By your side

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The Maverick snapped out of his trance, and got out of the pool. He needed to think about where he was, and if his comrades were safe.

Some unusual machine kept pumping up and down making unusual squeaks and squeals. He studied it for a moment, but its architecture was unfamiliar.

"Drat. I need to understand where the Shadow Cabal sent me." The Maverick said as he stepped away from the machine.

An infinite beach was around him. The machine still pumping up and down with a hypnotic motion. The Maverick looked into the bright magenta sky.

It seemed to be made of words, but The Maverick didn't understand them. The nearby house he saw appeared to be a rather flavourful yellow. Its texture was lemon flavoured, while the windows sounded lime-ish.

An echoey sound of waves crashing came from somewhere. The Maverick looked around with confusion.

"Who's talking right now?" He asked with an addlepated expression, "What? What the fuck does addlepated mean?"

He seemed confused by the word addlepated. He must've seen it in the sky.

"No... I'm talking to you, why are you narrating me?" He asked with a perplexed tone. That tone quickly changed to a vexed one, "I can hear you, who are you!?"

I guess he can hear me. This is unexpected, but very stupid. Could the author not think of a better chapter idea?

"What author? Who the fuck are you talking to?" The Maverick questioned. "Hey, are you listening to me?"

I am, in fact, listening. It is just that there are more people than you who can hear me at this moment. You are just the only one who can respond.

"Well, then fucking talk to me! Where am I?"

In your grandmother's house. This is just a very vivid hallucination caused by psilocybin mushrooms.

"Take me back there!" The Maverick demanded.

Unbeknownst to The Maverick, the machine from earlier was not a machine in reality. It is better that he does not know what it really is.

"What? What are you talking about?"

--Hehe secs--

"Another voice? I'm so fucking confused."

--okay this is getting too meta can we change perspectives--

They're still fucking.

--damn it's been like, 2 hours, Jesus.--

"Who is still fucking? Where am I? Who are you people?" The Maverick said demandingly.

I am the narrator of this story. My identity in this book is null and void. I am just a voice to explain the plot to everyone.

--I'm the writer, lmao.--

"Writer of what?" The Maverick asked cluelessly. "Of course I'm clueless, none of this makes sense!" The Maverick added stupidly. "Fuck you man!"

--narrator call me back when they stop doing the twelve step twisted tango so I can write a Basil chapter--

"Twelve step twisting steps twin... what?"

He means sex. Personally I'm more concerned with the fact that you unintentionally contributed to some rather unfortunate events that will soon transpire.

Not gay sex related events.

--Gay sex isn't unfortunate, either. In my opinion, it's rather fortunate.--

When was the latest chapter of Monochrome, again?

--see you later--

The Maverick appears to have collapsed on the ground unconscious. Such brings an end to the heroic journey of The Maverick for this chapter. A bit of a shorter chapter than usual, after all.

Stupid hormonal teenage bastards are gonna cause chapter delays.

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