Spin Bout U 2 | KV

By storiesbysarah_

356K 14.7K 12.8K

It's been 3 years since everything happened between Normani and Dayvon. Will they ever find their way back to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65: The Final Chapter
Spin Bout U 3: BOOK 3 UPDATE

Chapter 5

5.5K 224 130
By storiesbysarah_

Happy Sundayyy y'all ❤️ I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this book so far.☺️


Von groaned lowly as he leaned his head back. It was the very next day. He was currently seated on the couch at the studio, along with a random girl who was placed on her knees right in front of him.

She just smirked, using her tongue to lick up all the juices from his manhood, making sure to clean him off before pulling away. She licked her lips before leaning up, giving him a smile.

"I told you I could make you nut in 60 seconds."

She teased while standing up. Von couldn't help but chuckle at her statement as he zipped up his pants.

"Where yo freaky ass been all my life then?"

He joked back at her as she giggled. She took a seat right next to him on the couch before taking out her phone.

"Unt unt. What I said about phones?"

He pointed. She just sucked her teeth before placing it down again.

"What are you so worried about King Von?"

She cooed.

"You got a girlfriend or something? I promise I won't tell."

"Nah, It ain't nun like that.."

He simply stated.

Von had spent most of his day here at the studio just trying to get his mind off some things. He had occupied himself by starting and completing at least 3 songs. And that was alot in general, considering that it usually took weeks to just complete 1 single song.

That's what Von loved about the music though. No matter what he was going through, the music seemed to take him away from all the drama. He was pretty satisfied with all the work he had accomplished today.

But now he found himself just sitting here alone, with a random stripper that he linked up with, about to light up a blunt with Normani heavily on his mind.

"Is there a bathroom in here?"

The girl questioned while standing up again.

"Yeah, right through that door, down the hall I think."

He muttered.

She just nodded before exiting the room. Most of the producers had left already, leaving Von all by himself now with this girl. He just brought the blunt to his lips, leaning back against the couch before lighting it up. He couldn't seem to get Mani's face out of his head. She looked so beautiful to him when he saw her last night for the first time. He actually wasn't even expecting to see her until Ari's party which was tonight. So it really threw him off guard that he ran into her at the restaurant so suddenly.

Especially seeing her with Key Glock, that just put him in a bad mood all together. And the fact that Key kept calling Normani his girl, it just threw him way off. He did not like that at all. Von seemed to be okay with just going through life without ever physically seeing Normani with another man. The thought of that just enraged him. But also, he knew he had no place to be upset about it either. I mean, what did he expect? He was the one that broke things off with Mani.

Normani was a gorgeous, smart and caring person. Von knew that any guy could easily see her worth from a mile away. He knew that she would definitely be sought after by other men, and a sick part of him just didn't want to ever see her with anybody else at all.

Especially not with Key.

Von felt like he had been doing just fine without ever seeing her in person. But now that he did, he felt like he was just so fucked up in the head. He just didn't feel like himself anymore. He could tell that something sinister and deranged was brewing inside of him.

Von just inhaled his weed before taking his phone out of his pocket. He began scrolling through his contact list before landing on Key Glocks number. He clicked on his name before placing the phone towards his ears.

The phone rang twice before Key picked up.

"Aye Von, what's good twin?"

Key said through the phone.

"Nun much. Whatchu on gang?"

Von said while leaning up in his seat. He took the blunt from in between his lips before holding it with his fingers.

"Nun too crazy. I was just about ta head to the studio. My label got me bustin my ass outchea. Can't even get some pussy in if I wanted to with how hard they asses got me working."

Key joked while chuckling. Von just made a face, hoping he wasn't referring to Normani at all.

"Yeah I feel that. I actually been at the studio all day too. I made like 3 new songs fa this album."

He replied.

"I just know yo album about ta go so crazy. Im actually excited to hear that shit."

Key boosted. Von just chuckled a little while shaking his head. He really wasn't all for the small talk though. He was just ready to get to the point.

"But aye look. I gotta holla at chu real quick about sum."

Von began. He took another dab at his weed, inhaling the smoke deeply before blowing it into the air.

"Yeah wassup."

Key questioned.

"It's about Normani."

Von simply stated.

Normani found herself buried underneath her covers as the sound of
an alarm clock kept ringing from her phone.

She just groaned a bit, sticking her hand out from the sheets before feeling for her phone on the nightstand. She let her fingers tap against the screen multiple times before the alarm finally came to a stop. Breathing in deeply, she moved the covers off her body before glaring up at the ceiling.

She hadn't slept well at all the night before, simply due to her mind racing. This prompted her to sleep in for most of the day. She just couldn't stop thinking about Von. She kept replaying the moment when she saw him at the restaurant in her head over and over again. The way his eyes were just piercing into her soul, she just wasn't sure what he was thinking.

She wondered if he missed her or not. Or maybe does he hate me since he saw me with Key? She couldn't help but think.

Why do I even care if he hates me anyway???


She grumbled to herself while sitting up. She knew she definitely had to get out of her head. Her own thoughts were making her go insane. She kept having to remind herself that she didn't care about him or what he thought. None of it mattered. That situation that she had with him was all said and done, and in the past.

Mani knew she couldn't be sitting around feeling this way. She had been doing just fine the entire time before even running into him at the restaurant anyway. Mani knew that all those months of her going through the healing stage couldn't just be for nothing. She was over Von. Done with him. So it was time for her to start acting like it.

Hopping out of bed, Normani grabbed her phone off the nightstand. She glanced at the time, noticing that it was 12pm already. Unlocking her phone, she began going through her text messages. She had a few messages from people including Ari and Durk.

Ari was simply making sure that Mani was still coming to her party tonight, which she responded reassuring her that she would. Durk had texted her, checking up on her and making sure she was ok. She immediately noticed that she hadn't received her usual good morning text from Key, which was something that he religiously did every single day.

She just decided to send him a text first this time, simply just checking up on him. Mani proceeded to respond to everyone else before going through her work email. She liked to go through her emails just to see if there was anything she needed to do in regards to work. Now, she was usually off on the weekends, but Mani definitely refused to just be sitting around all day thinking about her ex.

Plus, work was a good way for her to stay distracted and get her mind off things. She figured she could just occupy herself with some work before Ari's party later tonight. She responded to a few emails before jumping up and heading to the bathroom. She did her morning routine step by step, even deciding to wear a face mask for a bit.

It was a homemade avocado and lemon face mask, a recipe she got from tik tok. She just applied it all over her face before exiting the bathroom again. She could hear her phone vibrating on the bed as she went over to grab it.

Durk's name was on the screen as she just sucked her teeth. She swiped her finger across the screen, picking up his call.

"Boy what do you want."

She mugged while exiting her room. She could just hear him laughing through the phone.

"Damn, whatchu mad at me for Mani?"

He chuckled. She just rolled her eyes.

"You just left me there to fend for myself last night at the restaurant."

She pointed while shaking her head.

"Aye look, that was not my fault. I told yo ass that Von was coming."

He defended.

"Mmhmm. Whatever."

She muttered while making her way to the kitchen. She opened her fridge, grabbing a carton of eggs before placing them onto the counter.

"Well, I can tell you one thing, Von did not talk to us fa the rest of the night. His ass was pissed."

Durk said. Normani just raised her eyebrows a bit.

"Pissed? For what? There is nothing for him to be pissed about."

She muttered.

"Come on Mani. You know exactly why he's pissed."

"No Durk, I don't actually."

She simply stated. She began grabbing a pan from underneath her counter before placing it onto the stove.

"That man misses you. And we all know it."

Durk went on.

"Just please... I really don't want to hear this right now."

Mani said while frowning her face. As far as she was concerned, she just didn't care anymore.

"Okay. My bad Mani. I'm not tryna make you upset."

"I'm not upset. I'm just over it. I don't really care how he feels at this point. It's none of my concern."

She simply stated.

"I get it. You right."

He muttered.

"You still coming to Ari's party tonight? I think her and Herb are engaged or sum shit like that. Ion know."

He questioned. Normani just gasped a bit as she began to turn on the fire for the stove.

"And how did you know that? That was suppose to be a secret that they were going to announce tonight."

Mani said while chuckling.

"Man look, India got a big ass mouth. She was over at my place the other day and told me. Her ass a lil snitch."

He joked.

"Y'all two are something else."

She said while shaking her head. She placed her phone on speaker before grabbing a bowl and cracking her eggs.

"But you still ain't answer my question? You poppin out tonight or what?"

"Oh my goshhhh. Yesss Durk Ima show up. Ari will kill me if I don't."

Mani said while rolling her eyes.

"Okay bet. I was just making sure you wasn't gon be no punk."

He teased.

"A punk?"

She repeated. He just laughed through the phone.

"I'm glad you think this shit is funny Smurk."

Mani said while sucking her teeth.

"Look I'm just teasing you. But for real I hope you do come out tonight. We all haven't hung out together like we use to in a while. It'll be fun for real."

Durk insisted.

"Yeah, I knowwww.."

She muttered.

"Plus you get to hang out wit yo ex. It'll be great."

He slickly stated. Normani just gasped at his statement.

"Durk Derrick Ban-"

Before Mani could even finish her sentence, Durk quickly hung up the phone before she could even curse him out. She just huffed to herself while rolling her eyes.

She focused on making her eggs as a quick late breakfast, putting them on a clean plate before heading back into her room.

She grabbed her laptop from the charger before climbing back into her bed. Her plan was to just get some work done before she had to get ready for the party tonight. She suddenly remembered that she had sent Key a text earlier. She grabbed her phone again, checking to see if he even responded.

To her surprise, the text message that she sent didn't even go through at all. It just read as undelivered. Normani just frowned while staring at her phone for a bit. She decided to just call him, just to make sure her phone wasn't messing up.

She pressed on his contact name before placing the phone to her ears. She expected the phone to ring, but instead it went straight to voicemail. She just frowned before hanging up the call.


She muttered before looking back at her phone.

Maybe his phone is off? She thought to herself. Key usually liked to turn his phone off whenever he was working in the studio. She just shrugged it off, already knowing that she sucked with technology anyway. She assumed her message would probably go through eventually once he turned his phone back on.

She didn't even bother to try and figure out what was going on as she just turned her focus back onto her work.


And so it begins... Von's crazy ass.

What y'all think he told Key?

You think Key got Normani blocked? 😩

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