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61 pink breasts; school grass alone; dark chocolate, blatant preference

Mu Ran was looking at the stars, while the Alpha beside him was looking at him.

Mu Ran turned around and put his hands back on the fence. He glanced at half of the slender smoke that was extinguished by Wei Fengchi, smiled indifferently, and then looked back at a few pairs of small eyes shining in the dark starry sky.

When Alpha turned his head slightly, the neck line was perfectly smooth, and the sexy protruding Adam's apple moved slightly. He has deep eyebrows and sharp edges and corners, and his dark and slightly long hair is gloomyly attached to his cold white face. His skin was slightly pale, like a vampire who had been accumulating strength in an ancient castle for many years, without seeing the sun all year round. A pair of dark and narrow phoenix eyes, together with light-colored thin lips that seldom show curvature, showed an aura of indifference, aloofness and aloofness. It's no wonder that he is not popular in the class.

When he looked at Mu Ran, the ink-stained narrow and long phoenix eyes seemed to hide an abyss, and they were like black magnets, as if they would suck Mu Ran into it in the next second.

Oh, but Mu Ran didn't see anything. He looked at the sky like a painting with extremely poor color schemes, and judged whether it would snow tomorrow.

"Do top students also violate the rules and smoke in the dormitory? Are you afraid that I will report you to the instructor?" Mu Ran leaned his heels on the fence, and his toes landed on the ground every now and then.

"You won't." As an Alpha with SSSS mental strength, even though Mu Ran put on the barrier stickers, Wei Fengchi could clearly smell the cedar red wine on his body, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Recalling the training in the forest area at the beginning of school, he went into a building to smoke, but he never expected to see that in a room in the opposite building, Mu Ran was pregnant by a military doctor who was usually abstinent and indifferent. Hot and fishy urine shot out of the genital cavity, and Mu Ran convulsed orgasmed as if he was on the verge of death, with tears at the end of his eyes.

He had never seen such an impactful picture, and his dick was hard on the spot.

The wind and snow tried to destroy the will of the shivering students, but the brave and persistent military cadets in their blood were like sharp knives that became more frustrated and braver in the fire, showing their youthful edge.

Except for the meal and lunch break, the training is going on non-stop. Today, two weeks have passed since the students arrived here on the suspension vehicle. The snow training will come to an end, and next Monday will be the start of the snow endurance test. .

The performance during the training period is also closely related to the students' personal points. The instructor will draw an indicator for each training, and the instructor will give bonus points of different values ​​according to their scores for those who meet the standard.

In this training, there is no doubt that Wei Fengchi's points left the other students far behind. Mu Ran's points can also be ranked in the top ten in Omega, so in his team, his points are only behind Wei Fengchi, ranking second. Of the other three members of the team, the female Beta Guo Qianyu is the strongest, the male Beta Franco is next, and the female Omega Niwana is slightly weaker.

On the morning of the last day before the snow endurance test, it was a trust shooting that made the students faintly repel.

The so-called trust shooting means that each team selects a player and asks him to walk back and forth in front of the standing chest ring target, while his other companions must consume the specified amount of ammunition and shoot the specified number of rings within the specified time. As a result, if one accidentally injures a selected team member, that person will not only become the laughing stock of the entire school, but the team will also be severely punished.

The Omega that all the stars want to fuckजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें