Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too

679 28 166

tw// mention/use of roofies and related subjects

Basil looked at Wang a bit sheepishly. "Um... we've never drank before..."

Wang raises an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Alright, have some red wine then. Tastes like grape juice, so you won't be wastin' Lee's money." Wang laughed as though he said something funny.

"Uh... okay." Sunny said while Wang handed him the newly poured cup of red wine.

"Thanks." Basil said when he was given his.

"Heh-Hey you guys!" Mikhael walked up to the two boys holding a beer bottle. "They said I was cool enough for a beer, hah!"

Mikhael tried to act drunk but was obviously faking it.

I guess he thinks we won't think he's cool if he... isn't drunk?

Basil absentmindedly took a sip of his drink. It had a slight sting when it went in his mouth and down his throat, but it's flavour was non-offensive. It was like eating a grape-flavoured pineapple.

Sunny drank some of his drink while they watched Mikhael attempt to dance to the music. He was completely out of sync.

Sunny finished his drink and went back to the table, carefully pouring himself another cup of red wine.

Guess he likes it.

Basil looked back at Mikhael, someone was talking to him, and Basil tried listening in from afar.

"You're real cool man, when Wang told me about you, I thought you were just gonna be a weird kid who would be funny to watch drunk, but you brought a femboy to use and everything!"

Mikhael's confusion was obvious, but he was happy to be called "cool" and nodded with a smile.

Basil was pretty confused too. Basil felt a tap on his shoulder, it was Sunny. His face was pink, a visual aid in showing how many drinks he had.

"Jeez, dude, how many drinks have you had?" Basil said with surprise.

Sunny's face was still expressionless, but his voice betrayed his demeanor, "Like.... four. Uh... haha.... dude I think there's a flower in your hair..." Sunny pointed at the flower with ease, in contrast with how drunk he sounded.

Sunny then brought a cup Basil previously hadn't seen to his lips. "Wh- you're drinking more?" Basil said incredulously.

"Basil. I got a great idea, I'll be right back. Wang, watch my cup." Sunny put his cup down on the table next to Wang, and ran into the house.

"Damn it Sunny!" Basil placed his cup next to Sunny's and ran in after him.

Sunny ran upstairs, and into what seemed to be someone's bedroom.

"Sunny, what are you doing?" Basil asked with an anxious tone.

"I'mm gonna,,, pillow jumpe." Sunny answered, "Lets,,,do it togeter, bagel.."

Sunny grabbed Basil by the hand, and jumped out the window, pulling Basil along, making him fall through the open window, and land on the pillows on his head.

Basil was surprised how the landing didn't hurt at all. Sunny, however, bounced off the pillows, and landed on the ground on his back.

"Sunny! Are you okay?" Basil rushed to his side with worry.

"Thats was fun..... legs go again.." Sunny said looking into Basil's eyes.

Basil rolled his eyes, and walked back to his drink, Sunny shortly after got up and followed.

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