Tomorrow's too late, Amen.

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Sunny woke up in a school playground.

"Woah, Sunny! You landed it!" Kel cried out from the top of the climber.

Mari rushed over worriedly. "Kel! You shouldn't have dared him to do that! Are you ok, Sunny?"

Sunny began to sit up. He felt a bit dizzy, and felt his ankles recovering from some shock, probably coming from when he apparently jumped off the climber.

Sunny couldn't clearly remember when he did that, exactly, but that doesn't matter.

As he struggled to his feet, Aubrey ran up to Sunny. Her bright pink hair settling against her back as she came to a sudden stop.

"Sunny? Are you okay? Basil is coming with some band-aids for if you're hurt!" Aubrey kissed his cheek, as Sunny felt a slight disgust gnaw at his stomach.

"I'm here!" Sunny turned to see Basil, looking so incredibly beautiful, he felt himself turn a deep red. He wasn't wearing his usual outfit, he had a crop top hoodie instead of his usual overalls and shirt, and his short shorts didn't help make Sunny's poor face look any less like a cranberry.

Basil looked over Sunny's ankles. Sunny felt a tingling sensation wherever Basil would touch.

Aubrey gave him a weird look.

"Hey, Sunny, why are you blushing so much?"

Sunny hadn't even spoken until his mouth began to talk for him. "Oh, he just looks so hot, I want to kiss him and date him."

Sunny cringed at how stupid he sounded. Aubrey then made a weird face.

"S-Sunny... are you gay?" She backed away slightly.

Kel laughed from the climber, "As if, Aubrey! He was probably just joking, Sunny is normal, like us!"

Sunny's father's voice rang out in his ears. "Those queers are child groomers, Sunny, keep away from them."

Kel looked with a reaction of fear at Sunny. Aubrey ran away, and Kel ran in the opposite direction, both trying to get away from Sunny.

"Freak!" Kel cried out as he ran.

Sunny turned to Basil. "Y-You aren't actually gay, right Sunny?" He seemed horrified.

Before Sunny could even speak, Basil began sobbing and ran away. "I'll never speak to you again!"

Somehow as soon as Basil left his view, he was laying down under a newspaper on the side of the road.

A homeless man he remembered from his childhood sat next to him.

He made a loud sniff, before turning to Sunny. "Not a kind world to our type, eh, Sunny?" He made a throaty laugh, then puckered his lips while his voice spoke over him, "Now gimme some suguh!"

Sunny woke up in his room. Thankfully.

"If you really like Basil, you shouldn't tell him that you're gay, Sunny. Keep it to yourself, and he'll keep talking to you. Just let me suppress your feelings about him, and everything will be okay." Omori's familiar voice rang out in his mine.

I do like him, and making weird dreams about kissing homeless people won't change my mind about wanting to suppress that.

Basil made him feel so happy inside, suppressing that, or avoiding him completely, as Omori tended to try to make him do, would make Sunny feel miserable.

Sunny got out of his bed and looked at the calendar. Only 3 more days until his birthday. He was still excited for his birthday, seeing as his mother would be getting gifts for him, but of course, the loneliness of nobody being with him tended to make him more depressed when his birthday came around. At least this time, he'd have Basil with him.

My best friend... I'll keep hiding my secret from you, for both of our sakes.

Sunny felt bad keeping another secret after all this time, seemingly less serious than the last one, maybe, but keeping it a secret from Basil still felt a bit mean.

Right on cue, the phone began ringing, displaying a phone number on the landline's tiny screen that Sunny recognized.

Sunny picked up the phone excitedly, and then calmed his voice and answered, "Hello? Basil?"

"Ah- yeah how'd you know?" Basil asked surprised

"It shows your number on the screen." Sunny said with a small laugh.

"Oh! That's useful, anyway I was just calling to ask about... um... what did you want for your birthday?" Basil's voice sounded really excited.

"Well... I was hoping I could start playing violin again, but you don't need to get me one, it's fine! Uh... just spending the day with you would be fine." Sunny spewed the last few words impulsively.

Oh god, I probably sounded weird...

These weren't the days where they could put flowers in each other's hair and think nothing of it, they were 16. People who hold hands and wear matching flowers... aren't exactly going to be seen as normal.

Everyone was a bit more accepting than before, at least, but Sunny knew that Basil would at the very least be uncomfortable around a friend who has a crush on him. Sunny sighed quietly as Basil began to speak after his silence.

"Ah, well, I'll still get you a present! But, sure! We can spend as long as you'd like together!"

Sunny blushed deeply. Thankfully blood flowing to your face is silent, else he would be sending the sounds of a waterfall over the receiver. 

Of course, his voice now providing evidence of how flustered he had been, was very much so not silent, as he spoke he cringed slightly at his stuttering, "I- I- Y-Yeah that sounds f-fine! I'd l-lo- like spending time with you, then! Y-You can just b-buy me whatever!"

God just spit it out, stupid mouth.

After blaming his mouth for the sounds his vocal chords were making, he heard Basil's cute giggling, before he spoke.

"Well, I'll see you then, I have a lot of unpacking to do today! ...and probably tomorrow, actually... but I'll make sure I'll get your gift by your birthday, alright?" You could practically hear Basil beaming from the other side.

"Y-Yeah, I can't wait to see you!" Sunny hit his face quietly. Way to be subtle.

Basil made another cute laugh, then exclaimed "Alright, bye-bye Sunny!"

Sunny smiled at his phone, even with the loud "doot doot doot doot" of the call ending from Basil's side, he still couldn't help but smile after speaking to that boy.

"God you're so gay." Omori spoke with disgust... or thought? It's hard to really describe how he communicates with Sunny...

I don't feel like talking to you today, Omori.

"Whatever." Omori responded. He may not be able to see him rolling his eyes, but he could "hear" enough sarcasm that he knew he was.

Sunny placed the phone back on it's receiver, making the beeping stop.

Omori was saying passive aggressive insults the entire time as Sunny made his way to his room. Some online games would probably distract him.

Sunny opened the only website which currently hosted his favourite game, CoolMathGames. This game seemed to have very little to do with math, as a puzzle game, but regardless. He proceeded to trying to beat the 33rd level which always made him struggle.

Stupid purple thing, just go on the target, fuck you.

"Damn, you suck at this."

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