Luz the Last Airbender

By Disney-Cat

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Join the Owl House as they meet a girl named Luz who is an Airbender and the Avatar More

Book 1 Chapter 3 The Southern Air Temple
Book 1 Chapter 1 "A Girl in the Iceberg"
Book 1 Chapter 2 The Avatar Returns
Book 1 Chapter 4 The Warriors of Kyoshi
Book 1 Chapter 5 The King of Omashu
Book 1 Chapter 6 Imprisoned
Book 1 Chapter 7 Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World
Book 1 Chapter 8 Winter Solstice, Part 2: Avatar Moku.docx
Book 1 Chapter 10 Ket
Book 1 Chapter 11 The Great Divide
Book 1 Chapter 12 The Storm
Book 1 Chapter 13 Blue Spirit
Book 1 Chapter 14 The Fortuneteller
Book 1 Chapter 15 Bato of the Water Tribe
Book 1 Chapter 16 The Deserter
Book 1 Chapter 17 The Northern Air Temple
Book 1 Chapter 18- The Waterbending Master
Book 1 Chapter 19: The Siege of the North, Part 1
Book 1 Chapter 20 The Siege of the North, Part 2
Book 2 Chapter 1 The Avatar State
Boik 2 Chapter 2 The Cave of two lovers
Book 2 Chapter 3 Return to Omashu
Book 2 Chapter 4 The Swamp
Book 2 Chapter 7 Lilith Alone
Book 2 Chapter 5 Avatar Day
Book 2 Chapter 6 The Blind Bandit
Book 2 Chapter 8 The Chase
Book 2 chapter 9 Bitter work
Book 2 Chapter 10 The Library
Book 2 chapter 11 The desert
Book 2 Chapter 12 The Serpent's Pass
Book 2 Chapter 13 The Drill
Book 2 Chapter 14 Book 2 Chapter 14 City of Walls and Secrets
Book 2 Chapter 15 The Tales of Ba Sing Se
Book 2 Chapter 19 The Guru
Book 2 chapter 16 App's lost days lost
Book 2 Chapter 17 Lake Laogai
Book 2 Chapter 18 The Earth King
Book 2 Chapter 20 The Crossroad To Destiny
Lost Episode: Escape from the Sprit world
Book 3 Chapter 1 The Awakening
Book 3 chapter 2 The Headband
Book 3 chapter 3 The The Painted Lady
Book 3 Chapter 4 Willow's Master
Book 3 Chapter 5 The Beach
Book 3 Chapter 6: The Avatar and the Fire Emperor
Book 3 Chapter 7 The Runaway
Book 3, Chapter 8 The puppeteer master
Book 3 Chapter 9 Nightmares and Daydreams
Book 3 Chapter 10 The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion
Book 3 Chapter 11: The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse
Book 3 Chapter 12 The Western Air Temple
Book 3 Chapter 13 The Firebending Master
Book 3 Chapter 14: The Boiling Rock Part I
Book 3 Chapter 15: The Boiling Rock, Part 2
Book 3 Chapter 16: The Southern Raiders
Book 3 Chapter 17: The Ember Island Players
Book 3 Chapter 18: Sozin's Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King
Book 3 Chapter 19: Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters
Book 3 Chapter 20: Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno
Book 3 Chapter 21: Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Luz

Book 1 Chapter 9 The Waterbending scroll

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By Disney-Cat

Amity's intro

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed her most, she vanished. A hundred years passed, and me, Willow and Gus discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Luz. And although her airbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Luz can save the world.

Scene opens with the camera zoomed out showing Appa flying in above the mountains with a few viewable trees, carrying Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Eda and King.

(Luz is pacing around on Appa's saddle, breathing heavily.) "Would you sit down?" (Turns around from her perch on Appa's head.) "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?" Eda asked

(Worriedly.) "It's what Avatar Moku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives." Luz said

(In a sarcastic, amused tone while facing Luz.) "Well, let's see. You pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer." Willow said

(Frightfully.) "I haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?" Luz asked

(Grabs Luz's arm.) "Calm down, it's going to be okay." (Luz sits down in front of her.) "If you want, Gus can try to teach you some of the stuff he knows." Amity said

"Come again?" Gus asked turning from the clouds

(Smiling.) "He'd do that?" Luz asked

(Nods and looks over the side of Appa's saddle.) "We'll need to find a good source of water first." Amity said

(Grinning, sarcastically.) "Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Willow said only to get a water whip from Eda which surprised the others

"Eda's a waterbender!?" Luz exclaimed

"She told me to promise not to tell anyone" Amity said

"They were gonna find out about it anyway" Eda said

"So are we gonna find a puddle?" Willow asked

Cuts to Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Eda and King standing in front of a large waterfall and river.

(Frowning beside Luz and Gus' ecstatic faces.) "Nice puddle." Willow said

Appa flies down into the river and creates a huge splash that soaks and almost knocks King of the rock he is standing on, turns over, and floats on his back.

(Takes off her shoes, smiling.) "Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" (Begins to run toward the water only to be pulled back by Eda.)

(Somewhat blankly.) "Remember the reason we're here." Eda said

(Stops short and looks at Eda.) "Oh right. Time to practice waterbending." (Puts her clothes back on.)

(Sarcastically.) "Great. So what am I supposed to do?" Willow asked

"You could ... clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Luz said (Hands Willow a branch with a bushel of leaves at the end.)

(Frowns and crosses her arms.) "So, while you three are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?" Willow asked

(Smiles, somewhat cheerfully.) "Mud and bugs!" Luz said

"Okay." Willow said (Takes stick and walks over to Appa who is floating in the water.)

Scene changes to Lilith's ship in the ocean. On the deck, Lilith is practicing firebending with her Sublieutanent Lee when the boat turns and they are thrown to one side on their backs.

(Close-up of her face, she glares at the tower.) "Someone's changing our course." Lilith said

Cuts to a crew member steering the ship at the top of the boat.

(Storming in, yelling.) "What is the meaning of this mutiny? No one told you to change course!" Lilith yelled (Shows Kaldo and the rest of the crew playing Pai Sho behind them.)

"Actually, someone did. I assure you, it is a matter of utmost importance, Commander Lilith." Kaldo said (Scratches his back.)

(Hopefully.) "Is it something to do with the Avatar?" Lilith asked

"Even more urgent. It seems, I-" (Rubs forehead in stress.) "-I have lost my lotus tile." Kaldo said (Moves a piece of his across the Pai Sho board.)

(Confused.) "Lotus tile?" Lilith asked

"For my Pai Sho game. Most people think the lotus tile is insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ." Kaldo said

(In disbelief.) "You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?" Lilith asked

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call." (Excitedly.) "Hopefully, they will have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life." (Lilith breathes fire up at the ceiling in anger and Kaldo smiles.) "I'm lucky to have such an understanding commander." Kaldo said

The room fills with smoke from Lilith's outburst, clouding the scene from view.

Cut to a scene of a content Appa floating in the river while Willow stands on his stomach and brushes in between his toes with the branch.

"Yeah, don't get too happy. You've got to do me next." Willow said (Appa moans happily.)

Shows Luz, Amity, Gus and Eda by the shore.

"This is a pretty basic move, but it still took me months to perfect. So don't get frustrated if you don't get it right away." (Sees Gus moves his hands back and forth and makes small waves in the water, while Luz looks up, smiling.) "Just push and pull the water like this. The key is getting the wrist movement right." Eda said as she moves her hands back and forth making waves bigger then Gus'

(Stands up.) "Like this?" Luz asked (Does the hand movements Gus and Eda are doing, but nothing is happening yet.)

(Kindly.) "That's almost right. If you keep practicing I'm sure eventually-" Eda didn't finish talking when she became shocked from what she saw

"Hey, I'm bending it already!" (Shows Luz making much bigger waves than Gus and Eda's waves together.)

(Surprised.) "Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly. It took me two months to learn that move." Gus said

(Shrugs shoulders.) "Well, you had to figure it all out on your own. I'm lucky enough to have a great teacher." Luz said

(Snaps out of her shocked look and smiles.) "Thanks." Eda said

"So, what's next?" Luz asked

"This is a more difficult move. I call this streaming the water." (She moves her hands and raises a stream of water from the river into the air and moves it around with Gus following her lead.) "It's harder than it looks, so don't be disappointed if-" (Shows Luz already controlling a stream of water, moving it around and above his body and neatly coiling it back into the river, much to Gus's dismay while Eda was shocked again.) "Nice work." Eda said

(frowns.) "Though the over-the-head flare was unnecessary." Gus said

"Sorry." (Excited.) "Well, don't stop now! Keep 'em coming!" Luz said

(Looks up sadly.) "Well I kind of know this one other move, but it's pretty hard. I haven't even totally figured it out yet. The idea is to create a big, powerful wave." Gus said (He moves his hands up, shaking, and starts to get a big mass of water to rise out of the river, but it pops before forming into anything substantial.)

"Yeah, you gotta be stronger to do that move" (moves her hands up to make a mass of water rise from the river and washed it over some rocks) "like that" Eda said

"So, like this?" (She raises her hands and creates a massive wave that towers over their heads.)

(Still working on cleaning up Appa, she looks up and stares at Luz's wave crashing toward her in fear.) "Luz?!" Willow yelled (The wave throws Willow off into the water and her head slowly rises out, annoyed.)

(Smiling.) "Looks like I got the hang of that move! What else do you fellas have?" Luz asked with Amity surprised from seeing it while Eda starred in shock

(Angry at Luz's quick success.) "That's enough practice for today." Gus said

(Head still sticking out of the water.) "Yeah, I'll say!" (Points to the left.) "You just "practiced" our supplies down the river!" Willow said (Shows a group of bags floating away.)

(Looking guilty.) "Uh, sorry." (Smiles worriedly.) "I'm sure we can find somewhere to replace all this stuff." Luz said

"My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender." Willow said (Sinks back underwater.)

Cuts to Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda walking through the streets of a city market and port. Shows many armed men staring at the group. Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda look nervous while Luz looks around in wonder.

(Walking back from an alleyway with a bag over her shoulders.) "We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that my dad King Wrath gave us. Let's spend it wisely." Willow said

"I'm still surprised the king of Omashu is your dad" Gus said

"Also, make it two copper pieces, Willow. I couldn't say no to this whistle!" Luz said (Pulls out a white whistle that looks like a bison, takes a huge breath and blows into it, but it barely makes a sound.)

(Pulls out fingers over her ears after expecting a loud noise.) "It doesn't even work." (Luz stops blowing when King squawks at her.) "See? Even King thinks it's a piece of junk." Willow said

"No offense Luz, but I'll hold the money from now on." Amity said (Luz hands her the two copper coins.)

"How are we gonna get more supplies with that many coins left?" Eda asked

Cuts to the other side of the port where a man is talking in front of his boat docked in the water.

(Moving hands and shouting excitedly.) "Earth Kingdom! Fire Nation! Water Tribe! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!" (Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda walk by and he runs up to them.) "Al is the name! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" Al asked

(Walks back to the man.) "Sure! What are curios?" Luz asked

(Looks confused and thinks.) "I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!" Al said (Puts his hand on Luz's shoulder and smiles, walking her into the ship.)

Cuts to the inside of the boat where strange collectibles are lined up on shelves on the walls. Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda walk in.

(Looks up close at an item on a shelf, confused.) "Huh?" Luz wondered

Amity stares at an ornate monkey statue on one of the shelves eerily.

(Standing in a dark doorway as Luz passes by with King on her back.) "I've never seen such a fine specimen of a demon dog." (Walks into the light, an iguana parrot on his shoulder.) "That beast would fetch me a hefty sum if you'd be interested in bartering." the Captain said (The iguana parrot squawks at them.)

(Grabbing King.) "King is not for sale." Luz said

Shows Gus walking over to a shelf where a number of scrolls are kept. He grabs one with the waterbending symbol on it and opens it to see lines of waterbending diagrams and writing.

(Smiling.) "Luz, Eda, look at this. It's a waterbending scroll!" (Luz and Eda walk over.) "Check out these crazy moves." Gus said

"Well I'll be" Eda said examining the scroll

(Turns to the captain, excited.) "Where did you get a waterbending scroll?" Luz asked

(Slams his hand onto the scroll and pulls it away.) "Let's just say I got it up North, at a most reasonable price, free." the Captain said (Rolls the scroll back up and puts it away back in the shelf.)

(Turns around and looks at the captain from the other side of the room.) "Wait a minute ... Sea loving traders, with suspiciously acquired merchandise," (Raises eyebrows, almost yelling.) "and pet reptile birds?" (Turns around to Al, almost spitting in his face.) "You guys are pirates!" Willow yelled

(Puts his arm around a terrified Willow's shoulders.) "We prefer to think of ourselves as high risk traders." Al said

Cuts to Amity holding their two copper pieces next to Luz and Gus, with the captain on the other side of the counter they are leaning on.

"So, how much for the, uh, traded scroll?" Amity asked

"I've already got a buyer, a nobleman in the Earth Kingdom." (Voice turns less serious.) "Unless of course, you fellas have two hundred gold pieces on you right now." the Pirate Captain said

(Turns around and whispers to Amity.) "I know how to deal with these guys, Amity. Pirates love to haggle." (Amity drops the final coins in her hand.) "Watch and learn." (Walks over to the counter, leans against it, and talks in a pirate voice.) "Let's say the price of one copper piece!" Luz said (Smiles, and dramatically presents the single coin.)

(Laughs hysterically.) "The price is two hundred gold pieces. I don't haggle on items this rare." the Pirate Captain said

(Still smirking and talking like a pirate.) "Okay, two copper pieces!" Luz said

(Aggravated.) "It's not as amusing the second time, girl!" the Pirate Captain said

(Whispering.) "Luz, can we get out of here? I feel like we're getting weird looks." Gus said

"Aye, we are casting off now!" Luz said (Walks away.)

"I agree, that monkey statue gives me the creeps" Amity said following them

Cuts back to outside, Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda are walking off the boat and back down the street.

"What was that all about, Gus?" Luz asked

"Yeah, I was just starting to browse through their boomerang collection." Willow said

(Worried, holding his arms.) "I'll just feel a lot better once we get away from here." Gus said

"Hey Willow, what's with you and boomerangs?" Eda asked

"She collects them" Amity said

Cuts back to the pirate ship. Al is running across the deck looking for them.

"Hey you! Get back here!" Al yelled

(Calmly turns around.) "Well, well. Look who's come to their senses. Told you the haggling would pay off." Luz said

Suddenly, a group of armed pirates jump out of the boat and run to Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda, whispering menacingly and swinging their weapons.

(Scared.) "I don't think these pirates are here to trade with us." Gus said (Turns around and runs, Luz, Amity, Willow and Eda follow and the pirates chase behind them. Half of the group runs down one street while the other goes down the one next to it.)

"This way. Let's cut 'em off!" Al said

(Turning a corner with Luz, Amity, Gus and Eda.) "Whoa!" Willow yelled (Eda freezes a puddle behind them that a pirate slips on.)

Cuts to peaceful scene of the cabbage merchant with his cart of cabbages in an alleyway. Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda run past him and almost knock his cart over. Luz sends a blast of wind that throws the cart into the group of pirates behind them.

(Angry.) "My cabbages! This place is worse than Omashu!" the Cabbage Merchant yelled

A group of pirates jump out of another street and chase Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Eda and King.

"I hope that demon dog of yours has nine lives!" one of the pirates yelled

(Al and the pirates corner them in the dead end of a street.) "Now, who gets to taste the steel of my blade first?" Al asked

"No thanks." (Spins and hurls a blast of air at the pirates that send them backward, and runs toward them with her glider out.) "Grab on tight!" Luz said

"Luz! I thought we were running away from the pirates!" Amity said (Jumps on to Luz's glider with Gus, Willow and Eda and they lift off into the air.)

"Just hang on!" Luz said (Flies over the pirates' heads and into the distance.)

Cuts back to their camp by the river, where Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda stand by the shore.

(Putting her glider away.) "I used to kind of look up to pirates, but those guys are terrible." Luz said

(Mischievously.) "I know. That's why I took this." Gus said (Holds out the waterbending scroll they saw in the shop.)

(Surprised.) "No way!" Luz said

(Excited.) "Isn't it great?" Gus asked

"No wonder they were trying to hack us up! You stole their waterbending scroll!" Willow said shaking Gus back and forth

(Jokingly.) "I prefer to think of it as high risk trading." Gus said while stopping Willow

(Laughs.) "Good one, Gus." Luz said

"Willow, where do you think they got it? They stole it from a waterbender!" Gus said

"It doesn't matter. You put all of our lives in danger just so you could learn some stupid, fancy splashes." Willow said

"These are real waterbending forms. You know how crucial it is for Luz to learn waterbending!" Gus said

(Walks away.) "Whatever." Willow said

"Well, what's done is done. We have it, we might as well learn from it." Luz said

"Couldn't have said it better myself, remember, the moves are tough, but it takes..." (Does a water whip at Willow knocking her into the water yelping.) "Lots of practice" Eda said while Willow rises from the water

The scene cuts to show Lilith and Kaldo standing in the marketplace.

"I've checked all the shops on this pier. Not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace." Kaldo said

"It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!" Lilith said

"Quite the contrary. I always say, the only thing better than finding something you are looking for" (Crew members begin to walk past carrying Kaldo's purchases.) "is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!" (A crew member walks past the two playing a tsungi horn.)

"You bought a tsungi horn?" Lilith asked while turning from seeing it

"For music night on the ship. Now, if we only had some woodwinds." (Pointing to the ship without knowing Lilith is glaring at him from the sides of her eyes.) "Oh, this place looks promising!" (The monkey statue is shown again.) "Oh, that is handsome! Wouldn't it look magnificent in the galley?" Kaldo asked while Lilith pinched the bridge of her nose

(To the pirate captain.) "We lost the Water Tribe boy and the little bald monk girl he was traveling with." Al said which caught Lilith's attention

(Turning.) "This monk, did she have an arrow on her head?" Lilith asked (Kaldo turns around, making a pair of eyes similar to the monkey's hooting like a monkey.)

The camera cuts show Gus looking at the scroll.

"I just want to try this one move first and then it's all yours." (Gives it to Eda.) "Here, hold it open for me. The single water whip. Looks doable." (Attempts the move, but ends up hitting himself in the forehead.) "Ow!" Gus said holding his forehead in pain

"Ha, ha, ha!" Willow laughed

(Glaring at Willow.) "What's so funny?" Gus asked

"I'm sorry, but you deserved that." (To Luz and Eda.) "You've been duped, he's only interested in teaching himself."

(Angrily.) "Luz will get her turn once I figure out the water whip." (He tries again, but hits King instead, who screeches.) "Ugh, why can't I get this stupid move?" Gus asked

"You'll get it." (Gus glares at her.) "You just gotta shift your weight through the stances." (She tries and does it perfectly on the first try, surprising Eda.) "There, see, the key to bending is-" Luz didn't get to finish

(Screaming.) "Will you please shut your air hole?" (Frustrated.) "Believe it or not your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes! Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted!" (Willow glares at him while Amity and Eda look at him in shock.) "What?" (He looks back at Luz, giving her a disgusted look, who has tears in her eyes.) "Oh my gosh, Luz, I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me. But you know what, it won't happen again." (He gives the scroll to Luz.) "Here, this is yours. I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore." Gus said

"It's okay Gus." Luz said

"What about King? He's the real victim here." Willow said

(Bends down to pet King as he rubs his hind end.) "I'm sorry, King." Gus said

"And what about me? There was that time you-" Willow didn't get to finish

"No more apologies!" Gus yelled which made King fly away

The camera fades to show a much smaller boat being launched out of Lilith's ship. The camera fades again to show the boat and the pirate ship sailing down a river.

"Shouldn't we stop to search the woods?" The Pirate Captain asked

"We don't need to stop. They stole a waterbending scroll, right?" Lilith asked

"Mm-hm." The Pirate Captain said

"Then they'll be on the water." Lilith said

The scene fades to show Luz, Amity, Willow and Eda sleeping by the campfire. Gus quietly takes the scroll and sneaks away from the camp. However, when he turns around he comes face-to-face with King, who starts chattering.

(Whispering.) "Shhh, King! Go back to sleep. Shh!" (The camera fades to show him standing by the river, attempting but failing to perfect the water whip, frustrated.) "Ugh, ugh, ugh! Shoot! Come on water, work with me here! Okay, what if I just, ow! Stupid scroll!" (The pirate captain and Lilith are shown hearing him.) "Okay Gus, shift your weight through the stances." (He drops the water again and hears the ship pulling up onto the river bank. He peaks through the bushes to see what the noise was, and gasps upon seeing the pirates. He turned to run, but was grabbed by a pirate.) "No! Let go of me!" (He bends water up into the pirate's face, and he releases him, he runs but is grabbed again on the wrists by Lilith.) "Ahhh!" Gus screamed

(She glares at him as he looks frightfully at her.) "I'll save you from the pirates." Lilith said

The scene cuts to show Gus tied to a tree with Lilith standing in front of him.

"Tell me where she is and I won't hurt you or your friends." Lilith said

(Furiously.) "Go jump in the river!" Gus yelled

"Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor." (Gus jerks his head away from Lilith.) "Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost." Lilith said (She holds his mother's necklace up to his neck.)

"My mother's necklace! How did you get that?" Gus asked

"I didn't steal it, if that's what you're wondering. Tell me where she is." Lilith said (Points at Gus.)

"No!" Gus said

"Enough of this necklace garbage! You promised a scroll!" The Pirate Captain said

"I wonder how much this is worth ..." (The pirates gasp as he takes it out and holds it over a fire in his hand.) "A lot, apparently. Now you help me find what I want, you'll get this back, and everyone goes home happy. Search the woods for the girl and meet back here!" Lilith commanded

"Fine." The Pirate Captain said

The scene cuts to the campsite, where Willow and Eda are waking up.

(Notices Gus' missing.) "Huh? Where did he go?" (Looks through the bag to find something was missing.) "I don't believe it." Eda said while tossing the bag behind her back and onto Willow's head

(Yawns while Luz is slowly waking up.) "What's wrong?" Amity asked

(pulls the bag off her head and rummages through it) "He took the scroll! He's obsessed with that thing. It's just a matter of time before he gets us all in deep-" Willow didn't get to finish (Yells as a pirate throws a rope around her and Eda arms and drags them forward. they roll away and charge at the pirate while another pirate captures Luz and Amity in a net and drags them away.)

"I got them, come on!" a Pirate said

"Oh, what? We're not good enough to kidnap? Ah!" Willow yelled (The pirate shoots another net at Willow and Eda and drags them away too.)

"Learn to think without speaking out loud" Eda said

Cuts back to the place where Lilith and the pirates are gathered. The pirates are holding Luz, Amity, Willow and Eda, who are tied up. Willow is struggling with the ropes that tied her with Eda.

"Nice work." Lilith said

"Luz, this is all my fault." Gus said

"No Gus, it isn't." Luz said

"Yeah, it kind of is." Kaldo said (Gus glares at Kaldo.)

(To the pirate captain.) "Give me the girl." Lilith said

"You give us the scroll." the Pirate Captain said

"You're really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?" Willow asked

"Don't listen to her, she's trying to turn us against each other!" Lilith said

(Turns to Luz.) "Your friend is the Avatar?" the Pirate Captain asked

"Sure is, and I'll bet she'll fetch a lot more on the black market than that fancy scroll." Willow said

"Shut your mouth, you Water Tribe peasant!" Lilith yelled

"Yeah Willow, you really should shut your mouth." Luz said

(understands what Willow is doing) "I actually agree with Willow, it's bad business sense. Think how much the Fire Emperor would pay for the Avatar. You guys would be set for life." Eda said

(To Lilith.) "Keep the scroll, we can buy a hundred with the reward we'll get for the kid." The Pirate Captain said (The pirates turn to leave.)

"You'll regret breaking a deal with me." Lilith said (She and two of her soldiers sent a blast of fire at the pirates. The pirates jump back and Al runs out, throwing smoke bombs and jumping into the cloud as the fight ensues. Some of the soldiers run out to Luz, Amity, Willow and Eda, who are struggling with their ropes, but are stopped by several pirates. King runs down the tree and frees Gus.)

"Thanks, King. I owe you a bushel of apples." (He runs to join the fight. Luz and Amity are shown lost in the smoke, a thrown knife narrowly misses them and cuts through their ropes. Lilith finds her way out of the smoke cloud and hides the scroll behind her back, but the pirate captain sees her and the two begin to fight. The scroll flies into the air and is caught by King, the iguana parrot sees him and hits King. The scroll flies back down to the ground. A knife narrowly misses Willow's head, and they use it to cut the ropes on their hands.)

(Shouting.) "Luz, Amity, you two there?" Willow asked

"we're over here! Follow my voice!" Amity yelled

"Where? I can't find you!" Eda said

"We're right here!" (Airbends the dust away, revealing the pirates surrounding them, and immediately airbends it back around the both of them.) "Uh, never mind! We'll find you!" (Willow and Eda climb out of the dust cloud on their hands and knees. Luz vaults over them in a full sprint pulling Amity along.) "Run!" (They find Gus, who is trying to push the pirate boat back into the water.) "Gus, you're okay!" Luz said

"Help me get this boat back in the water so we can get outta here." (They join him in trying to push the boat, but can't.)

"We'd need a team of rhinos to get this ship to budge." Willow said

"A team of rhinos, or three waterbenders." Luz said

Cuts to Luz, Gus and Eda pushing and pulling the water until the boat rises up.

"Everybody in!" Gis said

Cuts to show Kaldo breaking up the fight between the pirate captain and Lilith.

"Are you so busy fighting you cannot see your own ship has set sail?" Kaldo asked

"We have no time for your proverbs, Lieutenant!" Lilith said

"It's no proverb!" Kaldo said (Points to Team Avatar who has hijacked the pirate ship.)

"Bleeding hog monkeys!" the Pirate Captain yelled in panic (Lilith laughs while pointing at him. Her laughter dissipates as the pirates hijack her own boat. The pirates taunt her and the screen pans to a steaming Lilith.)

(Angrily.) "Hey! That's my boat!" Lilith yelled (Goes chasing after the hijacked boat.)

(Pondering.) "Maybe it should be a proverb ..." Kaldo said with thought

(Off camera.) "C'mon, Lieutenant!" Lilith commanded (Kaldo runs after Lilith.)

"Willow, can't you make it go any faster?" Luz asked

"I don't know how. This thing wasn't made by the Water Tribe!" Willow said

Several of the pirates jump onto the ship, but are quickly swept away by Luz's waterbending. Determined, Gus performs a perfect water whip to throw the last pirate off.

"Hey, you did the water whip!" Eda said

"I couldn't have done it without help from you and Luz." Gus said

Willow is shown being held in place by two pirates.

"Would you two quit congratulating each other and help me out?" Willow asked

King is shown still being chased by the iguana parrot, he flies up to the top mast and entangles the bird in the ship's flag. Willow is shown being thrown by one of the pirates.

"That's good ..." Al said (Luz lands behind him and airbends him and the other pirate off the ship before jumping down to Willow.)

(Pointing.) "Luz, look!" Amity yelled (The ship is shown headed toward a huge waterfall.)

"Oh no ..." Luz said with worry

Al comes up behind her with a knife, Luz turns and blows the bison whistle. Al stands confused while Willow comes up behind him and pushes him off the ship.

"Have you lost your mind? This is no time for flute practice!" Willow said (Luz, Amity, Gus and Eda stare in horror at the approaching waterfall.)

"We can stop the boat! Luz, Eda, together, push and pull the water!" (They create a small Whirlpool that stops the boat.) "It's working, it's slowing down! We're doing it!" Gus said

"But we have another problem." Willow said (Lilith's boat is shown sailing straight toward their ship. The boat rams into the ship and Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and Eda are forced to jump as the boat goes over the falls.)

"Jump!" they all yelled (Appa is shown flying toward them. They land on him and fly to safety.)

(Holding up the whistle.) "I knew a bison whistle would come in handy! Thanks Appa." Luz said

"Yeah, we owe you one." Willow said (Appa roars and the scene cuts to show Lilith running to the cliff in horror at the fact that her boat has gone over the falls.)

"My boat!" Lilith yelled in rage

(Chuckles.) "Commander Lilith, you're really going to get a kick out of this. That lotus tile was in my sleeve the whole time!" Kaldo said (Has a big smile on his face.)

Lilith snatches the lotus tile, surprising Kaldo and furiously throws it down the waterfall hitting Al on the head.

Cuts back to Appa flying through the clouds.

"Luz, I still owe you an apology. You were just so good at waterbending without really trying. I got so competitive that I put us all in danger, I'm sorry." Gus said

"That's okay Gus." Luz said

"Besides, who needs that stupid scroll anyway?" Gus said

(Holding the scroll. Sarcastically.) "Is that really how you feel?" Willow asked

"The scroll!" Gus said

(Puts her hand in front to keep Gus from grabbing it.) "First, what did you learn?" Willow asked

"Stealing is wrong." (Snatches scroll.) "Unless it's from pirates." Gus said

(Laughing.) "Good one, Gus." Eda said

"I'm just glad we managed to get away from them" Amity said

Fades to credits.

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