When you become untouchable you're unable to touch

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Sunny waited alone in his mind for his self-made nuisance to arrive. He was never the most patient of people. Though, neither was Omori.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Omori said unexpectedly suddenly.

"Wh- How'd you get here so fast?" Sunny asked incredulously.

Omori shrugged, "Found a back door, so to speak. Why? Expecting me to make a more extravagant entrance?" He smirked.

On to plan B.

Sunny shut his eyes and tried to imagine a portal.

"What are you doing, you mor-" Omori was cut off by a loud cracking sound coming from his direction.

Sunny opened his eyes and caught a massive gate rising from the ground behind Omori.

"Th-The fuck is that thing?" Omori spoke with a rare nervous edge to his voice.

Sunny decided not to answer since he had no fucking idea what it was either. Instead, he decided to imagine the only thing he had any real experience with using in reality. A bow.

No, not the arrow shooting kind, though it did still have strings. Strings and wood that could anomalously remain intact when hit with a knife.

Sunny decided he'd try and look cool while fighting Omori today. He was in a state of mind that made his confidence blast off.

He decided to summon some cool looking rainbow-y projectiles using his bow. They launched at Omori with the sounds of violin echoing behind them.

Omori was more practical and cut the  strange shapes down to size. Omori lunged and slashed at Sunny, forcing him to block with his bow.

The doors began to crack open, making Sunny's confidence peak. Sending him somewhere that he would never bother anyone again.

Omori stabbed at a common target of his ridicule. This time, it had not connected. "Nice try, fuckface." Sunny said with gritted teeth, as he jabbed Omori in the stomach with his bow.

"Jesus, now I know how your sister felt." Omori mocked, keeping an eye on the doors slowly opening behind him.

Omori's arm suddenly grew as he punched Sunny farther away from the door. His arm shrunk quickly back to normal as he began to rush at Sunny.

"What was that, Jesus." Sunny muttered as he recovered from the blow. He jabbed the ground, making a path of stones jutting out towards Omori. He dodged two massive rocky spikes before one smashed into his chin, making him fly upwards, though letting him retain some forward momentum.

Sunny aimed at Omori falling and shot a beam of electricity at Omori. He hit, but Omori didn't react. Instead, he raised his knife over his head towards the ground he was now sailing into.

A crackling sound came from where he landed, a sort of popping like popcorn in a microwave. A sudden flash of light covered everything in sight. Omori flew from where he initially landed.

"Wh-what the fuck!?" Omori stood up in fear as he stared to where he came flying from.

"What's wrong?" Sunny asked with a smug smile. He wasn't fully sure what he was smiling about yet until a blonde boy hopped out of the earlier rubble.

"That took way longer than I expected." Basil dusted himself off.

"Basil!" Sunny said, trying to hide his happiness.

"Y-You- You can't stop me from- How did you..." Omori stuttered with an expression of fear. He barely looked like the same person. Or a person at all, seeing his face when it was expressing anything but its dishonest neutrality.

The empty expression was gone, and in its place was an odd grimace, though his eyes looked unnatural. Freakish. Double iris in one eye, and the other completely bloodshot.

Omori changed his form to look like Mari. Well, as much as he could. The eyes still looked as disturbed as before. "You're going to kill your sister again?" 'Mari' pleaded.

Sunny hesitated, though Basil did not, as he jumped to kick the false Mari in the face. "You're such a worthless dick! Go away forever!" Basil said, stomping on Omori's now back to normal face.

Omori reached around for his knife, but Sunny quickly kicked it away. Omori's brow furrowed at this as he grabbed Basil's foot mid-stomp and threw him off of his body.

"Alright, that's enough playing around, then. Things might get dangerous if I keep toying with you two." Omori feigned confidence. His lie wasn't believed.

The gates were completely open. Inside was a swirling void of deep purple. It was dark and looked as though it were composed of a viscous fluid. It looked like if someone were to be thrown in, they'd drown.

Exactly what he deserves.

Sunny willed his strings into a sort of lasso-like contraption. The workings of it were unimportant, it's purpose was to catch. He whipped the strings at Omori, missing the catch as he ran panicked towards his knife.

Omori successfully grabbed his knife, but Sunny also successfully grabbed a familiar monochrome boy.

"What, gonna throw me in Blackspace now? Throw me out of your mind again? It doesn't matter, I'll always come back." Omori was a very good liar. Not good enough.

"You're going in there. I'm not entirely sure where it goes, but that's for you to find out." Sunny said, leading Omori to the portal. "I'll let you keep the knife. As a gift."

"Oh, great, thanks a lot. Just throw me in assho-"

Sunny obliged. Omori was visibly struggling to escape for a few moments before he was consumed by the gates.

The gates began to make a creaking sound as they slowly began to close. Sunny dashed away towards Basil.

"Are you sure this will work?" Basil asked cautiously.

"Yeah, like, 70% sure." Sunny said with hopeful confidence.

The gates closed reeeeeally slow.

"Looks like, uh... we got some time to kill, huh?" Sunny said awkwardly.

The doors creaked way louder than necessary.

"Yep..." Basil replied awkwardly. The two stood there watching, neither sure how and if they should initiate affection at a time like this.

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