Nothing to Loose, But You - J...

By mslisno

94.5K 976 223

In which Evelyn Tiara discovers the deep secrets of the OBX, But others find out her dark secrets. I do not o... More

1: Kook or Not?
2: Dumb Fucks
3: Secrets Hidden
4: Secrets Spilt
5: Diver Down
6: Weed
7: Sweet Home Alabama
9: "You know where hes from"
10: Calls and Deep Shit
11: Images
12: Pervy Married Men
13: Slut
14: Sweet Home Alabama 2.0
15: Fatherless
16: Tall, strong, blond
17: Royal Merchant
18: The Lunch
19: "Maybe its love"
20: "what do you want?" "You"
21: You saved me
22: "You wanna talk about to far?!"
23: "Dont make promises you cant keep"
24: Laugh it off
25: Ring A Bell?
26: I Love You JJ Maybank
27: Goodnight Pretty Boy
28: She wouldnt do that
29: Open the fucking door
30: You Need Help
31: This isnt over
Act 2
32: Barry im not okay
33: We Dont Have A Sex Life
34: I hate my body
35: So Madly In Love
36: Mother
37: But Im Gonna Kiss You
38: So Is Youre Daughter
39: Thats It Then
40: Madly In Love, Madly Homeless
41: Peaches
42: Lying Whore
43: Friends That Slept With JJ
44: Youre Jealous
45: Bullshit
46: Cleo
47: Friend Zoned
Act 3
48: Bigger Ass
49: Hotties
50: Friends
51: Sarah? Sarah.
52: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
53: I want to be hers
54: My Idiot
55: Positve
56: Lies and Jealousy
57: Eye Fucking
58: Sweetie
59: Old Married Couple
60: The End

8: Almost but Nothing At All

2K 25 11
By mslisno

"Hang on. I'll deal with it." John B says. We are at the wreck and Pope was sent in to talk to her but came out saying she doesn't wanna come. Now it was just JJ and I in the car as Pope stays outside waiting for John B and Kie.

"This has been really eventful." JJ says drawing patterns on my thigh.

"Yea." I say as I move into JJ more so my head is now on his shoulder.

"At least I still have you." He whispers. I sit my head up and kiss him on the cheek. I then see his cheeks flush red.

"Did I make you blush." I ask smiling. I then look out the window as my smile drops. Topper and Kelce looking at me. Rafes fucking spy's. Shit. My phone then buzzes like crazy. JJ picks it up and see Rafes name on the screen.

"It's you're dick boyfriend."

I take the phone and answer the call.

"Get out of the fucking car!" He yells through the phone. "I'm coming to pick you up!" I then look at JJ knowing damn well he heard. We then see Pope, John B, and Kie walk out as I see Topper and Kelce get up to get me.

"Yea I will, bye love you."

"You better be wearing something sexy. I have some anger to get out." He says as my whole body tenses. I then hang up the phone.

"I'll keep you safe. You'll be okay."JJ says pulling me into a hug. The rest get into the car as Topper and Kelce walk out.

"Go!" JJ and I yell as they quickly speed down the road leaving Topper and Kelce. Yay.

"You mind if I just relax on this one?" JJ says. "It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low." JJ then turns to Pope. "Oh, did you want a hit of this?"

"I keep the signal clear." Pope states.

"Y'all are a cute couple." I say to the boys as they give me a look of disgust.

"Look, I... I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But I... I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." John B says as I mutter 'our dad' under my breath and only JJ heard me thank god.

"Come on, hey." JJ says to me as he grabs my hand as we walk into a grave yard.

"I'm coming. This place is scary." I say to him as we are behind everyone because of me. He leans done and kisses my cheek. As we walk he runs his thumb over my knuckles.

"You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?" John B asks us.

"Yeah." We all say.

"So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right? But it's not a place. It's a person." John B states as we come to a grave.

"Voi-effing-là." JJ states. Hot.

"Wow that actually turned me on." I mutter thinking no one heard me as JJ looks back at me with a smirk. Well this will be a fun conversation. I can't even date him, he's like Kie and I have a boyfriend.

"See, my great-great-grandmother Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name." JB says. I look behind me to make sure I'm not stepping on a grave. When I see it. My aunts grave.

"Shut up you fucking Slut!" My dad yells at my mother. My aunt walks through the door and grabs me and pulls me outside. She quickly runs me to her car and puts me in the back. She then starts the car as we drive away. I looked out the window seeing my mom and dad yelling at us.

We then pulled up to a random parking lot as my aunt came into the back seat and hugged me.

"I promise I'll get you out of their one day." She whispers into my ear as she combs through my hair with her fingers. "Oh my baby princess. We will get through this together."

My aunt went missing 3 years ago. I haven't seen her sense. I relate to John B, I still refuse to sign the papers. I know my aunt. She would never just go missing. I know she's alive. She also was trying to find the royal merchant. Big John and her were friends. They were actually dating. They kept that a secret from John B though. It's all confusing. Not only is John B my twin but he's also my cousin. Weird right.

I then snap out of my thoughts when I hear barking. I quickly look back and see Kie grabbing into JJs arm. A knot in my stomach began to form. It wasn't anger, it was jealousy.

"JJ, shut up. Shut up!" Everyone yelled at him.

"You're gonna wake the dead, man." Pope says freaking out.

"They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that, man." JJ then looks at the grave. "Wait, hold on."


"If there's one, there's probably dozens."


"J you're freaking me out." I say.

JJ then starts barking again.

"Stop barking at the snakes." I say grabbing his shoulder so he looks at me. He then stops and just stands there. I then aim my flashlight as a hole that I could easily get through.

"I can get through." I say as they all look at me.

"What?" Pope says.

"No, no, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole?" JJ says walking up to me.

"That hole?" Kie asks.

"Look, this is about your dad." I say. "And honestly, I really don't believe in it, but you deserve to know the truth. I'll do it." JJ then pulls me aside.

"Look, you know I always say I've got nothing to loose. Well you're right. I have you to loose. Don't die." I feel my cheeks burning red. We start inching closer and closer together. Our lips centimeters apart.

"Come on." Kie says. We quickly pull apart. Thank you Kie! Hormones am I right.

"I'll get those..." JJ says walking to the grave and pulling away the vines. JJ then kneels down and gets ready to boost me.

"I've seen it in the movies several times. Like the ones we watch at my house.Ready?"

"Remind me what we're looking for." I ask them.

"You'll know when you see it." John B says.

"Great that's fucking useful."

"Hold my flashlight." I say handing Pope the light.

"All right, so put your hands right there. Yep. Foot... Your foot. All right, on three." He says.

"All right..." I say ignoring him and just jumping onto the grave and pushing myself through.

"Okay, never mind. Just forget about three."

"Okay, flashlight?" I ask.

"Yeah, here." Pope says handing me the flashlight.

"You alive? You got, like, a... a heartbeat and everything?" JJ asks worrying about me.

"So far."

"That's good. That's good."


"Uh... I need some more light." I say

"Yeah, yeah, here. Yeah, I gotcha." John B says as he holds a lantern through the hole.

"Did you find something?" Pope asks.

"Is there gold?" JJ asks. I then see it. A FedEx package in the grave. Holy shit.

1234 words. There would have been more but this is the last of episode 2 so I'll update next week. Love y'all!

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