
By StrangerFR

58.8K 2.4K 9.1K

Basil begged his parents to let him move out of Faraway after his bullying got worse when the truth came out... More

Cut my palms, and make me put white gloves on.
I'm not "that guy" anymore, and I made damn well sure he's dead.
I'm gripping the grass, and I'm pulling up daisies
Tomorrow's too late, Amen.
While I tied my boots like a tightrope noose
I lack ambition from the side, monsters eaten me
Thank matter for mass and the comfort of gravity
Shields himself from reason with a kevlar baby blue tuxedo
I am the shadows cast aside by the gallows and you, the red-hot sky
Here comes the sun, am I falling up?
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?
The atmosphere changing colours by sheer force of will
It's better to be laughed at than wrong.
Cry my name, remind my brain of my identity
I'm still picking up my molars, and putting them back in my face
You're trying to replace yourself
Am I really that bad?
And if I change can I still stay me
Will you lead me straight to paradise?
Well, if winter comes and takes my life
Good times on Front Street
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too
I'm the Main Character, and you have to like me.
Well this is my lysergide daydream
Sober, but still so much hangs over
I'm not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but something will eventually
Everyone will see it. Everything's connected.
Don't you make me waste my breath
Colour makes us hungry, hunger makes us human
It's awful out here, Socrates.
A place you've seen before you were born.
Cry a hymn out in Hungarian harmonic
I'll turn up the heat if it's too much
To love one from too far to call
Bite your tongue and smile, stick around a while
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I'm done pounding my head against the kitchen floor
One more or one less, nobody's worried
Under a Monochrome Sky
Woke up smiling like I blacked out in Glasgow
Life is just okay out here, anyone can see
The overwhelming harmony, consuming the colony
This is a triumph
Delta Echo Alpha Delta
I'm only passing through (that was fun, goodbye!)
The one you could not have killed.
Damn that oxymoron...
This suit doesn't fit me, I made it myself counterfeit-ly
No I don't believe, there's a place I can call.
By your side
The circle rules your mind
How bad can I possibly be? Let's see.
And god damn it, we liked it.
Mortem Obire
Right by my side
I got Anubis on my back, and something in my shoe
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Well isn't it funny? But not "haha" funny, but, y'know, "funny"
Culture's not your friend.
Praying you might die before I fall in love with you.
I just like you a little more than me
Could you airbrush my scars?
Something glowing
To see how the fire side of us burns.
It might be heaven & it might be hell
Lost in my reverie
Tell me where I came from, what I will always be.
Live long and prosper while the winter melts away
Business as usual
Two's company, tea's a crowd
Don't mean to bug, but I thought I'd tell you that your shoes are untied
A picture of you, killing me, with deja vu
Neither of us will be missed
Now my body's on land but my heart will reside
Shame on a martyr claiming friends
Gone fission
I can tell it's there by the way it's not quite there
The limits of your mind
So don't apologize when you turn blue and cold
When you become untouchable you're unable to touch
Pianissimo, più Pianissimo

Come back again to make things stand

404 21 83
By StrangerFR

Basil woke up and already had two calls to make before anything else was to be done. One to Kim, so Omori would leave him alone; the other to the Faraway hospital, to ask about Kel's condition.

Please be okay, Kel...

Basil considered calling Kim first, but Basil was more anxious about Kel being dead, so he called the Faraway hospital first. The phone number was memorized from when he listened to the phone messages for his grandma.

I miss you, Grandma.

The phone finally stopped making the deep tones, and a receptionist answered, "Hello, Faraway hospital. This line is for non-emergencies. In event of emergencies, please dial 911."

"Um, Hi..." Basil awkwardly began, "Can you tell me about Kel Nuo's condition..?"

"Oh, he's still in surger- wait, who are you to this Kel Nuo?" The receptionist remembered patient confidentiality, though it was an emergency care condition, so not much of a push was needed.

"I'm one of his friends, Basil. He, um, had his intestines on the floor, I heard..?" Basil gagged at the visceral image, but he needed to make sure that he was his friend.

"Oh, then yes, your friend is still in surgery to try and save him. Should we call this number back in the event of anything changing?" She asked in a caring voice.

That phrasing sounds like he might die...

Basil responded after a pause, "Yeah, thanks. Have a good day." He promptly hung up, shaking. Basil tried to calm himself. He had a bit of a "mission" to attend to.

Due to not having Kim's phone number, he would have to call Aubrey.

Wait, what time is it..?

7:06. A bit early for them in proximity of one another. Just early enough for school, though.

"331-5964" Omori whispered, making Basil jump.

"W-What?" Basil said, looking at his hands to double-check if he was still in a dream.

"331-5964" Omori repeated, "It's Kim's phone number."

Basil dialled the number and waited. Kim groggily answered after a few rings. "If this is you, Mikhael, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you."

Basil felt as though Omori was listening to every thought that crossed his mind. He stayed silent, making him feel even more anxious

"Y-Yeah, hey Kim, it's me, Basil. Um... do you know someone named Omori?" Basil asked with bated breath, fearing Omori lashing out if he does something wrong.

"Huh? Who?" Omori's presence left as Kim groaned those words.

"Oh well, it was, um... someone calling me, asking about you... I thought you uh... knew him..." Basil awkwardly replied.

"How'd you get my number?" Kim inquired with a yawn.

"Oh, um... y'know... I, uh... I guess I'll see youlaterbye." Basil hung up in a rush. Time for school. A boring, but necessary part of the day. It sucked being away from Sunny for so long. At least they could spend lunch time together.

Sorry, Kim...


Kim set down the phone after the beeping stopped.

That was fuckin' weird.

Kim slumped back into her bed and drifted back to sleep. Thank god school didn't start so early in Faraway.

She could hear Vance was awake. He was always a morning person. Kim could not relate. Back to her dreams, she went.


Kim woke back up and felt a bit disappointed at not returning to that lovely dream that she could barely remember. There was definitely a pony, though.

She looked at her clock. Strangely it was 10:00. Why didn't anyone wake her? Wasn't it a school day? Kim wasn't about to complain about a free day off from school, though. She walked downstairs, hoping to catch Vance downstairs. Before he'd eat all the leftover Skittles, at least.

No Vance. Kim glanced to the garbage. No empty Skittles bag. Nice.

"Sucker didn't get a chance to grab it." Kim chuckled as she tried to reach for the shelf the Skittles bag was resting on. She was too short. The limited edition berry flavour was too tantalizing to just pass up.

Kim grabbed one of the chairs from their kitchen table and stood on it, nabbing the Skittles bag successfully.

Kim turned on the TV and began watching a new episode of some soap opera she sometimes watched. She knew nearly nothing of the overarching plot, but it was well written enough to get invested quickly in any of the episodes standing on their own.

Kim idly bounced her knee as the sugar high kicked in. This eventually evolved to bouncing her fist between her knee and her chest, as the show's plot was climaxing. A twist, she forgave Aoyama for cheating on her and let him back into her life.

"No! You stupid bitch, he's just gonna fuck that girl from before again!" Kim yelled at the TV, before realizing her mom might not like her yelling at the TV again.

Kim looked at the staircase expectantly. No angry yelling came. Kim felt suspicious. She moved back to the kitchen and looked at the table. There was no note or anything.

Kim paused and decided to take a good look outside. Everything seemed blurry and weird. Like she had something on her glasses. Everything inside looked normal. Kim figured it out. "I'm in a lucid dream." She tried to give herself superpowers. Unfortunately, it did not work. Stupid magazines lied.

At least she didn't have to feel her chest weighing her down anymore.  She clipped off her bra, which unfortunately remained uncomfortable in her dream. Luckily, in dreamworld, nobody screams at you for being disgusting for not wearing a bra.

Kim returned to the couch, attempting to balance the Skittles bag in her shirt for fun. A ring at the doorbell interrupted her important task.

Kim stood up and walked to the door. Skittles bag got stuck in her shirt, but whatever, was the dream person at the door going to think she's weird?

"Hello." A shorter monochrome boy said before the door was even fully open.

"Uh... who are you, kid?" Kim said. Despite knowing it was a dream, it's hard to break normal conversational conventions.

The black and white boy had no such qualms with his next rather straightforward question.

"Now, I'm trying to learn more about you in your core desires section, and it says 'small and hung boy,' and I was wondering what exactly you meant by that." The short boy said. He looked 12, but he spoke in a very clear and precise manner.

"Uh... wh-what the fuck are you talking about?" Kim asked with confusion.

"The innocent angle was attractive to you, so I was trying that out, but I think I came off as dumb, which you dislike. Let me know if this honesty comes off as blunt instead of just truthfulness." He continued.

"Woah w-woah, you're getting ahead of yourself. Who are you?" Kim questioned with even more confusion.

"Well, I'm Omori, and I am very in love with you. You appear to have a variety of desires and likes in a partner, and I am trying to fit the criteria. Self-awareness and honesty were important ones, I saw." The boy seemed to ramble, though in a cute sort of way. He looked Kim in the eyes the entire conversation, instead of constantly eying her chest.

"How old are you?" Kim asked suspiciously.

"16. I gained consciousness only around 4 years ago, though. Though technically, I can change anything about my physical appearance, so my age isn't really important." Omori answered promptly.

Kim had many questions at first, but then realized that they didn't really matter. This guy was literally a free ticket to having a lucid wet dream.

"Okay, so can you make your-" Kim began to whisper in Omori's ear. Omori promptly did as she asked, making his shorts' fabric rip apart all over the floor.

"I still don't get the appeal." Omori commented before getting himself ready.

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