It might be heaven & it might be hell

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Tw// descripcion graphico sexuale

Basil looked at his desk. His new teacher was prattling on about whatever. The board said her name was Ms. Mienshui. Basil didn't really pay attention to what was going on, so he just ignored when a paper was placed on his desk.

Was Sunny joking? No, no, he's not one to joke about things like that... would he? Or maybe I manipulated him, and it made him think he likes me...

Basil placed his head in his hands and shut his eyes.

What do I do...

Basil's mind wandered into reverie as he moved his hands to cover his eyes with his elbows on his desk.

Basil was walking back home one day with Sunny. He smiled at Sunny while swinging their hands as he held Sunny's.

"I'm gonna make a pretty flower when we do painting tomorrow! What about you, Sunny?" Basil asked.

"I dunno... maybe a box." Sunny responded.

"You always say thaaaat, c'mon, make something cool!" Basil rolled his eyes.

"But it'll suck... I suck at painting." Sunny muttered.

"Nuh uh, you're super talented, Sunny! Just think of something awesome, and you can make it!" Basil smiled.

"Ok... I'll make... a firetruck!" Sunny smiled back.

Basil looked over to his house. "That's super cool! I'll see you tomorrow, Sunny!"

Sunny waved as Basil ran to his grandma's doorstep and waved back at Sunny. He opened the door and went inside.

Basil called out to his grandmother and their caretaker. "Hi Gramma! Hi Gabby!"

His grandma came over to greet him. "No, no, Basil, Gabby isn't here anymore. Come here," She pulled Basil into a hug, "how was your day?"

"Oh... um... it was okay..." Basil looked to the ground.  He hoped the next caretaker would be nice like Gabby was.

"I have to go right now, but a new caretaker lady is gonna be here soon. I'll be back in a couple days, okay?"

"What? Where are you going, Gramma?" Basil asked a bit distressed.

"I have to get a hip surgery, Basil. Be a good little man, and make sure none of my plants die, alright?" She patted Basil's head.

"Okay, Gramma..." Basil pouted.

Basil shook his head. He remembered something weird about it.

Alright... I waited for a little while, and then...

Basil heard the doorbell. He ran to the door and opened it excitedly. A woman smiled at hi-

Basil puked on his desk, cutting off his reverie.

"Jesus christ!" A kid next to him yelled. Basil looked at him gloomily.

"Um... Basil, are you okay?" The teacher asked.

"Yeah." Basil said with his nose partly plugged with vomit.

"Alright... er... just walk down to the office, I'll call them for you."

"Okay." Basil said before sniffing in to try and be able to spit or swallow the vomit blocking his nose.

Basil sniffled down the hallway and tried to think about what had happened.

"My name is Clare!"

Basil felt sick at the memory of the name. What for, was why he kept trying to push through.

He held his stomach. A conversation about Basil's favourite flowers, skippable memory. What else happened that day... watering some flowers, then watching some stupid kid's show he forgot the name of. About three birds who were named after colours. The blue one was the stupid one with a funny voice.

He remembered pointing at the TV and laughing at something the blue bird said. The caretaker feigned excitement about it, like anybody tries to do with kids.

Then he remembered what happened next. "Hey Basil, have you ever heard of sex?" Clare asked flirtatiously.

Basil as a child was quite clueless, of course, "What's sex?" He asked with wonder.

"It's a thing adults do for fun. It's like a game that feels super good!" Clare winked in a way that confused Basil.

"Um, okay... can we play?" Basil asked.

"Hmm... I dunno, if you get caught, you'd get in a lot of trouble..." She tapped her chin, "Fine, I'll show you how to play, as long as you promise you don't tell anyone I'm the one who showed you how to play." She giggled in an odd way.

She brought Basil to his room. "We have to play here to make sure nobody sees me teaching you." She shut the door.

"Okay, what are the rules?" Basil inquired, looking as Clare locked the door behind her.

"First, you need to know how to play. You need to have your pants off, alright?" She said, pulling down her shorts.

"Um... are you sure?" Basil asked, uncertain.

She had already gotten undressed, "Yes, boys who play this game have to have their pants off, okay?" She removed Basil's shorts.

Basil puked in the hallway. Nobody was around, but he said sorry to thin air. He tried to stop thinking about the memories that he mistakenly allowed back into his mind.

"What are you doing with my pee pee?"

Shut up...

"God, Basil, you're only 8, but you're so good!"

Shut the fuck up...

"Stop it! I don't like this game! You're hurting my legs!"

Fucking cut it out.

"Cum in me, Basil! Cum in me!"

"FUCKING STO-" Basil's outburst was interrupted by a fit of gagging and coughing.

He fell to the ground, somewhat near the front office. He wretched on the floor as one of the office ladies rushed over to him.

"Basil, hon, try to calm down, don't choke hon, breath... breath..." she rubbed Basil's back as the wretching slowed.

"Should we call an ambulance?" One of them asked from behind their giant desk.

"N-no, just call... uh... home." Basil stuttered out.

What was the guy's name... Stuart? Robert? Dave? God damn it.

"Hello? Yes, this is Nearburgh Secondary. Yeah, um, Basil is throwing up and was just gagging on the floor... he says he wants to go home." The lady nodded at the phone.

"Myeah. Nyeah. Yeah. He said he didn't want an ambulance. Mhm. No, no, I don't think so. Okay, yeah, the address is just 633, Bao Avenue. Yeah. You have a great day now."

The lady turned to him, "Okay, your dad is on the way, hun."

I don't think he is, thankfully.

Basil got off of the floor and looked at the office ladies. "Um, thanks, sorry."

Great first day.

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