Ninjago Oneshots

By ImaginationsPortal

60.5K 837 1.3K

Just a bunch of Ninjago one-shots. The first seven-ish chapters suck, I apologize for that. This is my first... More

A/N -Request Page
Lloyd's Nightmares
Dark Secrets
"Those who smile brightest are the saddest"
How can I help?
Past Pains
Possesed Memories
Not your fault
Morro's Pain
The Lloyd sandwich
Two sides of me
Movie Night
King and Queen
Comfort Cuddles
Can I have a Hug?
Bedtime Stories
Robotic Anatomy
Windows and Fights
Pillow Fort
Tickle Fight!
What goes up, doesn't always come down
Cooking Days
Out of the Closet
Help me!
One Happy Family
English Lesson
Opposite of Feeling Fine
Power Outage
RGB Sibling Short
Snowball Fights
It's Okay to Cry Sometimes
Best Brother Ever!
What is love?
"I pissed him off,"
Comfortable Crushing
Screams and Shouts
Do they even care?
Troublesome Lad
Five More Minutes
Zane x Dareth Prompt
What's 'Cuddling?'
My Body Hurts
Will You Read Me a Bedtime Story?
I Miss My Mom
Rainy Day Reading
Please... Take My Hand
Feral Kai
Forehead Kisses
Just A Nightmare
I don't like it
Fucked up coding

Family First

516 9 21
By ImaginationsPortal

Welp, it's happened. I tried to like Misako, but the fandom has made me give up hope. Misako is a horrid mother. Try as she might, she can't just explain away the shit she put Lloyd through. Lloyd had every right to be pissed, and I don't think he should have let her in so easily. Which is also why I make Garmadon his favorite. But, FUCK MISAKO! Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Kai's P.o.v.

Garmadon has been watching me, and I don't like it. I know he's good now, something Lloyd hasn't stopped celebrating, but his stare is putting me on edge. The alarm goes off. I sigh. I managed to hurt myself, so I can't go on missions until I've healed. Garmadon stays behind with me, for a bit before I get hungry. He helps me up and I walk into the kitchen. He trails behind and helps me make some mac and cheese. I can't move my shoulder all the way, so he grabs the higher-up stuff for me.

"Kai? May I speak with you?"

"You already are," I reply. Nya would have called me a sarcastic little shit, but Garmadon just laughed.

"Yes, I suppose I am." I sigh and turn around, holding a bowl of macaroni. "Kai, I would like to apologize for anything I did to upset you. I would also like to thank you,"

"Thank me? For what?"

"For taking care of Lloyd when I couldn't."

"No problem. I know what it's like to have no father. And it's not like he had Misako, either." I snapped at him.

"Kai, I agree that what Misako did was stupid. We've had many long talks, and I fear she has moved on from our family." His voice cracks. "I just want Lloyd to be happy, but if Misako leaves... Well, I just don't think Lloyd's mental health would survive."

I watch him duck his head.

"Aw, come on, I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems." I try to comfort him.

"She flat out told me the only reason she wasn't gone was that Wu convinced her to stay while I was still affected by the great devourer's venom."

Oh. That was bad. I put my bowl down and move closer.

"Shit man, I'm sorry," I say, trying to decide if I should hug him or not. He sits down and puts his head in his hands.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have burdened you with this information."

"No, don't think like that. Carrying that weight alone for as long as you did, even a few weeks... I don't know how you did that. That's some fucked up shit she did to you right there."

"I know. And Lloyd doesn't know that she wants to leave. He-" His voice cracks. "I can't hurt him like that." He looks at me. "Please. Don't tell Lloyd. He shouldn't know until it's over."

"I won't tell. Your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you," He says, visibly relieved. I sigh before setting down my food. Crossing the room, I hug him. He tenses slightly before relaxing into my arms. I let go of him and grab my macaroni again.

"Let me know if you ever need to talk," I told him.

"I will. And, thank you."

"No problem."

I walk into the living room and try to relax. The door opens and Lloyd skips in, followed by some very tired ninja.

"Kai! Guess what?" He asks, bouncing over.


"Nya promised me she'd play any game I want with me if I shut up! And I did!" He squealed. I laughed. Despite how mature he acted, his childish side often came out with vengeance. Nya groans and plops next to me.

"I tried getting him to play the silent game, but it didn't work," Cole says, sitting across from me.

"Come here, Lloyd." He bounces over. I trap him in my arms and force him onto the couch. "Calm down,"

"Aww," He whines. I smile at his antics and he pouts. "Meanie."

"Come now, I'm not all mean. If you can stay silent for ten minutes, you can make me do whatever you want."




He slumps against me, still pouting. Cole and Jay strike up a conversation as Nya throws the TV remote at me. I catch it and put on a random movie. Zane sits on the other side of me and directs my attention to Lloyd, who's trying to hide a yawn. I rub his back and lean on Zane. Nya moves to the floor and leans on my legs. With a quiet sigh, Lloyd falls asleep at the same time as Nya. Zane hugs me and I focus on Jay and Cole.

"You think Lloyd's gonna make it ten minutes?"

"Nah. Kai raised Nya, remember? She's as stubborn as a mule. Kai wouldn't take that risk unless he was confident in his abilities. Besides, he's already asleep." Cole says. Jay looks at Lloyd and laughs.

"Not even five minutes."

Garmadon walks in and glances at Lloyd. I note how he carries himself. Not as confident as he used to be. Slightly droopier and smaller.

"Hey, Garmadon!" I called. He looks at me. "Come here. I wanna show you how to tell Lloyd's emotions while he's sleeping." He moves over and sits next to Lloyd.

"See how he has a small smile? He's content. If he has a blank face, he's waking up." Garmadon nods, watching Lloyd closely. "Here, you take him. I need to use the bathroom." I gently adjust Lloyd onto his lap. He wraps his arms around him.

Garmadon's P.o.v.

I hold Lloyd and he snuggles against me. I'm glad my son still loves me. Kai stands and moves to the bathroom. Zane gives me a slight smile before Jay claims his attention.

"Zane? How would one go about telling someone they hate them?"

"Why do you need to know this?"

"Because... just because?" Jay says. Zane sighs.

"One way would be to say 'I would unplug your life support to charge my phone,' or, as Kai likes to say, 'go fuck a tree.'"

"Cole! Did you hear that?"

"Yeah! Our sweet innocent Zane said his first swear word!" Cole cheers as Kai walks in.


"Zane just swore!"

"Aww, Zane, I missed it?" Kai fakes a pout. Zane pulls him into a hug.

"I'm sorry. But if it makes you feel better, that was not my first swear word." Everyone in the room gives him a startled look. Lloyd moves around a bit, and I help him get comfortable before looking back at Zane.

"What was it?"

"When the overlord was threatening you, I called him something I don't regret."

"And what would that be?"

"I called him a motherfucking bitch." Everyone laughs as Zane relaxes against Kai. "No one heard. And I didn't tell."

Lloyd sits up on my lap and looks at me with tired eyes.



"Why's everyone laughing?"

'I'll tell you later." Kai gives Lloyd a small smile. Lloyd leans against me.

"Dad?" He asks again.


"Can we stay like this for a while?"


Requests, anyone? Ships to see more of? No? Sad. See you on the flip side! 

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