam
Forty Three - Milo
Forty Four - Artemis
Forty Five - Artemis
Forty Six - Artemis
Forty Seven - Artemis
Forty Eight - Artemis
⚠️🚨Forty Nine - Milo🚨⚠️
Fifty - Artemis
Fifty One - Calisto
Fifty Two - Artemis
Fifty Three - Nathaniel
Fifty Four - Artemis
🌶️Fifty Five - Liam🌶️
Fifty Six - Artemis
Fifty Seven - Nathaniel
Fifty Eight - Ginevra
Fifty Nine - Nathaniel
Sixty - Artemis

One - Liam

3K 70 175
By xxMarieWritesxx

I woke up, tangled in a warm mess of my boyfriend's limbs and the dog's bodies, as the doorbell went. As I walked down the hall I was struck with the constant reminder of Trinny. Her bedroom down the hallway, the little hints of her presence with us that no one wants to touch for fear of breaking those memories...

We've all been struggling with the loss of our girl. Christmas is coming up again in two weeks meaning it's been almost a year since her death. They tested the DNA on the lobby carpet. The hair, the blood and the nails were an exact match. I can't tell you how much I wanted to murder Milo's Papa in cold blood for what he told us to do.

It's crazy how so little time with someone can change your whole outlook. I struggled immensely with it all. First I lose Lorissa, then Trinette, who next? My Guys??

But I've been pushing those feelings down. I don't have time to feel them and be upset.

After she left a lot happened, all of us got together - turned out they were all some form of bisexual too - and we are all in a relationship now. Ryan struggled the most with that but he is coming around to it. He sleeps alone some nights, but spends most of them with us in the group bed.

He struggles without Trinny here, he was already slightly closed off before her - the type of closed off where you think know everything about them but you know nothing - and he just distanced himself further for the first few months before realising he couldn't fall into a shell.

We've managed to keep our relationship a secret from our families, which is an achievement in itself considering how nosy our parents are.

Aisley gave birth to their kids in July - they were all about a month premature, Three boys and one little girl: Sebastiano; Giacomo; Cosimo; Alessia.

The three boys were strong and healthy, But Little Alessia had complications with the birth. The most serious one was that the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and caused irreversible brain damage due to oxygen starvation and the doctors were worried about permanent damage. They almost lost her. Alessia and Sebastiano are absolute sweethearts compared to the other two. They both are very snuggly and love a hug, the other two will try to pull your face apart or punch you in the eye or nose.

It's adorable.

I headed into my room to throw on some sweatpants and headed down the stairs. Speed and dandelion followed after me - Speed was one of the Puppies that Daisy had. Unfortunately Daisy passed away earlier on in the year. But the puppies were lovely. We each had our own that we had assisted in raising, but there was one puppy - Dandelion - That was Trinnys, so Dandelion was sort of everyone's. And speed is mine. Aptly named speed because he just doesn't slow down.

The two dogs waited in the hallway as I went and opened the door.

"Filippo?" I asked hoarsely, confused as to why Milo's father was here. I glared at him, he knew we were all furious at him, so why the fuck is he here. We'd been avoiding him since last Christmas where we could.

"Morning Liam, are you sick?" He asked and i just deadpanned him as we stood in the doorway. No way am I letting him inside the house.

"No, just shouted too loudly at some of the new recruits yesterday" I lied and he nodded. I didn't think it was appropriate to tell him that I was sucking his Son and his Son's friends off all night. He pushed me aside so he could walk past and set down an envelope on the table. Of course in an ideal world I'd put him in his place, but if I did that all hell would break loose.

"Is Ryan here?" He asked and i nodded

"Yea, he won't want to see you" i told him firmly and he sighed

"I know what I did has upset you boys. But trust me when I say the evidence was overwhelming. If that was one of the recruits you wouldn't hesitate even if it was false intel - which unfortunately it was in this case. Now, I'd like to see Ryan, and if my son is here send him my way too" he demanded and I scoffed before leaving him with the dogs and going up stairs. I headed to Ryan's room since he slept separate last night and knocked on the door.

There was no answer so I knocked again before entering and seeing him on his phone. Heading over, I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

On the screen was a photo of all of us with our girl at the zoo we took her to last year, we were all happy and i looked up to Ryan, gently grabbing his face in my hands and wiping the single tear with my thumb and kissing the spot

"I miss her" he spoke with incredible pain in his voice that hurt to hear, the kind that shatters your own heart just from the sound.

"I know My love, I know" I comforted him. Pulling the strongest man I knew into my chest to comfort him in his vulnerable moment. After a moment of silence I spoke up

"Milo's papa is here. Do you want to see him or should I send him away?" I asked and he looked to me and nodded. I could see the anger, but our papas have been training us both to take over as Don's soon and part of that included a poker face.

"Its okay. I'll see him, give me a moment and I'll be down" Ryan smiled weakly and I nodded before leaving him to get ready.

Filippo was downstairs and making a visible expression of distaste over the two dogs before he noticed my presence. "Is he coming?" He asked and I nodded

"Yea, just give him a moment to get ready" I headed straight into the kitchen and started getting ingredients for breakfast out, the guys weren't up yet meaning I had time to make them breakfast.

It wasn't long before Ryan made his way down the stairs and greeted Milo's Papa, I'm still confused as to why he was here for Ryan.

"Your Papa sent me as I'm already in America and was heading home today anyway, he wants to know if you guys are coming over for Christmas? Or at least the Christmas Gala?" He asked as I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I'm unsure, a lot has gone on this year" he mumbled as they sat down, Trouble sat with half his body on Ryan and half on the sofa next to him

"Ryan. I know you're all upset about the death of that girl-"

"DONT-" he shouted before taking a breath and calming down. Shouting at Filippo wasn't a good idea at all. "don't speak her name." He said in a calmer manner.

"Okay. he bought you all some tickets for this afternoon since the jet is in use" he said as he grabbed a folded envelope that sat in his pocket and handed it to Ryan

"you'll get a digital version too, but here are the tickets. I have to go but I just came by to drop these off. No one is expecting you but they'd like you to be there anyway" he explained before heading off and his car left

A sigh of relief left my lips as he left, Ryan coming over to sit on the countertop and watch me.

Oliver came down first, his dog - Forlap - following him like a lost puppy who was almost tripping him up at every step. He wrapped his arms around me for a hug before he started attacking my neck with kisses and I laughed

"Morning" i smiled to him as he patted my shoulders and smiled back

"Morning, what are you making? You tired at all?" He asked me as he gave Ryan the same 'Good Morning' and I shrugged

"Not really. Just a sore throat. Breakfast is just something simple. Are the others awake?" I asked and he nodded and soon enough James and Milo ventured downstairs, Milo sitting on the sofa with his legs on Ryan's lap and his back on James's chest. I served up breakfast for them all, and we sat down to discuss the next few weeks.

"Your Papa came around" Ryan told amilo, who looked at the floor

"apparently he's invited us to the Christmas thing. How do we feel about that?" Ryan grumbled, a little more awake now than he was.

"I think we should go. You two will be taking over soon anyway, so it's kind of important for you to be there" Oliver offered insight "but we can come along too." He added and I nodded. Oliver was right, we needed to go...but didn't really want to.

"I second that. When is the flight?" James added as Milo just ate his food in his own world.

"This afternoon. And the actual event is Christmas eve."

"I'm guessing your father wants us home for Christmas early?" Milo piped up and Ryan nodded

"Possibly. But I'd start packing your bags, seeing as you all woke up late" I teased and was given glares of pretend-annoyance before I finished my food.

Soon enough, the Afternoon rolled around and we were all on the plane after sorting out the dog-sitter, Paolo. i fell asleep pretty quickly on the plane and woke up in Italy, meeting my parents at the airport I was immediately swept into a hug before leaving the airport and heading home.


Posted: 30.08.2023

Okay so what did you all think??

I'm so anxious you all hate it but idk what If you all love it? I love these characters so so much and I hope you do too!

Anyways if you guys have any suggestions I'm open to listening but can't 100% guarantee I'll put it in, it depends on plot etc but what are some things you want to see?

~Things you want to see, Final comments on this chapter, Questions for me~

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