Lost in Paris(Brollins)

By tropicalpunch123

6.4K 655 160

-A sequel to "Lost in the City"- Rebecca and Colby are now living their new and happy life in Paris. They bot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 10

87 11 0
By tropicalpunch123

As the big dinner started, the more nervous Rebecca and Colby got. Everyone was laughing, and telling all of their life stories, and all the duo could think about was could the stalker be one of them? What if it's Theo? He looks...sus. Rebecca thought as she ate her chicken.

Colby kept smiling at all of their jokes—although it faded three seconds after—trying to make them fit in. "What about you?" Marie asked waving a finger at Rebecca. "Rebecca, was it? We're are you from?"

Rebecca nervously sat her fork down and smiled. "I'm from Ireland. I moved to America after i graduated, then we moved here after we had our baby."

Marie smiled. "You're both parents? That's so nice! Boy or girl?"

Rebecca glanced towards Colby with a smile. "Girl. She turned three about seven months ago."

Marie smiled and glanced towards Colby. "Where do you two work?"

Colby cleared his throat. "Well, I work at a library across from her bakery."

Rachel gasped. "The Sweet Shop?! Oh my god! I walked past there the other day on my way to a clients house. It smelled amazing!"

Rebecca smiled. "Thank you! You'll have to stop by one day and get you something."

Rachel then chuckled. "Maybe when I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off." She said with a laugh.

Leeds then smiled and glanced at Rebecca. "How long have you two been married?"

Colby sat up in his chair so he could look over at Leeds. "We got married two years ago."

Rebecca looked at Colby with a blush. "Yep...and we fall in love more each day."

Everyone awed and smiled at the two. "That is so sweet!" Gemma said holding a hand to her heart. "I can't wait for James and I to say "I do"."

James reached his hand across the table and squeezed her hand with a smile. "When is the wedding?" Theo

James sighed while Gemma pressed her lips together. "Well it was supposed to be in June, but some couple booked it before we did. So we have to wait until October..."

Alice scoffed. "I would just book a different venue..." She then took a sip of her water. "I would hate to get married in October weather."

Rachel spoke up. "It's can't be as bad as Canada. It's always cold there."

Alice waved a hand in the air. "You would be surprised about the weather. You never know what it's going to do."

"Ireland was the same way." Rebecca spoke up shaking her head. "You had to carry an umbrella and a jacket everywhere you went, and have your snow boots and flip flops in the back of your car."

They all laughed, making Rebecca feel a sense of pride. "Why did you move?" Leeds asked eyeing her with curiosity.

Rebecca sighed. "We'll i wanted to own a bakery, and there wasn't any opportunities for me to do that where I grew up. So after my dad passed away I moved to America and opened one in New York."

Gemma placed a hand on her chest. "You are so strong, Rebecca."

Rebecca pressed her lips together and smiled. "Thanks, Gemma."

Colby took a bite of his stake. These are the weirdest people I have ever freakin met. He then placed his forks down as people chatted, and looked over at everyone. Marie and Theo...they don't look like murderers. Neither does Alice. She couldn't break into a house even if she tried too. Leeds and Rachel...they don't seem like they could either. "Colby?"

He turned towards James who must have been saying his name for a while. "Are you okay, man?"

Colby cleared his throat. "Sorry...I was thinking about something." He said with a chuckle.

James smiled. "Ah, don't worry I do that all the time." He then picked up his glass. "Where did you come from?"

Colby nodded. "Yeah, I'm originally from Iowa. I moved to New York after a messy relationship."

James gasped. "Wow. I never expected Iowa..." He then set his glass back down. "I moved to California once. My parents moved for a job opportunity, but I wanted to come back home...so I did."

Yeah I already knew that buddy... "Cali is nice, man." He smiled. "I visited once when I was little."

James smiled and nodded. "Yeah it's pretty great."

Gemma suddenly jumped up from the table, scaring them. "Who's ready for the game?!"

Rebecca glanced towards Colby, who was already giving her a nervous look. "We are!" Rachel said grabbing Leeds hand.

Marie rolled her eyes. "Let's just get it over with..."

Theo laughed at Marie and stood up joining Leeds and Rachel. Alice stood up as well and smiled at Gemma. "Want to explain the rules to the new couple?"

Rebecca and Colby laughed and he reached under the table to squeeze Rebecca's hand. "Of course!" Gemma said smiling at Alice. "Do you all know what murder mystery is?" She said glancing back at them.

Does she think we're that stupid...Rebecca smiled. "Yes..."

Gemma nodded. "Okay perfect! So basically we're all going to pick a card and whatever it says, that's our role. There will be one murderer card, and then the rest are innocent. Once someone finds a "dead body", we'll yell it out and all meet here at the dining table."

Colby nodded. "Sounds fun."

James laughed. "Like I've said before..." He said grabbing Colby's shoulder, making him look at him. "It's to die for."

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