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45 Steal a kiss and fire a gun; the right solution to the hush money; the stars walk together, kick out the garbage

The fresh and clean grass-based pheromone fragrance is like a giant net woven by green vines, trapping Mu Ran tightly in it, and the tongue that forcibly pries his lips open has gradually mastered the kissing skills, licking his teeth, Sweeping across the upper wall, entangled with the tip of his tongue and danced together.

The tips of their noses touched each other, and their hot and chaotic breaths intertwined each other. Yiel looked at him without blinking, without blinking his eyes for a long time, trying to take in every subtle expression of him being kissed.

The tip of the tongue was pulled into his mouth by Yiel, and the bright red soft flesh was sucked desperately between the thin lips, as if trying to grab more sweet body fluid from him.

The tip of his tongue was almost numb to the point of unconsciousness after being sucked. Mu Ran's down-time brain reacted a bit, and he pushed Yier back hard. He wiped the red and swollen corners of his lips with the back of his hand, and there was a water mark on it.

"You, go away..." Mu Ran bluntly pushed him away, stumbled to the edge of the sofa, and plunged into it.

"Waiter, please come here." Because it was an empty room, Yiel walked out of the private room, looked around the corridor for a while, and beckoned a waiter to come over, "I have reserved this private room, please merge it into room L1035 for me. In the end, I will pay the bill."

The waiter recorded the information, and soon brought red wine, juice, drinks, snacks and fruits.

Not long after Mu Ran fell onto the sofa, he struggled to sit up. After being drunk, he was very dizzy, his eyes were hot, and there would be slight double images when looking at things.

"Come on, drink some juice first." Poured a glass of juice for Mu Ran, but Mu Ran didn't respond as if he didn't hear it at all, Yiel had to hand the glass to his lips, and feed him half a glass of juice, "If you can't drink enough, drink less, and see how drunk you are now?"

"I'm my cousin who is broken in love and insists on pulling me over for a drink, what about you? Why are you?" Yi'er and Mu Ran sat shoulder to shoulder, Mu Ran had a pillow in his arms, and Yi'er Then he slightly raised his head to look at the constantly rotating lights above his head.

"Also, more..." Mu Ran couldn't listen to Yier's words at all, he just felt sour and sweet in his mouth, which made him feel less dizzy, and his eyes kept staring at the juice glass on the table I looked at it, but I didn't expect that I could also reach out to get it.

"All right, all right, I'm here to serve you tonight, and I'm your little slave." Yiel poured a full glass for Mu Ran, and when feeding him juice, he insisted on choosing someone who hugged his shoulders intimate pose.

"Many of the people who come to the bar are just broken-up. They think that drinking can solve the broken-hearted relationship. They are so naive." Yiel reached out and poked Mu Ran's face that was flushed because of drunkenness. It was a bit uncomfortable to wear, so he loosened his tie and undid the top two buttons of his shirt.

"Before I didn't understand that some people are sad when they lose their love, and some people are sad when they fall in love. Then I thought it was a fucking shit! It wasn't until I met someone a while ago that I realized that I was as stupid as a shit. Likes are not something you can control at all, understand?"

Yiel curled the long hair that hung down to his chest and twisted it back and forth in his hands. He bumped the dumbfounded Mu Ran with his thigh, expecting him to respond.

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