(Editing) Sold to Be His

By sel_evelyn

624K 18.7K 579

(Editing)! Athena has been sold by her father to a complete stranger. Yet her father knows him well. Athena t... More

(editing)Sold to Be His
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Extra Chapter
Extra: Sneak Peek of new story
Alternative Ending

Chapter 38

18.4K 342 57
By sel_evelyn

It has been two days. I'm finally walking. I have a male nurse helping me walk throughout the hospital halls. I can't get out since I'm going to have surgery tomorrow for my arm.
"There you go Mr. Henry," his Texas accent shows. I turn to him, "Don't call me mister, it's weird."
"Sorry," he smiles. "It's a habit of mine."
"So what's your name?"
"Jeremy Patterson," he nods.
"Okay, Jeremy, can you take me to see a friend of mine? I don't know where she is though," I say. Judith has been the only one visiting me these past days. She hasn't been able to tell me how Athena is.
"Sure, just give me her name and I'll try to find her," Jeremy says.
I give him the information and I wait. He comes back and guides me to Athena's room.
"She's right inside, but for what I read, she isn't well mentally," Jeremy says.
I nod and thank him. I knock on the door and open it. I drag the IV stand with me.
"I'm not hungry, I ate breakfast already," Athena says. I close the door and walk towards her. She quickly looks up at me and is shocked. "Henry?"
I get closer to her bed. "Hi Athena."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just bruises and broken bones,"
She looks so dull. There isn't any light coming from her. Her eyes are tired and have dark circles.
"What happened? Why did Shawn die?"
I sit on the corner of the bed. I thought someone told her. "What do you know?"
"He died, that's all I know," she says. A tear escapes her right eye.
"It was an accident," I answer, "a deer popped out of nowhere and the pavement was iced. Shawn nor me could control the car. I'm so sorry. I swear, I wish I died instead of him. He had so many things to live for." I hold my tears but my throat hurts. I still feel like shit.
"I wish too," Athena whispers.
She punched me in the gut. She wants me dead.
"I love him so much Henry. I was stupid to get upset over our marriage. I didn't tell him I love him when he left. He left with the thought of me hating him!"
"He knew that Athena. He-he loved you and thought about you in his last seconds of life," I say.
She cries. I just sit here. I can't do anything.



"I told George to make your room as comfortable as possible," Ms. Taylor says as she combs my hair back behind my ear.
"Thank you," I say. She lightly smiles, "I'm glad you agreed to move with us. Believe it or not, Nicolas cares about you and the baby."
I decided to move with Mr. Trevor and Ms. Taylor. Mr. Trevor insisted for me to go somewhere else with him. He wants to help me get through Shawn's death. I am now living in Paris. My parents are here for a while too. They are staying at the guest house outside.
"I know," I say. She stands, "let me see if George is making the dinner I requested."
Ms. Taylor fixes her long black dress before walking away. I look around the room. It is so royal. It has big windows with beautiful curtains.
Someone knocks on the door and I tell them to come in.
I see Shawn's grandfather. I quickly stand. "Sir, you should-"
He raises his hand to make me stop talking. He closes the door and slowly walks towards me. He has a black suit on. "I'm sorry dear," he frowns.
I look down, "I'm sorry too, he was your grandchild."
He takes my hand. "Everyone dies, it sad though, a young man like him dying that way."
I take him to sit with me on the bed. His old hand feels soft on mine. I haven't seen him in a long time. Shawn has been the only one talking to him and his uncle.
"I'm here for you and this baby," he says. I look into his eyes and lightly smile. "Thank you."
"We will be living for a while at Nicolas hotel. My son Robert needs to have knee surgery," Peter says.
"You mean Bob?" I ask.
He nods, "That's his nickname."
"I hope everything goes well,"
He kisses my cheek. "Everything will be fine my Athena."
"I hope so," I say.
He hugs me tight and exits the room. I look down at my stomach and feel Paulette move. I can't let this drag me so low. I have you to take care of baby. But, I lost Shawn and I almost lost Henry too. Even, if in my wicked side would want him dead instead of Shawn, I am glad he is fine. I know it wasn't his fault, but just looking at him gets me angry. I'm so stupid. I really am so stupid.

We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.- Max de Pree

"Athena," Royce snaps his fingers in my face. I smack them away, "Stop it, you know I can't decide which flavor to choose," I say as I'm looking at the different types of ice cream.
Royce grunts, "Bonita, seriously, not even Paulette takes this long."
The cashier smiles, "How about caramel on vanilla with chunks of brownie? I always get that."
I nod at her. "Sounds yummy."
She begins to make the ice cream. I turn to Royce who is texting nervously. I chuckle, "Is it Griselda?"
He rolls his eyes and puts his phone away. "Shut up."
"Aw come on! I ask her out already! You guys are perfect for each other," I say.
"Here you go miss," the cashier hands me a big cone with the ice cream. I lick it and it's so good!
Royce pays for it and takes his frozen yogurt cup. We begin to walk around the mall.
"I haven't asked her out because she isn't ready for another relationship," Royce says.
"Please, she just wants to eat you up,"
"Really? I'm that yummy huh?" Great, I'm giving him more confidence. I eat my ice cream and let him talk. He has been with me since Paulette was born. Mr. Trevor flied him over to Paris just for me. We are great friends now. He is like an uncle for Paulette.
"Okay, let's go now," Royce takes my hand.
"Finally, why did you take me out of my home?" I ask. He doesn't answer and drags me to the parking lot and we get in the car. We finally arrive to my house. I see four different cars parked outside the curve. What's going on?
I get out and walk towards the door. I notice it is open. I turn to Royce and he smiles. He pushes the door wide open and I get in.
"Surprise!" Everyone I know pops out of nowhere. My face is invaded my foam and bubbles with colorful string. I yell in delight and get invaded by hugs and kisses from everyone.
"Happy birthday sweetie," Mom is the last one to hug me.
"Thank you so much for this," I smile.
Gabriel comes with 3 year old Kyle in his arm while on the other he has a small cupcake. "Happy 24th year of birth my dear friend," he smiles.
I get the cupcake and bite into it. "Thanks."
"Yay!" Kyle cheers. He is such an adorable baby!
We all giggle and cheer along with him. "Where's Paulette?" I ask.
Judith comes by Gabriel's side. "She's with a special friend in her room. Taylor is with them," she answers.
Mom puts her hand on my shoulder. "Go get her."
I nod and head to Paulette's room. As I'm opening her door, I hear a familiar voice.
"No!" Paulette giggles.
"Stop telling her that!" Ms. Taylor chuckles.
I open the door and see Henry siting with my daughter on her pink sheet bed. "Mommy!" Paulette runs towards me and hugs my leg.
Henry stands, "Happy birthday."
"He is a friend!" Paulette goes to Henry and takes his hand. She looks up at him with at giant smile.
Ms. Taylor comes to his side. "I found him on my visit to Boston. I didn't know what to give you for your birthday, but I think this could be it."
I'm so surprised. He's here after all this time.
"Come on Marie, mommy has to talk to Henry," Ms. Taylor gets her hand and they walk away. I close the door and look at him. He looks mature now. His hair is short now with David Beckham look to it. He has a simple white suit with no tie.
"You look great," he says nervously. "I-I know you didn't want to see me anymore, but Taylor insisted. I also wanted to see how Paulette has grown. She is beautiful."
I nod. "She is."
"It sucks though, she looks like a female version of Shawn," he chuckles, "he was very handsome, not going to lie about that."
I sigh, "Would it have been better if she looked like me?"
"Yes, but she does though. She has the same personality as you," he smiles. "And she has your eyes."
"Henry, I'm sorry okay," I finally speak. "I never wanted you to die. I'm sorry for pushing you away. Everytime I saw you, I saw Shawn. It reminded me that he was dead and was never going to say he loved me."
"I understand, but it sucks that I let you do that. I felt like shit. I actually went into depression. I felt like I wasn't worth living wit the fact that I didn't have anything to live for. Shawn had you, the baby, his father, and friends while I was an alcoholic artist with nothing else. I didn't want him to die, but I couldn't do anything."
Henry walks towards me and I step back. I hit my head on the door as I can't go back anymore. "Just tell me you are fine and healing," he says. He takes my hands into his. He is so warm. I remember his warmth. He left after I came back from Paris when Paulette was four months old.
He came back after all.
"I am. It is still kind of hard, but I'm way better," I answer. I grip his hand harder. "I'm glad you are better too."
He smiles. "How about we talk after your party? I think everyone spend a lot of time and effort for this party. I hear more people are coming."
"Oh my gosh, I told Bonnie I didn't want a big bash," I say.
"She is still very outgoing huh?"
"Yep and engaged," I chuckle, "that boyfriend of hers finally proposed."
Henry grins, "Wow, I have missed more than I thought."
We head back to the living room and more guests arrive. The party goes very smooth and fun. Bonnie did a great job.
I'm now with Henry and Paulette in her room. We are all watching a princess cartoon show. She is in the middle of Henry and me. Her long brown hair is on Henry's upper stomach as she is leaning against him. She got attached to him quickly.
"So, does she know Shawn?" Henry asks in a whisper.
I see Paulette is very entertained by the show. "Yeah, she knows he isn't with us."
"And you haven't tried to be with someone else? What about Royce?"
"No. I'm good alone and he is with someone. We are best friends now," I say.
I turn to Henry and he is looking down at Paulette. "Can I tell you something?"
"Shawn before he died told me I should take care of you and the baby. He gave me his blessing to do it," he says.
"What?" I exclaim.
"What's wrong?" Paulette asks. I kiss her head. "It's fine aimer," I say. I stand, "I think it's time to go night night."
She frowns, "No! Princess!"
Henry hugs her, "Well princesses have to rest too. Listen to your mom."
She giggles. "Okay." I get her pajamas and tell her to change. We goes into the bathroom and I help her put her pajamas. We come back to the room and Henry is gone. I set her into bed.
"Bon nuit," she smiles. I kiss her cheek. "Nuit. I love you Paulette."
I cover her and turn off the lights. I get out and Henry is outside waiting for me.
"Let's go to the living room," I say.
We sit on the couch facing each other.
"I just wanted to tell you that since I didn't when we talked," Henry says.
"Anything else you want to tell me?"
"I have a question for you,"
"Hit me,"
"Why did you really come back?"
"Taylor insisted," he says, "I got curious on how you are and wanted to see Paulette. I just wanted to see you again."
"What if you didn't see Ms. Taylor? Would you ever come back?"
He shrugs. "Does it matter? I'm here now. I'm happy to see you once more."
He hasn't change a bit. He still has this kind soul.
"I missed you," I say, "I actually needed you, but like I said, I felt angry when I saw you. I didn't mean to think it would have been better if you were dead. No outcome would have made me happy."
He touches my cheek. His touch makes me shiver but it is warm. "You are so weird."
What the hell? I chuckle and push him, "Mood killer!"
He laughs, "I'm glad the good old Athena is still here."
I roll my eyes, "Shut up." He kisses my cheek. "I need to go. I rented a car and need to return it. Can we hang out tomorrow? Paulette can come with us."
I smile. "Sure."
"Mommy, where daddy?" Paulette suddenly asks as we are siting in the park. "What? Why did you ask that?"
She looks at me. "Daddy, I want daddy."
I'm so confused. Does she see Shawn?
"Hey beautiful ladies!" Henry comes in running and hugs Paulette. "Daddy!" She yells.
Henry immediately pulls away and looks at me with shock. I'm surprised too.
Paulette keeps a good grip on him. "Want to play."
I stand and carry her. "Sweetie, he isn't daddy. Daddy is Shawn."
She pouts, "But daddy."
Henry pats her back, "don't get upset Athena. She's a kid. She probably saw that in a movie."
I can't believe what she said. Should I be happy? She never said that word before.
Henry takes Paulette and sets her down. "Go play on the horses." She nods and runs to the playground.
"I can't believe she said that to you," I say.
Henry holds my hand. "Are you really that surprised? We have been hanging out for three months now. She isn't stupid."
I look down, "But you aren't her father."
He kisses me gently. "I know, I won't never be a replacement. But I don't mind her calling me that. It feels nice."
I hug him. "I don't want her to forget Shawn."
"She won't and you won't either. You were sold to be his. You felt in love with him and made this awesome kid. But he isn't here and it's unfair you will go on living unloved and not treated like a queen."
I look at him and kiss his lips. He cups my face and let's me taste his tongue. "Thank you for that. I'm trying my best to love you."
"I know but I don't want to push you,"
"You aren't."
"Daddy. Mommy, come play," Paulette runs towards us and hold each of our hand into hers. She smiles wide just like Shawn. I smile back. In a weird way, I know he is happy for me. I'm ready to continue.


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