The circle rules your mind

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Basil watched the wheel. It was beyond time and space. Basil felt his memories fade back into reality, and his view race back into waking existence.

Painfully sudden sobering aside, Basil noticed he felt full. He also noticed he was naked and in the bathtub.

God, I feel full. Was that really a giant popsicle..? Where did Mikhael get those.

Basil stood up from the bathtub. A bit of a neck cramp from the odd position. He looked at the floor and only saw a pair of someone else's cargo shorts. And socks. And shoes. The shoes were also wet, for some reason. Upon picking up the cargo shorts, it became evident they weren't Basil's. Basil being a size medium to Sunny's size small.

Though, the size small didn't really fit him anymore, since his legs got longer. They always left his legs exposed. Basil looked around the bathroom, but no other clothes could be found.

Guess a towel will do.

Basil wrapped a towel around his waist, then folded his arms in front of his chest. The prospect of people seeing his nipples made him a bit uncomfortable.

He walked into the living room to see Sunny, pants-less. Basil blushed and averted his eyes from Sunny's unmentionables.

After a few moments of observation, Basil saw all of his clothing on the floor of the living room. Basil picked them up, carefully covering himself.

A strange white stain was down the front of his sweater-vest.

Jeez, what happened?

Despite being adept at math, Basil had an inherent inability to put two and two together, and muttered something about milk.

Basil walked back into the bathroom, and re-equipped his clothes. The only thing he didn't put back on was his underwear, which had been torn completely open.

I think I've had enough mushrooms for my lifetime.

He came back out to the living room, and shut his eyes while covering Sunny's lower half with the towel he used earlier.

Basil entered the kitchen to find a glass to get a drink of water with.

As soon as Basil turned the corner, The Maverick snapped his head towards him, and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Young man! What day is it?" He asked frantically.

"What?" Basil said with confusion.

"What day is it?" The Maverick repeated, shaking Basil.

"July 28th, I think?"

"So then, it's not too late! I can still make it! I can still save Christmas!" The Maverick declared, before running out of the kitchen. He tripped on the carpet, and his face landed on Sunny's feet.

"Ow!" Sunny cried out.

The Maverick lifted his head off the ground. "Wait, did you say July? That's not even close to Christmas!"

"What? Why are you talking about Christmas?" Sunny said in a daze, rubbing his eye trying to wake up.

"The Ghost of Christmas Future spoke to me, and he said I had to stop my greedy ways!" The Maverick replied, slowly seeming to realize the fact he was not Ebenezer Scrooge.

"Uh... alright, man." Sunny said rubbing his eye again. He also rubbed the eyepatch, before wincing with pain.

"Ah... let me see what time it is." Basil looked at the stove clock.

6:52 PM.

The Maverick interjected Basil's train of thought. "That clock is 2 hours ahead. Grandma doesn't know how to fix it."

I guess it's 4:52, then.

Sunny stood up, the towel suddenly falling down, making him scramble to quickly cover back up.

"S-Sorry." He stuttered quietly.

The Maverick slapped him on the back. "Hey man, no shame, we're all guys here!" He smiled.

Basil rolled his eyes at The Maverick, and spoke up. "Sunny, your clothes are in the bathroom, don't worry."

Sunny paused for a moment. "Oh yeah, I forgot..."

Sunny inched away, shuffling with his towel in front of him. The Maverick facing him until he closed the bathroom door.

"So, Basil, you're like, gay right?" The Maverick asked the setup to the damned question.

"Yeah, obviously." Basil said with another eye roll.

"So like, on a scale of one to ten, what am I?" The Maverick asked. He struck a pose when Basil turned to face him.


"To a girl, though, how much would that be?" The Maverick added.

"I don't know, I'm not a girl."

"Alright, clearly The Maverick isn't your type, I see. What is your type then, huh Basil? Mine is fat knockers and a pretty face." The Maverick said with a smirk.

I'm sure any girl like that would be just overjoyed to hear that they're The Maverick's type.

The Maverick struck another pose as Basil looked at him. "Heh, reconsidering your position on The Maverick's rating?"

"Yeah, a one."

"Alright, back to your type."

"Alright, fine. Pretty much the opposite of you. Quiet, easy to talk to, intelligent, able to listen, not super annoying..."

The Maverick looked annoyed. "You say The Maverick isn't intelligent?"

"Compared to a dung beetle, maybe you are." Basil said sarcastically.

Sunny laughed as he walked from the bathroom. "A dung beetle, man."

The Maverick scoffed. "Bah, what do you know! The Maverick knows much in the realm of fighting moves! And political theory too!"

"We all read the theory books, Mikhael, it's nothing special." Basil replied.

"It's The Maverick, and I am the one who read between the lines. I KNOW what they were really saying, man." The Maverick proclaimed.

"C'mon, let's get back home. My mom's probably worried sick." Sunny interjected.

"Polly probably is too. I'll see you around, Mikhael." Basil added.

"Ah, yeah, I think my mom'll be here soon. See you guys on WeChat!"

The two boys walked alongside each other. Their hands kept brushing against each other, making Basil blush each time.

Those mushrooms made me think some weird stuff about Sunny. If only that were... god, I can't even think clearly whenever I think about him...

Basil smiled at Sunny. It was a confusing day, but he was so happy to have spent it with Sunny.

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