Cut my palms, and make me put white gloves on.

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Basil put bags down on the floor as soon as he walked through the door. He felt a sense of relief as soon as he crossed the doorway.

He remembered Sunny's request, and picked up the phone. As Basil dialed Sunny's phone number, his thoughts drifted about Sunny. His beautiful deep brown eyes. His perfect smile. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered his adorable laugh.

I really missed you Sunny...

Basil pressed the call button, and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Sunny's voice sounded like music to Basil's ears.

"Sunny, hi!" Basil said, about to tell Sunny it was him, but Sunny beat him to it.

"Basil! Are you here?" Sunny asked in an excited voice. Basil couldn't believe how cute Sunny was.

"I just got into my new house," Basil giggled, "I'm on, um... 407 Main Street."

He was in a little Suburb area. Little was key because only beyond a bridge was a commercial district filled with chain restaurants, and in the opposite direction was a group of apartment blocks.

A cute noise came from the phone, and Sunny exclaimed with excitement, "I'm only a block away! I'm 1882 Front Street!"

Front Street was the longest street in the city, and most of that road belonged to tall offices and apartment buildings. Front Street was parallel to Main Street, so when Sunny said he was a block away, he could've been living in the house in eyeline of his. He looked out his window, seeing a house at the end of the street his house was looking out on.

"Alright Basil, I'm coming over right now!" Sunny said out of the blue.

"A-Ah, okay!"

The door to the house he was watching swung open, as Sunny excitedly ran down its front steps.

Basil felt a smile grow on his face seeing his friend rushing across the road, and running along the sidewalk towards his road.

Sunny looked at the street sign, and looked both ways to cross the road, as Basil left opened the door to greet Sunny at the sidewalk.

"Hi Basil!" Sunny spoke with a warm smile.

"Y-Your eye!" Basil stuttered with shock.

While Sunny pushed up his glasses, his smile grew wider. "They fixed it! I have to wear glasses now, though..."

Sunny's smile diminished slightly, then he asked a question sheepishly.

"D-Do you like them?"

Basil couldn't contain his blush, as his adorable best friend asked.

"I love them!" He said, giggling a bit, then hugging Sunny, "I missed you!"

They both smiled at each other, before Basil led him inside, house still somewhat empty, save for the sparse furniture and appliances which came with the house, and the things the movers brought in unpacked.

Sunny and Basil sat down on a couch surrounded by boxes.

Basil's smile began to fade a bit, looking at the red spots on Sunny's eyes.

Suddenly, Sunny began to speak, "I'm sorry Basil."

Basil felt confused, he should be the one apologizing. "D-Don't be sorry, I'm  not the one who had their eye stabbed..."

Sunny's face fell to a frown.

"I just ignored your for years, tried to ruin all your photos, let you get bullied while I lay inside acting like a child..."

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