My Love For You |Naruto Vario...

By DatChild13

5.5K 182 10

Kaiya Ryu isn't a normal girl. She is the secret Jinchuriki of the No tails. She has strong jutsu and chakra... More

The Beginning -1
Secrets -2
Training -3
Anbu -4
Attack -5
Him -6
The Sand -7
A Day with Him -8
New mission -9
Why is it always Gaara-10
Why is it always Gaara pt2 -11
Close to death -12
Another one gone -13
Preparing for Pain -14
Attack on the Leaf -15
Pain vs Naruto -16
Rebuilding -17
Shikamaru -18
A nightmare -19
5 kage summit -20
Danzo/Sasuke -21
Captured -22
Itachi -23
The Beginning of the war -25
Teamwork -26
Infinite Tsukuyomi -27
Kaguya -28
Almost Over -29
I'm sorry -30
Goodbye...for now -31
Exploding Humans Pt 1 -32
Exploding Humans Pt 2 -33
Exploding Humans Pt 3 -34
Exploding Humans Pt 4 -35
A new mission -36
Found Him -37
Gone -38
A new plan -39
Safe -40

The hokage -24

92 4 0
By DatChild13

"Do you still want to destroy the leaf?"

Sasuke didn't answer at first. He glanced at me then back at his older brother. Truthfully I didn't care what his answer was. Either way I would arrest him after the war and stop his plans if he did want to destroy the leaf. 

"I'm not sure, I still need to check one more thing out..."  he said, "Will you come with me?" Itachi smiled, as he began to glow. 

"I'm afraid I cannot Sasuke, my time is gone." He said, "Keep focused, more people are going to count on you then you know." He looked my direction and I averted my gaze. 

"You don't have to leave, I'll find Orochimaru and make him use the cursed seal release and he can—"

"No sasuke, I have a lot of stuff to explain and I'm sure mother and father would like to see me." He says interrupting Sasuke and ruffling his hair. Sasuke nods and Itachi touches his forehead to him. He whispered something to him that I couldn't hear, but it gave Sasuke an exasperated  expression. Itachi then smiled and looked him in the eyes and said, "Whatever you decide, I will love you always. Farewell, Sasuke."

Then in a beam of light he faded away. Sasuke stood there and looked at Kabuto who was laying on the ground. There was silence. Sasuke eventually turned back around and faced me. 

"Sasuke!" Came a voice. We both turned our heads to see Karin and Suigestu running towards us. "He's behind us stop him!" They yelled. 

"Who-?" I start to say before hearing maniacal laughter. Suddenly Jugo burst through the cave wall. Debris and loose rocks fell everywhere. I had to move fast out of the way of the flaking rocks. 

"Sasuke!" Karin yelled. Sasuke sighed as Jugo ran towards him. Suigestu and Karin ran behind him, I assumed it would be wise if I did to. 

"Calm down Jugo." Sasuke said calmly, Jugo stopped in his tracks and fell to his knees.

"I'm sorry," he told us regaining himself. Sasuke turned back towards us. 

"What are you three doing here?" He asked. 

"We came to find you," Karin said, but he ignored her and looked over to Suigestu. 

"You three go find me two Zetsu's. I'll need them." They nodded and disappeared. 

"And what are we doing?" I ask walking towards him again. 

"Going to the Leaf to—OW!" He said turning around, "Stop that!" He shouted. My eyes widened a bit surprised by his outburst. On the back of his shoulder I had noticed red quickly spreading along his clothes, so I gently touched it to see what it was. I didn't realize he was so sensitive. 

"You're bleeding." I say, keeping my hand right where it was to annoy him further. 

"Tch," he said throwing my hand off. "I don't care." I took my hand and gently poked it once more. He groaned and grabbed his injured spot. 

"You need to bandage it before you bleed out." I tell him, but he ignores my comment and continues to walk out of the cave. I roll my eyes already annoyed with him again.  When we reached outside he used his arm to shield the sun from his eyes and took that as my opportunity. 

I grabbed him and pulled him down to the ground. He mumbled something I couldn't understand as I forced him to sit down. I bent over and began to take his shirt off. 

"Hey, what are you doing!" He shouted fighting back. 

"Trying to be nice and heal your stupid ass!" I shout back at him. I unzip his shirt and start to take it off him. He growls in annoyance but goes along with it. I tried to avoid looking at his toned abs. But I caught he eye looking away from it. He smirked. 

"Enjoying the view." He asked slyly. I wanted to punch him but decided against it. Instead I took the bandage and pressed very hardly against his wound. He yelped in pain and gave me a murderous look. I gave him a apologetic smile and said I was just trying to put 'pressure ' on the wound. 

Truthfully he did have a deep cut and if it wasn't healed it could obstruct his movement in his arm. I knew basic medical ninjutsu, nothing like Tsunade or Sakura, but enough to heal his wound. 

"Tch," he said when I told him I finished. He almost immediately set off to the leaf. 

Once we arrived I found the village mostly deserted. Everyone must've already left for the war, I thought. Because only genin and villagers were left behind sneaking into the Leaf wasn't as hard as I thought. 

Once inside I followed Sasuke to the place he wanted to go. Truthfully I had completed my job but Sasuke hadn't asked me to leave yet and I was intrigued by what he was doing. It wasn't long before Karin, Suigestu and Jugo arrived with the Zetsu. They had brought the required two and extra just in case. 

"What do we do with these two?" Jugo asked. 

"Nothing yet, first I'll bring back Orochimaru." Sasuke said walking by Anko's side. Karin had brought her back from the cave as well. 

"You can't be serious!" Suigestu said. 

"What!" Karin groaned. Jugo stayed silent. Sasuke ignored them and placed his hand on Anko's curse mark, within minutes Orochimaru stood in front of us. 

"Sasuke? Why have you of all people brought me back?" He asked annoyed. Sasuke stares at him. 

"I need you to reanimate some people for me. Using what Kabuto did." He calmly stated. Orochimaru looked around with a smile. 

"Jugo, Karin, Suigestu...interesting," his gaze fixed on me, "now you...are new to me." Sasuke ignored him. 

"Do what I said. We brought four Zetsu to use. Reanimate them." He said. Orochimaru gave a small smile. 

"What makes you think we can trust him?" Suigestu asked. 

"Because I no longer care for the leaf or Sasuke's body. I'll end this war. Suigestu get what we need." Suigestu groaned but did as he was instructed. 

"What are you planning?" I asked Sasuke quietly so no one else would hear. 

"I just have a few questions to ask these people." He vaguely answered. I rolled my eyes annoyed with his vague response. 

"And your sure you can trust him." I say, Sasuke nods. 

"He knows I'm stronger then him now. Plus he genuinely wants to help this time." Sasuke tells me. They placed each Zetsu in a circle and Orochimaru made hand signs. 

"Reanimation Jutsu!" He said. In puffs of smoke the Zetsu were gone and standing in there place were people who I had only heard of. The four hokage. 

"It's an honor to meet you." Sasuke says, looking at them. This is what his plan was? What could he possibly ask them? 

"What's going on? Why are we back?" The first asked. He had long black hair and tan skin and he wore red armor. His brother the second had spiked silver hair and light red eyes but with blue armor instead of red. 

"Because we are at war brother. I can already sense it." The second said. 

"Hashirama, Tobirama calm down." The third said. 

"Why have you brought us back or is this for us to be sued as pawns again?" The second growled looking at Orochimaru. 

"No, your not my pawns. I brought you back with your full power. You are not under my control." He said, 

"Sasuke, why have you brought us back?" The third hokage asked.

"First to ask you questions then to go to war." Sasuke answered. So he didn't come here to destroy the leaf after all. 

"Wow are you Naruto's friend he was talking about?" the fourth said. How did the fourth talk to Naruto? The fourth had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the same as Naruto. 

"And who are you?" The first asked.

"Oh," the fourth said surprised. "Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage." 

"Ohhh, the fourth hokage..." hashirama smiled. 

"Enough, what were your questions." The second said. He was very serious compared to the rest. 

"Third, is it true you ordered Itachi to kill our clan?" Sasuke asked. I looked at him, was this why he wanted to destroy the leaf? 

"He's a Uchiha," the second growled. The third gave a sad look. 

"No I never made him kill your clan. I was just surprised as you were." He said, Sasuke nodded. 

"Look can we save the questions for later. There's a war going on." Tobirama said. Sasuke nodded and agreed. He began to turn to leave when I spoke up. 

"Lord first, tell me about Madara Uchiha." Hashirama gave a somber look and took a seat. 

"It all started when we were children..." he began as he told the entire story of him and Madara. 

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