How bad can I possibly be? Let's see.

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TW// ok you made it this far I think you'll manage

Basil walked up to his door. Sunny followed behind. "Sunny, you don't need to walk me to my door." Basil smiled at him.

"I was hoping I could spend some more time with you. Plus my house is still a bit messy... and depressing." Sunny replied quietly.

Basil blushed and smiled at Sunny. "It's alright, come on in then, heh."

Sunny nodded, and Basil turned back around to face the door. The door knob made a weird scrape and failed to open the door.

"Ugh, we just got this house, just..." Basil pushed against the door and twisted the knob, the door opening for the small boy's efforts. "There, got it."

A picture frame was broken on the floor. It was of Basil with his grandma.

"Oh no! Polly, a- a picture of grandma fell! Can you get me a broom, I need to clean it up!" Basil shouted while he picked the frame and photo off the ground.

"How'd this fall..." he muttered as he placed the photo back on an end table. "Polly?!" He yelled again.

No answer.

"Maybe she isn't here right now..." Basil justified. Sunny remained silent.

Basil sped ahead into the home"I'll get a broo-" he paused in shock in front of the living room.

A nude, headless corpse of a woman was on the floor of the living room.

"D-Don't come in here, Sunny!" Basil called back, before puking onto the floor.

"Are you okay?" Sunny asked with concern, stepping forward.

"G-Go back! Run! W-Wait, no, c-call 911! Please!" Basil cried out frantically. He gagged again.

"What's wrong!?" Sunny asked in a panic.

"P-Police!" Basil was able to stammer out, before puking again, gagging over the puddle of his half-digested... everything in his stomach.

Sunny got to work at the phone next to the doorway.

"Hey. Police." Sunny said in a monotone voice. It was raised in pitch and volume in panic, though.

"Hurk... make sure th-they come here quick!" Basil gagged out.

Sunny gave the address, and looked back to Basil.

"Uh, she's asking what happened..." Sunny said, looking at Basil's painful retching.

"S-Someone's dead!" Basil said frantically.

"...she asked if you can do CPR..."

Basil glanced back at the headless corpse. He puked up some more fluid.

"I don't think he can." Sunny said into the receiver. "I can try." He followed it up with, walking towards Basil.

Basil waved his hand at Sunny, directing him to stop. "N-No head."

Sunny backed up. A knock at the door made Sunny turn around. "I think the police are here. Thanks."

Sunny hung up, and answered the door. Two police officers took a look at the scene, and rushed inside wordlessly.

One looked at the corpse with shock, as the other, familiar officer puked on the floor near Basil.

"Jesus Christ." One muttered. "Jiang, go look around the house for... non-corpse evidence. I'll check... this..."

The no longer puking officer walked over towards the kitchen. He made puking sounds from the kitchen, before continuing. "I- I- I found the head. Some DNA evidence too..."

"Fuckin' hell... paramedics are outside, kids. I think you two might want to leave for your own sakes." The officer explained. His radio buzzed incomprehensibly.

Sunny held Basil's hand, and helped him outside. Basil felt like he puked his brains out. The paramedics brought him into the ambulance, and Sunny waved to Basil as they closed the doors.

"Hey, Basil. You don't have anything you could hurt me with on you, do you?" The paramedic politely asked.

"Mnuh,,," Basil responded. He never knew his eyes could hurt from puking.

"Have you had any drugs, alcohol, or anything like that in the last 24 hours?"

"Ymeuh..." Basil mumbled.

"And what was that?" The paramedic asked, "I'm not trying to get you in trouble, I just want to make sure you aren't in danger or anything."

"Mnusherumes,," Basil admitted.

"Alright, follow my finger, okay?" The paramedic watched Basil as he followed his finger's movements with his eyes. "Okay, thank you Basil." The paramedic wrote something down.

Something buzzed on the radio. "Head found... condition... gouged out... tongue... 2 inch wide hole... evidence of semen..."

"That was Polly, wasn't it..." Basil quietly concluded.

"Hm? Who's Polly, Basil, is that your sister?" The paramedic asked.

"Caretaker... Sort of a parent, I guess."

"Ah... well... it might not be her..." The paramedic tried to be optimistic.

"It's her. Nobody else here knows her. Her parents immigrated illegally from Vietnam too, so she barely went out regardless. I can't believe... I just..." Basil replied nervously.

"...It's alright Basil. I know how it feels. My brother got murdered recently too. Same guy. This place used to be pretty peaceful, so a sudden serial killer shook the police up... still wish they'd hurry up and catch him, though..."

"Oh... what was his name?" Basil inquired.

"Yuto... I'm Touya, by the way. As you can probably guess, my parents were Japanese." He said with a half-smile.

"Oh." Basil said quietly. Yuto always seemed a bit weird to Basil... he wasn't sure why, though.

Guess now isn't really the time to mention it.

"I- I ah, met Yuto before, actually. I went to a party he was at with one of my friends. He seemed like a... a nice guy." Basil made a half-smile back to Touya.

"Yeah... I miss him. I more want that prick who killed him to die a painful slow death." Touya said angrily.

"I think he'll get killed... but definitely not slow." Basil said, remembering the firing squad procedure used for most death sentences. Save for corrupt politicians, who get beheaded due to the wording of the policy document. Maybe some of that political jargon from his mother rubbed off on him.

Touya remained silent for a few moments, until they arrived at the hospital. "All signs seem normal. I think you might be able to leave after seeing a nurse. All that puking might have just been a natural reaction to a corpse."

Basil walked inside, and sat in a chair, waiting for a nurse to show him to a room.

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