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3 Bamboo horse friends, gentle actor; sleep with him all night

However, Mu Ran didn't see anything.

The disordered pheromones were rampant in his body, his ears were buzzing, and when he couldn't focus his eyes, only a blurry white light flashed in front of him.

His head had just hit Qi Zijin's firm chest muscles, and the pain caused him to subconsciously frown.

Most of his body was leaning on Qi Zijin's body, Alpha half hugged him, and asked him what's wrong with concern.

Omega's natural fear of pain and weakness overwhelmed him for a second, he wanted to show weakness, he wanted to say he was uncomfortable, he wanted to show that his pheromones were affected.

But in the end he bit the tip of his tongue hard, clenched his right hand into a fist, and jumped out words one by one from his lips, "I, nothing..."

"But I see that your face is very pale, is it really okay?"

Qi Zijin's peach-blossom eyes, which were as clear as sea water, showed deep worry.

He was more than half a head taller than Mu Ran. Seeing Mu Ran struggling to stand up straight, he grabbed his arm and helped him up.

"It's okay, thank you, thank you..."

Almost at the moment when he left Qi Zijin's embrace, Mu Ran immediately took a big step back and opened the distance.

"Well, I'm in the room next to you, if you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

Qi Zijin didn't seem to notice Muran's flashing back at all, he raised his right hand and pointed backwards to the room with the door open behind him. "Well... I'm going back to my room first..."

Mu Ran took a deep breath and controlled himself to open the door as calmly as possible.

The moment the door closed, Mu Ran almost slid to the ground at the same time, his legs were still trembling badly.

He is already a little worried about a course he will enter in two weeks.

That is the pheromone interference class of Gerhold Military Academy, which is called "hell on earth" by the outside world.

Qi Zijin's 4S-level Alpha pheromone right today is because he has adapted in advance...

After waiting at the door for more than 20 minutes, Mu Ran got up but found that the pajama pants were pushed up by a hill.

He sat down on the arm of the sofa and resignedly began to stroke his cock.

Because he was too involved in "self-reliance", the optical brain on the bedside table was turned on several times, but he never noticed it.

The snow probably stopped in the middle of the night, and the sky was clear and blue the next morning, so blue that it seemed that a pair of big hands wiped away the gray clouds all night.

The aroma of coffee coming from the kitchen can be smelled in the living room. Someone is coming over today, and Mu Ran is busy making coffee in the kitchen.

Qi Zijin put back the magazines he read yesterday in the living room, and tidied up the sundries in the cabinet by the way.

"Dingling", the doorbell rang, and Mu Ran, who was far away from the gate, hurriedly ran to open the door.

Qi Zijin turned his gaze to the door, and when the visitor came in, he gave Mu Ran a bear hug.

"Of course, I haven't been here for a long time. I miss you so much."

The Omega that all the stars want to fuckWhere stories live. Discover now