By venpiter

79.5K 3.1K 271

Bin Eunha's life was ruined by a vampire, everything was taken away from her. Her family, her village, hersel... More

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forty two;

707 30 5
By venpiter

"Wanna go out into the forest and get some mushrooms?" Eunha felt like her soul left her body and her bones jumped from her skin, the sudden presence of the vampire broke her focus.
She turned to see Mingi standing behind her, unbothered. "Give me a fright! Gods not everyone has the ability to sense your presence." Eunha clutched her chest, feeling her heart thump underneath.
"Sorry, so do you?" Eunha tried to remember his question before nodding in response.
"If you don't scare me to death before we can actually leave." Mingi laughed at her response and pulled her closer to him.
"I'll give your heart a reason to race." His lips met hers not a second later, taking her mind away from the previous scare
The kiss ended before she could process it, Mingi pulled away but his grip still on her wrist, pulling her along behind him. "Now come on! We don't have all day!"
"Easy for you to say! You can get there faster." She grumbled behind him, letting him lead her outside into the sunlight and down the path towards the back of the castle. The passed the stained glass room, her cheeks heating up as she stared at the beautiful glass.
Memories from days ago flooded her mind, the vampire beside her noticed as his grip tightened slightly. "Careful now, love. Thinking of the others in my presence can get you punished."
"You don't even know what I was thinking about." As the words left her mouth, they were no longer moving forward. Mingi stopped and turned, making her slam into his chest.
His eyes were filled with a bitterness, jealousy. "If you didn't know already, love. Every one of us can smell when exactly you're aroused, it's the sweetest scent even more desirable than the blood running through your veins. We can also hear very well... and of course we're going to talk about ravishing you.. it's something we crave very badly, love."
Mingi's words sliced through her like a heated knife, hitting her core spot on. She gulped when he didn't move, hands still gripping her biceps tightly.
Eunha had seen his hard side, and his soft side, but she hadn't experienced his jealous side. Something awakened in her, an almost primal-like instinct, to fight back, to disobey.
She wanted to rile him up, everything about this side of him made her mind twirl in possibilities, a smirk creeping up on her lips. "What are you smirking about? You thinking about being a little brat, hm?"
Eunha batted her eyelashes and dropped the smirk, replacing it with an innocent smile. "Of course not, wouldn't want to get punished." His eyes squinted at her response, trying to read her.
Mingi turned around and led them into the forest, not uttering another word.

Both scoured to ground, searching for consumable shrooms. "Can't you just, grow some? With your green hands?"
"I can't just grow them from scratch, I have to have one already. It's not that simple. I have to plant it, then I can grow more with my.. green hands."
Eunha laughed at his last words along with the expression on his face. "Maybe if we split up a little we can cover more ground, better chances of finding some."
Mingi didn't stop walking, but he gave her a look. "Listen, I'll be fine. We aren't straying very far and it's not like you can't come to my aid. Besides, I can take care of myself." Eunha stopped, leaning down to pull out the dagger she hid in her boots.
"Fine, but please be careful. Watch out for wolves, and scream for me if you hear anything other than my voice, got it?" He gripped her face in his hands, kissing her forehead. "If anything ever happened to you.."
Mingi didn't finish his sentence, she could barely hear the sound of his breath hitching in his throat. "I'll be okay, I promise." She leaned up and kissed his nose, smiling and pulling away. He watched her walk off to their left, sighing and walking to the right.

Eunha searched for signs of any mushrooms, but found none. She didn't give up and continued until she finally found a few growing at the roots of a large tree. She dropped to her knees and mentally fist pumped the air. "Mingi I found s-" She turned her head to the direction she came, voice catching in her throat at the sight behind her.
Standing only feet away from her, between two trees, was a large black wolf. It was smaller than Hongjoong, but still larger than the average wolf in the area, what attacked her the night she tried to escape.
She fell back on her hands and her bum, crawling backwards as it approached her. The wolf wasn't showing its teeth or snarling, but she could hear the low rubble it held in its chest, vibrating her when it was directly in front of her.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through her as she got up and ran the opposite direction. "Mingi!" Her lungs burned from the screech she managed to let out.
A hand grabbed her from behind, yanking her against the force. It was taller than her, and for a second she felt relieved, looking up and expecting to see the dark haired vampire she left with.
Fear ran through her body as a blonde man, completely bare, held her against him. She only knew he was completely bare, because it was obvious from the hard object pressed against her lower back.
Eunha didn't stare long before she began thrashing around in his grip, trying to break free.
Just then, he was completely off her, and she was falling to the ground with a hard thud. She looked up to see Mingi had thrown the blonde man into a tree, looking at her with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" He was about to walk over to her but a grey wolf attacked him from the side, knocking him down.
Mingi and the grey wolf began fighting, Mingi trying to grab the wolf but it was out maneuvering him, biting and tearing at his skin. Mingi was able to grab it and throw it to the side, before another wolf came out of nowhere and attacked him. It was much smaller, but fast and lean. It was almost pure white, but a hint of cream at the tip of each strand.
The blonde man stood up, before walking over to the two fighting. "Mingi! Look out!" Eunha watched him grab the vampire's head, snapping his neck to the side. Eunha watched Mingi fall limp to the ground, lifeless for the time being. Eunha knew he wasn't dead, but he wasn't alive to help her, and he would awake to her body strung all over the forest floor.
Eunha hoped, maybe he would awaken in time to take care of them, while they fed on her, he would avenge her. He mind trailed to the boys back at the castle, and how she would never see them again. Her heart ached, she didn't want to die, not anymore. She finally had something to live for.
Tears spilled from her eyes as the blonde man approached her, the two wolves standing beside of Mingi's body, almost as if knowing he would awake soon.
The closer he got, the angrier she became. She stood up and pulled a knife from her boot, lunging towards him with it. With quick, almost heightened reflexes, the man was able to dodge every swing she made, before grabbing her wrist to disarm her.
Eunha reacted faster and grabbed the small knife she stored in her sleeve, catching him off guard and slicing his face.
The man grunted, throwing her down to the ground. "I'm trying to help you, baby. Keep acting like this and you're gonna learn a hard lesson."

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