It's awful out here, Socrates.

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"Alright you guys, here's the information our scouts have gathered." Mikhael whipped a crumpled paper and a pen onto Sunny's hardwood floor.

Poorly drawn stick figures were on the sheet. Mikhael pointed his pen at one with a crude pony tail.

"This is Carrie, she's the group's leader. She used to be Aubrey's enemy in kindergarten onward, until she moved in Grade 3. She's got strength to match Aubrey's, but she uses a golf club instead of a baseball bat. She also duct taped a screw driver to the back of it." Mikhael explained.

"Wait, why are we talking about these guys?" Sunny interrupted.

"They are the sworn enemies of the hooligans. We have to stop them!" Mikhael announced.

Sunny decided questioning the "flawless logic" of The Maverick was a wasted effort.

"Alright, next we have Digit. Total weakling, but he's tricky. One time he asked me this weird question about a ship, fucked me up for weeks." Mikhael seemed shaken.

Basil and Sunny looked at each other, confused how a question of a boat could be that bad, but looked back to Mikhael as he tapped the sheet. "This is Digit's older brother, his name is Melvin. Total opposite of Digit, complete idiot, but pretty strong. He had to repeat Grade 10 twice."

He then pointed at a stick figure with a poorly drawn poop on its head. "This is the one you met, Basil. He's so lame. He thinks he's some super powerful guy who is saving the world, but it's just delusion."

Does he fail to see the irony..?

I don't know his real name because all his friends call him his made up name. So he's "The Grand Knight of Guangdong" until we figure out what he's really named.

He pointed at a stick figure, with a poop underneath it, instead of on its head.

"This is Ana, she totally thinks The Grand Knight of Stupidity is a genius. Total lacky. No clue how such a cu- how a girl would ever think someone like him is cool." Mikhael stumbled on his words.

Two stick figures remained. One had an overexaggerated large torso, the other was a bit hard to decipher.

"This is Angel's cousin, he's named Brandon. His family came from America, I dunno why, though. They're all super fat though." Mikhael then pointed at the final one.

"Finally, this really ugly one is MacKenzie. Me and her almost dated one time, it's a long story. She's super ugly and stuff. She's sort of tall though so you might need to be careful, she's got height advantage."

"So uh... what's on her head?" Sunny asked pointing at the drawing.

"Oh, that's a donkey face, to illustrate her ugliness better." Mikhael spoke matter-of-factly.

"Ah." Sunny didn't know what he expected.

"So... what are me and Sunny supposed to do..?" Basil asked apprehensively.

"I'm glad you asked, The Synthesizer, you see, The Maverick is going to train you in the signature Hao-Long style." Mikhael smirked.

I'm 100% sure he just made that up.

Mikhael continued, "Sunny doesn't need combat training. I have fought you before, quite the worthy adversary indeed. Plus, very good with a knife if shove comes to push."

Sunny blushed out of embarrassment. The memory of him mindlessly slashing at Aubrey was less than a flattering look for him.

A knock at the door interrupted Sunny's ruminating, his mother could be heard answering the door.

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