Good times on Front Street

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Basil looked at Sunny. His black hair occasionally blowing a bit to the side when the wind blew by. Sunny's skin was flawless as always, and his lips looked perfectly soft. His upper lip had something his grandma called a "cupid's bow" making it prominent and making his small nose look cuter.

Basil frequently got lost just looking at Sunny, he was just so attractive to him.

Basil blushed as he noticed he was staring too long. Mikhael stopped walking, and looked at his phone.

"Alright, so we can't actually meet the prodigies for a few hours, and it's lunch time. Wanna go to a fast food place?"

"Wait, so you came and got us at 10 in the morning, walk around with us for almost 2 hours, just to say we can't even go?" Sunny said with some surprise.

"Uh... yeah, pretty much." Mikhael smiled.

Sunny shook his head, and looked completely confused. "Sure, let's go to McDonald's."

Basil was pereplexed as well, but just shrugged. Free burgers are free burgers.

The three headed in, and waited behind some businessman who was on break. Most people didn't really spend their breaks at McDonald's in Nearburgh, so thankfully they didn't need to worry about a crowded restaurant.

"Hey, don't order stupid shit." The guy at the counter "greeted."

"H- Wait, wha..?" Mikhael said with surprise.

"Already quit this job, company gives me extra pay if I keep working for a couple weeks after quitting." He explained.

"Um... alright... so uh... I'd like a happy meal, hamburger with ONLY KETCHUP! And fries. Oh also apple slices too. Make sure it's a boy's toy!" Mikhael then gestures to Sunny and Basil.

"Big mac. Fries." Sunny said in a monotone voice.

"A cheeseburger... and a small fries..." Basil added.

"Alright, 19 yuan, 28 fen."

Mikhael handed the man 20 yuan.

"Enjoy your day, citizen!"

"Uh, sure."

Basil speedwalked away, and to the table where Mikhael was sitting with his happy meal box. The burger patties were preprepared so everyone already had their orders.

God, that was so embarrassing.

"Dang, I got a Yu-Gi-Oh card, I don't even play that." Mikhael said. He put it in his pocket anyway, and began eating his burger.

Sunny opened his mouth wide, and began eating his Big Mac. He swallowed his bite, then commented, "They put too much mayonnaise on this." He then took another bite.

Basil started eating fries. Mikhael seemingly chose to take a bite from his burger, eat an apple slice, or a fry at random. He was surprisingly efficient at decimating the meal.

Sunny ate the big mac, and then idly ate fries while Basil finished his fries and burger.

"Alright, let's get out of here, guys, I just remembered a cool spot I wanna show you!" Mikhael excitedly grabbed the trash from the table, and threw it in the garbage bin.

"Alright then." Sunny shrugged.

Basil felt a bit concerned, but said nothing. Mikhael led them excitedly to a wide street.

"This is the street this town started on!" He grinned.

Basil looked with some amazement at the stalls along the sidewalk, selling produce and some pastries that were fresh, on stalls that looked like they were decades old.

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