Home, d.s[3]

By bev_ellen

48.1K 2.2K 338

The group travels to Neverland to save Henry, who has been taken there, under Pan's orders. Athena's whereabo... More



932 48 3
By bev_ellen



The twins were sat together, looking at the blank map, "Our names are Emma and Elias Swan," Emma said.

"I'd wager the solution to Pan's riddle is a bit more complicated than that," Captain Hook said.

"Don't hold anything back," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm Henry's father. We used to live in Boston, and we were bail bonds-people. I'm now the sheriff of Storybrooke," Elias said.

Regina looked over from the tree she was leaning on, "That election was a sham," She said.

"Oh?" Elias looked at her, "Like you appointing Sidney?" He questioned.

"Are we really doing this?" Regina asked.

"I don't know, are we?" Elias said.

"Don't you think maybe you're both leaving some things out?" Mary Margaret asked.

The twins glanced at each other, before looking back at the map, "We're the children of Snow White and Prince Charming, which apparently makes us the products of true love," Elias said.

"We were born in the Enchanted Forest and we were sent through a portal, so that we could break a curse," Emma added.

"And you were able to break the curse because you're the..." David said, but the twins remained silent.

"Come on. You don't need to be embarrassed to say it," Mary Margaret said.

"Say what?" Captain Hook asked.

"The 'S' word," Nadia said.

The twins looked down at the blank map, "We're the Saviors," They said, but nothing changed with the map.

"I don't get it. We said we're the Saviors. There's nothing we've denied more than that," Emma said.

"No, it's okay. We'll figure it out," Mary Margaret said.

"No, you won't," Regina said, taking the map from Elias.

"Regina!" Elias said.

"But I can," Regina looked at the parchment, "I'm beginning to think there isn't a map on here. That doesn't mean it can't lead us to Henry," She said.

"I thought we decided that using magic was a bad idea," David said.

"For once, I agree with the prince," David looked at the pirate, "Well, I told you we're getting along," Captain Hook said with a smile.

Regina ignored them and waved her hand over the map, causing it to float out of her hands, "What the hell are you doing?" Emma asked.

"It's a locator spell. This parchment belonged to Pan, it'll lead us to him," Regina said.

"Oh, so we're going with my idea," Nadia said.

"So it appears we will be venturing into the Dark Jungle after all," Captain Hook said.

"You mean the place you told us to never set foot?" Elias questioned.

"That's the one," Captain Hook said.

"Well, Saviors, you said you wanted to be the leaders," Regina gestured to the floating map, "Lead," She said.

The twins followed after the map, which began to lead them into the vast jungle as the others followed, "This is how people die in horror movies," Elias remarked.

"A what?" Captain Hook asked.

"Just move," Nadia said, pushing the pirate forward.


Elsewhere, Mr Gold and Belle were walking together, "So, do you know why you brought me to the island?" She asked as they stopped on a cliffside.

"I thought you were gonna show me the answer," Mr Gold said.

"Only you know that," Belle said.

"I've already told you," Mr Gold said.

"No, you haven't," Belle said.

Mr Gold looked at her, "I have no idea," He said.

"Yes, you do," She said.

"No," Mr Gold said.

"You're holding back," Belle said.

"I'm not," He said.

"You are," Belle said, knowingly.

"Belle," Mr Gold said.

"What is it you're not saying?" Belle asked.

Mr Gold just looked at her and sighed, ""I'm a coward. I'm just like my father," He told her.

"You feel better now, don't you? You know why I'm here," Belle said.

"You always saw the good in me," Mr Gold said.

"I still do, and as much as you deny it, I think you see it too. So why am I here? What are you wrestling with?" Belle asked.

"Pan offered me a deal. I let him keep Henry, and he allows me to live. The boy needn't be my undoing," Mr Gold said.

"And you're afraid you'll make a selfish choice," Belle said.

"I generally do," He said.

"You abandoned your daughter, Seraphina, and regretted it your whole life," Belle shook her head lightly, "You don't need to do the same to Henry. Letting go of the past...it's the first step," She said.

Mr Gold brought the straw doll out of his pocket and looked at it, "You know, this was the last thing my father gave me," He said.

"And what happened to him?" Belle asked.

"He left me," Mr Gold said.

"If you don't want to repeat the mistakes he made, you need to let go," Belle told him before walking away from the cliffside, leaving Mr Gold alone. After a moment of looking at the doll, he finally made the decision to drop it off the side of the cliff.


Just below the same cliffside, Athena and Maverick had left Tinkerbell's hut and were walking together, when the straw doll landed on the ground, a little ways ahead of them, "What's that?" Maverick asked.

"I don't know," they walked closer to it, "It looks like...a doll," Athena picked it up, looking at it, "Hm," she looked down at Maverick, "You want it?" Athena asked him.

"No, thanks," Maverick answered.

"Someone must've lost it," Athena said before tossing it over her shoulder, and they continued walking.


The group trekked through the Dark Jungle, following the map in search of Pan, and Regina glanced at Elias, "Ready to thank me yet?" She asked.

"Actually, yeah," he glanced at her, "Don't get used to it," Elias said.

Regina rolled her eyes, "You know, if you'd let me do it sooner, maybe we'd have found him by now," she stopped walking, along with the others, "Wait, he's there. Pan," they looked around, "I can feel his smugness," Regina said.

"Oh, is that what that is? I thought it was your attitude," Nadia said.

David drew his sword, "Shall we? While we still have the element of surprise on our side?" He questioned and went to move.

"Careful," David looked at the pirate, "He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon," Captain Hook said.

Mary Margaret looked at the twins, "Hey, we can do this. You can do this," She said to them.


Back with Athena and Maverick, they continued to make their way through the jungle, when they heard the sound of talking, headed their way, "Wait," she stepped aside, pulling him into the shrubbery, "Stay quiet," Athena said.

"What is it?" Maverick whispered.

"Just stay down," they peered through the leaves, watching, until she saw familiar faces making their way along the path, "It can't be," Athena whispered to herself.

"Who are they?" He whispered to her.

"Your family," they watched as the group passed by them, before waiting a moment, "It's really them," Athena said, stepping out onto the path, followed by her son.

"If it's them, then go after them. Why are we still standing here?" Maverick asked.

"I just need some time, until then...we'll just keep an eye on them, see why they're here," Athena said and they walked after the group, keeping a distance.


They continued their trek through the jungle, until it opened up into a small clearing, "No one's here. Maybe your spell was wrong, Regina," Mary Margaret said.

"Yes, blame me...again," Regina said as she passed her.

"No, it wasn't her. You can't really mess up a locator spell," Nadia said.

"Why is Nadia the only one defending me?" Regina questioned.

"You want me to stop?" Nadia asked.

"...No," Regina said.

Elias looked around and noticed a familiar figure in the distance, wearing Henry's coat, "Guys...hold on. Is that...Henry!" Elias called out.

The boy turned to them, revealing himself to be Pan and not Henry, "Hi, Elias," Pan said.

"Where the hell is Henry?" Emma asked.

"You two broke the rules. That's not fair, bad form," Pan looked at the pirate captain, "I expect more from you, Captain," He said.

"Aye, and you'll get it," Captain Hook said.

"Give Henry to me," Elias said.

"Sorry, can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win," Pan said.

"They don't, do they?" Pan turned to see Athena behind him as the others looked at her shocked, "I've been looking for you," Athena said.

"Athena?" David said with wide eyes.

"Now's not the time, Dave. When were you going to tell me that my family was here?" Athena asked.

"I was waiting for the perfect time, I guess that time is now," Pan said.

Athena circled around Pan, standing in front of her friends and family, "Hurt them, and the last thing you'll see is the dirt on my shoe," She threatened.

"Do you really want Maverick to see that?" she glared at him, "Remember, cheaters never win," Pan said with a smirk.

Suddenly, the Lost Boys come from behind Peter Pan, making lots of noise as they surrounded the group as Pan looked on, while the group prepared to attack.

"Watch out for their arrows, they're laced with dreamshade," Captain Hook said.

The Lost Boys began to fire their arrows, which ricocheted as David blocked them with his sword, while Margaret shoots arrows herself. A boy shot an arrow at Mary Margaret, which the twins and David noticed, "Mary Margaret!" The three of them yelled.

David pushed Mary Margaret out of the way, getting nipped by an arrow, "David!" Mary Margaret said.

"I'm good," a boy took aim at Mary Margaret again, "Behind you!" David said.

Mary Margaret turned and fired an arrow, pinning the boy to a tree, while Regina and Nadia both electrocuted some boys with their magic. Another boy came up behind Athena, but she quickly turned and kicked him in his stomach, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground with a groan.

Emma was tackled by a boy, but she quickly kicked him off and got up, before they ensued in a fight as well.

Felix and Captain Hook circled each other, "It's been a while, Captain," Felix said.

"Not long enough," the two ensued in a sword fight, "You remember what I did to Rufio?" Felix looked at him with a hardened look, "Well, it's a far worse fate for you," Captain Hook said.

Elias raced towards Pan, pushing charging boys to the side, but one managed to tackle him and they rolled down the hill Pan was stood on. A struggle ensued between them, but Elias managed to pin the boy down, "Where's Henry?! Where is he?!" Elias asked as he stared at the boy, seeing something in the boys eyes and got off him as the fighting started to die down.

Mary Margaret looked at him, "Elias, are you alright?" She asked as the others looked over.

Pan whistled and the Lost Boys moved away from the group, "Remember what I told you," the twins looked at him, "That map will show you where Henry is...only when you both stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards," Pan said and walked away with the hollering Lost Boys in tow.

Athena turned to the group, "Are you guys okay?" She asked them.

David looked at her, "Are we..." he shook his head, "Forget that. How are you here?!" David asked.

"You mean, how is she alive?" Nadia looked at her, "We saw you die," She said.

"Well, I'm not," Athena said.

"Yeah, that's great and wonderful, but how?!" David said.

Athena shrugged, "I don't know. Pan brought me here," She said.

"Why?" Captain Hook asked as he approached her.

"How am I supposed to know?" she stepped away from him, keeping her distance and he stopped walking, "He doesn't tell anyone anything. The real question is..." She looked between them, "Why the hell are you all here?" Athena asked.

"He took Henry," Elias said.

"What? Henry's here?!" Athena said.

"Yes, and we don't even know if he's okay," Regina said.

"I actually have an idea," Athena said.

"What?" Emma asked.

Athena glanced at them, before closing her eyes and letting out a sigh, "Maverick...you can come out now," She said.

They all watched confused as Maverick stepped out of the shrubbery, "Great, another Lost Boy," Regina complained.

"I'm not a Lost Boy. Well, not anymore," Maverick said as he stopped next to his mother.

"Athena, who is this?" Captain Hook asked, looking at the young boy.

"He's...my son," Athena told them.

"Your what?" David said.

"I'll explain later, I promise," she crouched in front Maverick, "I need you to do something for me," Athena said.

"What?" Maverick asked.

"Go back to Lost Boy's camp," he stepped back, shaking his head, "Please, I need you to. Your cousin, Henry, needs our help. Find him and make sure he's okay. Please," Athena said.

Maverick glanced at the group, eyes landing on Elias and Regina, "Okay," he looked back at his mother, "Okay, I'll do it," Maverick said.

Athena placed a hand on his cheek, "Be careful," She said, before standing up as Maverick ran into the jungle.

"You want to explain this to me?" Captain Hook asked.

"No," Athena said and walked away from him.

David grabbed his sister's wrist, making her look at him and he pulled her into a tight hug, "Don't ever die again," He said.

"Yeah, can't say that I plan to," they pulled away, "I guess I can cross resurrection off my bucket list," Athena said.

"Let's hope no one else has to do it," Mary Margaret said.

Nadia looked over Athena's outfit, "What are you wearing?" She asked.

"Something very uncomfortable. Do you mind, uh..." Athena said, gesturing to her clothing.

"Here," she waved her hand, magically changing Athena's outfit into something more modern, "How's that?" Nadia said.

"Better, thanks," Athena said.


The group returned to their camp and Mary Margaret looked at her husband, "You sure you don't want me to take a look at that?" She asked him.

"I was lucky, my jacket wasn't. Don't worry about it," they looked over at the twins, who were stood off to the side, "I think we have bigger issues," David said and they walked over to them.

"Don't let him shake your confidence," the twins looked at them, "We've all had moments where we thought we couldn't prevail," Mary Margaret said.

"She's right," David said.

"Guys, not now. Please," Elias said and walked away.

"Elias, wait," David said as he moved to follow him, but Emma stopped him and looked over seeing Mary Margaret already walking towards him.

"Let her try," Emma said, quietly and David nodded in agreement, before they walked to Athena and Nadia.

Elias sat on a log, holding the blank map in front of him, "Please, talk to me," Mary Margaret said, sitting next to him.

"There's nothing to talk about. We had our chance and we lost...I lost," Elias said.

"Then you have to keep fighting," Mary Margaret said.

"You heard what Hook said. Pan is a demon," Elias said.

"And you are a-," Mary Margaret began to say.

"What? A Savior?" Elias interrupted, "Because if that were true, this map would have shown us the way already," He said.

Mary Margaret thought for a moment, "Maybe who you think you are, isn't who you really are," She said.

"What do you mean?" Elias asked as Emma approached them, sitting beside Elias.

"Sometimes we think we know ourselves, but we need a push to show us the reality. That boy with the knife...you stopped fighting him. Why?" Mary Margaret said.

"Because he was...just a boy," Elias said.

"No, she's right. there was something else," Emma said.

"I saw it in your eyes, Elias. Why did you stop?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Because when I looked at his face, I saw me...us," Elias said, nodding toward his sister.

"Go on," Mary Margaret said.

"That look in his eyes..." Elias inhaled deeply, "The despair. I had it back when I was in the foster system. Just a lost little boy, who didn't matter and didn't think he ever would. A little boy who cried himself to sleep at night 'cause..." his voice broke and Emma took hold of his hand, "He wanted his parents so bad, and could never understand...why they gave him up," Elias said.

"And when you two found us, it was too late," Mary Margaret said, tearfully as she looked at them.

"It's just, on this island...I don't feel like...a hero or a savior. I just feel like what I've always been, an orphan," Elias said.

Emma sniffed, "You're not alone, Elias," he looked at her, "I felt the exact same way growing up...still do. We're still those orphans, who wondered where the parents were," Emma said.

Mary Margaret looked at the blank map, noticing it changing, "Elias, Emma," She said.

"What?" The twins asked.

"Look," Mary Margaret, whispered.

The twins looked at the parchment, seeing the map finally appear, "What happened?" Emma asked.

"You both accepted who you are," Mary Margaret said as her voice broke.

The twins looked at her, "I'm sorry..." They said, sadly.

"It's okay, it's the truth. You were orphans, it's my job to change that," Mary Margaret said.


Moments later, the twins and Mary Margaret walked back to the group, "The map is working. We know where Henry is," Emma said, showing them the map.

"Where?" Regina asked.

Captain Hook took the map, "Uh...we're here at the southern tip of the isle, in the middle of the Dark Jungle," he moved his hook along the map, "And Pan's camp lies due north," Captain Hook said.

"That's where he's keeping Henry," Elias said.

"What are we waiting for?" Nadia asked.

"Well, the terrains not easy. There will undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way," Captain Hook said.

"We should prepare. We only made it out of our last encounter because Pan let us," Athena said.

"So, in other words, we need a new plan," David said.

"Agreed. It's time we stop playing his game and he starts playing ours," Elias said.

"And if I disagree?" Regina questioned.

Elias turned to her, "Go ahead," he tilted his head, "But I think you know our best chance is together," Elias said.

"You better be right," Regina said.

"Excellent show of patience, mate," Elias looked at the pirate, "And that's what defeats a nasty little boy," Captain Hook said.

"I hope so," Elias watched as the pirate took out his flask, "Is rum your solution to everything?" The eldest twin asked.

"It certainly doesn't hurt," he took a sip, "Mmm. Hmm?" he offered the flask to Elias, who took it and took a sip, before giving it to Emma, "So, just how did you two unlock the map?" Captain Hook asked.

"We did what Pan asked," Elias said.

"And just who are you, Swans?" Captain Hook asked, curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Emma questioned, handing the flask back to him.

"Perhaps, I would," Captain Hook said and the twins walked away from him.


Elsewhere in the jungle, Mr Gold trekked through the jungle, when he heard a twig snap behind him, followed by rustling and he continued on his trek, warily. A noise is heard in the distance, and Mr Gold looked to the sky, seeing the straw doll drop from it and land in front of him. He picked it up, only to drop it again before conjuring a fireball and throwing it at the doll, burning it. Mr Gold continued further along his trek, and again the doll dropped in front of him, but this time he decided to keep it and tucked it into his jacket.


Away from the camp, the twins were gathering food and Elias picked some berries off a bush, when Pan appeared, "Don't eat the blue ones," they turned to him, swiftly, "Congratulations. You did it...orphans. You don't mind if I call you a lost ones, do you?" Pan said.

"Call us what you like. It won't stop us from finding Henry," Elias said.

Pan chuckled, "Oh, I'm counting on that. There's a reason I tested you," He said.

"Really?" Emma questioned.

"Neither of you have forgiven your parents for abandoning you. Don't deny it. You haven't. That's good, really good," he looked at Elias, "Cause when you find Henry, you'll understand him," Pan said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Elias asked.

"He hasn't forgiven you either. By the time you get to him, he'll never want to leave this island," Pan said.

"We'll see," Elias said and the twins began to walk away from him.

"And as for you, Saviors," they turned to each other, "When we're finished, you both won't just feel like orphans. You'll be ones," Pan said.


Near the campsite, David found a secluded place in the jungle and lifted his shirt, checking the damage the dreamshade arrow had caused. Black veins had already started to appear on his body and he began to breath heavy, becoming worrisome of the infection.

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