Sober, but still so much hangs over

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Sunny drifted back into reality, and jolted awake. His head hurt a bit. He remembered what Mikhael told him and felt rage burning inside. Those creeps drugged Basil, and would've done who-knows-what if it weren't for Mikhael... maybe he should call Aubrey later so she could thank Mikhael for him.

How did he manage to get us out of there, anyway?

Sunny's stomach growled, forcing himself to throw the blanket off of him, and stumble out of bed. He grabbed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes, putting the glasses on immediately after.

That whole "hair of the dog" thing sounds pretty okay right about now.

After he left his room, he heard his mother downstairs on the phone with someone.

Sunny's eyes were already adjusted to the light, but they still hurt when looking at the bright living room which greeted him downstairs.

He heard his mother whisper a quick "I'll have to call you back" before she stomped over.

"Why did you drink so much last night?" Sunny winced at his mother's shouting. The loudness made his ears get a stinging sensation. "You just left for a little party, and end up black-out drunk getting carried home by your friend!"

Sunny didn't have the energy to argue. "Sorry, mom." He rubbed his left eye sleepily.

"You can make your own breakfast this morning if you think you're also old enough to drink! You reap what you sow!" She declared.

Sunny grabbed a slice of bread and began eating it. He didn't need anything fancy, anyway. His mother, meanwhile, grabbed her cellphone, and left for her bedroom, likely to continue her call without having to use one of the two landline phones downstairs.

Sunny sat at the table chewing the white bread, and stared at the phone. He had a couple calls to make.

Swallowing the last bite of his bread, he picked up the phone, and got lost in thought for a few moments.

I barely touched the phone for 4 years other than to delete messages, and now I'm suddenly using it daily.

Sunny smiled to himself softly. He felt like he would've laughed a bit had he not been in the pain and daze of a hangover.

Sunny picked up the phone, and dialed Aubrey's phone number using the recent numbers button, and waited.

"Hey, Sunny, I was really trying to reach you, thanks so much for calling me. Are you and Basil okay?" Aubrey sounded concerned.

"Ah... yeah, I'm okay. I haven't seen Basil yet though, I only just woke up." Sunny replied. His eyes felt dry, so he rubbed them both with his wrist. It didn't help much.

"Thank god. Mikhael told me what happened yesterday. I thought he was lying but he seemed really shaken up. Did they really drug you?" Aubrey questioned worriedly.

"Yeah, I think they did. I don't know how Mikhael got us out of there, but I'm really thankful." Sunny spoke with heavy words. He seemed to now understand a commonly known fact: hangovers suck ass.

Stupid wine tastes so good, but hurts so bad.

Aubrey's enraged voice made the receiver hurt Sunny's ear. The audio peaked frequently, making some of what she said become unintelligible. "I can't BELI#%@$ that they would do something like that! I swear to god, I'm gonna F#&!$€# &@#¥ $%#!£ &#@$!#$% IF IT'S THE L$#% THING I DO!" Sunny held the phone a little bit away from his head.

"Err... yeah..." Sunny said, Aubrey's heavy breathing being picked up over the phone.

Vance's voice came through too, seemingly from a distance, "Aubrey, uh... you okay?"

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