The Omega that all the stars...

נכתב על ידי nocvrsin

83.6K 1K 74

Complete Danmei MTL R18 Author: drink dream like wine Original / male male / overhead / high H / drama / hand... עוד



365 3 4
נכתב על ידי nocvrsin

82 The ferris wheel is pulled, the admiral plays with tender flowers, and is sprayed with water; a trip to the amusement park

Outside the window is a world of quiet and white ice and snow. The branches of straight and straight trees are covered with icicles like unsheathed swords. In the snowy day in the early morning, there are only two or three pedestrians on the road. The pure and clean white snow covers the asphalt road and half-dead grass in cold weather. , A string of dog paw prints and human shoe prints fell on the soft cotton-like snow, winding and extending into the distance.

I don't know if Osmond is used to getting up early, and he came to find Mu Ran after seven o'clock. Fortunately, Mu Ran was also used to getting up early in the military academy, so Mu Ran was already awake at this time.

Because he knew Osmond very well, Mu Ran didn't go downstairs to pick him up. There was a knock on the door of the apartment, and Mu Ran went to open the door for him in loose casual home clothes.

"Come here so early? Why did you bring me so much food? When the school starts, the instructor finds out that I am fat, and he will definitely train me to death."

"You're not fat."

There are three pairs of slippers at the entrance, one pair is worn by Mu Ran to throw out trash downstairs, one pair is for Lancia's pink cat plush slippers, and the other is for Osmond's blue cat Plush slippers.

Osmond's slippers are the same style and color as those on Muran's feet, but they are several sizes larger than those on Muran's.

Looks like couple shoes.

Osmond lowered his lower eyelids, and his slender, thick black eyelashes slanted straight down, just covering the flash of pleasure in his eyes.

However, what he didn't know was that there were several pairs of identical blue slippers in the shoe cabinet. They belonged to Lu Linshen, Wei Fengchi, and Yi'er. Relationship buddies or ex-boyfriends are ready to have.

"Have you finished reading that book last time? What book do you want to read this time?" Osmond came here this time to return and borrow books. Mu Ran asked Osmond to sit down in the living room and go to the refrigerator to take out The sparkling water that Osmond often drinks.

"You recommend it."

"I can't think of what to recommend for a while. By the way, have you had breakfast? Before you came, I went downstairs and bought rice rolls. Let's have some together?"

Osmond nodded, and Mu Ran went to the kitchen to take out the steaming rice rolls. The rice rolls he bought were the kind that can be bought at roadside breakfast shops. It was a white foam box with a small bag of soy sauce on it. He sandwiched the rice rolls into a porcelain plate, and then poured the soy sauce into the saucer.

Osmond is not very picky eater, even if he is picky eater, he will not let others see it. Mu Ran had heard a saying among imperial officers before, that is, never let others find out what you like to eat and what you hate to eat, because your enemy might prescribe the right medicine for this, he didn’t know this saying Would anyone really do that, but anyway, he'd had so many meals with Osmond that he really couldn't tell what Osmond's preference was.

After breakfast, Mu Ran took Osmond into the study. He let Osmond read by himself while picking and picking on the bookshelf. The books that Osmond borrowed last time were very common literature books, and Mu Ran didn't quite understand why there were no more than a dozen bookshelves in Osmond's study. But he thought about it again, the general may have only liked to read military books before, and it's normal not to have one.

After picking two books for Osmond, Mu Ran slapped his head, "Oh, by the way, I still have a bookshelf in my room, go and see if there is anything else you like."

Muran's room is mainly decorated in light blue, the light color is like sea water, it makes people feel comfortable, the room is tidy, and Mu Ran makes good use of storage boxes and storage cabinets, everything looks in order.

Osmond silently looked at Muran's room, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a pair of cute and tight little dinosaur underwear on the top layer of a stack of clothes stacked on the sofa.

"I quite like this book, you can also take it home and read it, um, Osmond, what are you reading?"

"No, nothing." Osmond unnaturally turned his gaze back from the little dinosaur underwear.

Coming out of the room, Mu Ran sat in front of the folding optical computer and tapped, while Osmond sat next to him quietly flipping through the book. From time to time, Mu Ran made an expression of covering his nose and contemplating. Osmond closed the book, and a deep and mellow voice sounded, "What are you doing?"

"Help my dad write the draft for the live broadcast." Mu Ran picked up the coffee cup next to him and took a sip.

"Your dad is doing a live broadcast?" Drinking water is also contagious. Osmond was unknowingly influenced by Mu Ran, and also picked up sparkling water to drink.

"That's right, this is it—" Mu Ran turned his light brain to Osmond, and he pulled his chair closer, "Selling some handicrafts he made himself, and Seafood and specialty fruits from our house."

"The workmanship is good." Osmond carefully watched the recording on the optical computer.

"It's okay, mainly the pattern design and color matching are okay." Mu Ran then clicked a few videos to show Osmond, "Not only my dad can do it, but I can do it too, maybe many people will I think it is difficult, but in fact, once you learn it at the beginning, you will find it is much easier later.”

"I want to buy it." Osmond didn't expect Mu Ran to do handwork.

"Do you like this?" Mu Ran blinked in surprise, "How much do you want?"

Muran can do it, but he doesn't have the raw materials and tools. If Osmond likes it, and the quantity is not too much, he can make it himself and give it to Osmond and Lancia.

"Not many, let's ask for 10,000 first."

Mu Ran: "..."

"It's going to be a long time?" Osmond asked after seeing Muran's embarrassed face, even wanting to hit someone.

"Handmade, what do you think?"

Osmond fell ill on the second day after returning from Mougins' house. Mu Ran heard this news from Lan Xiya. Lan Xi Ya and her girlfriends went shopping on alien planets these days, and she begged Mu Ran on the phone, "Mu Mu, please go over and help me see Look good? My brother has hated taking medicine since he was a child, and Uncle Li and Aunt Wang can't control him, so you just go and watch him take the medicine."

"Okay, I see, don't worry." After talking on the phone with Lancia, Mu Ran changed his clothes and went out.

Going to Osmond's house, Lancia should have told the housekeeper in advance, and the housekeeper took Mu Ran to Osmond's room directly, Mu Ran knocked on the door, and it took a long time before finally listening A cold voice with a nasal sound came from inside, "Come in."

It seemed that he didn't expect that it was Mu Ran, Osmond was slightly stunned. He sat up while lying on the bed with a pale face. He coughed, "Why are you here?"

"Here to supervise you to take the medicine." Muran poured a glass of warm water for Osmond. He originally wanted to give him a pillow and put it behind his back, but in that case, his hands would have to go around Osmond's body, and the movements would be awkward He was ambiguous, so he didn't take any action, but pointed to the pillow as a signal.

The straightforward words made Osmond lower his eyebrows slightly, as if he didn't expect Mu Ran to know that he didn't like taking medicine.

There were several kinds of medicines on the bedside table, and Osmond did not take any of them, because the outer packaging was not opened. Mu Ran looked at the dosage requirements in the instructions, and then poured the medicines to be taken into a white lid one by one. .

"Come on, let's eat." Mu Ran handed over the warm water cup with a small lid again.

Osmond didn't say anything against resistance. He looked much softer when he was sick. He was like a porcelain-white and quiet bionic man who mechanically and obediently took the medicine according to the master's request.

"Okay." Osmond put down the water glass, put his hands on the quilt, and sat upright.

"Why are you so obedient this time?" Mu Ran stood by the bedside table, and obsessively arranged the medicine bottles one by one in a straight line.

Not long after the words came out, both of them were taken aback. After saying that a general is obedient and obedient, Mu Ran realized that he was wrong.

"Ahem, I'll go down and see if Aunt Wang's ginger bone porridge is ready." Mu Ran changed the subject rather unsuccessfully.

After taking the medicine, watching Osmond finish drinking the porridge, he could feel that Osmond was sweating a little. Mu Ran offered to fetch some warm water to wipe his sweat.

Entering the bathroom, he found a water basin. Mu Ran turned on the valve of the water heater, only to find that what hit his hands was extremely cold water, and the water heater in Osmond's house was a smart model, which would record the temperature of the water used by the owner last time.

Cold water flowed down from between Mu Ran's fingers, and Mu Ran was in a daze, wondering why Osmond would use cold water in the cold weather?

Because Osmond caught a cold, and his body fluctuated from hot to cold, Mu Ran stayed and took care of him until dark before going back.

After Mu Ran left, Osmond entered the bathroom. He stared at the water heater that had been turned back to normal temperature by Mu Ran, frowned slightly, wondering if Mu Ran had found out that he used cold water for washing in exchange for him to come and take care of him fact of the day?

Osmond's cousin Shen Yanze won the first place in the children's piano competition a few days ago. Mu Ran was very happy for his cousin when he heard the news from Osmond. Shen Yanze said that he would go to see Mu in two days. After playing with Osmond, Osmond's butler suggested that they could take Young Master Shen to the amusement park.

When Shen Yanze heard that he could go to the amusement park with Mu Ran and the others, he didn't know how happy he was, his eyes narrowed into slits when he smiled, very cute. But when the butler bought the tickets, Shen Yanze dialed the communication and said with a bitter face that he couldn't go, because his mother wanted him to play the song in the competition for her friends who were also rich wives.

"Xiao Yanze didn't come, should we still go?" Mu Ran didn't expect Shen Yanze to be unable to come suddenly, today he deliberately came to Osmond's house an hour and a half earlier, and brought Shen Yanze his favorite food last time That kind of dessert.

"do you want to go?"

If the fixed and focused gaze fell on Mu Ran's face, for some reason, every time Osmond looked at him, Mu Ran always felt that his dark and deep phoenix eyes were like a black swirling storm, The sudden wind sucked into the unfathomable bottomless pit little by little.

"I can do it."

It was already afternoon when Mu Ran and Osmond went to the amusement park. The tickets bought by the butler were not limited to a time period and could be used all day long. There is a pumpkin-shaped clock on the tallest building in the amusement park, and it is about to go to five o'clock. There are not so many people in the amusement park at this point, and there is no need to queue up for many items. Muran and Osmond play all the way in from the south gate. As long as it is not a particularly long queue, they basically play.

However, when he came not far from the jumping machine amusement facility, Osmond stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter, don't you want to play this?" Muran and Osmond approached a little closer. They stood outside the orange fence, and soon heard the screams of the tourists rising to the sky like pigs.

"I don't want to." Osmond raised his head, estimating the height of the vertical limit machine.

Mu Ran thought that he was afraid of heights, and looked at him with sympathetic eyes, "Then you parachuted when you were in the military academy?"

"It's over." Osmond knew that Mu Ran was misunderstood, and explained slowly in a magnetic and low voice, "It's not that I'm afraid of heights, but I don't want to experience the weightlessness of the acceleration of gravity within a few seconds."

In fact, Mu Ran doesn't really want to sit down, but he likes to be brave, so if Osmond wants to go, it is absolutely impossible for him to say no, but now that Osmond gives a reason, he can be fair and square. go.

The next project was the roller coaster. Mu Ran had been very calm in the front section. He didn't scream when he suddenly fell down from the top, and he didn't scream when he suddenly accelerated, but he screamed quite violently when the seat turned over. Osmond has been very calm, not even turning pale.

The whole person was lying down, his head congested with blood, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the right side. Osmond firmly held Muran's sweat-soaked palm, and Muran's O-shaped mouth closed little by little. As if he had been sedated, he heard Osmond tell him, "Don't be afraid."

Coming down from the entrance of the platform built by the roller coaster, Mu Ran and Osmond had already used up the amusement facilities in the playground. Mu Ran felt a little tired, so he proposed to go to the opposite of thrilling and exciting - the slow and peaceful merry-go-round play.

It was half dark, and the sky was replaced by a dark blue curtain. The whole playground was lit up. The lighting of the merry-go-round was warm and comfortable. The warm yellow lights matched with the fun-filled wooden horse and pumpkins. It's like entering the fairy tale world in the book.

Mu Ran and Osmond stood in the middle of a pile of radish heads that were not as tall as their thighs, and they were particularly eye-catching. Mu Ran was calm and composed, as if he was not a 1.8-meter adult, but a child of five or six years old. a member of

Although Osmond felt a little uncomfortable, he had to sigh at this moment that his calm, self-possessed, indifferent and solemn face made it difficult for outsiders to see his true emotions.

Muran and Osmond sat on two adjacent wooden horses, and their wooden horses rose and fell one after another, moving forward with the disc. Mu Ran loosely grasped the steel pipe in front of the wooden horse, tilted his head and smiled at Osmond.

"Mom, can we still come next time? I want to come to play until I am as old as the two older brothers."

"Xiaobao, when you grow up like them, you won't want to come to play anymore."

Mu Ran: "..."

Osmond: "..."

The last stop on the playground is the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel has excellent lighting effects in the dark, dazzling like a big round eye, quietly watching the people at its feet looking up at it.

Mu Ran and Osmond entered the cockpit. Neither of them sat down. Mu Ran put his hands flat on the glass and looked down at the night view of the city. This kind of picture pattern reflects the river water into a colorful piece.

"It's the first time I've come to ride the Ferris wheel in this amusement park. I didn't expect the night view to be so beautiful." There was obvious joy in Mu Ran's voice.

Mu Ran looked at the scenery outside the window, but the people around him kept looking at him.

"Muran." The voice came suddenly.

When Mu Ran was called out, she turned her head subconsciously, and met Osmond's long and narrow phoenix eyes, which were staring deeply at him. Osmond put down the water bottle in his hand, and put his right hand on the glass of the Ferris wheel behind Mu Ran's head. Amidst Mu Ran's shocked expression, he bullied him a little bit.

Pressing his fingers on Mu Ran's moist, light pink lips, the black and black phoenix eyes became straight and dangerous. He rubbed Mu Ran's plump and tender lips vigorously with his fingertips. Mu Ran already had a premonition of what was going to happen, but His whole body seemed to be immobilized by black magic.

There was a slight pain and numbness from being bitten and sucked on the lips. At that moment, the Ferris wheel rose to the highest point, and an old-fashioned legend suddenly appeared in Mu Ran's mind. If kissing at the highest point of the Ferris wheel, then the couple Will work hand in hand.


The tip of the warm tongue forcibly pried open his lips and teeth and squeezed into his mouth, savagely grabbing his body fluid, breath, and everything else. Osmond's tongue had a faint mint fragrance, which was refreshing and refreshing. After licking Mu Ran's white teeth, his palate, and the walls of his cavity, Osmond was finally willing to let him go until his tongue was numb and his breathing was hard to breathe.

What happened next seemed to be a matter of course.

Mu Ran was pressed tightly against the wall by Osmond, and Osmond desperately kissed and bit him like a wild beast. Osmond tore off the hem of Muran's shirt, reached in with his ice-cold jade hand, stroked upwards along his smooth waistline, and grabbed his two fresh and tender red fruits.

"Well, Osmond...not here..."

Such intimacy in public places can easily lead to a sense of shame. The two powdered milks were rubbed, flicked, squeezed, and pulled vigorously, and Mu Ran's whole body trembled slightly as if electrified.

Osmond's right hand had already untied Muran's belt, and his big hand pulled the edge of Mu Ran's cotton underwear.

With his arm stretched down, when he touched Muran's bulging soft flesh, Osmond froze as if he had been pressed a switch, and an obviously absurd but most likely thought appeared in his heart. close to the real idea.

His hand continued to slide down, and when he touched a small crack and the wet and sticky pussy inside, his guess was completely confirmed.

"You... are you bisexual?"

Even though he had always been as calm and indifferent as Osmond, an unconcealable shock inevitably flashed across his face.

"Uh...uh, take, take it out...hand, get out quickly..."

Sao Hong's upright clitoris was pinched and rubbed and teased by Osmond's cold hands. Mu Ran couldn't even maintain a steady breath, and the small pink seam was scratched and stabbed by Osmond's slender and straight fingers. Mu Ran's legs had already started to tremble, and he had to hold Osmond's arm with his right hand to stand still.

"I didn't expect you to have..." Osmond frowned for a while, "Well, a small flower that can flow..."

Osmond pressed up again. He kissed Muran's face, his forehead, the tip of his nose, and his lips, but the movements of his hands remained unabated. It was the first time he touched someone else's genitals. Still a little pussy that can squirt water, his movements are green and awkward.

But he is very good at learning, and he quickly mastered the method of playing with tender flowers. He wrapped the whole of Mu Ran's juicy and tender pussy with his palm, and rubbed it inward with his five fingers.

"Um, uh..."

The soft little tender abalone was held by hands that were gradually hot, and the two white soft labia majora were squeezed out of shape. Mu Ran let out a low moan that was desperately suppressed, and Osmond's middle finger had already moved smoothly. Seeing his kinky pussy go down through the small slit in the middle.

With a sound of "噗嗤——", the straight and distinct middle finger seemed to have been smashed into the wet and narrow small water hole, and the flesh at the hole was so tight that it could be seen that the inside would become tighter when it was inserted deeply.

"Guji, Guji——" the pounding sound was amplified infinitely, and he pressed his palm on Mu Ran's soft and bulging pubic area, and pumped his middle finger deeply until the narrow and cramped small flower path could accommodate more Osmond added one more finger at a time until he got three.

The little pussy was juicy and juicy, and Osmond was soon sprayed with it.

The inside of the obscene hole was like a rising tide tightly twisting the fingers of Osmond who was holding the hole tightly. Mu Ran was violated so deeply that his body twitched, his lower abdomen contracted and swelled, The pink, wet and slippery small fleshy hole quickly convulsed orgasm without being stimulated.

Layers of pink flesh surrounded him, and Osmond had never seen one softer and more watery than Mu Ran, his voice became extremely sexy and hoarse, "So you are so coquettish, there is so much water underneath ..."

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