Forever His { On going }

By kiara_dee_

373K 22.6K 4.8K

This is the third book in the Series. You have to read the two other books to understand the happenings in t... More

Author's Note๐ŸŒธ.
26๐ŸŒธ. (โš ๏ธ Steamy Scene Alert)
38๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alertโš ๏ธ )
39๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alertโš ๏ธ)
55๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alert โš ๏ธ)
58๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alert โš ๏ธ)


1.6K 129 18
By kiara_dee_

Song - Always be together by Little Mix

We are, friends for life
Hold that, deep inside
Let this, be a drive
To survive
And just stand, high and tall
Make sure you give your all
And if you ever fall
Know that I'm right here...


Emma's POV

Now this is a party I was ecstatic to be at .

Maddie's rehearsal dinner.

It was holding at the Collin's residence in the Hamptons. The house was magnificent , with a wide landscape. A large courtyard with trimmed hedges and lawns , A pool , cabanas and all the other features of the houses owned by the rich and famous in America .

Inside the building had a minimalistic and sophisticated aesthetic with bright interiors and luxury furniture. Again, a sign that the home is owned by a high class individual or set of individuals. Gabriel and Corinne Collins were known to be part of the one percent of the one percent in France but Gabriel had a lot of businesses rooted in America .

The room where the party was happening right now was painted a beige color with lights coming in from the ox-eye windows. The wedding planner alongside the decorators had transformed the ballroom into a classic cocktail event. The colors of the day were baby pink ( of course it was because pink is Maddie's favorite color ), baby blue and beige . The warm tones did well to reflect the summer season .

The hall was filled with people I didn't know. Like Maddie had mentioned in Mexico, the Collins used Maddie and Ron's wedding as an opportunity to reunite with most of their family relations who had been away .

The only people I recognized in the hall were Aisha , Zara , Savannah and Taylor . I was honestly glad to see them again . After locking myself in my house for the rest of the week except for when I went to work, I was happy to see people who only brought great energy. There was no judgment or intrusive questions with them, even though I'm sure they had heard what happened between me and Logan. Even though I'm sure Maddie had something to do with the fact that they didn't mention it but they were also graceful enough to talk about other things and I appreciated that.

I also met Diana who I haven't seen in the longest time . Since Maddie's father died , Diana has been keeping herself busy by traveling the world . I don't even think she's been back in Golden Valley ever since Maddie finished college .

I remember Maddie complaining to me the day I moved to New York that her Mom had started dating again. I also remember telling her to let her Mother find love again. I know how broken Diana was when Lucas died . She mourned her husband for such a long time and I know this because Mom used to go over to their house all the time to comfort her and keep her company.

Granted , Maddie had a meltdown after her father's death but I saw how Diana tried to keep it together and act strong for Maddie even though she was dying on the inside . I was so ecstatic to see her  looking so beautiful and most importantly, happy . Maybe it was because of the handsome stranger beside her that had his arm slung around hers.

" Emma !" She greeted me gleefully as she opened up her free hand for me to give her a hug .

I obliged happily. " Diana. It's been so long."

" My word. You're such a big girl now ." She gushed once we freed ourselves from each other. " I remember when you were running around and playing in the park and now you've grown into a stunning young woman ."

I blush at her compliments. " Thank you ."

" And don't get me started on the job . Maddie has been telling me that you now work in one of the top business enterprises in the U.S . Gray Enterprises ?"

" Yes. It's an import and export company." I answered feeling somewhat accomplished .

" Fabulous." Diana exclaimed as she turned to the man who had been smiling sheepishly beside her. I noticed that he looked a few years older than her but he was still in good shape.
" Oh pardon me, where are my manners ? Emma, meet Rowland. My new ...beau...if you know what I mean."

With a courteous smile , Rowland , with his thick brows and wonderfully carved face , extended his hands towards me and I shook them. " It's very lovely to meet you Mademoiselle ."

He had a very lovely french accent and from that I deduced that he was well, from France . Maybe that was even where he and Diana met since she's  been traveling a lot.

" Like wise ... Mr ...?" My voice trailed off as I requested for his name.

" Oh it's Mr Bourgeois. But you can call me Rowland ."His eyes crinkled as he smiled .

" Alright. It's nice to meet you Rowland."

" Likewise."

" Has Maddie met him ?" I whispered to Diana even though I knew Rowland could hear us.

" Oh she has . I was quite surprised that she was polite to him , even though I know she hates every man I've been with. She never had a problem showing it but tonight was different."

" It's definitely the pregnancy jitters." I chuckled. " She's too happy to be unhappy."

" Whatever it is , I'm happy , she's happy."

" You can say that again." I chuckled.

" Diana!"

A man exclaimed from behind me . I moved and saw him standing with his arms around the small of a woman's back.

" Patrick!" She moves to hug him .

I took this as my cue to end my conversation with her . " Okay Diana, I'll see you around ."

" Alright honey. It was really nice seeing you again today." She and the man freed themselves. " Wait Emma, you tell your mother that I'm not happy with her ." The smile on her face said otherwise.

" I know , I wanted to see her too but she has a big order today. She'll be coming to New York next week , though ."

" Oh really? Well let's just hope that I'll still be in the city then. Rowland and I have booked trip to the Bahamas next week ."

" I want to be you right now." I laughed.

" Me too ." The woman beside Patrick added.

" Fine baby, we'll go on that boat cruise you've been talking about." He responded with a playful roll of the eyes.

" Now that's what I'm talking about." Diana said.

" Let me go find Maddie and Ron." I laughed .

" Okay, sweetie. You do that." She replied .

The moment I turned around , I spotted the couple at a corner of the room and my heart melted instantly. Maddie looked radiant as she greeted a man and a woman that came over to meet she and Ron. I watched him smile as he twirled the champagne in the glass in his hand and whispered something into her ear. She laughed too. I had never seen them look so happy and in love like they did right now. It made my heart ache as I remembered my own love that I was about to lose. Before I could let myself feel sorry for myself, I wore a smile as I walked up to them .

" Hey , Hey , Hey, am I talking to the soon to be wedded couple ?"

They both turned their attention to me instantly.
" Emma!"

" Congratulations you guys !" I gave them both kisses on their cheeks, making sure not to touch my pink lip gloss coated lips to their skin . " You both look amazing !"

The word , ' Amazing' was an understatement. Maddie was dressed in a baby blue tulle dress that almost swept the floor. The A line nature of the skirt part that did well to hide her now pronounced baby bump and I'm sure that was on purpose. Ron also looked really handsome in the blue tux he was wearing. His hair was extra curly tonight and he looked like he had worked out just to get in shape for tonight. If I didn't know these two, I'd think they were some celebrity couple that were getting married.

" Thank you !" They both chorused.

" Everything looks beautiful, the decorations, the house..." I turned to Ron . " How exactly did I not know about this palatial architecture ? It's so stunning."

Ron smiled sheepishly as he shrugged. " It's mostly my parents'. I don't even come here often."

" He's just being modest ." Maddie nudged Ron playfully. " He used to come here all the time as a child with his parents when they visited the country."

Ron turned to her. " That was a long time ago , baby."

" So ?" Maddie quipped.

" Okay, stop bickering you two. I really wonder how you guys are going to tolerate each other when you get married." I laughed.

" Well , I'm already doing that now." Maddie replied matter -of-factly .

" To a life time of tolerating me." Ron chuckled as he raised his champagne glass. I watched as Maddie's face eased into a soft smile. Whenever she and Ron are together, she can hardly keep a frown on her face.

" Ugh, you two are so adorable, it makes me sick ." I gushed. " Oh, by the way, Maddie moo , I just saw your Mom and her surprisingly handsome new beau."

Maddie's face reverted back to a frown as she rolled her eyes. " Oh, you've met Rowland."

" I have and I think he's cute. Your Mom looks really happy with him."

" Yeah, she always looks really happy with all of them." Maddie replied.

" Give Diana a break . You found love, she found love. Everyone is happy."

Except you.

I wish I could somehow reach into my subconscious and slap it for saying that. I'm happy. I'm very happy. I'm happy that my best friend and one of my closest friends are getting married tomorrow after facing so many hurdles together. I'm extremely happy.

" Yeah I guess and this one doesn't actually act like a douche bag so maybe he's not so bad." She finally admitted.

" Finally, a streak of positivity about your mother's boyfriend." Ron chuckled.

" I mean , I'm getting married. Positive vibes only right ?" Maddie asked.

" Right." I answered. " In that case, I'm going to leave you guys and get into hostess mode now. Congrats again guys. I'm literally so happy for you two."

" Thank you." Ron answered.

I was turning around to leave so I could start directing guests on where to drop the presents when Maddie stopped me . " Emma, wait."

" Yeah ?" I gave her my full attention.

" Are you okay ?"

" Why are you asking me if I'm okay ?" I asked her amusedly although there was a chance that I might know why.

" Well, you're here alone ." She responded matter-of-factly . I hated how my chest was already starting to hurt. " I invited Logan but he's not here . Are you guys still not speaking to each other ?"

I looked to the side and spotted a couple deeply kissing each other at another corner of the room and it made me snap my head back to face Maddie. Great, I'm sure the only one here without a date. Every where I turned to there are couples performing one romantic gesture or the other. My heart started to ache.

" Emma ?"

Maddie's voice snapped me back to reality.

" Maddie I'm fine. Really, I am. Yes Logan and I are still not speaking. I guess ...we haven't figured out how to move on from this."

" Or you both are just being stubborn. Come on, It's almost been a week already. One of you will have to reach out to the other soon." Maddie replied . I had called her that night that me and Logan fought and had a very long 'crying sesh' with her .

I put up the most non chalant act that I could.
" Maddie I told Logan that I needed space and I guess he's giving me the space I need . At least this time he's respecting my wishes ."

She gave me a look that said she obviously wasn't buying my attempt at acting like I didn't care.
" So why do you look like you're about to burst into tears any minute ?"

I scoffed , maybe too dramatically. " I am not about to cry."

" Denial . You're living in the denial . That's what this is." Maddie twirled her pointing finger around to emphasize my charade .

" Whatever. Mads , today isn't about me and my relationship issues. It's about you. You're getting married tomorrow and I'm so happy for you so please let me go do what a best friend does when her best friend is getting married."

She gave me a skeptical look before sighing . " Fine you're right. But , we'll talk about this later."

" Sure , okay." I replied lackadaisically.

Almost immediately, Maddie received a text notification on her phone . She tapped on the screen , read the text which didn't seem long and looked up at me again. " It's Logan."

The moment she mentioned his name , my heart skipped a beat. Was he here ? Was he at the door right now walking in ? Oh God . I'm not prepared to see him...Why is my heart pounding so hard ? Should I ask Maddie what he said or should I carry on with pretending that I don't care ?

" He said he's sorry and that he wouldn't be able to make it to my rehearsal dinner and he's not sure about coming for the wedding too but he wishes me and Ron a happy married life."

I don't know why but my heart sunk after hearing Maddie repeat what Logan had texted her . I wasn't expecting the wave of sadness that hit me.

" I think...he's not coming because he's trying to avoid seeing you." Maddie said slowly.

Yeah well thanks captain obvious.

" Well whatever it is, I'm glad he isn't coming. I'm still not ready to see him."


My heart was aching. I was still mad at him but I missed him severely. I didn't even know those two feelings could co exist at the same time .

Maybe it was because deep down, I was waiting for a call or text from him, anything at all but I have gotten nothing. It means he's not ready to admit that he was wrong for getting me a job without my consent . His ego was greatly at play here but so was mine. That was why I didn't bother to reach out to him either. Call me petty but it is what it is.

Maddie had a worried expression on her face as she touched my arm. " Em, are you sure you're okay ?"

" Madison I am fine." I referred to her by her full name which was quite unlike me. I also decided not to let her ask any more questions that might end up inciting tears on my part. " Now please go back to your fiancé before his work colleagues or whoever those people are steal him from you."

I referred to Ron , who was in deep conversation with a couple of guys dressed in formal tuxedos with my hand . Maddie turned back and saw them too.

She chuckled lightly and her attention returned to me. " We'll talk later. Just promise me you're okay."

" I am." I assured her with one of my brightest smiles.

" Okay." She smiled.

" Go." I told her.

" Fine , I'm going." She turned around and walked back to where Ron was standing. He acknowledged her presence again immediately by putting his arm around her waist.

For some reason, my eyes watered as I watched them and I cleaned a tear that wanted to escape from the corner of my eye with my index finger. I didn't know why I was so emotional today . I mean Maddie finally getting married has to be top of the list. She has been through so much in the past year . From getting engaged, to being targeted by that psycho stalker Jenna Johnson, to having to go into witness protection because apparently, Jenna wasn't the only criminal in her family, she had a host of others who were very ready to hurt Maddie and Ron.

It has been a long ride for the both of them but they're finally here against all odds and tomorrow they will be husband and wife. Of course I have every right to be emotional about that. It was either that or the fact that I was on my period and just seeing two cats playing by the sidewalk would make me bawl my eyes out.

Okay, maybe Logan was also another reason why I was on the brink of tears. The fact that our relationship had reached this point of uncertainty weighed on me. When we came back together, I thought we would be stronger as a couple, facing all obstacles that life would throw at us together . Then this whole thing with Jake happened and it exposed just how much our relationship still lacked so many fundamental things like trust and honesty. It feels like we're back to square one and it leaves me wondering if there's a way we can move forward from this or if this is where it ends ?

I didn't have the time to ponder on those questions when I felt soft arms on my shoulders. I snapped my head to the side and saw Taylor looking worried.

" Hey Emma, we need you. The presents are filling up the corner designated for them and we still have more guests arriving. What do we do ?"

I snapped into hostess mode immediately as I started walking with her. " Alright let me ask someone if there's a store room nearby ."
I grabbed a champagne flute from a server passing by while at it. I would need something strong to get me through the evening.

I met one of the Collins's staff whom I easily made out to be the house keeper because of how she was directing some other staff around. " Hello , I'm Emma, the bride's maid-of-honor. Please is there a store room somewhere ? Guests are coming in with more gifts and the designated gift corner is filled up already."

" Oh yes, there's an adjoining door that leads to the cloak room but it could be used as a temporary store room for the gifts."

" Would you mind showing me the space ?"

" Not at all. Right this way." She urged me to follower her.

I followed him to the room to inspect it. The space was large enough to fit in the racks of coats and jackets and still house the incoming rehearsal dinner presents.

" I think this will do." I told her. " I'll take it from here."

" Alright, I'll return to what I was doing now. If you need anything else , you can find me."

" Thank you." I said, as she turned to leave. Right. Next up, start directing the incoming guests to this room to drop their presents here. That should be easy.

I was about to resume my task when my phone started ringing. I could bet my left boob that it was Logan. Well, if he was calling to apologize, he could have done so by coming here like a man and apologizing in person.

I thought you didn't care ?

Shut up. I don't.

So why is your heart tingling at the thought of him calling ?


I swiped my screen up to check the caller I.D and my heart fell instantly. It wasn't Logan calling. It was Tess. I hated the way that I was stupidly expecting a call from him. The fact that he hadn't made any attempt to reach out was a clear indication that he was okay with the way things were going between us.

I answer the call with my most cheerful voice. " Hi Tess. How are you ?"

" I'm good , Emma. How's everything going over there ? Last time I spoke to Maddie , she was getting ready for the rehearsal dinner ?"

" Everything is going great thanks to the best maid - of - honor in the world , aka me." I gloated jokingly .

" I can see that." Tess chuckled.

" Maddie and Ron look so amazing. Like Maddie is literally radiating like the sun ...wait..." I paused mid sentence. " What do you mean by you 'can see that?'"

" Oh yeah, I can see how incredible everything looks because I'm here." She replied casually.

I frowned in confusion. " What do you mean by you're here ? Where's 'here ?"

She chuckled. " Here is here. I'm here. Like at the rehearsal dinner."

" Wait." I felt adrenaline course through me as my heart started to pound harder in a build up excitement. " You're here ? Like in New York?"

" Yes silly." She laughed. " Now stop being dramatic and come find me. This place is crawling with so many blue bloods, I might shrink if I don't meet someone I know any minute. Also, don't tell Maddie I'm here yet. I want to surprise her."

" Oh my God." I whispered to the phone. " You're really here !"

I scurried to find the house keeper and luckily I found her supervising some other staff that were pushing in trolley's of assorted meals.
" Hi Delores , on second thought, would you mind co ordinating the gifts placement for a while? I just have something to do real quick."

" Oh , okay. Sure. I don't mind."

" Thank you so much." I told her before going off to find Tess. I still felt like she was messing with me. Maybe this was one of her silly pranks.

Still, my heart raced as I scanned the room for her petite size and slender legs or the jet black hair , that's if she hadn't dyed it some other color by now.
The crowd was a lot and my eyes weren't doing their damn job right now. I decided to give her a call again.

" Tess, where did you say you were standing ?"

" By the open bar. Already got myself a drink."

" So typical ." I smiled as my eyes roamed the room again and found the bar. I found a familiar face with the cheekiest smile plastered on it, waving at me with one hand, a glass of champagne in another hand .

It felt like that scene in movies where you meet your long lost lover after some years and the moment your eyes lock with theirs, your joy knows no bounds. Adrenaline is unleashed as you run towards them and they make their way towards you. It's funny how it usually happens in slow motion but in reality, it all happens in a flash.

I found myself wrapping my hands over Tess as I almost threw her down with my weight. " Oh my God, you weren't lying. You're really here !"

" Yeah, dufus. Tess is here in the flesh and blood." She laughed . " Also you made my drink spill a little ."

" I missed you so much." I said , with my arms till wrapped tightly around her.

" I missed you a lot too. Seriously , it hurt like hell, not having you guys around." She replied as I finally freed her from my crushing hug.

" Wow , did you hear my bone crack just now ? I think you've crushed my spine." She teased.

" Well, we haven't seen each other in a year so what did you expect ?"

She gulped down the rest of her champagne and placed the glass on the slab.

Snapped her head back to the bartender. " I need a refill."

" Coming right up." He responded.

Tess flashed a wide smile at me and spread her arms out. " Now, give me a hug again."

I gladly gave her another spine crushing hug.

" You look so amazing." She told me, once we pulled away from each other.

" You too. I love the black with pink undertones hair thing you got going on." I refer to her ombre dyed hair with my hands. Knowing Tess, I knew her hair was going to look good. The blush pink v-neck cocktail dress she was wearing also looked so pretty on her and complemented her hair.

" Thanks , I got it done last minute, when I was still deciding if I should show up for the wedding or not."

" I'm so glad you came . Maddie is going to freak when she sees you." I took her hand , while she grabbed her refilled glass from the bar just in time. " Let's go find her."

Finding Maddie wasn't hard because she was still with Ron and they were the centre of attention for the day so they were surrounded by a group of people as expected.

I maneuvered my way through this group and tapped Maddie on the shoulder. " Maddie, guess who is here ?"

" Sorry, you'll have to excuse me guys," She told Ron and the other guests. He kissed her on the cheek before turning to continue the conversation.

" What's up ?" She asked me after she had moved a few feet away from the crowd.

I obviously couldn't hide my excitement. " You'll never guess who is here ."

She raised an amused brow . " Beyoncé ?"

" Even better. Tess, come out ." I urged gleefully.

Tess reappeared from where she was hiding which was basically trying to camouflage as a random guest making small talk with another group of guests nearby.

Maddie's eyes widened in bewilderment. " Oh my ...Tess! Oh my God, you're here !"

" Yes I am." Tess laughed as she walked towards Maddie and they hugged each other fiercely.

" I've missed you so much!" Maddie said.

" Me too," Tess replied, her voice breaking . " I can't remember the last time I saw you."

Maddie's smile was as wide as the Grand Canyon .
" It was a few months back. I'm so happy you came, Tess, you have no idea."

My heart tugged as tears welled up in my eyes.
" Okay guys, let's make it a group hug ."

I wrapped my arms around them and savored this moment . For the first time in a long time , I felt complete. My girls were back together.

" Eeep ! My girls are back together again!" I said out loud and we released each other from our embrace and shrieked loudly.


The night flew by fast and before you know it, I was giving a toast to the couple , there was a lot of dancing and finally we all retired back to our rooms to prepare for the big day tomorrow. Well, just me , Maddie, Tess and Ron went back to our rooms. The other girls stayed back with Ron's friends aka the groomsmen and the last thing I know is that they were playing games and drinking their asses off in the ballroom. I just hope they're not all hungover by tomorrow morning.

Although Maddie was supposed to be getting her beauty sleep , we could resist an old fashioned besties catch up in her room. So , after she said goodnight to Ron and we managed to pull her away from his room, the three of us found ourselves in Maddie's room catching up on a lot of things, especially with Tess.

" I knew Ron was rich but girl, you didn't tell me he was Bill Gates rich. This house is so big, I could get lost in it." Tess began .

" Honestly , I only just found out how rich he was some months ago. Like I knew that he came from money but I had no idea just how vast that money was." Maddie responded genuinely.

Tess poured herself a drink from the bottle of wine she probably took from the rehearsal dinner.
She raised her glass up. " To bagging the rich men . Want some champagne , Emma ?"

" Thanks for reminding me that I can't take any alcohol." Maddie made a pouty face.

" Sorry not sorry ." Tess laughed.

" I think I'll pass . I already had too much to drink at the party and from the look of things, it looks like I'm going to be the only one who isn't hung over tomorrow. Well me and Maddie." I replied

Tess made a face as sipped from her glass." You're such a Mom."

" That's what I always tell her !" Maddie laughed.

" Yeah well someone has to be the Mom of the group , so if the mantle has fallen on me , I gladly accept." I laughed.

Tess sighed. " God, I missed you guys."

" We missed you too Tessaroo." Maddie replied.

" Ouu Tessaroo. I like that." Tess laughed, obviously a sign that she was so tipsy right now.

" It's been crazy back here and I hate to admit it but somethings and some people needed to be addressed by you." I told Tess.

" I know, I could feel it in my spirit that you needed me." Tess joked.

" I did." I chuckled, agreeing with her.

" Honestly, with this Logan and Jake shit going on, if you'd been here when it all started, I know there would have been some bitch slapping." I said, honestly. Tess is always ready to fight for me in any situation.

" Oh you know that's right . I would have bitch slapped Jake into next Tuesday for all the commotion he caused." Tess replied as she poured herself a drink from the bottle of wine she probably took from the rehearsal dinner.

" Tell me about it." Maddie replied.

Tess's eyes met mine . " And Logan too . For not trusting you and acting like a bitch by fighting with Jake."

The moment she mentioned Logan's name, I wanted to defend him almost immediately. It took two extra minutes for me to remind myself that he was the one in the wrong . God , I miss him.

I hate the way the way I'm so mad at him but I can't get thoughts of him out of my head. It's infuriating and it just proves that if we actually did break up for good this time, I would have a very hard time letting him go.

My heart hurts even at the idea that this is what it might be leading to. I didn't expect us to start again only to end so abruptly.

" Go ahead, tell me you told me so." I urged her. I knew she was just dying to rub it in my face that she knew Logan would hurt me again.

She pursed her lips and stared at me, then she shook her head after some seconds . " I won't."

" That's a first ." Maddie chuckled. " Really ? You won't use this opportunity to tell her how you were right and how we were both wrong and how she should never have trusted Logan because he would never change ?"

" What ? No , I won't." Tess responded, which earned her surprise stares from Maddie and I .

" Stop staring at me like that , you two!" She chuckled before grabbing a throw pillow and hurling it at us before she getting up from the bed.

The pillow missed me but hit Maddie.

" Why ?" I asked her, a bit intrigued. From previous conversations, it has been so obvious that Tess was not willing to give Logan a second chance like I did. She saw no way that he could change and used every opportunity to let me know her thoughts on me getting back together with him. That was what eventually led to the fight between she and Maddie. A fight that put me in the middle of them. It was something I never wanted to experience again.

Tess walked to the fridge and brought out a bottle of what looked like Dom Pérignon. Then she opened it and poured it into a glass , from the tray that was set on top of the fridge.
" Because me being right or wrong won't change anything that has happened. Yes , Logan has made a lot of 'assholey' moves in the past and lately but he's human and I guess humans make mistakes. Also he's your boyfriend , not mine. You get to decide if you still want to be with him after this or not. All I have to do is be there for you no matter what."

" Woah, did you get hit your head somewhere while in San Fransisco ? Wait . Are you really Tess ? Or there's an Alien doppelgänger here right now ?" Maddie teased.

" Yeah , Tess , you sound like you had an epiphany or something."

" Stop being so dramatic you two." She laughed as she took a sip from her glass. " I've just been doing a lot of reflecting these past few weeks. Somethings or people can change you."

" Well whoever it is , I'm happy you met them." Maddie replied .

" Yeah , I'm happy I met them too." Tess said , almost like she was reflecting on her words as she twirled the wine in the glass.

She looked so deep in thought and for some reason, I suddenly wanted to know why. Apart from the fact that Tess showing up unexpectedly here today made me so overjoyed , she had also been holding out on Maddie and I for months . Now that she was here in flesh and blood , I could finally ask her about all the things she wasn't telling us .

" So , Tess , how was San Fransisco ? The salon job ? Meet anyone new ?"

Maddie sat up straight on the bed ," Yeah I'm very interested that 'meeting anyone new part."

Tess snapped out of her thoughts almost immediately. " Um ... yeah , being back San Fransico was okay . I mean I got to go back home , see my Mom and brother . The salon job is shitty since I have the most annoying boss ever but it pays the bills I guess ." She shrugged .

I could tell that even with the non chalant and care free manner that she answered us, there was still something deeper that happened or that was happening in San Fransisco. Something she didn't want to bring up but I was going to find out tonight. Even if I had to speak to her about it alone .

" As for meeting anyone new , no , I didn't meet anyone new ," She continued. "Instead, I met a jerk from the past who I regret ever meeting."

I studied the disdainful expression on her face when she said the last part. " Who's this 'jerk from the past' ?"

" Yeah , is it an ex ? Come on , give us deets ." Maddie added quite eagerly.

" You know what ? I really don't want to talk about it . Let's talk about your big day tomorrow. Maddie , you brought my bridesmaid dress, yes ? Because I didn't come all the way here not to be part of the bridesmaids."

" Of course your dress is here ! I kept it packed in the bag where my other bridal stuff is . It feels like I knew you were going to come or something!" Maddie replied, easily distracted by Tess's topic change but not me. I was going to get to the root of Tess's problem.

" Tess , you can't change the topic. I know something is wrong but you don't want to tell us. You've been keeping secrets and holding out on us all these time. I thought it was because you were all the way in another state and you didn't want to lay everything out over the phone but now , you're here , right in front of us and I want to remind you that we're your best friends. You can tell us anything."

" Emma is right. We've been so worried about you for months . You have to tell us what you've been going through and how we can help." Maddie added, remembering herself.

Tess looked mad that I wouldn't give the topic up but she also knew that there was nothing she could do. She was here now , right in front of us so she just had to talk.

With a weary sigh , set the bottle down on the dressing table . " You wouldn't understand."

" Uh , yes we will . Have you seen me ? I'm the queen of understanding." Maddie countered.

" Yeah, just trust us and tell us what's going on. We promise we won't judge you or anything." I added reassuringly.

I could tell that Tess was fighting with herself right now . I wondered what was so bad that she thought she couldn't tell us.

" We just want to be here for you." I added softly.

" Okay." She replied after some seconds, in a tone that matched mine. She grabbed the bottle from the table again. " I'm going to need a drink for this."

She sat on the bed and took a huge swig from the bottle as Maddie and I readjusted ourselves on the bed, so that we couldn't listen to her properly. She gulped, looking like she was about to say the most difficult thing ever.

" So here goes... When I left New York, I went home to my Mom and little brother in San Francisco. I mean , you already know that part. Only , my little brother isn't my brother...he's actually my...he's my... she took another swig from the bottle and when her head was down again, tears were welled up in her eyes.
" He's my son."

" What ?!" Maddie and I said in unison.

" H...How did that happen ?"
" Your son ?"

Tess took a deep breath an exhaled. " I had Tyler when I was just 19. It was with a guy I met through my Dad."

My eyebrows pulled into a thick frown. " Wait - you have a Dad ? I thought you told me your father was dead ?"

She looked at me with a sullen expression on her face. " I'm sorry Emma, I lied. He's not dead , at least literally. But, he's dead to me."

" Wait, hold up." Maddie shook her head in confusion and raised her hand. " Your dad that you said was dead isn't actually dead and your brother is actually your son ?"

" Yeah." Tess nodded.

" Okay, wow, this is getting interesting. I wish I could take that champagne you're having now." Maddie replied, clearly intrigued .

" Continue the story, Tess." I said to Tess, more eager to hear her story now more than ever.

" So yeah . I met Dale when I was 17 and um...we fell in love I guess . Or, I thought it was love. I don't know , I was just naive and stupid. He was way older . Like by a couple of years but I didn't care. I just wanted... I needed somebody then. We were together for about two years. We even got married."

My jaw dropped. " You did what ?!"

Tess's eyes flickered as she laughed dryly. " Yeah , it was the worst mistake I ever made. Anyways, one thing led to another and I got pregnant. But...I couldn't let him know. Um..." her voice broke. " He had gotten really abusive in the past year... both emotionally and physically ."

" Oh my God." Maddie whispered in horror as she covered her palm with both hands.

" Tess, I'm so sorry." I said with pain in my heart as my eyes clouded.

She sniffed. " I knew I had to leave and that I couldn't keep the baby . But when I went to the hospital, they told me I couldn't get rid of the baby or it would lead to life threatening complications. So.." A few tears dropped from her eyes. " I ran away and had the baby . But I knew I couldn't take care of it. I was in no space mentally or physically to do it. So , I left him with my Mom and came to New York."

" Oh God, Tess I'm so sorry you had to go through this." I told her solemnly as Maddie and I moved to her and wrapped our arms around her. The tears continued streaming down her eyes and I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that she was so hurt by this. By her past. My heart hurt so bad for her.

" I'm a horrible person. I abandoned my own child for five years."

" No you're not." Maddie told her almost immediately. " Tess, you were young and you had been through hell, I mean , you were abused. You did what you thought was best at the time."

" Maddie is right. Please don't blame yourself. You made a mistake and like you said earlier, you're human and we all make mistakes."

" No , you don't get." Tess looked from me to Maddie, all teary eyed. " I didn't protect him enough. Now Dale has found out he exists somehow and he won't stop until he gets custody of Tyler. He has already gone to court and he's asking for full custody . I don't know how he found out . I don't even know..." her voice trailed off and she started sobbing loudly.

" Tess, please stop crying." I tried to console her but when I saw Maddie in tears already, I couldn't help myself. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks. This is what Tess had been hiding from us. This is what she was going through along in San Fransisco. Protecting her son from her abusive ex husband.

" We didn't know you were going through this . I'm so sad that you were going through this alone, . Why didn't you tell us ?" Maddie cried.

" I didn't know how to tell you. I thought I could handle it alone but ... I can't." Tess cried harder. " Dale is hell bent on taking Tyler away from me and I can't let him do that. I can't."

" Look at me. Look at me Tess." I placed my two hands on her cheeks. " No one is taking Tyler away from you. You hear me ? No one."

" I had to bring them here ." Tess said after she had managed to calm down. " My mother and Tyler."

" Where are they ?"

" At a motel . I had to make them follow me here. I couldn't leave them behind knowing that Dale might get to him."

" Wait, you mean Dale could take Tyler from your home without you there ?"

" Yeah ." Tess answered. " He has tried it before."

" Isn't that kidnapping ? You could call the cops on him ." Madde said.

Tess began to laugh heartily as more tears streamed down her eyes. " Call the cops on Dale ? That's a good one. He probably has all the cops bought in San Francisco ."

" Is that even possible ?" Maddie asked.

" Yeah , who is this guy ?"

The answer she gave us surprised us .


Hey guys!

We've come to the end of this chapter.
Yes, this is Tess's story but it's not everything! Of course I couldn't give out all the details because drum rolls ! !!!

Tess is going to have her own story !!!

I'm so excited to explore Tess's life , how she gets through all her challenges and who her love interest will be ?

Can you guess ?

If you loved this chapter, tap the star below and leave your comments below🥺💖

I love you guys.
Xoxo Kiara❤️❤️

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