My Liam Oppa ( JENLISA/JENLIA...

By Arcenciel_Iris

59.7K 1.1K 83

A boy save a little girl who is about 6 or 7 years old, because its suddenly cross the road without looking i... More

chaptet 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
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Chapter 20

1.2K 22 5
By Arcenciel_Iris

"Philippines we are here!!" Jeongyeon shout as soon he got out from the plane. Everyone just shake thier heads at him including his girlfriend.

Yeah you heard it right, nayeon and jeongyeon is officially a couple now the dork ask my friend to be his girlfriend after our exam and didn't even bother tell us right away tsk,but we are happy for them tho especially to my friend.

Anyway we just arrived here in Philippines with oppa private plane and his men took our stuff and put it in the car.

"Hyung where are we staying for the whole trip?"seulgi ask liam and put his sun glasses on.

"Will just stay in a hotel for tonight and fly again to palawan, I'm meeting someone today here in manila." He response.

"With whom oppa?" Jennie ask raising her eyebrows at him.

"Eh? I smell something.... jelly? Did you guys smell it too.?"Nayeon said elbowing jeongyeon who's in her side and sending stares with others.

"Shut up nabog " Jennie roll her eyes at them and go inside the car.

"Is she on her period?" Seulgi ask and blink multiple times.

"Nope its just her being jennie her self, come on and follow that dumpling so we can rest, jet lag is worst aish." Rosé said and follow jennie on the van.

"How about you hyung are you coming?" Tzuyu ask liam who's smiling at jennie direction, he cant believe his baby nini is jealous and to prideful to admit it.

"No, jisoo and i have to meet someone first will just catch up with you guys later." He response and tap tzuyu shoulder and go to the other car with jisoo.

"Manong lets go, hyung and jisoo left already." He said and set next to seulgi.

"He didn't even inform me tsk." Jennie mumble to her self and look outside the window,but irene heard this and chuckle silently.

"Boss where to?" Jisoo ask liam who's in deep thoughts.

"Am.. To a hotel near here." He replied.

"Who are we ganna meet?"

"You will know  when we get there. Let me rest aish." He response then close his eyes and jisoo nob obediently, boss is so grumpy these past few days he needs to get laid! Aish sis in-law move the glass already!!

What am i saying? Even jennie is so moody, i have to do something about it ASAP. Jisoo said to his self and think of his plans along the ride.

Minutes later we arrived to the hotel jennie is the first one to get out followed by the gang. She go to the front disk and ask for her room keys.

"May i know your name ma'am so i can check if you have any reservation." The staff kindly ask.

"Jennie kim " she shortly reply.

"Oh... Mr. Manoban wife, here's your key miss enjoy your stay" she said and bow at her. Jennie blush because of what the staff said she hurriedly grab the key and nob at the staff before going in the elevator.

The gang witnessed what happened and a smirk planted on thier lips. They also grab thier keys and follow the brunette.

Irene was the first one to reach jennie and got in with her in the elevator.

"Hi Mrs. Manoban." She teasingly said and playfully bump her shoulder with her.

"Will hello there another Mrs. Manoban." Jennie report smirking at the latter.

"What are you taking about?" She defensively said.

"You know..." She wiggle her eyebrows at her.

"We are not even a couple and the idiot didn't ask me yet,how can i be a Mrs-...... Aish you fox!" Irene groan and glared at her but the latter just giggle at her.

"Don't worry unnie I'll give seulgi a heads up kekeke." She chuckle  at her and tap her shoulder, before irene can get her the elevator door open and jennie run off to her room leaving irene frustrated.

That brat! Aish why did i even teased her? That bitch is good on turning the tables around, now where's my room?
Irene said to her self before finding her room number.

"Jennie room is 123 so mine will be..122,121,120,119,....118 bingo  why so far on jennie's room!? Aish." I was about to unlock my room but rosé stop me.

"Unnie we have a problem."

"What it is?" I ask

"My brother only book a 6 room and we have to share by pair." Tzuyu said.

"So room 121 will be nabog and jeongyeon room because duh.. They're a couple." Sana said and roll her eyes.

"Me and cubby will share a room will take 122." Mina said and drag cheayong with her.

"Sana will share room with me" tyuzu said and unlock the room 119 with sana following.

"I'll get the room 120 byee!" Rosé said and didn't let irene speak as she lock the door with a bang. Irene stare at the door being shut in dazed she can't help but to feel....betrayed.

"Ehem err... I guess you will be my roommate." Seulgi said as he look at the helpless irene.

"I guess, hayst lets go in." She gloomily said seulgi follow her silently afraid that the volcano will erupt.

Irene sign in relief as soon she saw the two beds, thanking the gods from above that She'll not be sharing a bed with seulgi but she felt a strange part of her is disappoint. She shake her thoughts off and flop on her bed followed by seulgi.

Seulgi smile helplessly at her and stare at the ceiling before drove off to dream land.

Jisoo pov

"Oppa!" Im staring shocked at my sister who's waving from afar. What is she doing here? And with kai? I raise my eyebrows at there direction.

"Warm up on my bother in-law dude." Liam poke my elbow. And i follow him towards my sister.

"What are you doing here Krystal? With kai" I ask soon I'm infront of her and nob at kai.

"Errr... I'm helping liam to prepare his proposal with sister in-law and that's why kai is also here to witnessed the proposal with his brother V." She explained, i look around but i didn't find teahyung anywhere.

"But i didn't see him?"

"He is in the bathroom along w-"

"Hi guys did we make you wait? I just accompanying my kookie on the restroom." Teahyung said cutting Krystal off.

"Why would you accompany him did the two of you do monkey business insi-"

"Okay stop exaggerating things up, i need to pee too stupid!" V defense sending jisoo a sharp glares and the latter raised his arm as a surrender.

"Hi chou, dude liam! How are you guys?" Jungkook greeted them with fist bomb and put his arm around teahyung waist.

"We're great."Liam shortly replied who's not over with the jet lag yet.

"Be too." Jisoo nob.

"Any girlfriend?" He tease a playful smirk on his lips

"Not yet but i already have an eye for someone."

"And who would it be?" Kai cant help but to ask.

"Its.... Your cousin Rosé"

"What!!" The bothers exclaimed.

"Dang broo... Just make sure you dont hurt her chou." Kai seriously said and V nob in agreement.

"Yeah i will"

"Okay so let get this meeting done? I still have a cat to tamed with." Liam said cutting thier conversation off. They nob at him and Krystal lead them on the hotel private restaurant.


Hi? How are you guys? How's life? Please leave a comment I'll be happy to read it ( :

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