A place you've seen before you were born.

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Sunny spotted some kids hanging around a small abandoned building. It appeared that these were The Ruffians.

"Hey, asswipes!" Aubrey shouted suddenly from beside Sunny. Mikhael rushed up next to her.

"This wasn't the plan, but I'm alright this way too."

The kids turned around. Most looked about how Sunny pictured them from Mikhael's drawings and descriptions.

Except for the grand knight guy. He had a helmet on, not a pile of poop.

"Aubrey? Fuck are you doing in Nearburgh?" Carrie asked. Her orange curly hair looked the same as before, but her face looked a lot different, which was obviously expected of someone who he hadn't seen in a decade.

"The fuck you think I'm here for, wannabe scotsman? Is that a skirt or a kilt?" Aubrey asked, motioning to Carrie's admittedly tacky skirt.

"Excuse me, bitch." A taller girl butted in. She had black hair, and an admittedly... "curvier" figure. There wasn't exactly a better way to describe it. Her height made Aubrey look a bit childish in comparison.

"Who the fuck even are you?" Aubrey waved her hands around, her baseball bat just leaning against her leg.

Mikhael rolled his eyes. "That's my ex. She thinks she's hot shit, but she's just shit."

Sunny looked at Mikhael. Sunny then looked at the tall girl comparing Aubrey to the cartoon character "Strawberry Shortcake." Sunny looked back at Mikhael, a bit lost for words.

"How..." Sunny began, before the girl seemed to spot Mikhael. She rushed over, and then... got on her knees pleading..?

"The Maverick! You came for me! I'm so sorry! Take me back, please! I shouldn't've gotten jealous when you got a student! I know you needed to pass on your legacy!"

Sunny's jaw... opened. It wasn't exactly a whole jaw drop, but it was about as much shock as he could show. The idea that it was Mikhael who left her was... ludicrous.

"No, MacKenzie, you proved you couldn't handle The Maverick's lifestyle." Mikhael responded.

The girl ran away crying loudly.

Carrie slapped her forehead, "God damn it, 'Kenni, I thought you were over him."

"Looks like you're short on staff." Aubrey sneered.

"Clean up on Aisle 4!" Vance added.

Angel laughed a bit hard for a joke that mediocre, but humour is subjective, after all.

"Shut up, you whore!" Carrie exclaimed as she swung the golf club at Aubrey.

Aubrey blocked the swing with her bat, and then swung back.

Some of Carrie's friends approached to help, but Mikhael yelled out first.

"C'mon, everyone! We can't let Aubrey fight this alone!"

Kim rushed beside Aubrey, and punched the fat kid approaching to help Carrie.

"Hey, don't hurt him too bad!" Angel called to Kim.

"I'll do what I want!" Kim yelled back.

Vance rushed to the other side of Aubrey, blocking the path of a somewhat muscled boy, likely being Melvin.

"Look man, let's calm down. We can just have a little chat, and-" Vance was interrupted by a punch to the stomach, "Alright, I see how it is." Vance said with a groan, and began to fight with Melvin.

"Here, Sunny, catch!" Mikhael said while he tossed a chef's knife into Sunny's hands.

"Did- did you just throw a knife?" Sunny asked, completely flabbergasted, while holding a knife.

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