Six: The Old Version

By ArtytheDragon

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(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... More

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4 (End of Act one)
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 9
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Number 19
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 33

14 2 3
By ArtytheDragon

I re-read this chapter and I'm smh at myself
I wrote it all at like 12:00 am thinking I was cool.

If your wondering what Maxx was doing he totally forgot he was entering so he had to enter,

And as a twist y'all don't get to see the ***DRAMATIC ENTRANCE*** ooooooohoooooooh.

Time skip lol.

And also do you guys think I should do chapter titles for now on? Like the ones in percy jackson?

Let me know what you think haha :^).


Your name is Ella Harley and your mom is missing.

Once you entered the Land of Elements and Silence, (which you had no idea because the sky was completely dark) you went to find her in your basement/lab that she spends most of her day in and she wasn't there.

All there was where a whole bunch of un finished science experiments and a large metal ring that looked like it was made of three different metals,

platinum, gold and silver.

You could tell from their textures and how they felt, and they where painted over with a shiny white paint that was pealing.

You decided you would look at it later and worry filled you since your mom was missing.

By the table you noticed a small splatters of rust colored stuff on the table, you are fairly sure its not ketchup. Its too thick and you can't see the tomatoes.

It's most likely blood which made you shiver.

You see a little of the splatters on the half open packages/letters of mail that you sent today to her so you know she was down there when you sent them and wasn't on your island.

Thank god.

You see the first one she opened was spare parts for her big project which you assume is the giant white ring. It seemed in fairly good condition from what you saw from the outside,

then you went to the left side and saw a large gap in it,

a panel was open and in that corner was a blanket, a pillow, hundreds of different tools and blue prints.

Why would she want to fix this so badly?

It's not like it's a port....oh for fuck sake you are fairly sure its a portal why the fuck would it look like this if it wasn't a portal.

f-bomb meter=destroyed.

You head back to the mail and see a larger package, inside was several more letters from the weird red text guy and....a book. It looked like a nicer version of Maxx's book that he has been obsessed with since he was thirteen which was a little more then three years. Confused and Curious you take them out and spread them on the table,

all of the letters had fairly sloppy hand writing but you where able to make it out.

The writer addressed to your Mom obviously, calling her by her first name but "alt future self"? Wha--

And then the person sort of scribbled some more writing like he was in a rush.

You notice that your Mom had thrown them away and you can't complain.

Stupid spammer.

The book on the other hand kept your attention. You decide to leave it alone and try and contact Maxx about it.

Thats when an asshole started bothering you,

great who is it this time? If its WG you will kill them....oh never mind. Its someone else you don't know.

--tediousCharmer [TC] began trolling everdoomedBlossom [EB]--

TC: Hello there, dear :o)

EB: huh?

EB: uhhh, sorry! i don't think i know you! :P

TC: Wait.

TC: Oh no I contacted the wrong you, my mistake.

TC: But it seems that you are in some sort of trouble, which is worth sparring my time since there is nothing to do on this dreaded meteor and wait for a friend of mine to

TC: I'd

TC: rather not continue that, you know very little still Ella.

EB: how do you know my name!?

TC: Oh

TC: Right

EB: and calling me dear?! i don't know you even if your nicer then the others...

TC: Well you see from the time I am contacting you, we are the best of pals. :o)

TC: Which is why I gave you the little honk face to express my feeling of happiness when I speak to you.

EB: i'm not stupid i know thats a happy face! >:(

TC: Lovely

TC: *Ella

TC: I know your strange adult lusus has been taken by you, but it isn't any worry.

TC: Your mother is perfectly fine for now

EB: for now?!?!?!

EB: where is she? is she in my house?

TC: Ah this is where it gets upsetting

TC: I have no idea where your mother is except she is missing.

TC: Now what have you done with those letters?

EB: fuck!!!!

TC: Are you alright?

EB: no!!!!

EB: you know so much about me and its really REALLY scary!

TC: Oh :o(

TC: Well I suppose I'm not being very gentleman like then

EB: please leave me alone!

TC: *sigh*

TC: Alright, but if you need help I will be here

TC: I suppose I can go back to lolling around and putting ribbons in my hair like pupas.

TC: That was not sarcasm we have our handful of children in our session.

TC: and child like people but that is not the matter.

TC: I will leave you to keep exploring.

TC: I'm sorry I gave you a great discomfort, Ella.

TC: Until next time, too-da-loo

--tediousCharmer [TC] ceased trolling everdoomedBlossom [EB]--

That....was better then you expected. You thought him to snap at you for getting mad, but he was actually...very mature.

You keep him off the ban-list.

Maybe he was right????

You doubt it.

Putting your phone back in your pocket, you see the book .walk over and carefully open it.

Inside it is signed in fancy purple ink,

If you are reading this, I will see you soon.

Okay this is either Maxx's mom's handwriting or Maxx's moms handwriting.

You pick the latter as your best bet.

You....tediously close the book,

thats a bit creepy.......

(A/N for some reason I randomly switched to first person so ignore that)

I looked back at the letters in the trash and check on them for no reason in particular. The one sort of buried was obviously crumpled hundreds of times since it was almost like cloth. I saw crumpled initials and it is also RS.

It was so crumpled, that there where rips in the middle of the paper and it was hard to read.

I tossed it,

most likely Mom read it a few times and thought it was horseshit I thought, taking the book in my sylladex and heading to the portal since Maxx was pestering me hard.

Good time to tell him about the book.

--everdoomedBlossom [EB] began pestering tatteredTediance [TT]--

EB: maxx?

TT: ?

EB: something weird just happened!

TT: alright

TT: like what?

EB: uhhhh

EB: [link]

TT: what the fuck

EB: thats what i was thinking!

EB: it makes NO sense

TT: yeah how would you have my mothers book anyway?

TT: and...a newer version i suppose

EB: i don't know but this one has a little two in the corner if you look at it!

TT: funny

TT: mine has a one in the corner

TT: but both roxy and my mother say there was one copy and it was the one my mother wrote

TT: perhaps it is a faux?

EB: no!!!! it has your moms same handwriting and the ink she uses too.

TT: proof?

EB: [Link]

TT: ....

TT: well now

TT: perhaps i was lied to

EB: should i tell the others?

TT: if you want

TT: its not like the secrets of the world are in that book

EB: haha lol true

EB: well, i should probably get going! and maybe look for my mom.

TT: oh no :( !!!!

TT: what happened?

EB: i don't know actually!

EB: she was obviously looking at her mail since it was half opened but then i saw some blood splatters!

TT: how large were they?

EB: uhhh

I hesitated and looked back at the splatters, they where really just like little dots but my mom never brings messy food into her lab so I could assume it was blood.

EB: like

EB: very small?

EB: like water droplets scattered around and stuff

TT: alright then

TT: footprints?

EB: er

EB: nope!

TT: well fuck

TT: this is a hard riddle

EB: yeah :(

TT: im liking this game less and less

EB: me too, my mom wasn't supposed to disappear!

TT: i know its dreadful the feeling most likely

EB: yep :(!!!!

after a few minutes he doesn't respond so you decide to look for more clues....or study the white ring again.

You still wonder what it did.

It's fairly tall and you can't even reach the top for your short size, but your Mom could since she's about 6 inches taller then you.

You jump instead and wipe dust from the top.

A feeling of suspicion curled around you.
You start to feel angry, your mom never told you about a portal or anything like that.

Was this the big project she's been working on since you where a toddler? This was the thing she worked on to excuse spending time with you? Because making this portal was more important then sPENDING TIME WITH YOUR OWN CHILD?

Your worries for your mother faded, you where angry. This whole time she worked on a stupid project when she could have spent time with you, this whole time you where left with nothing.


It sounded like a pleasant word to you.

Stealing nothing.

Thieving nothing.

Maybe thats what you have been doing over the years to keep you from being lonely.

Stealing nothing to advantage yourself.

God dammit if that was another reason she refused to spend time with you, after you find her and hug her you will slap her in the face.

I love you mom but fuck you.

You didn't realize you began to cry and went to sit down and sulk. Then you remembered something....laying in bed when you where little and hearing voices downstairs like she was greeting some people.

It was shortly after Val was born, maybe a few days you don't remember exactly, and one of the few friend gatherings you all had together.

(the last one you had was when you were ten and it was just the four of you including families)

The voices downstairs you didn't recognize but you could tell they where happy.

Curiously you got out of bed to go see what they were but you where stopped by

Val's Uncle who you haven't seen since the last gathering.

"Why you still doing awake?" he asked quietly. Even in the dim light and even with his shades on you could tell he was looking you in the eye. It was scary because unlike Val's bro, his face looked stone cold and dead serious. When you where little you where always scared of him.

"Who are those people?" you ask,

he didn't answer but used the trick that people use on little kids all of the time since they have short attention spans.

"if you go upstairs I'll let you hold her."

You curiosity faded to that stupid fucker and you nodded and smiled while he told you to wait here.

There was a soft chatter then her uncle appeared with the little baby which looked practically like a ghost.

You always knew Valkyrie was albino, but when you where little it was one of the ridiculous things that scared you.

Anything that was outside what you knew when you where little either scared you or got you curious.

These days its more curiosity than fear.

All you remember is holding a small marshmallow blob of baby and being distracted then going to bed.

The memory faded and your anger settled in again.

Fuck you Mom.

Fuck you for not telling me about aliens being real

Fuck you for lying to me about that.

Fuck you for thinking I can't handle it. I could handle it, your not protecting me from anything.



You sat there for a few hours fists clenched ready to punch something, and tears running down your face. You knew throwing a tantrum wouldn't be very mature (and you didn't have one thank god) but how would you feel if you where lied to your whole life? That eventually when you found out the whole story...

You would care about nothing anymore.


Nothing is a good word.

You hope Valkyrie never finds out.

Her temper would go ballistic.

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