The Tattooist

By durrie

854K 24.2K 1.7K

I walked into the clean, wide tattoo shop, to find a large red head lady sitting at the counter at her comput... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Stay tuned!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 9

29.1K 866 72
By durrie

My head felt fuzzy, as I woke up on a cold surface, my vision was dark and shifty.

But it soon cleared as i felt a cold substance in my fist.

I looked around, and I'll could see was light snow, and giant pine trees surrounding me.
I started to panic, it only snows miles away from town.

Suddenly, I made a quick turn around as I heard a growl coming from behind me.

Three very large wolves emerged from the trees darkness.
All there quite lean but muscled.
I've never seen a wolf this size, almost bear height.

A very tall, dark wolf stood on a small pile of rocks, all there eyes were set on me.

Then my head came clear, where's the beast? Am I dreaming?

The two smaller grey wolves growled at the black standing in the middle, then looking back at me. Like they were talking?

I wanted to run, but those things will catch me in an instant.

"Where am I?" I whispered to myself

Then a loud snarl came from the black wolf, it jumped down off the rock, slowly walked toward me.

I felt myself back up, trying to squirm away from the large canine.
But it stopped a meter away form me, just staring.

It made a rumbling sound deep in it's chest, and widened it's big green eyes.

I felt drawn to touch it, but my head was telling me no.
Then, I felt like I recognised it.. Those eyes.
"J--Johnny?" I said in a shaky, cold voice.

If looked like it smiled, showing it's large white incisors.

No, Johnny is a human! What the hell is going on!

"No.. Johnny is human, your an animal" I snapped back at the sounds of growls coming from the two grey wolves, seemed to be growled at the black one.

Then my heart felt like it stopped at a blood chilling, roar came from the black wolf back at the others.

His attention turned back to me, eyes like fire and snout wrinkled as it growled at me.

Then, right before my every eyes, the massive wolf started to shrink?
I must be dreaming!

I could hear the sound of bones crack and snap, it's fur melted into musclely skin.
It's back arched up as it's spine cracked and shift into place, paws became hands, claws became fingers.
Snout became nose and fangs became teeth.
The growls became groans.. And before me, was the face I've seen before. Johnny..
His arms shook, still in crouching position.
Slowly, his face turned up to look at me. His eyes..still glowing.

My legs trembled, I could feel my mouth hang open.

And he made that old firmular smirk that melted me at the knees.

"Oh.. It is you.." I said in a shaky voice, fog drifted from my lips.
It was so cold.

Johnny crawled slowly over to me, but I scrambled back, for all I know he was gonna eat me!

His hands grabbed my arms firmly, and I found myself, my head pressed up against his rock hard chest, his arms around my legs and around my back.

The cold chills started to slow as it was replaced by warmth, I Felt as if I was sitting infront of a tile fire.

"Don't be Afraid" he spoke in a soft, yet stern voice.
I still froze up as his skin touched mine, my cheek crushed against is chest.
Then, I realised as I looked slightly down, I could see his impressive, huge manhood.

I gasped and pushed him away, and scrambled to my feet, tripping over chunks of snow, Falling flat on my face!

I could hear crunching of foot steps towards me.
"Get away!" I screamed, quickly turning around and seeing Johnny's ripped naked body hovering over me.

"Please don't run away!" He sounded frustrated, and his forehead creased.

"At least cover up!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
His eyes widened, and quickly cupped his hands over his junk.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise.." He chuckled nervously, and swear I saw his cheeks go red.

"What the fuck is going on!" Jumping to my feet, getting ready to punch him square in the face.
But my bravery slowly shrunk as the two giant wolves appeared each side of Johnny.

I heard him sigh ".. I.. Please come with me, and let me get you warm and I'll explain" Johnny still covering her privates, kneeling down into the soft snow.

"No way! You freak! I'm not going anywhere with you!" My voice echoed the surrounding trees, and the two wolves drew closer.

Johnny snapped his head back at them, barring his teeth "stay back! I can handle this.." His chest started to growl and I felt the earth rumble under my feet.

Johnny slowly turned back to me, his eyes soft, but he still looked confused.

"Just...please, trust me. I won't hurt you, and neither will they" he reached out his hand for me to take it, his other hand covering his bits.

I just wanted to Spartan kick him in the face and bolt.
But yet feet were planted to the ground.
What the hell is wrong with me!

"Where's that beast? That monster that took me!" I shouted, and looking at Johnny, his face started to look sad, and eyes looked full of pain.

"It's..gone, please come with me.." Still reaching out his hand.

I went to take it, but stopped before I touched it.

"But your naked.." I frowned at him.

"Oh.. Well, what If I changed back to the wolf..would you ride on my back?" He forced a smile.

My head ran with thoughts, my dress blew on my skin softly, I didn't realise I was wearing that same dress.

"Yeah.." I said nervously and unsure, thinking of what will happen, and my mind felt blank of what I just saw.

In a split second, his skin sprouted black fur, his limbs grew longer, and bones crackled.
And there before me was the huge black wolf.. The one, from my teen dreams.

It snorted and cold fog flowed out like steam.
Johnny started to lay down, and stare at me..
I guess that means get on?

I slowly walked upto it, even lowered to it's stomach, it's back was just above my hip.

My skin slipped over it's soft but dense coat, I sat comfortably behind his shoulders.

Johnny's wolf stood up on all fours slowly, my god.. I felt like I was on the biggest, hairiest horse ever.

He started to stride forward, his steps were so smooth.
The two wolves followed behind him, sniffing at the ground.

My hands turned Into fists, gripping on to his long coat.

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