Don't mean to bug, but I thought I'd tell you that your shoes are untied

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Sunny drank the last of his tea. He enjoyed the green tea. It was surprisingly good for an establishment with an official "uniform" seemingly purchased from a sex shop.

"Ah, you both finished your tea?" The waitress leaned over his shoulder, her breasts pressing against him, clearly on purpose as she rubbed them against his shoulder.

Jesus Christ, this is so awkward.

Basil had covered his face with both hands. The waitress whispered to him, "Come on, you two can be the first ones downstairs for tonight's party..."

Sunny exhaled and thought up an excuse to get them out of there. "Our parents would get really pissed if we aren't home soon. Maybe next time."

"Maybe next time." She moved his hand to touch her breast suddenly before she walked off.


"We can go now, Basil." Sunny said delicately. Basil nodded with his face still covered.

The two stood up and went to the front. The older woman who was previously at the front was now replaced by a scantily clad woman who was wearing a top far too small for her.

"Hi there! Your total is 1000 yuan!" She said, bouncing on her knees repeatedly.

Basil removed one hand from his face to hand her 2000 yuan. The waitress and another woman came from behind the counter "ooo"ing at the extra money.

"Thanks for the big tip, cutie! You earned yourself a ticket to-" the waitress cut off the lady to whisper to her about something.

"Ohhh... okay! Next time you come back, you can collect your prize, hon!" She smiled, and Basil continued out the door with his face covered.

Sunny followed Basil out the door and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Basil, are you okay?"

Basil shook his head with his face still covered.

"It's okay, we don't have to go back there, alright?" Sunny spoke quietly.

Basil uncovered his face slightly, revealing he was crying. "Okay..."

"C'mon, I love you Basil, let's go home." Sunny said as he put his arm around Basil's shoulder.

"Okay..." Basil repeated.

The two walked along the sidewalks back towards their houses. Sunny planned to go to Basil's house with him to wait for the party.

Better ask The Maverick when his actual birthday is...

Sunny felt Basil put his head onto his shoulder. Sunny felt his heart violently pounding in his chest. He gave in to his impulsive thoughts and kissed Basil's head.

"You're too cute, Basil." He smiled at him. Basil gave a small smile back to him before rubbing his head against his arm like a cat.

"And here you were calling me a cat." Sunny reminisced. Basil laughed in response before whispering something Sunny couldn't get enough of hearing.

"I love you, Sunny."

Sunny couldn't help but giggle like a well-known animated MTV character before responding. "I love you even more."

"Noooo... I love you most." Basil said, gripping Sunny's arm tightly.

"Fiiine, but I love you just as much, no more, no less." Sunny smiled, holding the boy close.

"Mkay..." Basil seceded, "you smell nice..."

"Glad you like it." Sunny spoke quietly.

It's just the smell of my sweat from yesterday...

"Sorry, that probably sounded weird..." Basil said with doubt.

"No, no, I understand it. I like your smell too, y'know?" Sunny smiled.

He smells... fruity...

The two arrived at Basil's house again. Basil hesitated to open the door before going inside.

He sniffled as he opened the door, starting to cry again. "I miss Polly, Sunny..."

"It's okay, my love, it's okay." Sunny whispered softly.

Marc came running. "Is everything okay?!" Marc yelled with fear.

"It- It's okay, Marc." Basil said, still in tears, "I'm just s-sad."

Sunny looked down sadly. He felt bad for Basil. He held Basil's hand to try to comfort him.

"Well, let's go then. Hopefully, a car ride will make you feel better." Marc said with a slight frown.

"Wait, what?" Sunny said with surprise.

"Faraway is like, 2 hours away, guys. We have to get going." Marc expanded.

"Ah, that's right, let's go, Basil!" Sunny brought Basil outside, getting ready to enter Marc's car until a familiar limousine pulled up.

"Sorry, after what happened to me yesterday, I'm a bit worried about driving. I don't want to black out on the road. Your mom said she was fine with driving you, though!" Marc apologized.

"Hey there, Basil! Hello Simon!" Michelle waved.

The two rolled their eyes and got into the limousine. Michelle was in the seat in front of them.

She leaned back over the seat. "So, as you know, I just barely lost the election.

Neither of them heard, but it wasn't exactly surprising.

"If that damned American hadn't set off the fire alarm..." She slammed her fist into the back of her seat. "We almost had it!"

Sure. Almost.

"Oh, Sully! I forgot to apologize, I didn't know you both weren't really dating, haha, whoops!" She gave a charmless smile.

"Actually, we are now." Sunny shrugged.

"WHAT? YOU'RE DATING MY SON? HOW DARE YOU!" She suddenly shifted to a furious tone.

"Wait, what?" Sunny said with confusion.

"A little broke twat like you should never be dating someone like my son. Look at how you dress! My son is leagues ahead of your backwards style!" Michelle spat.

Sunny looked down at his clothes. He then looked at Basil's clothes. Is a black sweatervest really that bad?

"I cannot even face you!" Michelle shouted angrily and turned away as the shutter rolled up the window.

She rolled down the shutter window for a moment, tossed a condom over her shoulder onto Sunny's seat, and then closed the window again.

She hasn't changed.

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