I'm done pounding my head against the kitchen floor

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Sunny woke up on the bathroom floor. A sharp pain coming from beneath his eyepatch.

He lifted the patch, and tried to rub his eye underneath. Dried blood and fresh red drops were on his hand. Sunny sighed, and put his eyepatch back on.

No green or yellow shit on my hand, so no infection. No problems... that I need to mention.

Sunny cleared the sleep from his non-bleeding eye using his other hand. He left the bathroom, and squinted at the clock in the dark hallway. The hands said it was 5:11.

He went to his room, and collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling for a while. Sunny threw his wrist over his forehead while he stared at the dark ceiling.

He sighed, watching the ceiling slowly become brighter, as sunlight peeked through his curtains.

Sunny sighed again, and got out of bed when he heard his mother open her bedroom door. He left his own bedroom, meeting his mother in the hallway.

He felt in a daze, but tried to not show it. "Hey, uhhh, mom." He greeted awkwardly.

"Good morning! I was just waking up, have you been up long?" His mother asked with some worry.

"Uhhh, no, not really." Sunny absentmindedly replied.

"I... uh... I just need to eat I think." Sunny commented.

"Alright sweetheart, just let me make my tea first. Did you want tea too?" She asked with a smile.

Sunny shook his head no, as usual. The weird lemon tea she drank always tasted off to Sunny.

"Ok, I'll have your breakfast soon, dear."

They walked downstairs together, single file, since the stairs weren't very wide. Sunny sat on the couch, and turned on the TV. He flipped through channels for a while, most being trash. He just turned on the public broadcasting channel, and hoped something cool would come up.

Sunny felt a sharp pain in his eye again, as the little "broadcasting guide" bulletin changed back to the show.

"Sainu fide" greeted him after he reopened his eye. "A reproduction of an American sitcom, by fans, for everyone else!" said the less than brief tagline. The screen switched to a man on stage in a suit, seemingly doing some sort of stand-up comedy.

"What's the deal with airplane food?"

Sunny's mom came in with toast on a plate, giving him breakfast, as she sat down next to him. Some weird tune played from the TV, and her face lit up with a memory.

"I remember that! That tune! It was from a show I saw in Germany!" She smiled as she looked at the TV, a balding guy and the guy that was wearing the suit earlier standing in a living room. They were arguing about suitcases or something.

"I didn't know they made a Chinese version!" His mother continued. She laughed at the balding man after he pulled his back trying to carry the suitcase. She then laughed more when the other man also pulled his back.

Sunny quietly ate toast as the two men bent over next to each other see a female character walk into the room through the front door. "I won't even ask." she said, before walking past them. A laugh track played.

Sunny could barely understand what was happening. He felt tired again, but his mother handed him his antibiotic pill before he started dozing off.

One of the men was about to hit the other with a massive frying pan on the back, to try and fix their "pulled" back. Unfortunately for Sunny's mother, the show was interrupted by a news bulletin, also interrupting her side-splitting laughter.

"Man named Yuri Zigong, linked with murder sighted in area." They listed the redundant height information and such, just like before, also using a picture of him, unlike before. The picture was old, but he looked the same as he saw him before, just a bit less skinny.

There was a yellow bar at the bottom of the screen noting "RECENTLY SIGHTED IN SOUTHEASTERN NEARBURGH. IF SEEN, CONTACT (□□□-□□□-□□□□)"

"That's kind of scary that there's a killer on the loose..." His mother remarked nervously.

"Police will probably catch him soon anyway..." Sunny responded monotonously.

The screen abruptly changed back to the weird show from before. The balding guy from earlier was now apparently in a suitcase, passing through airport security.

A skeleton appeared on the screen, and they looked at the main character that Sunny hadn't remembered the name of.

His mother was cackling at the show, before it cut to credits.

"That show is a classic, Sunny, you should put that on again whenever it comes on." She said, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye.

The bulletin appeared again.

"Coming next: roach_spinner
One Piece Chinese
Foreign Music Video Compilation
Sainu fide
Math Modi: Circumfrence"

Sunny stared at the TV, swimming in his thoughts while a 3d model of a cockroach spun around on the TV in silence.

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