Home, d.s[3]

By bev_ellen

56.6K 2.5K 347

The group travels to Neverland to save Henry, who has been taken there, under Pan's orders. Athena's whereabo... More



923 44 1
By bev_ellen




The day the Dark Curse was cast by the Evil Queen, Grumpy was atop the royal castle, where he rang the bell, warning everyone of the approaching curse, "The curse! It's here!" He shouted out.

As the black smoke of the curse spread over the land, the Evil Queen's carriage rode on the path through the forest with the curse racing behind her.


Inside the dungeons, Rumplestiltskin was in his cell, when he stood and gripped the bars, "I'm waiting!"  the Queen soon materialized outside the cell in a thick, dark smoke, facing away from him, "What took you so long?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

The Evil Queen turned to him, "You know what took so long," She said.

"Oh, yes, the curse. You did it," Rumplestiltskin said.

"That's right, I did it," she smirked, "And I wanted you to know it before you, like all the other pathetic denizens of this wretched land, forgets everything," The Evil Queen said.

"How did it feel?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

"Watching the curse cloud form? Felt like victory," The Evil Queen said.

Rumplestiltskin giggled, "How did you feel to kill the you love most? Ripping the heart out of your father? How did that feel?" He asked.

"It was the price of the curse, how it felt doesn't matter. He would have understood. I took my life back. I had to. I won," The Evil Queen said.

"And yet, here you are, feeling the need to gloat. Something's missing, isn't it, dearie?" Rumplestiltskin questioned.

"Not at all. I have everything I want. Nothing can stop me now," The Evil Queen said.

Rumplestiltskin giggled hysterically, "Not quite," He said.

"What does that mean?" The Evil Queen asked.

"The Saviors, the children of Snow White and Prince Charming," the Evil Queen scoffed, "They can stop you, they can break the curse," Rumplestiltskin said.

"Well, looks like getting rid of two babies made my to-do list," The Evil Queen said.

"Of course it did, but even if you succeed with that, you have an even bigger problem. Now there's a hole in your heart and someday you will come to me to fill it," Rumplestiltskin told her.

"You underestimate your powers of foresight," The Evil Queen said and turned, beginning to walk away.

"And you underestimate the price of what you've done! You shall see! You will come to me! There is more you need!" Rumplestiltskin said.

The Evil Queen turned to him, angrily, "Your taunts will get you nowhere! I know you too well. You want to make another deal. Well, I won't," She said.

"A deal? You already promised me a good life in this new land. What more than I want from you?" Rumplestiltskin questioned.

"Oh, to be let out of this cage? To be let out of our last deal? To escape the curse?" The Evil Queen said.

"But why would I desire that, dearie? I'm exactly where I want to be," Rumplestiltskin said and the Queen just looked at him, confused.

End of Flashback

Elias and Regina were persistently shaking Henry, attempting to wake him, but he only remained motionless, "Oh god, is he unconscious?" Elias asked, worriedly.

"Henry, can you hear us?" Regina asked, hopefully.

"He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan," Alana said.

"Is he breathing?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Alana said.

"Nadia, you work at the hospital. Do something!" Regina said.

"Yeah, well, the patients I work on usually have a heart inside of them!" Nadia said.

Pan watched them as he descended downwards and the eldest twin looked at him, angrily, "What the hell did you do to him?" Elias asked.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Elias. It was Henry," Pan gestured to the unconscious boy, "He offered me his heart of his own free will," He said.

Elias stood, unsheathing his sword, "I'm gonna take it back from you," He said and lunged at him, only for Pan to disappear.

Pan appeared behind Elias and picked up Pandora's Box from where he placed it, "I don't think you have it in you," the eldest twin spun around towards him, "Rumplestiltskin didn't," he tossed the box around in his hands, "Why should you?" Pan asked.

"Where is he?" Emma asked.

"What did you do?" Alana asked.

"Oh, he's right in this box. Safe and sound and out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore...and neither can you," Pan said.

"Really?" Elias swung his sword, slicing Pan's arm, "How did that feel?" He asked.

"Like a tickle," Pan said and retreated, flying into the air.

Elias ran and knelt beside Regina, "How is he?" He asked.

"Same as he was three minutes ago. What do you think?" Nadia questioned.

"Nadia," Emma said.

"What?!" Nadia said, defensively.

Regina rested a hand on her son's chest, "You're going to be alright, Henry. We're gonna get you home," She said and glanced at Elias, when she felt the weight of his hand on her back.

Flashback: Storybrooke - Eleven Years Ago

Regina was sat at her desk, inside the study of her house as Archie stood before her, "You, uh, wanted to see me?" He said.

"Yes, I did," Regina said, continuing to write.

"Well, if this is about Pongo's dog license, I believe it's still up to date," Archie said.

"This has nothing to do with your dog," Regina said and dropped the pen on her desk.

"Madam Mayor, are you alright?" Archie asked.

Regina shrugged slightly, "I'm okay," She said.

"Excuse me for saying so, but you don't seem okay," Archie said.

"I don't tolerate that sort of bluntness. I'm the Que-," Regina stopped, before correcting herself, "The Mayor."

"I am a therapist," Archie smiled gently, "That's why you asked me here, isn't it? What is bothering you? What are you feeling?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm feeling nothing," Regina said, bluntly.

"If I were to guess, I would say you're a driven woman and sometimes that can leave a hole," Archie said.

Recognizing those final words, Regina narrowed her eyes a little, "A what?" She asked.

"A hole, an emptiness. There's more to life than work. Maybe that's why you feel dissatisfied," Archie told her.

"I am not dissatisfied. I love my life," Regina said, defensively.

"What's the point if you've got no one to share it with?" Archie questioned.

"There's that bluntness again," Regina said.

"Has there ever been a time in your life when you haven't felt this way?" Archie asked.

"When that little girl visited, Olivia" Regina smiled at the memory, "Livie," She said.

"A child," Archie nodded slowly, "That can bring so much meaning," He said.


Inside of the pawnshop, Nadia looked around the glass display cases, "Is there something you're particularly looking for? Maybe I can help you look," Mr Gold said.

"No," Nadia shook her head, "I'm just doing a little apartment shopping, trying to find some decorations," She said.

The bell of the door rang, indicating that a customer had entered, "I need a child, Gold," they looked to see Regina, shutting the door behind her, "And I need your help," She said.

Nadia cleared her throat, "Well, that's my cue. Thanks for the help Mr Gold," she walked towards the entrance, "Madam Mayor," She said.

"Miss Humbert," Regina said with a nod and Nadia left the pawnshop.

"Well," Regina looked back at him, "I'm flattered, but uninterested," Mr Gold said.

"Not like that. I spent all morning talking to adoption agencies. The wait lists are over two years long. But you, Gold," she walked toward the counter he was stood behind, "You know how to cut through red tape. And if anyone can work the system and find me a baby, it's you," Regina said.

"You wish to adopt?" Mr Gold asked.

"Well, don't look so surprised," Regina said.

"Oh, I'm not. I'm sure you'll make a...well, a mother of some sort," Mr Gold said.

"Can you help me?" Regina asked.

"Of course I can, but a word of caution. Ask yourself if this is something you're ready for," Mr Gold told her.

"It's something I need," Regina said.

"Well, that may not be the same thing. I'll get you a child," Regina turned and headed towards the door to leave, "But whether or not that's helping you remains to be seen," she looked back at him, "When you become a parent, you must put your child first. No matter what," Mr Gold said and watched as she left the pawnshop.

End of Flashback

Regina hovered her hand over Henry's body and ran it along, casting a preservation spell over the young boy, "This preservation spell can keep him in this condition for a while longer, buy us time to get to Pan," She said.

Emma looked at Alana, "You were a Lost One. Any idea where he went?" She asked.

"Well, I...I know where he lived, where his compound..." Alana began.

"That's idiotic, we all know that. Think he's stupid enough to go back?" Regina scoffed, "Please," She said.

"Alright, enough," Elias said.

"Don't tell me what's enough. My son is dying!" Regina said.

"Our son," Elias corrected, "So, yes, I know how you feel," He said.

"You have no idea what I feel," Regina gestured to Emma, "You have your parents and sister. You have this..." she gestured between Elias and Alana, "Person, who pines for you. You have everything and yet you claim to know what I feel?" her voice broke, "All I have is Henry and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything," She said and looked back down at her son.

"You're right, I don't know what you feel," Elias placed a hand on her arm, "But you're wrong about being alone," she looked at him, "So, what do you want to do? You want to run the show? Run it. How do we save Henry?" He asked.

"I don't know," Regina said, quietly and he just squeezed her arm, lightly to comfort her.

"Even if we can find Pan, he was powerful before. With Henry's heart, I...I don't know if we can hurt him," Alana said.

Nadia looked at Elias' sword, noticing the blood on its blade, "Yes, we can. Look," she pointed to the blade, making everyone look at it, "You nicked him, he can bleed," Nadia said.

"We can hurt him and if we can hurt him, we can kill him," Elias looked at Regina, "And we will," He said.


The group had reconvened with the others inside of Pan's camp, where they had Henry lying on a small cot, "Gold is in a box and David can never leave the island," Mary Margaret said in dismay.

"Mary Margaret, that doesn't matter, I've already made peace with that. What matters is Henry," David looked at Regina and Nadia, "How much time do we have left?" He asked.

"Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off," Nadia said.

"If he's airborne, he could be anywhere on the island," Alana said.

"An hour isn't much time, I suggest we get started looking," Captain Hook told them.

Ignoring the pirate's suggestion, Regina moved over to Felix, "Where is he?!" She asked.

"Gone. There's nothing you can do, He's already won. Pan never fails," Felix said.

"You won't talk? How about I make you talk?" Regina said and moved to rip out his heart, but was stopped by the eldest twin.

"Regina, wait," Elias said.

"There's no time!" Regina said.

"I don't think torture is our best move here. Look at these kids," Elias turned, gesturing to the Lost Boys, "They've been to hell and back. We need to try something else," He said.

"Yeah, we tried the cute and cuddly, they don't respond to reason. What else do you have to offer?" Regina asked.

"What every kid wants," the twins looked at Mary Margaret, "A mother," Elias said.


Regina entered the pawnshop, "You have news?" She asked as she walked toward the counter.

"Yes, fate may be on your side. This morning, I, uh, spoke with an agency that had placed a baby boy from Phoenix with a family nearby in Boston," Mr Gold told her.

"With a family? How's that fate?" Regina questioned.

"Because at the last minute, the adoption fell through, it happens," Mr Gold said.

Regina smiled, "So, the baby still needs a home," She said.

"Indeed. As they say, fate appears to be on your side," Mr Gold picked a folder up off the counter behind him, "The agency is in Boston," He said and she took the folder from him.


Regina had traveled to Boston and was now sat opposite the Adoption Agent, being interviewed as a candidate for the baby boy, "Well, Miss Mills, your application is almost too good to be true. I mean, your references are impeccable and this town you live in...Storybrooke," he looked at her, "You're the Mayor?" He asked.

Regina nodded, "Third term, all unopposed," She said.

"I've never heard of Storybrooke," The Agent said.

"Oh, it's a hidden gem. Peaceful, perfect for children," Regina smiled, "It's like a fairy tale. You should come visit sometime," She told him.

"I get two weeks off a year, and all due with respect, Sandals has an inclusive buffet. You got that in Storybrooke?" The Agent asked.

"I'm afraid not," Regina said.

"Anyway, I've explained your rights and responsibilities, but there's one item I'd like to go over in detail. This is a closed adoption, which means you'll never be able to contact your child's birth parents. It's complete information blackout. Parents' names, ethnicity, genealogical records. You won't have access to any of it," The Agent told her.

"I'm concerned with my child's future, not his past," Regina said.

"Well, then, congratulations. You ready to meet your son?" He asked.

Regina smiled, "Yes!" She said.

The Adoption Agent hit a call button on his phone and Regina looked out the door to see a woman carrying in an infant boy. The woman placed him in Regina's arms, "Well, hello there," she cradled the baby boy, "It was fate wasn't it?" a soft smile swept across her face, "Henry," Regina said.

"Henry, huh?" Regina looked at the Agent, "You don't meet a lot of Henrys nowadays. Very old world," He said.

"It was my father's name. He passed some time ago," Regina said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it was peaceful at least," Henry began to cry and Regina unsteadily rebalanced him in her arms, "You need some help?" The Agent asked.

"Oh, no, no. I've got it," Regina stood up, looking down at the baby boy, "Come on, Henry. Let's go home," She said.

End of Flashback

Inside the camp, Alana was watching over Henry's body, while Elias started to try and talk to the Lost Boys, "Guys, listen to me. We're not going to hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan and I get that, but you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time, I thought I was never gonna find my family. My sister and I?" he gestured to Emma, "We were orphans like all of you, Lost Ones. And I was reminded today that I am not alone," the eldest twin glanced back at his parents, "That I have a lot of people who love me," his parents, sister and aunt all shared a smile, "And I never thought that was gonna happen," he looked back at the group of Lost Boys, "If that can happen to me, it can happen to you," Elias told them.

"Pan is the only family we need," Felix said.

"No, family doesn't do what he did. Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things. He lied to Henry and convinced him to give up his own heart!" Elias said.

"To save the island," A Lost Boy said.

"No, to save himself," Elias said.

Felix looked at the Lost Boys, "Don't listen to him. Pan cares about all of us," He said.

"No, he doesn't. We care about you and we can save you. We can take you home with us, to our land. There's no reason to fear Pan anymore. Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped," Elias said.

"You just have to tell us where he is," Emma said.

Felix stood up, "Leave now while Pan still allows you to breathe," Captain Hook forced him back down with his hook hand, "That's the only hope you'll get," He said.

"Where is Pan?" Elias asked.

"Not. Telling," Felix said.

"Can you really bring us home?" A Lost Boy asked.

"Shut your mouth!" Felix said.

"Yes, with your help," Elias said.

Maverick approached them, "His thinking tree," He said.

"No!" Felix said.

"Yes, his thinking tree," A Lost Boy said.

"Stop it! All of you!" Felix shouted.

"What is that?" Emma asked.

"That's where he goes when he wants to be alone. You can find him there, it's not far," Maverick told them.

"No, don't trust them!" Felix said.

"Shut up, Felix," Maverick said.

"Can you tell us where that is?" Elias asked.

Maverick nodded, "I know you'll take me with you, but you have to swear," he looked at his fellow Lost Boys, "Swear that you'll take them with us," He said.

"I promise," Elias placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder, "We're going home," He said.


Regina was sat in a booth having lunch, while Henry cried noisily in his baby carrier. She attempted to soothe him, when Nadia walked over, "Who's this bundle of joy?" She asked as she filled up Regina's water.

Regina looked at her, "Do you have a problem with him crying?" She asked.

"No, of course not," Nadia said.

Regina looked back at Henry, attempting to soothe him again, "Shh. Okay, it's time to be quiet now. It's time to be quiet," she turned back to her plate of food, and noticed Nadia still stood over her, "What?!" Regina snapped.

"Woah! Someone needs a nap," Nadia sighed.

"Do you want some advice? Try a story, that's how they soothe themselves. A bedtime story. Gets him used to your voice," She told her.

"How would you know about that?" Regina asked.

"Graham used to do it for me. Growing up without parents," Nadia shrugged slightly, "Someone had to do it," She said.

"Thank you," Nadia nodded and walked away from the table as Henry continued to cry loudly, "Hey. Okay, okay," Regina rocked the carrier, slowly, "It's okay," she took him into her arms and cradled him against her shoulder, "Once upon a time there was..." Henry suddenly vomited on her, "Ugh! Oh!" Regina said, frustratedly.


Regina had taken Henry to the hospital, where Dr Whale examined him due to his insistent wailing, "Well, his heart is as strong as a locomotive," he pulled off the stethoscope ear pieces, "And his lungs are healthy, clearly," He said.

"Well, what about a blood test? Or a chest x-ray?" Regina asked.

"Is he a smoker?" Dr Whale questioned.

"What?" Regina asked, defensively.

"Look, it's obvious what the problem is. He's a crying baby," Dr Whale said.

"I paid for this?" Regina questioned.

"Actually, your insurance did," Dr Whale said.

"What do I do?" Regina asked.

"I can prescribe you something. Ten ccs of maternal love," Dr Whale said and walked away from her.

"Dr Whale," Regina followed after him, "No one loves their child more than me, which means there is something is wrong with my son. Your job is to help him, do it," She said.

"Sure, I can order additional testing, but with babies, there are risks. And it's generally nothing and not worth it," Dr Whale said.

"Generally?" Regina questioned.

"Well, in some cases, there could be something abnormal happening," Dr Whale stopped walking and turned to her, "But we'd need either the birth mother or father to find out," He said.

Regina crossed her arms, looking at him, "You mean the man and woman who abandoned him? You think they can soothe him? I'm his mother," She said.

"You misunderstand me, Regina. If something were in fact wrong with the baby, maybe there's something in either of their medical records, something genetic that could be causing the problem. Look, the only people we can help us fill the blanks are the biological parents," Dr Whale told her.

"But it was a closed adoption, there's no way to contact them," Regina said.


Regina walked through the children's ward as she cradled a crying Henry in her arms, while using the other to converse with Sidney over the phone, "Sidney, grab a pencil. There's an adoption agency in Boston on Dartmouth Street," Regina said.

"Say again, there's noise on the line," Sidney said.

Regina noticed Mary Margaret and approached her, "Miss Blanchard!" She said.

Mary Margaret turned to her, "Who's this?" She asked with a smile.

"Meet Henry," Regina said and passed him over to her.

"Oh," Mary Margaret said, surprised as she began to cradle him.

"Make yourself useful," Regina turned back to her conversation with Sidney, stepping away slightly, "Boston Angels Adoption on Dartmouth Street," Henry's cries subsided in the background, "I need the name of either the biological mother or father," Regina said.

"Isn't that against the law?" Sidney asked.

"Well, that's why I called you, Sidney. Because I know for me, you'll do whatever it takes. I need this done. There's something wrong with my son. He won't stop cr-," she turned and is shocked, when she sees Mary Margaret smiling down at a content, quiet Henry, "Crying. J...Just do it," She told him, before hanging up and approaching Mary Margaret, "How did you do that?"

Mary Margaret looked at her, slightly startled, "Do what?" She asked.

"Make him stop crying," Regina said.

"Well, I'm just holding him," Mary Margaret smiled back down at Henry, "He's so sweet," She said.

Regina moved to take him back, but Henry choked out a cry, which turned into a wail when she tried to bounce him in her arms, "No, no, no," She said.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't...did I do something wrong?" Mary Margaret asked, nervously.

"No. No, you didn't," Regina looked from her to Henry, "It's me," She said.

End of Flashback

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