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62 Lustful red moles, topless; living together in the same room, alone with school grass; ambiguous drug use

The tongue of orange flames licked back and forth along the grain of the wood, making a sound of "peeling". The burning bonfire gradually faded in the second half of the night, and finally annihilated the last few sparks when the sky was bright, leaving a field of ashes.

A sudden heavy snowstorm caught people off guard, forcing many students to drop out of the competition. Franco was the first one to withdraw from Muran's team. The snow was getting bigger and bigger. When passing a frozen lake, everyone wanted to dig out the ice to get some lake water and boil it for drinking.

Franco took a tool to cut a small hole in the ice. When returning, the ice slipped and fell heavily. His ankle immediately swelled up, and soon the swelling spread into a large area.

Mu Ran gave him medicine, but after half a day, there was still no sign of swelling. And Franco has been enduring the pain and going on the road with his teammates. At noon and lunch break, he finally couldn't hold on, his voice choked up, "I'm sorry, my feet hurt so much, I want to bite my teeth every step I take, sorry... …I really can’t insist on going to the finish line with you guys, forgive me for giving up, and we’ll get together again after the game is over and back to school…”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Franco joked that his feet were going to turn into pig's trotters, and then sounded his signal flare without hesitation amidst Mu Ran's voice of persuasion. Instructors, military doctors and nurses rushed quickly and took away Franco, who had tears in his eyes but forced a laugh.

The second team member who gave up was Niwana. She was in poor health and was extremely afraid of the cold. Her hands and feet were cold these days, and her physical fitness could not keep up. Coupled with the lack of food and the high calorie consumption, she has been struggling for the past few days. On the surface, she looks the same as usual, still likes to joke, and still flirts with handsome men and women, but in fact she is already at the end of her strength. Seeing Franco give up, her heart was also shaken. She was really cold and uncomfortable. Even though she was wearing a thick military uniform, she was still shivering.

She gritted her teeth and kept persuading herself to go to the finish line with Mu Ran and the others, but she couldn't hold on during the afternoon break. Ran gave her instant beef jerky and dried pork, and after saying sorry, she sounded her signal flare.

The flames shot high into the sky, bringing a string of bright fireworks.

Guo Qianyu only persisted until the morning of the fourth day. Although she was shy and shy, she was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she had a firm personality. In the first three days, she persevered and persevered. When her teammates gave up one after another, she never gave up. The idea of ​​the competition, but the mentality that faltered later was forcibly pulled back by her.

The sudden drop in temperature at night on the third day was a direct cause of a large number of first-year students giving up the competition. Suffering from the cold at night, Guo Qianyu had a high fever after waking up during the day. Seeing that she hadn't gotten up, Mu Ran called her a few times outside, but after no response, he went outside the shelter where Guo Qianyu was resting and called her again. This time, there was finally a response, but Guo Qianyu's voice seemed angrily. .

Mu Ran was frightened, his big action attracted Wei Fengchi who came out after getting dressed, Mu Ran turned his rucksack upside down, and hurriedly found medicine for Guo Qianyu to eat. Guo Qianyu was not in good condition, feeling weak all over, and would talk nonsense in her dreams after taking the medicine and falling asleep.

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