The Interview!

By justaalien23

79.9K 2.3K 254

It's at the bottom of the list for jobs in the company, but Jennie finds herself sitting in front of two inti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 37

1.7K 44 5
By justaalien23

If there is anything Lisa has learnt about hospitals it's that the chairs are nowhere near comfortable enough to be sitting on for a long period of time. It's only been twenty minutes and already she can feel a twinge in the middle of her spine causing her to shift uncomfortably more than once, and it's not like anyone can blame her bad posture because let's be honest it's near perfection.

"Lisa is it?"

At the mention of her name Lisa's back straightens in the god forsaken chair as she looks up to see who it is.


She doesn't much like him, but then she doesn't much care for him either.

"Hello." Lisa settles for because he knows exactly who she is. "Kai right?" She questions smiling politely. It's forced and not at all genuine but she knows Kai won't notice the difference.

"You waiting on Jennie? She's just in surgery at the moment."

"That's ok, I'll wait." She breathes looking down the corridor at an old man barely taking baby steps in the opposite direction. Her brows furrow on their own, because surely someone should be helping an elderly man to their destination if he's walking like that.

"She could be hours you know?" Kai's voice pulls her attention back to him, part of her struggling to understand what he's talking about because she thought their conversation was over.

"I know. I'm fine to wait." Lisa repeats until Kai's nodding at her yet he still doesn't move.

"She's a great girl, Jennie i mean." It's instantaneous how Lisa's back goes up. "Incredible surgeon too." He beams. Lisa studies him, she studies him like she has done on many occasions because there are many reasons why she doesn't like him and none of them have anything to do with the stories Jennie comes home and shares. It's obvious he's an incredible doctor Jennie had said it on many occasions, she's expressed how he never cracks under pressure, how they work side by side alot and despite being very different in life stuff on their operating table they think the same. Jennie has a lot of respect for him in that aspect and on some level so does Lisa because she's not ignorant enough to know that their work is no walk in the park. She respects him as a professional but right now she doesn't see him being professional at all. She see's the tilt of a smile on his lips, she see's the honesty behind dark eyes as he eyes Lisa.

"She is." Lisa admits easily because Jennie is nothing short of amazing. When Lisa finally stands and walks towards Kai she never stops studying him but she also allows her stare to speak for itself. "I hear you're quite the doctor too." Lisa let's it hang like bait, testing his reaction. She's not blind, she never has been, on many occasions when she's showed up at the hospital to pick her girlfriend up Kai's been lingering somewhere in the back with wondering eyes, sometimes cheeky enough to crack a joke which was in no way funny or appropriate. She's told herself she's a professional and won't respond because each time she's the one walking out with Jennie hand in hand, she's the one who gets sleepy kisses as they enter the car and the one who get's half her breakfast stole from her plate while Jennie speaks through food.

His smile is wide and for a second he looks to the floor before meeting Lisa's gaze once more.

"You don't like me very much do you?" He asks not at all intimidated but also not cocky.

She could lie. She could be a professional like her posture tells everyone, like her face has mastered however.

"Not particularly, no." Lisa doesn't falter even by a single twitch as her eyes trace his features.

"You're jealous?" Kai frowns with a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. Lisa barely blinks at his accusation but instead chooses to allow Kai to see what she really thinks, her lips pull in to an amused smile.

"Jealous of what exactly?" Lisa smiles, eyes still roaming his features. Kai maybe a great doctor but there's nothing exceptional about his looks, there is nothing about any of his features that resemble her own, and Jennie is pretty much obsessed with Lisa's. Where Lisa's jaw bone stands strong and prominent Kai's falls behind a layer of skin with a messy failed attempt at growing facial hair. Not that looks are everything of course, but even his personality needs work if he wants to attempt flirting with a girl that's engaged.

"We work closely together." He says eyes squinting like he's studying Lisa. Waiting.

"Isn't that required for your job?" Lisa questions her teasing smile still held firmly on them plump lips. "Hardly warrants jealously." Lisa smirks. She wants to tell him that Jennie's actual words were 'He's a dick but he's a good doctor' She smirks at the fact because this man is oblivious but she says nothing because she's not about to throw Jennie under the bus, after all she has to work with this shit head. "I don't like you not because I'm jealous, but because you have no respect for boundaries." Lisa states clearly. "But clearly that's just the person you are. We don't have secrets is it?" When Kai says nothing but continues to listen to Lisa she continues. "She's told me on various occasions you've asked her for drinks only for her to decline. She's also told me various inappropriate comments you've made. Luckily for you i know Jennie can handle herself." Lisa allows her mind to go down a dirty path with a shit eating grin. "Like you wouldn't believe." She grins. "Or I'd happily have you done for sexual harassment in a work place." Lisa smiles like someone's just cracked a joke. "Lisa Manoban." She introduces. "Jennie's Fiancée and permanent lawyer." She breathes eyes flickering over Kai shoulder to the old man still struggling to move. "If you would excuse me." She dismisses herself without waiting for a response because frankly she has more important things to do.

She doesn't deny the smile that coat's her lips.

"Would you like some help?" Lisa offers looking down at the weak frail man.

"If you wouldn't mind." He breathes out of breath as she reaches down for his hand feeling his weight immediately as he leans on her. She forgets all about Kai as she helps the elderly man down the corridor not much faster than when he was on his own.

"Wait here." Lisa says. "I wont be a minute." Before Lisa leaves his side she make's sure he's leaning against the wall just incase. Within minutes Lisa's back by his side with a wheelchair and helping the elderly man in. She get's goosebumps when he relaxes in the chair more out of breath than a person who's just ran a marathon.

"Thank you." He breathes head flopping in exhaustion.

"Where am i taking you?" Lisa smiles warmly continuing to push him in the direction he was heading.

"For a fag." He exhales like it's relief even taking about it.

Lisa actually laughs shaking her head as she looks down at him. His skin is yellow, his bones sharp and prominent and clearly he can't breathe as it is but the man wants a cigarette.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She questions already pushing him towards the nearest smoking point anyway.

"Oh please love, don't lecture me." He waves making Lisa laugh again.

Jennie has always said old people are the most stubborn.

"You're the boss." Lisa grins.

"What are you doing?" Jennie's voice captures Lisa's full attention.

"Apparently going for a smoke with..."

"Charles." The old man finishes deflating in his chair at the sight of Jennie. Lisa just shrugs at her girlfriend shaking her head, her smile betrays her.

"Charles, we've been through this." Jennie tells him off.

Charles huffs like they have been through this far to many times. He's acting like a naughty school kid. Lisa beams at the interaction between them.

"Your breathing is only going to get worse." Jennie warns. "You trying to kill yourself sooner?" Charles clearly can't be bothered to listen to it again as he rolls his eyes making Jennie smile.

"Doctors." He tuts. "Am i allowed to do anything while i'm here?"

"Breath." Jennie answers taking the wheelchair from Lisa's hands before briefly sharing an amused look. "Lets get you back old man."

"Who you calling old man." He defends. Lisa doesn't question if that's the way doctors should speak to their patients because clearly Charles has been in this hospital for quite some time and they have created their own relationship. Jennie doesn't tell Lisa to stay put instead her body is slightly facing her as she begins walking so Lisa follows them back to Charles hospital bed. He quickly looks tiny while being lost in blankets.

"Are you a doctor?" He finally asks once his head is comfortable on the pillow. "Do you nag as much as this one?" He questions nodding towards Jennie. Lisa seems to have been effected by some laughing gas because she laughs for what feels like the thousandth time.

"I'm a lawyer actually." Lisa admits watching Jennie tuck him in before pulling his table over his bed.

"Ah, a fancy pants." He nods making Lisa laugh again. Old people have no filter.

"Charles." Jennie says amusingly eyes flickering to the old man before facing Lisa. "This is Lisa."

"Lisa." He says with familiarity and Lisa can't help but wonder why as she flashes him a smile with a furrow to her brow. "Your Lisa?" Jennie laughs but nods before shaking her head.

"Yes my Lisa." Jennie's not one to feel embarrassed and in a sense she still isn't but her cheeks still turn a shade of pink as Lisa gives her a questioning amused look.

"You talk about me?" She swallows taking a breath to calm her pounding heart. It's not like she didn't expect Jennie to talk about her, it's just she didn't expect her to do it here where she's nursing people back to health. When ever she thought about what Jennie's work day was like, she saw sirens, beds wheeled down corridors in a mad kind of calm rush. She saw blood and complications, she saw no time to sit and have a chat like Lisa could. The most she pictured Jennie talking was to explain their condition, preparing for surgery or telling someone the worst kind of news. She didn't expect this.

"Non stop." Charles happily fills in rolling his eyes with a smirk.

"Uh, Don't lie!" She orders giving him the pointed finger before turning to Lisa. "Of course i do."

Four simple words. That's all it is. Yet Lisa's lost for words because Jennie's looking at her like this is the most obvious thing in the world. She suddenly wants to ask if she does it alot, what does she say? how does that conversation even start in a doctor patient relationship?

"You're much prettier than she said." Charles speaks up bringing Lisa back down to earth.

"Thank you." Lisa beams again. "I think." She laughs eyes flickering between Charles and Jennie.

"Ignore him, he lost all his social skills." Jennie warns looking down at Charles to behave. "Isn't that right?"

"More like she poked it out of me with the amount of injections she sticks in me." He moans making Lisa laugh again.

"You only have yourself to blame." Jennie says puffing up the pillow behind his head showing no sympathy at all. "If you won't help yourself how can you expect us to help you?"

"If you won't help yourself..." Charles starts to mock. "You really want to marry this one? Doesn't she nag you to death?"

"Now that you mention it." Lisa laughs only to be interrupted.

"Don't encourage him, he's already a pain in my arse!" Jennie orders.

"Well that's no way to talk about a patient." Charles teases smiling up at Lisa before changing his expression completely to look at Jennie.

"Don't think i don't know what you're doing." She smirks pulling away from the bed. "But it's the end of my shift so it won't work." She smirks. "See you tomorrow Charles."

He grins looking at the two girls at the door. "I hope not." He smiles and Lisa knows he's lying.

"That man will be the death of me." Jennie says the moment their out the room and walking down the corridor.

"I like him." Lisa laughs taking Jennie's hand in hers without thinking twice. "What's wrong with him?" Lisa questions softly causing Jennie to look at her for a brief moment with saddened eyes.

"Lung cancer." Jennie breathes like it's not something she wants to say.

It makes sense Lisa things, the colour of his skin the struggle of breath and his fragile body struggling to move.

"Is it bad?" Lisa questions carefully.

"He doesn't have long." Is all Jennie says. "His body is shutting down from the inside out. He does't help himself though." Jennie smiles brightening her mood slightly. "He's constantly disappearing from his bed trying to steal a fag outside. He's suppose to be on oxygen 24/7 but he doesn't listen one bit, he just thinks we're nagging."

"Is he not allowed to smoke then?"

"He's allowed. We can't stop anyone but he is strongly advised not to because he can't breathe as it is but he treats it more like a game, so if he gets caught on the way then he will happily go back to his room, but if we don't see him he makes it clear to us he went for a cheeky fag. It's like a game he plays all day every day." Jennie rolls her eyes shaking the conversation off.

"I like watching you work." Lisa admits in the quiet halls. "It comes natural to you." Lisa says honestly taking a second to look at Jennie. She's watched Jennie work a few times now in completely different situations the first time was in Rose's office when a client had a heart attack and Jennie worked quickly and smoothly without a trace of panic, she knew what she was doing, was sure in her decisions and potentially saved a gentleman's life that day. Then she watched her work with Bert Jennie took every ounce of fear away she even got him smiling before anyone else. Watching her with Charles though was different because he's a dying man and living life like it isn't but Jennie's there she watches him every day, she makes him feel comfortable everyday and even plays his game when she see's him sneaking around while treating him no different from anyone else. Even if Charles never vocally admits it, you can see it in his smile, in his eyes and with every bit of banter he fires back at Jennie.

"Thanks." Jennie smiles shyly. "I like watching you work too." Jennie confesses letting the silence fall snugly around them. "This was a nice surprise." Jennie breathes as they exit the hospital.

"Couldn't wait to see me?" Jennie questions squeezing Lisa's hand softly till she looks her way.

"I never can." Lisa says pulling Jennie in for a quick kiss. "I wouldn't have said yes else." Lisa smirks pulling at Jennie's elbow stopping her from moving so she can kiss her once more. "Breakfast?" Lisa whispers.

"Could eat a horse." Jennie beams not as sleepy as usual at four in the morning.


"Jennie we have to make a decision."

"Urghhhh..." She whines diving head first on to the couch. "Yfjf dkk..."


"You make it." Jennie pleads lifting her head from the pillows.

"We have to make it together." Lisa says throwing open another page from the magazine while drinking coffee like this isn't the most stressful shit in the world. Who's stupid idea was it to get married. Engagement rings should come with a high stress warning giving you time to rethink it through.

"What flowers do you like?" Jennie questions sitting back up quickly to look over the couch at her girlfriend.

"Nice try." Lisa smirks rolling her eyes. "Can you be serious for one minute please, this is serious." Lisa says sternly causing Jennie to sit up straight with a frown.

"I am being serious." Jennie snaps. "All this is stressing me out." Jennie says pointing at all the wedding brochures covering the kitchen counter. "First it's the venue, then how many people i want? how many bridesmaids am i having? Will the weather be nice? Do i want flowers? What flowers do i want? Then we've got to find the perfect wedding bands, and then the cake. Even with the cake there is fifty million decisions. What flavour, what colour, how many tiers? Don't even get me started on the stupid wedding dresses." Jennie rants. "I don't know any of it. Ok. I don't." Jennie snaps turning around in a huff reaching for the remote to switch the TV on but deciding cutting the conversation off completely. The room falls silence and all that's to hear is the noise of the telly and Lisa putting her cup down on the kitchen counter.

Jennie really tries to focus on the TV while calming down from her rant but Lisa's making it difficult because despite not actually turning around to witness Lisa staring at the back of her head she can feel it, and god dammit she's already stressed out and Lisa's not helping at all.

"Stop staring at me!" Jennie snaps flickering the channel over.

Lisa still doesn't say a word and maybe it's because Jennie's been walking around different venues all day, maybe it's because Lisa and Rose seemed to know exactly what they were talking about as they pointed around each venue seeming to know a idea of what would be 'perfect' while Jennie's eyes could barely focus on the room never mind imagine a room full of all their decisions yet to be made, maybe it was because Lisa's smile was making her dizzy, or maybe it was just because one question led to another decision to be made, another thing to add to Lisa's well put together to do list. but Jennie's body spins so abruptly she's sure it would startle any other person, but Lisa doesn't move even after Jennie climbs over the couch to march over to the kitchen.

"You seem to know exactly what you want." Jennie barks picking up a magazine, there stood a dazzling bride in white, her smile so effortlessly honest. Dropping the magazine back to the kitchen counter only then does Jennie look into Lisa eyes. "You make the decisions. The cake, venue, rings whatever you want." Jennie shrugs. "I don't care." She sighs. "I'm going to bed." She breathes already turning around.

When the bedroom door clicks shut Jennie collapses on to the bed with her eyes falling shut, trying desperately to rid Lisa's expression from her mind.


"What did Lisa say?" Jisoo questions cradling the coffee mug in her hands to warm up.

Jennie thinks back to the night before, she thinks back to the way Lisa eyes watched every word she spoke, hung on every word with a furrow to her brow. "Nothing." Jennie frowns shrugging as she looks up to Jisoo. "I hurt her, i could see it in her eyes." Jennie explains taking a sip of her coffee to hide the lump in her throat.

"Have you spoken about it?"

"No." Jennie breathes looking at nothing in particular. "She left for work earlier than usual. Usually we lay in bed for as long as possible on my days off."

"Do you want to marry Lisa?" Irene questions causing both girls to look at her. It's a simple questions a questions that has Jennie frowning instantly.

"What..." Jennie breathes, freezes as her eyes drift from Irene to Jisoo like they will answer the question for her. "Yes, i do." She stutters eyes still bouncing from one to the other. "I just, i don't know.. I love her."

"I'm not doubting that." Irene says softly. "But you flaked on her the second she started trying to build the day with you." Irene explains.

"I didn't flake." Jennie says sternly her eyes flickering from Jisoo to Irene. "I'm not flaking."

"Then what are you doing?" Jisoo questions.

Jennie goes to speak, she does. She has what she wants to say on the tip of her tongue, but somewhere in the brief moment of silence she has to answer the questions her words slip away and she's left leaning against the kitchen counter without an answer.

"I want to marry her." Jennie settles with after a moment because that's something she's certain of. She's pictured it a thousand times since being with Lisa, they've talked about it on countless occasions with laughter and smiles that ached. She's pictured Lisa's hair up and down in various styles each looking more beautiful than the previous. She's imagined a white flowing dress hugging Lisa's figure beautifully. "I wouldn't have asked her else." Jennie says like that's obvious. "She's it for me, we're it." It's the most certain thing she's said since discussing their argument.

"You're scared." Jisoo finally says her eyes narrowed on Jennie like she's been analysing her this entire time.

"It's just, It's happening so quickly." Jennie breathes. "And there are so much decisions that we need to make." Jennie breathes completely overwhelmed.

Irene's frown is replaced with a soft understanding smile as she rest her elbows on the kitchen side.

"Jennie you haven't even set a date yet, you're literally just started browsing to see what you both like, when you find the venue you both like then you set the date, and even then you can book it five years away from now. There isn't a rush and i'm sure Lisa wouldn't rush it if you didn't want to."

"i know." Jennie breathes her lip twitching to the side. "It's just i don't know it all feels really real."

"Well we're not exactly a video game." Jisoo quips rolling her eyes.

"Shut up. You know what i mean." Jennie shrugs thinking back on what Irene just said. "I do want to marry her though." Jennie breathes. "I would marry her tomorrow if i could." Jennie confesses.

"Oh fuck sake!" Jisoo huffs bringing her mug back down to the counter. "Someone get her a fucking life coach." Shaking her head at her best friend. "First you want to marry her, then you tell her you don't care, then it's to quick but now you want to marry her tomorrow if you could?" Jisoo says proudly without even taking a breath. "If Lisa were smart she would give you her ring back."

"Actually." Jennie laughs. "She got me the ring, i still haven't chosen one for her yet."

"Of course you haven't." Jisoo nods sarcastically. "How the hell am i still single while this idiot who proposes without a ring ends up getting a ring first?" Jisoo asks Irene seriously making all three break out laughing.

"I'm just lucky i guess." Jennie beams because no one could understand how lucky she feels.

"Dam straight." Jisoo agrees. "Should we order some food, I'm starving and it doesn't look like the weather is letting up any time soon."

"What do you fancy?" Jennie questions turning around to pull out some menu's from different takeaways.

"Oh i'd love a kebab." Irene confesses taking the menu with a big juicy kebab on.

"I'm not eating that shit." Jisoo cringes. "I care what goes in my body you know." Jisoo waves off taking a different menu while Jennie burst out laughing.

"What's funny?" Jisoo frowns looking at a Chinese menu.

"You care what goes in your body." Jennie laughs. "Trust me Jisoo we've seen your ex's i don't think you've ever cared what goes in your body!"

When Jennie and Irene both catch the giggles, Jisoo ignores them while occasionally batting them away with a menu in annoyance.

"Such dicks." Jisoo quips causing the girls to laugh more. "Are we ordering or what?"


When Jisoo and Irene leave Jennie's had to much wine. She's not drunk, but she's not entirely sober either. She's at the stage where her mind can't stop racing, not that it usually does anyway but this is half sober, half drunk racing and well, that's never really a good thing. She's picking up the wedding brochures from Lisa's desk before she can really process what she's doing with a furrow to her brows.

"Let's have a look then." She mutters to herself slapping her lips as she throws it down to the kitchen counter before pouring herself another glass of wine. Probably not the best idea, but she does it anyway before slumping on the chair and pulling the first page open and then another. "Pretty." She mutters eyeing a lady in a dress before turning another page. "Hmm." She hums after turning page after page some times stopping to inspect certain parts of a dress, sometimes décor for a venue. "Oh bit of leg, that's nice." She mutters tearing the remaining wine in to her mouth before pulling another book in front of her and starting all over again.

She goes through three brochures before she hears the front door open and close pulling all her attention to her fiancée.

"Hey." Lisa says softly a little uncertain as she steps further in to their home pulling of her wet coat.

"Hi." Jennie breathes letting go of her glass to watch Lisa move around their home. "You're late tonight." She points out only now looking at the clock.

"I got held up." Lisa says. Half drunk or not Jennie knows she's lying. "You ate already?" Lisa questions noticing the dirty dishes in the sink as she opens the fridge.

"Yeah." Jennie admits. "I got some for you but you were late home, it's in the fridge."

"Thank you." Lisa breathes noticing the containers but closing the fridge anyway. Jennie can't seem to look away she knows she has some things to say, some things to explain but right now all she can think about is how much she's missed her. How much she's missed being just them, with their refusals to get out of bed when Jennie doesn't have work, she's missed their usual exchange of texts but more than anything she hates the way Lisa's just came home with no kiss waiting with a cuddle to match. It's foreign and weird and Jennie hate's it a little more with every second that passes. Looking in to Lisa eyes doesn't make her feel any better either, if there's one thing you can appreciate about Lisa it's the way her eyes express the things she doesn't say. She looks tired, sad, even a little cautious and Jennie hates herself a little more.

"What have you been doing?" Lisa questions eyes drifting down to the wedding brochures in front of Jennie before returning back to her eyes. Jennie doesn't answer straight away because she hates it like this. Without thinking twice about it, Jennie stands from her chair, walks around the kitchen island knowing Lisa eyes are watching everything she's doing, but that doesn't stop her, infact it pushes her on until her arms are wrapping around Lisa in a cuddle burying her face in the neck she loves so much. Lisa's responds instantly pressing further in to Jennie with a tight grip around her waist.

"I'm sorry." Jennie breathes kissing the skin her nose is nuzzling against. Lisa's grip only tightens before kissing the side of Jennie's head. "You're soaking." Jennie grins only now feeling how wet she actually is.

"Sorry." Lisa breathes showing no signs of meaning it as she only presses Jennie in to her further not wanting to let go just yet. Jennie could stand here forever, pressed against soft skin while being wrapped up in arms she's never felt safer in, but she knows they have to talk, she knows Lisa's got things on her mind by lack of response so she's not at all surprised when she barely pulls away to look in to Lisa eyes and still see's the sadness and confusion still lurking.

"Let's go out for coffee." Jennie suggest as Lisa eyes flicker around her face.

"It's pouring out there." Lisa smiles with a quirk to her brow but Jennie simply shrugs.

"It's just water." She breathes. "Please." She says because honestly she needs to caffeine she's had a few drinks tonight with Jisoo and Irene and she doesn't exactly want to have this conversation with Lisa while half herself and half a fucking moron.

"Let me just get changed." Lisa says capturing Jennie's lips. It was suppose to be a quick kiss before she dashed of to the bedroom, but Jennie doesn't allow it, she takes advantage of the moment and kisses her a little more deeply with a little more softness because this isn't the most perfect moment in the world but she want's Lisa to know she loves her, she wants her to know that they're ok. When Lisa slowly but surely pulls away from Jennie's lips with heavy eyes a smile graces her lips and Jennie can't help but smile too.

"Had a few drinks?" Lisa questions.

"One or two."

"Or three or four." Lisa

"Big possibility." Jennie says innocently making Lisa roll her eyes. "Go change."


They had barely touched their coffee's when the storm took a new turn leaving the town in a black out. Admittedly outside was worse than Jennie expected, she expected just heavy rain but from the second they left the apartment she regretted it because she just about managed to stand up straight against the high winds, it's safe to say their isn't a single dry hair on her body and she means that quite literally. Lisa had all but burst out laughing when Jennie blurted out 'the fuck kind of weather is this!' It was safe to say Lisa handled the weather better than Jennie as she pulled Jennie along at a pace that Jennie would definitely class as her exercise for the day.

"It's just a little bit of water." Lisa mocked when the lights went out earning her a very unappreciated look.

"What was the point in getting changed?" Jennie asks confused leaning in to Lisa's side for warmth, hugging her coffee in her hands.

"My clothes were sticking to me."

"What are your clothes doing now?"

"Sticking to me."

"So the point was?"

"I was cold." Lisa rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her own drink staring at the chaos that was happening outside. "It's getting bad out there." Lisa acknowledges turning to face Jennie.

"I know." She hums her bottom lip shivering away. "You know the worst part though, we just came all this way for a coffee and we can't even order another one while we wait for this to pass because the fucking powers gone out!"

"Yeah that's the worst part." Lisa laughs putting her coffee down to acknowledge one of the barristers approaching the table.

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Don't worry it's hardly your fault." Lisa says polite as ever making the barrister smile. "Would you like a blanket?" She questions noticing both girls soaked through and shivering like crazy, apparently everyone else in the cafe made it here before the storm hit it's peak and look almost perfectly dry.

"Please, if you wouldn't mind."

"I'll just get one for you." She smiles disappearing momentarily before returning with a small blanket. "We have a few books in the far corner if either of you wanted to pass the time."

"Thank you." Lisa breathes already throwing the blanket fully over Jennie until Jennie grips her wrist.

"You're wet too you know." Jennie breathes her lips still shaking like crazy.

"I'm not as cold as you." She reassures but Lisa's lips betray her as they are no longer a beautiful pink but a dark shade of blue.

"Don't lie to me Miss Manoban." Jennie smiles pecking Lisa's cold lips. "Move." Jennie instructs guiding Lisa's body to shift in the booth until her back is against the window and wall with her legs spread on the chair. Jennie positions herself between her legs with her head against Lisa's chest with the blanket spread over the both of them giving them a perfect view of the entire coffee shop.

"Better?" Jennie questions turning her head slightly so her nose brushes Lisa's jaw. Lisa responds by wrapping her arms snugly around her, it's not the most comfortable position in the world but it's comfortable enough to make Lisa close her eyes and never want to move.

"This is our first black out together." Jennie says quietly like they're whispering to one another.

"Hmm." Lisa hums squeezing Jennie a little tighter. "How's it going so far?"


Lisa laughs. Her shaky lips pulling in to a big beautiful smile while finding Jennie's hands beneath the blanket.

"We're soaked through, freezing cold, running out of coffee and we have a blanket that's just about big enough to cover my little left toe." Jennie moans in a none caring way but Lisa laughs anyway because she's certain she has the most dramatic fiancée in the world. "My nipple on has a nipple on. If i turned I'm sure i would poke someone's eye out." And apparently she's not quite done. "How are you suppose to read a book in the dark anyway? What a ridiculous suggestion."

"Why your little left toe?" Lisa chooses to say because this is what her girlfriend does to her, this is what she's lowered her too. She use to be all business and I'm not talking about such nonsense' but here she is two years later sitting in a cafe asking stupid pointless questions because it amuses her to no end with Jennie's endless silly answers. Jennie is and will only ever be the only person she talks to like this. "Why not your right toe?"

"That one's got little hairs on, it's already coated."

When Lisa laughs this time everyone in the coffee shop turns to look at her bringing the first shade of pink to her cheeks since she left the apartment. When she looks down at Jennie to see her smirking with a teasing tilt to her brow she wants to pinch her.

"You're rid..."

"I love you." Jennie breathes shutting Lisa up instantly. When Jennie eyes flicker between her eyes and plump lips Lisa feels lost. She's so lost in the look Jennie's giving her she jumps a little when cold fingers brush against her cheek not even realising when Jennie had let go of her hand. "You would do anything for me wouldn't you." Jennie hums her eyes still tracing Lisa's strong prominent features, the features she fell in love with the moment she laid eyes on her. Lisa nods despite knowing it's not a question but more of an observation. It brings a smile to Jennie's lips and Lisa itches to kiss her. "I know." Jennie breathes, fingers sliding down Lisa's jaw. "You're silly for me." Jennie beams biting her bottom lip as Lisa looks at her as soft as ever. "I'm sorry i freaked out the other day." Jennie says her eyes now staying focused on Lisa, because she owes Lisa this even if she's not entirely sure why she reacted that way. "I want to marry you Lisa, more than anything i want to marry you. I've never been more certain about something in my entire life. I can't tell you why i freaked out because i'm not entirely sure myself." Jennie admits making Lisa furrow her brows in question. "I think i was just a little overwhelmed." Jennie says swallowing through her now dry throat. "It's just all so surreal and, we have so many choices and i'm just terrible at that, and then we had a list and..." Jennie pauses at the realisation on how many decisions they actually have.

"Overwhelmed." Lisa says after a moment a soft smile pulling at her lips like she's just realised something.

"Yeah." Jennie breathes easily her fingertips moving again to curl around Lisa's neck. "It's just... I love you more than anything and i guess i still can't believe i'm marrying you." Jennie beams her eyes wondering Lisa's features again like she's something remarkable. "You said yes." Jennie breathes still in disbelief.

Lisa wants to cry. She wants to smile so wide. She wants to scream with how much happiness is bubbling inside her. She's pretty sure she's doing all of them especially when Jennie's eyes water too, Jennie always starts crying if she does.

"I said yes." Lisa confirms her hand curling around Jennie's hand cupping the back of her neck before leaning her forehead against Jennie's. "Easiest decision I've ever made." Lisa admits causing a whole new kind of smile to pull at Jennie's lips.


"Good." Lisa whispers her lips hanging closer and closer to Jennie's.

"Good." Jennie repeats smirking.



"Shut up." Lisa breathes kissing Jennie without permission ignoring the laughter threatening to pass Jennie's lips.

Now is not the time to be silly.

When Jennie finally kisses her back properly with no hint of a smile, Lisa think this is the best black out she's ever had.


"I thought you were dieting for the big day?" Rose frowns her eyes looking at the packet of biscuits to Jennie munching on one.

"I am." Jennie frowns wiping her face clean.

"You just ate six cookies."

"Yeah." Jennie agrees looking at Rose in confusion before looking down at the still half full packet. "But i want to eat them all." Jennie says like Rose's the idiot.

"That's not dieting." Rose says shaking her head like's she's never heard something so ridiculous in all her life. Of course she has though, she's known Jennie for two years now. The best two years of her life.

"Uh, yes it is." Jennie defends. "I didn't eat half."

"Yeah but you ate half."


"Exactly what, ya know what don't bother Rose. Don't even rise to it. She's baiting you." Rose says continuing to stew her stew while holding one hand up in surrender.

"Did you just give yourself instructions." Jennie smirks.

"BERT!!" Rose shouts. "JENNIE'S HERE! Go play with Bert!" Rose smiles rolling her eyes.

Jennie smirks while rolling her own eyes.

"I started exercising, did Lisa tell you?" Jennie questions.

"She didn't." Rose says looking more interested again because this is her kind of topic. "What workouts do you do."

"I walk to the shop and back now." Jennie tames her smile not even needing to count to three.




Jennie can't stop laughing as she leaves the room.

It's just to easy.


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