Love in the Time of Robots |...

By amy_149

108K 7.6K 2.4K

✅ Completed ✅ A sci-fi story where Kim Taehyung is inspired by Professor Jeon Jungkook, who is a young AI Sci... More

Author's Note
Character Introduction
1. He Is My Crush
2. The Conference
3. The Mentoring Session
4. Do You Believe In Fate?
5. Similar Yet Different
6. Cookies
7. Are We Friends?
8. Bad Day At Work
9. Jealousy and Need
10. Feeling of Lonliness
11. Friendly Date Night
12. Professional Help
13. Multi-Tasking
14. He is God, Not Robot
15. It Was a Mistake
16. Consequences
17. Not Angry but Scared
19. Dinner Date Or Movie Date
20. You, I Want You
21. Take Me Home
22. I Am Yours
23. I'll Never Love You
24. Try Civil Conversation
25. Sandwiched
26. Cursed Fairytale
27. Turning Point
28. Don't Abandon Me
29. Strongest Set Of Emotions
30. A Chance
31. Renewed Love
32. Unexpected Encounters
33. Ghosted
34. So Far Away You're Gone
35. Start Over
36. I'll Have Both
37. I Feel Complete
38. Different But Same
39. Keep An Eye
40. Cracking The Code
41. Dreams Have Meaning
42. Busted
43. Nightmare Coming To Life
44. Where's Jungkook
45. What's Hidden
46 I'll Save You
47. A Deal
48. America
49. You'll Regret Lying
50. A Deal Date
51. It Was Perfect
52. A Chance For Real
53. I Did It For You
54. Not So Bad End (Finale)
New Book Release
Black Rose

18. Old Times

1.7K 138 7
By amy_149

"I have studied your framework Jimin. The AI part looks great. There are a few changes that you should make. I'll guide you on it then we can start working on developing the basic software." Seokjin explained through moving his fingers on the halographic screen on which a mesh of numbers and symbols were displayed.

"Thankyou Dr. Kim Seokjin . Yes you are right what you don't seem fitting we can change that but this framework is approved by Dr. Kim we have to inform him before making changes." Jimin said hesitantly.

"Didn't he say I'll be the one helping you?"

"Yes but only on AI robotics part and machanical part will be affected by the changings too."

"We will tell him after making changes." Seokjin reasoned.

"I..... I didn't do anything without consulting him first so I am a bit stuck....."

Seokjin scoffed. "Go ahead and consult with him."

"Thankyou I'll do it over the lunch." Jimin said remembering he was late today and couldn't join Namjoon on breakfast. Whenever that happens Jimin treats him on lunch.


"Yeah Dr. Kim and I do breakfast or lunch together."

"I see...."

"He is really a caring mentor. Always guides me politely, he is a role model for me." Jimin said with dreamy eyes.

"Still he doesn't know how to set boundaries....." Seokjin mumbled.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you."

"Oh I said you are right." Seokjin smiled bitterly.

"You are nice too Dr. Kim Seokjin I was sacred at first. But now I am not. Thank you for treating me politely." Jimin smiled.

Seokjin who was frowning earlier now was bit relaxed a smile adorning his pouty lips.

"You are a good intern" Seokjin complimented him.

"And you are handsome." Jimin smiled earning a high pitched laugh from the other.

"Well... Yeah that's a fact." Seokjin was still laughing breathlessly.

"Seem like something interesting is happening here. Can I join too?" A voice intrupped them.

Jimin observed how Seokjin changed his expressions from happy to sour listening to the voice of Dr. Kim.

"Um... Well I'll be leaving for lunch Dr. Kim. See you there." Jimin thought he should leave the two.

When Jimin left, Seokjin rose from his seat and tried to leave too. "Seokjin wait"

"What? Aren't you getting late for having lunch with your new boy toy." Seokjin couldn't help but to spit bitter words.

"What? No, you are wrong. That kid is my intern and....."

"Well does it look like I care? Save your sorry ass from explanations."

Seokjin was about to pass when Namjoon held onto his wrist, "Why are you so bitter Seokjin?"

"Leave it and ask yourself that why am I like this?"

"I am not asking you to go back to how it was just don't use harsh words with me please it breaks me whenever you do this and try to run away." Namjoon said.

"You are in no position to make demands."

"I've said sorry to you countless times Seokjin. I asked to make it up to you countless times but you never gave a chance."

"Oh what's the sorry worth it when you haven't changed your ways. Still you don't know how to put boundary between yourself and others."

"Don't be inexorable. Jimin is not....."

"Inexorable..... Hah? I said leave my wrist and shut the fuck up." Seokjin jerked away his arm from Namjoon's grip and walked away leaving fazed Namjoon behind.

"Atleast give me a chance to explain Seokjin." Namjoon sighed.


Taecyeon's shiny leather boots made sound while he walked on tiled floor. He made an exit from his office with a target clear in his mind, that was CEO's office. People who are focused on bring other's downfall can go to any extent. He is one of them and today he was eager to get clearance from the director.
He went inside the office before he could barge into CEO's office his secretary came between him and door to stop him.

"I need to see him."

"Sir you can't go inside like that. Do you have an appointment with him?"

"I am director. I don't need an appointment."

"Let me cross check with him then you can go in."

She walked back to her reception and made a call.

"Mr. Ok you have to wait for half an hour. He is in a meeting."

Taecyeon scoffed walking back and sitting on couch in the waiting area. He kept on looking at time as if it would pass hurriedly by looking at it.

"Mr. Ok you can go inside now." the secretery announced.

"What? You said he was in a meeting I didn't see anyone coming out." Taecyeon spoke.

"I uh...." before she could complete Taecyeon was long gone.

"You made me wait on purpose didn't you?" Taecyeon spoke furiously.

A mocking chuckle was heard "If you already know this then you shouldn't have waited....." CEO spoke turning around his revolving chair.

If Taecyeon didn't have an ulterior motive he would have humiliated this person right then and there but right now he had to control to make this work. So he smiled faking it genuinely." Oh Mr. Min it was really important that we have this meeting."

"And what that might be?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"I have a suspicion, I need your help to bring truth to light." he said.

Yoongi was now bored listening to this man, "To me you are the suspicious one anyhow go on?"

"It's about Dr. Jeon."

"Who the one who was working on some human robot.?" Yoongi said as if didn't know anything.

"Yeah. Mr. Min, I think he is hiding the truth from us. He has already accomplished the project and he is keeping it to himself. Something doesn't add up."

"How does that concern me?" Yoongi questioned.

"I mean it was the project with government that is funding a huge amount for your building yearly. Don't you think if this is hidden and purposefully delayed. Your funding by the government can be halted."

"Hmmmmm...." Yoongi hummed. "What you want me to do?"

"He has been successful in making that robot and I am sure that it is in working condition already and Dr. Jeon is keeping it hidden from us purposefully. I need your permission to search out his lab unannounced."

"And what's your benefit in all of this?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Umm... Me... I... There us no benefit for me. I am just doing it for this Tower's reputation. You know we are number one when it comes to advance technology and robotics. And.... What Dr. Jeon is doing might taint the image."

"Yeah you are right.... Then why don't you do something of your own to take this tower towards the new horizons of success? Instead of sniffing into other people's business?" Yoongi mocked him with a straight face.

"I respect you but you are crossing your limits Mr. Min."

"Don't think that 2% share of your's is holding me back from throwing you out of this building." Yoongi smirked.

Taecyeon banged his bith palms on the table and growled, "You are making a mistake Mr. Min. I hope you won't regret." he knew that he failed convincing Yoongi to side with him. It was in vain to talk further so he left.

"I don't know who long I have to deal with such a bitch." Yoongi mumbled tapping fingers onto halographic screen to make a call.

"Mr. Min Good Afternoon."

"Cut the crap Jeon. Watch your back that Taecyeon bitch is suspicious of you." Yoongi said.

"Yeah thank you for heads up."

"Nah Jeon it's for the sake of old times." Yoongi smiled remembering some memories as he cut the call bringing himself back to work.


Yoongi entered the chat.... Stream D-day y'all ❤️

Love from my side 💖

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