Sensei's Pleaser

By Basic_duh

240K 6K 972

A rebellious and criminal student named Lyla Valentine gets a new teacher at a new school for delinquent kids... More

The Beginning || Chapter 1
The Appearance || Chapter 2
The Wager || Chapter 3
The Weekend || Chapter 4
Drunken Trouble || Chapter 5
Dumb Idea || Chapter 6
Always Me || Chapter 7
Committed Crimes || Chapter 8
Not Threats; Promises || Chapter 9
Devil Saint || Chapter 10
Annoyance || Chapter 11
Wild imagination || Chapter 12
Addressing Me || Chapter 13
Circumvent || Chapter 14
Delightful Day || Chapter 15
Another Fall || Chapter 16
The Rain || Chapter 17
Dear Friend || Chapter 18
Infatuation or hate? || Chapter 19
Popping Pills || Chapter 20
Spilling Unknowingly || Chapter 21
Dangerous Thoughts || Chapter 22
Monday || Chapter 23
On Display || Chapter 24
Getting It Together|| Chapter 25
The Introduction || Chapter 26
The Dream || Chapter 27
Another One || Chapter 28
Punishment || Chapter 29
The Event || Chapter 30
Blackout || Chapter 31
Bunking with the Enemy || Chapter 32
Sleeping with the Enemy || Chapter 33
Therapist || Chapter 34
The Call || Chapter 35
Nightmares || Chapter 36
Off Day || Chapter 37
The Video || Chapter 38
Awakening Hell || Chapter 39
Awakening Nightmare || Chapter 40
Confrontation || Chapter 41
Letting It Out || Chapter 42
Confession To Friends || Chapter 43
On The Mind || Chapter 44
Taunting || Chapter 45
On Impulse || Chapter 46
Impulsively Acting Again || Chapter 47
Mutual? || Chapter 48
Detention? || Chapter 49
The Bell || Chapter 50
Tease || Chapter 51
Vogue Girl || Chapter 52
Ditching || Chapter 53
No Relaxing || Chapter 54
Making Up || Chapter 55
Bag Search || Chapter 56
Haunting Past || Chapter 57
Cat Out Of The Bag || Chapter 58
Wanting More || Chapter 59
The First Taste || Chapter 60
Our First Time || Chapter 61
Lack Of Breath || Chapter 62
The Open Door || Chapter 63
For His Own Good || Chapter 64
Back Home || Chapter 65
Promise Ring || Chapter 66
The Knock || Chapter 67
After Knock || Chapter 68
Flowers || Chapter 69
Sex Addicts || Chapter 70
Angry Session || Chapter 71
Surprise || Chapter 72
What's My Name? || Chapter 73
Clarification & Punishments || Chapter 74
Test and Temptation || Chapter 75
Prying Eyes || Chapter 76
Confrontation || Chapter 77
Gloomy || Chapter 78
Jail Fight || Chapter 79
The First I Love You || Bonus Chapter
Can't Catch A Break || Chapter 80
The Goodbye Text || Chapter 81
Far Away || Chapter 82
Broken Doll || Chapter 83
Emotional Tears || Chapter 84
His Recap || Chapter 85
Nightmares || Chapter 86
Future || Chapter 87
Acceptance Letters and Finals || Chapter 88
Moping No More || Chapter 90
The Makeup || Chapter 91
Ghosting Wrong || Chapter 92
Graduation || Chapter 93
Mile High Club|| Chapter 94
Victim || Chapter 95
Tired? || Chapter 96
After the Club || Chapter 97
Shopping Trip || Chapter 98
Yacht || Chapter 99
The Pool || Chapter 100
Getting Her Dressed || Chapter 101
Car Sex || Chapter 102
Back Home || Chapter 103
Bad News || Chapter 104
Vivid Image || Chapter 105
Freaking || Chapter 106
Weird Activities ||Chapter 107
After Math || Chapter 108
Night || Chapter 109
The End? || Chapter 110
Empty || Chapter 111
Few Weeks After || Chapter 112
Out of Slump || Chapter 113
Engagement || Chapter 114
Too Kind || Chapter 115
Chaos || Chapter 116
He Follows || Chapter 117
Congratulations || Chapter 118
Lovely months || Chapter 119
Nursery || Chapter 120
Utter Silence || Chapter 121
Open Window || Chapter 122
Missing Piece || Chapter 123

Break || Chapter 89

919 30 9
By Basic_duh

'Sometimes doing what's best for you leads to losing people you never want to lose.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     I found myself pulling into Lucas driveway and walking into the house shortly after. To my surprise though Lorenzo was here. I didn't see his car outside so it confused me but nevertheless I smiled it off.

"Hey." I spoke with a smile as I made my way to the kitchen where they were.

"I thought you were busy?" Luca asked as he served dinner.

"I was...but I wanted to see you so..." I shrugged and he smiled. After serving he came and gave me a tight hug with a welcoming kiss.

"Well I'm glad you're here." Luca whispered with his lips close to mines before kissing me once again.

"Get a room." Lorenzo spoke making us pull back. I rolled my eyes smiling.

"When you leave." I said to which made Luca laughed. He usually made extra food when he cooked which lucky for me meant I could eat some of his delicious food.

     Luca said he'll teach me but I honestly just wanted him to cook for the rest of our lives. After dinner and everything Luca dropped Lorenzo off and I found myself sitting on the sofa on my phone waiting for him. The door sounded and I placed my phone down turning my head in the direction of the door. His sexy figure and handsome face came into view moments after.

"Hi handsome." I said with a smile as I got up and went to him. Luca smiled placing a soft and slow sensual kiss on my lips with a slight hum.

"Hello gorgeous." He said when he had pulled back slightly. Luca kissed me once again with his arms hugging my waist as I tiptoed arching my back to meet his lips with my arms going around his neck.

"Now what's really up?" He asked with a smile when he pulled back. Ugh I hate that he could read me like a book.

"Of course you knew." I found myself speaking with a smile. A chuckle left his lips before he pecked mines.

"I always know." He said as a matter of fact as he looked pleased with the idea of reading me like a book.

"It's school." He nodded and I pulled back nervously playing with my fingers as I walked towards the sofa. Luca sat down on the sofa with me leaving a little space between the both of us.

"I got into all the schools I applied to." I said happily and he smiled hugging me tightly. I hugged him back softly.

"Congratulations babe!" He pulled back after speaking and I nodded slowly with a small smile looking at my hands.

"That's good" I looked up and saw him watching me in curiosity.

"Ye-yeah no yeah it's good it's just that..." I rubbed the back of my neck before sighing.

"I'm planning on going to MIT..." he stayed there frozen for a little bit before my words sunk in.

"What?" He asked in disbelief with a smile still on his face. When I didn't say anything his smile flattened.

"Wait what?" He asked more seriously. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Why not right?" I spoke shyly.

"'re going to MIT?" Luca frowned slightly and the possibility of us breaking up right after this seemed extremely high.

"Well I mean yeah you know I like coding and engineering so why not?"

"So you're going to school miles away?" I could hear the hurt in his tone.

"I mean why pass up this opportunity you know? You understand right?" His mouth was agape as if not knowing what to tell me.

"I'm happy you got in don't get me wrong I just...I thought after sneaking around for so long you'll stick around so we could publicly be together..." I sighed at his words.

"I know, trust me...but I's MIT Luca, I didn't think I could get in and..I actually did." I said with a smile.

"What about us?"

"I...we can make it work Luca, right? This was kind of long distance so we'll be okay." I said softly holding his hand in mines. Luca slowly pulled his hand away from my grasp looking at me in disbelief.

"How on earth is that the same thing? We're able to see each other but if you go to MIT I won't see you until god knows when." Folding his arms over his chest after he spoke I could tell he was upset by everything.

"We can make it work babe I mean how can we not? You love me and I love you so why not?"

"Lyla do you know how long I've waited to finally be with you and you're just going to leave now?"

"You want what's best for me right? And MIT is what's best for me. I can better myself, don't you want that?"

"Of course I want you to better yourself but Lyla how can you expect me to be okay with this decision?" Luca was now on his feet and my heart slightly broke.

"'s my decision at the end of the day Luca, me telling you was honestly just me being polite, I'm not changing my mind on this!" I was on my feet with my arms folded over my chest feeling highly upset.

"Your life your choice." He said blandly and I scoffed.

"I thought you'd be happy that I'm thinking about my future!"

"I AM happy Lyla but how can I be okay with this?! I don't understand! Right after graduation you're leaving for the summer on some fucking trip which means I won't even get to spend time with you before you go! How can I be okay with that?"

"I get that but Luca this is my future!" I spat back angrily.

"And believe me Lyla I know this, and I want what's best for you which means if going there is what's best for you then do it, I just don't think I can do long distance, I love you believe me but I can't Lyla, this sneaking around was draining enough imagine four years of long distance, what am I supposed to do with that?"

"That's so unfair!"

"Unfair?! You want to talk about unfair Lyla?! Let's do it then! I'm sorry if I'm being unfair when I don't agree on this decision of long distance. Unfair is you just throwing this information on me out of no where and expecting me to be okay with it! I've been patient and honestly I love that you're bettering yourself but Lyla how is it unfair to want you near me? I've been patient and dealt with the whole sneaking around thing but miles away? Seriously? When I can barely see you? How is that fair to me?! I'm not telling you to not go to MIT I just don't see this working out."

"L—" he cut me off making me frown slightly seeing just how upset he was.

"No Lyla I'm not done. I barely see you as it is and now you want me to be okay with seeing you like twice a fucking year? How is that fair to me in any way? On top of that you're leaving for the fucking summer which means even if I do agree to this long distance shit I won't even get to spend time with you before you go, you want to talk about unfair Lyla?! This whole shit from the beginning has been nothing but unfair if we're being honest. You know what it's like to fucking crave you and I can't have you?"

"How is that my fault! You knew what this fucking was from the beginning!"

"I knew and yet I still stupidly jumped into this bullshit." My mouth went agape as my eyes began to sting.

"You...Luca you don't mean that..." I said softly placing my arms around him causing him to just scoff at my words.

"I need space Lyla..." Luca spoke lowly as he gently and slowly pulled away from me.

"Space from what?" My voice broke as I spoke.

"From you from..." he sighed calming himself down before continuing.

"I need space from this Lyla, from whatever the fuck this is I need to just be away from it for a while." A single tear streamed down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away nodding. My heart hurts and my eyes burn but breaking down is something I can't do.

"Fine." I spoke grabbing my phone from the sofa. I scoffed when I locked eyes with him one last time and grabbed my keys walking out slamming the door behind me.

     The moment I closed the door a sob slipped my lips making me cover my mouth rushing to my car. I drove to school fighting back the urge to cry on the whole drive.

     I wanted this so badly but sometimes love just isn't enough to keep someone, especially someone who clearly didn't want to make things work. God I'm such an idiot for thinking he'll care to work things out. Sometimes it doesn't matter how badly you want something to work it won't always work out.

     And sadly that's just life....





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