Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends

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Tw// omori being a meanie head

Basil awoke in a seemingly infinite white void. This place felt familiar, but he didn't remember why.

His attempts at recollection were soon interrupted by what looked like Sunny approaching him.

"Get out of my room, you mistake." He demanded, before slashing into the ground next to Basil

Basil yelped in fear as the monochrome boy slashed again, making Basil stagger backwards on all fours, then climbing to his feet to run away from his attacker.

Basil saw a door, and began running for it, the black and white Sunny, thrusting his knife again at Basil, trying hard to connect a stab.

The colourless Sunny's face remained completely flat as Basil escaped the door, barely missing getting stabbed again. The door slowly closed behind Basil, showing Sunny standing still in the white void, staring at Basil with an empty expression.

"Are you okay, Basil?" A voice asked from behind.

Basil turned around, seeing Hero's concerned expression.

"Ah... yeah, I'm fine Hero." Basil replied, "Was that Sunny?"

"No... we don't talk about the guy in there anymore... he did a lot of bad stuff." Hero answered.

Aubrey and Kel came up to Basil "We're glad you made it, Basil! You made it here just in time, we were gonna go have a picnic with Sunny and Mari!" Aubrey declared

Wasn't Mari...

Basil shook his head, he must've misremembered. "That sounds fun!" Basil said with a smile. He couldn't wait to see Sunny.

"C'mon, we gotta go to Sunny's house!" Kel said, before running up the stairs, "Race ya, Aubrey!"

"Hey, no fair, you got a head start!" Aubrey yelled, running up the stairs after Kel.

Hero and Basil proceeded up the stairs, speedwalking after them.

Basil followed Hero, not exactly remembering where Sunny's house was, thankfully he did remember for him.

Basil looked at the house. Sort of looked like a violin. Kel and Aubrey were out of breath at the front door, waiting for them.

"I won, heh." Kel said, still panting with his hands on his knees.

"No, Kel, I won, my foot hit the doormat first." Aubrey said, rolling her eyes.

"No way, mine did, I felt it!" Kel said.

"Guys, calm down, who won doesn't matter right now." Hero knocked on the door before they could argue more.

"Hello? Oh, it's you guys! I'm so glad to see all of you!" Mari said with a smile, Basil couldn't help but smile too, her smile was contagious. The smiling afflicted Kel, Aubrey, and Hero too, though Hero had a blush with his. "I just finished packing everything we need! Let me go get Sunny, he's practicing violin right now." 

Mari ran towards the room near the back of the house. A really open floor plan on a one-story house, but it didn't feel empty. She knocked, then opened the door. The sounds of a beautiful violin serenade filled the house upon the opening of the door. Basil could hear Mari saying something to Sunny, and the violin stopped, and they both headed to the door.

Mari grabbed a basket and a blanket from beside the door, and stepped outside with Sunny at her side. "Let's go, guys!"

Everyone began heading towards a nearby clearing, Sunny grabbed Basil's hand, making Basil look up at Sunny. He felt himself turning pink as Sunny made a smug smile, "What's wrong, Basil?"

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