Come back again to make things stand

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Basil woke up and already had two calls to make before anything else was to be done. One to Kim, so Omori would leave him alone; the other to the Faraway hospital, to ask about Kel's condition.

Please be okay, Kel...

Basil considered calling Kim first, but Basil was more anxious about Kel being dead, so he called the Faraway hospital first. The phone number was memorized from when he listened to the phone messages for his grandma.

I miss you, Grandma.

The phone finally stopped making the deep tones, and a receptionist answered, "Hello, Faraway hospital. This line is for non-emergencies. In event of emergencies, please dial 911."

"Um, Hi..." Basil awkwardly began, "Can you tell me about Kel Nuo's condition..?"

"Oh, he's still in surger- wait, who are you to this Kel Nuo?" The receptionist remembered patient confidentiality, though it was an emergency care condition, so not much of a push was needed.

"I'm one of his friends, Basil. He, um, had his intestines on the floor, I heard..?" Basil gagged at the visceral image, but he needed to make sure that he was his friend.

"Oh, then yes, your friend is still in surgery to try and save him. Should we call this number back in the event of anything changing?" She asked in a caring voice.

That phrasing sounds like he might die...

Basil responded after a pause, "Yeah, thanks. Have a good day." He promptly hung up, shaking. Basil tried to calm himself. He had a bit of a "mission" to attend to.

Due to not having Kim's phone number, he would have to call Aubrey.

Wait, what time is it..?

7:06. A bit early for them in proximity of one another. Just early enough for school, though.

"331-5964" Omori whispered, making Basil jump.

"W-What?" Basil said, looking at his hands to double-check if he was still in a dream.

"331-5964" Omori repeated, "It's Kim's phone number."

Basil dialled the number and waited. Kim groggily answered after a few rings. "If this is you, Mikhael, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you."

Basil felt as though Omori was listening to every thought that crossed his mind. He stayed silent, making him feel even more anxious

"Y-Yeah, hey Kim, it's me, Basil. Um... do you know someone named Omori?" Basil asked with bated breath, fearing Omori lashing out if he does something wrong.

"Huh? Who?" Omori's presence left as Kim groaned those words.

"Oh well, it was, um... someone calling me, asking about you... I thought you uh... knew him..." Basil awkwardly replied.

"How'd you get my number?" Kim inquired with a yawn.

"Oh, um... y'know... I, uh... I guess I'll see youlaterbye." Basil hung up in a rush. Time for school. A boring, but necessary part of the day. It sucked being away from Sunny for so long. At least they could spend lunch time together.

Sorry, Kim...


Kim set down the phone after the beeping stopped.

That was fuckin' weird.

Kim slumped back into her bed and drifted back to sleep. Thank god school didn't start so early in Faraway.

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