The Interview!

By justaalien23

78.6K 2.2K 252

It's at the bottom of the list for jobs in the company, but Jennie finds herself sitting in front of two inti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 3

2.4K 76 8
By justaalien23

Turns out working in the mail room wasn't as bad as Jennie thought it would be. For two very good important reasons, one being it was possibly the easiest job in the world, she was practically being paid to say hi or morning a dozen times a day before placing a dozen envelops on desks. Secondly, she could have her mobile on her at all times and that's always a major in any job especially in this day and age.


"Good morning." Jennie beams handing over a handful of mail before continuing to walk to the next office whistling as she goes.

"Morning Jennie."

"Morning Johnny." With a quick wave and smile Jennie would just continue on her way wanting to get back to the mail room as quickly as possible. There were some floors she enjoyed and some she dreaded. Then there was floor fifty-five, that was the most confusing floor of all. They held all the important people Seulgi warned Jennie about and to her own surprise she listened and looked down when passing Mr. Carter, avoided Nia at all cost which meant Jennie would do a U-turn until she left her office, Rose well that was a lost cause so Instead of avoiding her, Jennie would just annoy her more with a beaming smile only to growl back when Rose growled at her in annoyance. Sometimes it genuinely made Jennie's day because she found it absolutely hilarious how much Rose disliked her. Then there was Lisa, there was something about her, something that captivates Jennie's attention every time she walks past her office. Lisa would always keep her door open unless she was in a meeting or out of the building completely, but when it comes to delivering her mail, Jennie notices she received the least.

"Morning." Jennie says softly as she walks past the office slightly disappointed she doesn't have to step into her office today.

"Good Morning Miss Kim." Lisa says softly looking up with a gentle smile. There's something different about her than every other person in this building, every time Jennie had walked past her office she had noticed something new every day. On the first day she noticed how everyone would be rushing around the office like the world was ending, it felt like being in the center of a police investigation, only when Jennie reached the end of the hall outside Lisa's office. Lisa was calm and quiet, she just seemed to do everything elegantly. On the second day she noticed Lisa walk around her office barefoot after taking them of under her desk. Only when the third day rolled around she saw an entirely different Lisa altogether she wasn't in her office she was in the conference room sitting opposite what Jennie guessed was another Lawyer. As much as Jennie known she shouldn't be staring in, she couldn't help it as Lisa's jaw flecked while repeatedly turning a pen between her fingers. Jennie couldn't hear what she was saying, but she guessed it was something strong and powerful as the other Lawyer turned to his client defeated, Lisa just smirked handing something over with the pen she had only seconds ago being playing with, like she was waiting for this very moment, but gave him just a few more seconds in the spotlight. Only Jennie failed to look away before Lisa turned around to leave and caught her gaze.

"Ah there you are!" Rose says with a bite dragging Jennie's attention away. "We don't have all day." she Huffs looking into the cart. "Do you have a big brown envelope for me?" she says impatiently.

"Just who I was looking for." Jennie lies with the annoying smirk Rose has grown to hate even more after the last week. "I believe this is yours." Jennie says handing over a small pile of letters wrapped in an elastic band.

"Next time don't drag your feet." She orders. "we have deadlines."

"Yes sir." Jennie stands straight pushing her feet together with a quick salute.

"What was it you did before this again?" Rose questions shaking her head.

"I was an exorcist," Jennie says seriously before widening her eyes. "Scary shit. You show symptoms."

"idiot." Rose mutters before stomping away back to her office. Jennie can all but smile before rolling her eyes in the middle of the hallway.

"An exorcist?" Lisa smirks walking closer to the door.

"It's true". It's a lie. "You should see my resume. Outstanding!"

"I have." She grins. "You must have missed that one out," she says with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on them plump limps.

"Really? Dam. That always gets me the job." Jennie says seriously with only a hint of a smile. This was the longest conversation she had encountered with her boss and she certainly wasn't complaining she just wished it wasn't about a dam exorcist. "Well if the darkness finally decided to take Rose I'm your gal."

"Noted." Lisa grins crossing her arms over her chest but Jennie can't help but notice her bare feet again. "How are you finding it working here?"

"Oh brilliant." Jennie says with more enthusiasm than necessarily. "I feel like postman pat, I just need to get myself a cat." Jennie can't help but smile, whether it's just because she's talking a lot of nonsense in front of a very beautiful woman who happens to be her boss, or if it's because she hasn't Seen Lisa smile this much since she's worked here.

"You really have no filter do you?" Lisa says amused.

"Not even a little bit," Jennie says proudly.

"Good." Lisa says her smile dying down just a smudge but her eyes remain fully on Jennie. "I like that, it's different."


Lisa all but nods while eyeing Jennie carefully, it's not intimidating or threatening more like she's trying to analyze the person she is.

"Like you said, people just say what they think you want to hear, instead of what they really think." Lisa says repeating Jennie's words from her interview.


Jennie snaps her head to the side to see Seulgi heading her way with a handful of mail.

"Oh sorry." Seulgi says the moment she approaches and notices Lisa. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You didn't," Lisa says softly "I'll let you get on, Have a nice day Miss Kim."

"Jennie." Jennie correct for the thousandth time but Lisa just nods with a smile before disappearing back to her desk. Jennie focuses on Seulgi as she speaks for a few seconds, but her eyes drift back to her boss who seems to be watching her too with a smile.

"Are you listening?" Seulgi questions rolling her eyes.

"Yes." Jennie says in a huff. "I'm on it." whining reluctantly while pushing the cart further down the aisle and away from Lisa.


Jisoo: Still got a job? x

Jennie : Bite me. I'm not that bad.

Jisoo : Oh I know, it's just other people who don't know that when you say things. Rose like you yet?

Jennie: Phahaha! Has hell frozen over?

Jisoo: that bad huh?

Jennie: I quite enjoy it, she even growls. Like a dog.

Jisoo : She doesn't!

Jisoo: What do you do?

Jennie: Growl back obviously.

Jisoo: I have no idea where we found you.

Jennie : popped out my mother apparently.

Jisoo : You're disturbed.

"Time wasting again Jennie."

Jennie didn't need to look up to know who it is, but the smile on her lips only grew as she did so anyway.

"I'm on my break actually." Jennie correct pushing her phone away and picking her book and pen back up. She thought that would be all she heard from Rose as that's what Rose seemed to enjoy doing, little comments here and there but not enough to strike up a proper conversation because she didn't want to seem too interested, obviously.

"Writing your resignation i hope." Rose pipes up.

"Love letter for you actually," Jennie says quickly before looking over her shoulder with a wide grin while fluttering her lashes for effect. "We've got so much tension, I thought I'd let it out."

"Please say that's true." Rose says with a grin. "Then I could have you fired for sexual harassment."

"But then you would miss me." Jennie only stops fluttering her lashes when Lisa walks in coming to a stop as she looks between the two of them.

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" Lisa says with a frown but It's hard not to miss the smile pulling at the corner of her lips.

"Oh no." Jennie smiles flickering her eyes over to Rose before back to Lisa. "Rose was just saying how good of a job i was doing. Isn't that right?"

"The best." Rose announces placing her coffee mug down. "If that's the definition of slow and the worst employee we have."

"Hm." Jennie says twitching her lip to the side as she stares at the cupboard for a few seconds. "No." she tuts. "I don't think that's the definition of 'the best' but good try anyway." she says turning to look at Lisa for just a second, but that second is enough to encourage her from the smile now painted across Lisa's lips. "I'll be sure to pick up a dictionary for you though."

"Ass hole." Rose muttered while exiting the room. The moment the door Closed Jennie couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you enjoy making my life harder Miss Kim." Lisa questions as she makes her way over to the sink to make a cup of coffee.

"I do not." Jennie frowns suddenly very confused as Lisa laughs. "Am I missing something?"

"Rose." Lisa says. "She's my sister."

"No way!" Jennie says with widened eyes, pretty sure her mouth is wide open too as she looks at the door before back to Rose. "No way!" Jennie repeats but a grin replaces her lips as she thinks Lisa is joking.

"Rose Manoban. Lisa Manoban." Lisa explains slowly squinting her eyes at the blonde. "You really don't know much about this company do you?" Lisa laughs.

"How could I not notice that?" Jennie frowns feeling absolutely stupid. "I even sort your mail." She says with a frown. "Oh my god its even written on your doors. Wait, really though, she's your sister? How did that happen, she's.. and you're.."

"I'm?" She questions with a questioning smile.

"Nice." Jennie says lamely making Lisa laugh more.

"And Rose's not?" Lisa challenges.

"No offence." Jennie shrugs sitting back in her chair properly as she looks down at her word covered paper. How could she not know they were related.

"People only say that when something they say is offensive," Lisa says taking a seat opposite you.

"Well I can't lie." Jennie says with a knowing smile.

"I've come to learn that about you." Lisa says with a gentle smile blowing on her coffee. "One day I might use it to my advantage. Until Next time Miss Kim." Lisa says standing up before Jennie can say anything at all.

"Jennie." The blonde says unable to take her eyes away from her boss.

"I know." is the last thing the brunette says before she's gone.


Friday was a strange day in the office. It was odd how everyone suddenly got happier because the weekend was right around the corner, the usual mumbled 'morning's' became almost a bounce of joy while taking their mail with a jump to each step. Jennie certainly wasn't complaining one bit, it was nice to have people finally talking to her and initiating a conversation, instead of Morning, Mail, Bye.

"Any plans this weekend?" Seulgi questions as Jennie slumps over her desk.

"Please. I'm a broke student working part time as postman pat. How good could my plans get?"

"You could have a sugar daddy." Seulgi muses.

"I'm diabetic."

"Really?" Seulgi question raising her brows.

"Nah. But no granddads touching me, Money is overrated." She shrug throwing a few letter on her desk. "What about yourself any sugar daddy?"

"First of it would be sugar Momma." Seulgi grins. "But no I'm as single as they come, with a cat." Seulgi laughs.

"Ah. Creepy Cat Lady?"

"That would be me."

"Well have fun with your cat," Jennie says heading towards the lift only to pause momentarily.

"You've worked here a long time right?" Jennie questions.

"Yeah quite a few years now."

"So you know everyone?"

"Not everyone, but the ones I need to know."

"Lisa Manoban." Jennie says "Is she a need to know person?"

Seulgi pauses for a moment looking at Jennie with a furrow to her brow.

"Really?" Seulgi asks just to be sure. "When you said you knew nothing about this company, what was it you actually knew?"

"They were hiring and I needed a job?" Jennie says shrugging her shoulders shaking her head obliviously. "It's just a bonus I live like six blocks away."

"Hmm." Seulgi laughs. "You're an interesting one. Now I know why Rose can't stand you."

"She secretly loves me, she's in denial."

"Tell yourself that when she murders you."

"So Lisa? An important person?"

"Hmm. Nar, just a boss off kinds." Seulgi says dismissively a smirk edging at the corner of her lips "Hell of a woman though."

"You can say that again." Jennie mutters as she's already walking away thinking of the mysterious woman who obviously hates wearing heels, with a devil as a sister.


Jennie was doing something she was warned not to do. She was lingering. She had hoped to bump into Lisa again catching her while her door was open, but it seemed luck wasn't on her side today as the door was closed but she was inside seemed to be having a heated debate with Rose. She could help but watch as Lisa paced the room, how she massaged her forehead like she has a headache or just pleading her brain to work. Luck was proving even more that it wasn't on her side as brown eyes looked up and caught her being nosey, stupidly though Jennie didn't look away, she had been caught red handed and found it a pointless to look away now.

"Miss Kim, would you come in here for a moment?" Lisa says pulling the door open.

"Lisa." Rose frowns crossing her arms confused as Jennie steps into the room swallowing harshly.

She defiantly was warned not to linger.

"If I told you I've Murdered someone Miss Kim, what would you do?"

"Um." Jennie hummed standing there awkwardly before turning to Rose to check this was serious. The eye roll and huff Rose over exaggerated were enough to tell her it was. "Run?" Jennie says turning to look into Lisa eyes.

"Awh come on!" Rose snapped "What are you doing you can't discus..."

"Rose quiet." Lisa said firmly holding her hand in the air for silence until she's looking directly into Jennie eyes with a tilt to her lips. Finally, she places her hands behind her and leans against her desk. "If you were a lawyer would you defend me?" Lisa questioned, "Despite knowing I committed the crime and you could possibly get me off?"

There were many things Jennie wanted to say, many things that would make her laugh and no doubt Lisa would smile too, but instead, she zips it for the first time in her life as Lisa looks at her in a way she's done since you got here, intrigued and questioning.

"No." Jennie says simply only to hear Rose scoff while Lisa relaxes visibly against the desk.

"What if I offered you money you could only dream off. Would you then?" Lisa questions further.

"My answer would still be no."

"Why's that?"

"Because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i defended a guilty man knowingly especially such crime." Jennie explains honestly. "Money is just something that controls us, it's not our life, and it certainly doesn't contain Happiness like you'd hope. So no, if I were a lawyer I wouldn't defend you. The victim of the crime deserves justice."

"Well you're not a lawyer and this is irrelevant," Rose says as Lisa continues to watch Jennie carefully.

"Rose would you give us a moment please." Lisa asks politely turning her gaze to her sister.

"Lisa." Rose argues.


Without another word Rose takes one look at Jennie and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

"I don't think I need to tell you this but this cannot be discussed further." Lisa says.

"Of course." Jennie nods. "Why are you asking me?" Jennie questions with a furrow to the brow.

"There are a lot of people here, lawyers. And i wanted an honest answer."

"and they wouldn't?"

"No." Lisa says softly. "They see money and power, and a quick moment in the spotlight. It drives their next step of actions and the media only encourage them. If I take this case, the firm name will travel, if I get him off this there's not a person that wouldn't want to hire us plus he's offering a substantial amount."

"So you're torn?" Jennie questions with a furrow.

"Not really." Lisa says taking her seat once more.

"Then why ask?"

"Because I wanted to make sure it's the right decision." Lisa says with a gentle smile. "Now I know it is"

"Why's that?"

"Because you tell it straight Miss Kim," Lisa says. "It's refreshing. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jennie says a little oblivious to what she's actually done. "Although if you went to Prison Lisa, I'm not sure you would be able to cope," Jennie says teasingly "There are some real female beast in there." The echo of Lisa's laugh has Jennie smiling as she opens the door.

"You really can't take things very seriously can you?" Lisa questions.

"Nope. I prefer smiling." Jennie confessed.

"Well, I will have to thank you by buying you a drink sometime," Lisa says.

"Only if you call me Jennie."

"Maybe." Lisa says just before Jennie shuts the door with a smile on her face. She isn'tsure what the hell just happened but she's biting her lip with excitement andunable to stop herself from turning around and looking back into Lisa's office one final time. Lisa's already focused back on her computer with her heels kicked off. She wasn't entirely sure if Lisa was flirting or just being thankful.


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