Nothing to Loose, But You - J...

By mslisno

81.2K 865 193

In which Evelyn Tiara discovers the deep secrets of the OBX, But others find out her dark secrets. I do not o... More

1: Kook or Not?
2: Dumb Fucks
3: Secrets Hidden
4: Secrets Spilt
5: Diver Down
6: Weed
7: Sweet Home Alabama
8: Almost but Nothing At All
9: "You know where hes from"
10: Calls and Deep Shit
11: Images
12: Pervy Married Men
13: Slut
14: Sweet Home Alabama 2.0
15: Fatherless
16: Tall, strong, blond
17: Royal Merchant
18: The Lunch
19: "Maybe its love"
20: "what do you want?" "You"
21: You saved me
23: "Dont make promises you cant keep"
24: Laugh it off
25: Ring A Bell?
26: I Love You JJ Maybank
27: Goodnight Pretty Boy
28: She wouldnt do that
29: Open the fucking door
30: You Need Help
31: This isnt over
Act 2
32: Barry im not okay
33: We Dont Have A Sex Life
34: I hate my body
35: So Madly In Love
36: Mother
37: But Im Gonna Kiss You
38: So Is Youre Daughter
39: Thats It Then
40: Madly In Love, Madly Homeless
41: Peaches
42: Lying Whore
43: Friends That Slept With JJ
44: Youre Jealous
45: Bullshit
46: Cleo
47: Friend Zoned
Act 3
48: Bigger Ass
49: Hotties
50: Friends
51: Sarah? Sarah.
52: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
53: I want to be hers
54: My Idiot
55: Positve
56: Lies and Jealousy
57: Eye Fucking
58: Sweetie
59: Old Married Couple
60: The End

22: "You wanna talk about to far?!"

1.2K 18 7
By mslisno

"I'm sorry. You're staying where?" Kie says after John B told us what happened. Kie and I aren't on good terms but I'm in on this.

"Tannyhill." John B states.

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron." Kie says. What a bitch.

"Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right? And it's way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where I was about to go if Ward didn't..." John Bs explanation was cut off by Pope.

"Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?"

"I don't know, Pope."

"What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?" JJ asks.

"Does it come with a sweater-vest, or do you have to buy one on your own?" I ask joining in.

"Look, you promised. You said you weren't with her." Kie says.

"Bro, just own it. She got you." JJ says. Thank you! Someone who admits John B likes her!

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that's fine. But I'm letting you know now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah." Kie states.

"I will. Involve her all you want." I say shrugging.

"Do you guys see her here? No, right. Okay.
A little focus would be fantastic. We've got the map, right?"

"It's out of whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ says.

"It's 'cause the coast has changed." Kie says looking at JJ as he raises his eyebrows. They look upset? I look at JJ and he rolls his eyes. Is he mad at me or her?

"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." Pope states.

"What about the old forts?" I ask.

"Battery Jasper." Pope states smiling at me. Good to know I still have him.

"We're in Battery, right here." Pope says pointing at the map. We went to Battery and it's a pretty view. "So if this is parcel nine,
then it's somewhere northeast of here."

"Somehwere there." Kie says pointing infront of us.

"Over there? Guy's, that's not Tannyhill,
that's a subdivision." JJ states.

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island." I state looking at him as he says. 'Oh'

"It got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B says.

"So we're just looking for an old stone wall." I say putting two and two together.

"Okay, so the road should split up here." Pope says giving John B directions.

I zoned out the whole time after. Why was JJ mad? Was he even mad? Did he find out we were talking about him?! Oh no.

"This is it." Pope says.

"Not the Crain house." John B says sighing.

"Are you kidding me?" Kie says as we all get out.

"Worst-case scenario." JJ states.

"Place is a shit hole." I say looking up at it. When Sarah and I were little we played hide n seek here with Rafe and his friends.

"Why'd it have to be here... of all places?" Pope says.

"I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." JJ says as we all look at him concerned. He's joking right?

"Look, you guys know whose house this is, right?" Kie says as we walk through all the weeds.

"Oh, yeah. No, I do." JJ says.

"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B says.

"Me either." I say shrugging.

"Which stories did you hear?" JJ asks us.

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she's been holed up ever since. On certain nights, when the moon is full... you can see her in the window!" Kie says doing sparkle fingers.

We all stop as someone's phone rings. We all don't have the power to do that except for Kie. She grabs her phone quickly and then looks at me. "It's Rafe." She says handing me the phone.

I look at her confused. I take the phone and answer. "Yea? This is Eve."

"Speaker." John B whispers to me. Why can't I have a private phone call. I put it on speaker and listen.

"Tell you're brother that I will get his money." He says.

"What?" I say.

"Barry stole my god damn bike!" He yells.

"Okay I have no idea about that."

"Tell him to give it back." Rafe says.

"I thought you said you stopped." I say hurt.

"Look. I-I -I'm trying but it's hard. Ever sense you left it started getting worse. And now with you're fucking dad always over and bugging me about the business." He rambles.

"My dad?" I say confused as I look to John B and JJ.

"Shit." Rafe says realizing what he just said.

"Rafe. What did he tell you to do." I say.

"To break up with you." Rafe says sadly.

"I broke up with you though." I state confused.

"Yea I know. He's just making me do shit for the business that's all." Rafe says not wanting ti talk about it.

"Rafe. I own the business. He decided to he a shitty father so you listen to me." I state. "Don't listen to ANYTHING he says."

"You dads a big dude. He will kill me."

"Rafe I've had to deal with his punching and kicking for 16 fucking years. You can take a fucking beating." I state. I look around to see the pogues have walked away. Except for JJ.

"Look. I don't know what you want me to tell you."

"I want you to not listen to him! Now goodbye!" I say hanging up.

"I'm sorry." JJ says rubbing my shoulder. "I should have followed you last night."

"It's okay." I say smiling. "She's a rich hot hippie chick. You like her it's so obvious." I say fake laughing.

"Oh yea. You're right." He says. I know he's lying. I'll figure it out later.

"Let's go." I say as we walk under the porch to where the others are.

"Here you go." I say awkwardly handing Kie her phone back.

She tightens her lips together and shrugs. She then puts the phone in her pocket and we'll all continue looking for water.

"See any water?" Kie says as Pope, JJ, and I glance at her. "Another dead end?"

"There's not even water on the pipes." JJ states touching the rusty pipes.

"There's no water here." Pope states as we all look at John B and Kie.

"Not a dropamino." JJ states.

"Know why we didn't find it?" Kie asks us. "Bad karma." Oh bullshit.

"Oh, God. Here we go." I say sarcastically smiling at her.

"You know, we had a good thing going. And then you decide to rope in Barbie, and now the trail's gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not."

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah." John B states.

"Yeah?" Kie asks.


"What the hell's the deal with you two?" Pope asks sick of the arguments.

"Nothing." Kie says.

"Nothing? Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?" John B says as Kie raises her hand and slaps him across the face.


"Oh, shit!"

"That echoed, dude!"

"Stop treating me like I'm some girl that's obsessed with you instead of your best friend
who's actually trying to look out for you." Kie states. I hate her right now but, go girl!

"Did you, uh... hit me?" John B asks.

"Skeeter." Kie says raising her hand to show mosquito.

"Skeeter?" John B asks as he slaps her.

"Oh, hey! Okay..." The three of us say.

"Where's your proof?" Kie asks.

"Skeeter." He holds up his hand to who the mosquito.

"Yeah? There was probably one right there." Kie says as she slaps him.

"There's one right there." John B says slapping her. They both starts slapping eachother.

"These things are a freakin' swarm!" Pope says slapping everywhere.

"Yea can we go?" I ask.

"Hey, sh! Keep it down!" JJ says to John B and Kie as they are laughing.

"Why are there so many mosquitoes in a basement?" Pope asks.

"Dude. I know, seriously. Tiny vampire bats, just leave me alone." JJ says slapping himself. I shine my flashlight at a board that looks weird on the floor. I pick up a rock and drop it on the boards and hear that it's hollow. Pope looks at me and smiles and I return a smile.

"I just found Mrs. Crain's voodoo doll, guys." JJ says putting it infront of my face.

"Hey. Help me move this." I tell JJ. We all start moving the boards.

"She's probably right upstairs." Kie says shushing us.

"Well, well, well." Pope says looking down the well.

"That was a good dad joke." I say high-fiving him.

"They built this part of the house right over it."John B says.

"This is where she hid the bodies." JJ says.

"Oh, dude, come on." John B says annoyed with JJs story's.

"Stop." Kie says.

"No, I'm dead serious." JJ responds.

"Stop it!"

"It was never an outhouse." JJ says.

"She probably doesn't even know it's here." I say.

"So... we found water." Pope says.

"We're gonna need a really big rope." John B says as we all smile.

"No effing way!" Kie yells as she sees Sarah on the couch. "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"

"I dunno." Pope says.

"Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ states.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing." Kie says.

"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope says scared of what we will react like.

"Thank you!" Kie says.

"When are you not?" John B asks.

"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." He says shrugging.

"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ says proving Popes point.

"That's cute, guys." I say smiling at them.

"You know we were all extremely comfortable
until you brought her." Kie says pointing at her.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah says.

"Then leave."

"I told you." Sarah says to John B.

"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?" Kie asks.

"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch." Sarah says shooting right back at her.

Kie looks to me. "You have done lots of shit talking to all of us. You also lie about everything!" I say to Kie.

"When have I lied?" Kie says as Sarah and I look at eachother shocked.

"You get somebody close to you..." Sarah starts.

"I didn't lie about shit..." Kie says.

"Everybody shut up!" John B yells. "Kie, you are my best friend, right?" He asks as Kie shakes her head yea. "And Sarah, you''re my..."

"Say it." She says smiling.

"You're my girlfriend." He says as I smile at Sarah.

"Finally!" I yell.

"Ohh... that's new." Pope says.

"She's your girlfriend now?" Kie asks. "What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose."

"You said you were using me?" Sarah asks hurt.

"To fucking far Kie!" I yell at her.

"To far? You wanna talk about to far?! You change who you like every week even though you love him! Then you go and fuck someone else!" She yells at me. Sarah looks at me confused.

"You told her?" Sue asks me confused.

"Yes I told her. Like a week ago maybe."

"She knows?!" Kie looks at me hurt.

"She's known sense we were 10!" I say.

"10?!" Kie shouts.

"Look I get it. I told you I loved him and then I went and fucked Kelce!" I yell as they all look shocked at me. "It was a one time thing!"

"That's happened multiple times." Kie says.

"You don't know shit!" Sarah yells knowing I'm a virgin.

"Look!" John B yells as we all shut up. "I don't know what you're guys problem is!" Signaling to Kie and I. "But you guys have to figure it out. And,love just walked in, okay?"

"Oh, vomit." Kie says.

"It just... it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?" He asks Sarah.

"Oh! That's corny." Pope says.

"Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out." Kie tells him.

"I'm not doing this. I can't!" John B says.

"You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" John B hesitates for a second.

"Both." He says shrugging.

"Ooh." The boys say.

"Went for the Hail Mary." JJ says.

"It'll be cool, right?" Sarah says as she gets up. "I'm gonna leave." She says walking out after Kie.

"Sarah, don't." I say.

"Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know." Sarah then leaves as it's me and the boys.

"I'd just like to say, you handled that beautifully." JJ says getting up and patting John Bs back.

"What'd she say?" John B asks as Pope comes back after talking to Kie.

"That you're an idiot." Pope says. "And that Eve is a backstabbing bitch."

"It's a no-brainer. You're picking Kie." JJ says.

"What? No. He's picking Sarah." I say.

"Look, I can't make a decision." John B shrugs.

"So what? We're just dead in the water because you're pussy-whipped?" JJ asks. "We can't do this without Kie, and you know it."

"And I can't do it without Sarah." John B says. "Okay? They both have to be in on it."

"Well, good luck with that." Pope says.

"You know what? I know this was my fault, all right? But it's our problem. I've got a plan. And you three shitheads are gonna help me out." John B then leaves the room.

JJ leaves and Popes about to but I stopped him. "She told you about her freshman year?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"When Sarah gets close to people she gets scared. And when it happened to me I didn't let her push my away. You've just got to be patient." I say explaining.


"What she say about me?" I ask sacred.

"That you're changing because of Sarah."

"I've always been friends with Sarah. I'm changing myself." I say.

I hear a car pull up as I look to Barry confused.

"It's not my friends." I tell him as I carefully peak out the window.

"Then who is it?" He asks me confused.

Ward knocks on the door as Barry points  for me to hide. His drug people are scary.

"You Barry?" I hear Ward say. Ward?

"Yeah. Who the hell are you?" Barry asks.

"My son owes you money." Ward states showing Barry the money.

"Who's your son?" He asks with an attitude.

"Rafe. My son Rafe owes you money."

"So, uh... you must be the babysitter, huh?" Barry jokes. "Ohh!" Barry says as Ward throws the money on the ground. "Why'd you do that, huh? Cause if that's my money right there,
then... wanna put it in my hand?"

"That's not gonna happen. I paid it, you pick it up." Ward says as Barry laughs.

"All right. Shit, though, man. That boy 19 years old, and you out here takin' care of him like he just some little baby-ass bitch, huh? That's a damn shame." Barry then bends down and starts picking up the money. "But I'll take your money. Ain't the first time..."

Barry falls into the house from Ward kicking him. Barry lifts himself up and hit just for Ward to kick him again. I hide against the couch knowing Ward will take me with him if he sees me. Ward keeps kicking him harder and harder as I see Barry struggling for air. I then look over and see Rafe standing in the doorway. Except he's looking at me. Not his dad.

"I told you to stay in the goddamn car."Ward says as he grabs Rafe and leaves. Ward shuts the door as I run to Barry.

"Barry!" I say scared as I roll him over on his back so I can look at the damage. I help him into the couch and give him some medicine and water.

"Goodnight." I say as I put his blanket over him. I then go to my own room and go to bed.

2724 words! Whoop whoop! Also look up my user on titkok to see edits of my baby's!

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